I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: kristina on July 03, 2015, 12:59:24 AM

Title: Stiffness of joints and muscles after dialysis?
Post by: kristina on July 03, 2015, 12:59:24 AM
As soon as I finish with dialysis , I get up and notice that all my joints and muscles feel very stiff and hurt
and the same thing happens next morning when I get up ...  and it takes a long time for me to get going ...
... Does that happen to anyone else? Is there any explanation to this with regard to dialysis?
... and is there anything I can do to prevent this?
Thanks from Kristina.
Title: Re: Stiffness of joints and muscles after dialysis?
Post by: Michael Murphy on July 03, 2015, 04:31:51 AM
Yes, sitting in the less then soft dialysis chairs for a session, no moving I end up a little stiff.  The other thing I notice is that after a four hour session when I go home and sleep I sleep and move less in bed so I wake stiff and some times sore from sleeping in the same position.
Title: Re: Stiffness of joints and muscles after dialysis?
Post by: Vt Big Rig on July 03, 2015, 04:51:58 AM
I have also experienced this  (the joint part) ....... in my considered medical opinion (which is worthless since I am an engineer by trade) taking fluid off down to a dry weight is not an exact science and I have speculated that if enough is taken off  my body pulls some of the synovial fluid out of my knees.

But it is probably just sitting there for hours....... :laugh:

I dialyze right after work at home so I  also go to bed with an hour or two.  But, although a newbie, I sleep better since I started. And need less sleep. :bow;

sp mod Cas
Title: Re: Stiffness of joints and muscles after dialysis?
Post by: PrimeTimer on July 03, 2015, 11:42:51 AM
My husband also experiences joint stiffness and soreness. I think probably a lot of dialysis patients do and for various reasons. One reason might be Amyloidosis. Obsidianom shared a news article about it under the thread "News Articles" titled "New Hope For Dialysis Amyloidosis". I will try to include the link to it here otherwise, people can go back to his thread to read the article.

NEW HOPE FOR DIALYSIS AMYLOIDOSIS        (sorry, tried to include the link to this article but couldn't get it to work).
Title: Re: Stiffness of joints and muscles after dialysis?
Post by: kristina on July 03, 2015, 12:00:06 PM
Thank you very much Michael Murphy, Vt Big Rig and PrimeTimer for your kind thoughts,
it is very much appreciated. This is a very interesting point and I have not thought about it and I shall try
and put a little bit of movement into my dialysis-sessions and see if it helps ... I dialyse in the evening
and then I come home and go straight to bed and perhaps I should put a little bit of movement
during my dialysis-session and perhaps go for a little walk afterwards as well if I can ...
Many thanks again from Kristina. :grouphug;