I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: kit78 on February 25, 2014, 01:15:49 PM

Title: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: kit78 on February 25, 2014, 01:15:49 PM
It's been 1 1/2 yrs now since I started Dialysis.  I almost died back then and was so weak and sick. I own a home and will need to get back to work by the end of summer. I really wanted to get into Medical Coding and Billing, but doesn't look like that's going to happen due to lack of funds. No agency can help either.  I detest the thought of going back to being a Bookkeeper!  I am so burnt out on doing that job.

My question is "Who is going to hire someone on Dialysis"?  Even reworking my schedule to late afternoon or early morning might not get me there in time.  What do you say?  How do answer..."What have you been doing since your last job?"  Plus then there's the insurance to cover Dialysis.  I know I keep my Medicare and have to supplement the other 20% for a few yrs. but then what?????  What insurance company is going to take on a person in my condition? That might be so high ($$$) it would be like a double mortgage payment!   How do you all (that work) function being so tired all day?  I come home, eat and take a nap. I try to eat clean because I always feel better, but still am so tired!

I would much rather get a roommate and hope for the best, but where is there a SAFE place to get one?  No friends know of anyone looking.  I've asked around. No, not going to post it on Craigs List.  Not ready to die yet!

I've always had the attitude of positive thinking. I just naturally go with the flow. It's the way my life has always been.  However this is s bit overwhelming.  :sos;
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: Angiepkd on February 25, 2014, 07:15:03 PM
Hi Kit!  I have PKD, too.  I have been off work for several years and would like to go back, but have the same questions as you do.  I am not sure how to answer your questions, but wanted to let you know there are others in a similar situation.  It sounds like you have a great attitude, and I think that is half the battle in finding work.  It may take some searching, but I think there are jobs available for us!  I am not sure exactly how it works, but my younger brother went to school and got his degree while on dialysis.  It was all paid for through SSI/disability.  I don't know if you qualify, but it may be worth looking into so you could do the medical billing/coding.  Hope this helps. Hang in there!   :cuddle;
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: Rerun on February 27, 2014, 07:56:28 AM
Maybe an online coruse would be more reasonable?  I see University of Phoenix is advertising again.  Tax time is here maybe you could start with H&R Block for just a short time to get use to working again.  Maybe look for a job at home.  I have a part-time job at home for just $200 a month but it is a start.  I think you could do medical billing at home. 

You can do this.   :cuddle; 
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: Alex C. on February 27, 2014, 10:18:12 AM
Maybe an online coruse would be more reasonable?  I see University of Phoenix is advertising again.  Tax time is here maybe you could start with H&R Block for just a short time to get use to working again.  Maybe look for a job at home.  I have a part-time job at home for just $200 a month but it is a start.  I think you could do medical billing at home. 

You can do this.   :cuddle;

University of Phoenix is an over-priced come-on. You'll probably do better with a combination of remote learning AND classroom from a local college.
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: Simon Dog on February 27, 2014, 10:31:50 AM
University of Phoenix is an over-priced come-on. You'll probably do better with a combination of remote learning AND classroom from a local college.
+1.   The "for profit" colleges are generally taken less seriously in the business world than traditional academic institutions, partly due to the complete lack of standards of the "for proifits" (the only criteria is can you cough up or borrow enough money to attend, whereas, at traditional colleges the question is "will they admit me?"").
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: noahvale on February 27, 2014, 11:10:44 AM
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: Michael Murphy on February 27, 2014, 11:32:49 AM
As for insurance companies starting this year they are not allowed to use preexisting conditions to not accept people for insurance.   In fact that's what the new "Obama" care is all about.  Just for giggles I checked what the cost of a platinum care policy for me would be and it was 1200 dollars but it paid most of my dialysis bill. Which I think is about 1500 dollars a treatment. 
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: kit78 on February 28, 2014, 09:01:34 AM
Thanks everyone for your input.  First of all I am a Bookkeeper, NOT a CPA, so tax work is out for me.  Second of all my biggest dilemma do to taking care of my Mother with her kidneys and my Father who lost his hands and did go back to work, left me in charge of the house, cooking, cleaning, laundry etc....  I did not Finish High school because I could not concentrate on anything unless the teacher worked with me and was more "Hands On" with the classroom.  so Colleges are a big problem.  I will try the link provided to see what they have to offer.  I already went thru a Rehab place but need a GED.  I hear they are much harder these days and hell...I'm 55 yr. young! LOL  I never understood Algebra, even my son tried to teach me. Never could get. Yes, I do have a brain and am very street smart and well as a big one for common sense.  I just need a break!   :pray;
Title: Re: Going back to work, maybe. Need advice please. Really worried......
Post by: SooMK on March 01, 2014, 08:44:08 AM
Don't let that age thing get in the way. Motivation is the most important thing. Perhaps you could check the local libraries for GED prep help? Where I used to live they had a GED prep program at the public library which was free. It was one-on-one help. You might have to keep doing bookkeeping while you studied but working toward your goal would help. If you can form a plan and not be too scared of the long term goal, just finish each baby step, you might surprise yourself. Your burdens are substantial but dreams are important. Wishing you all the best.