I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: joanna2007 on March 13, 2007, 09:15:37 AM

Title: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: joanna2007 on March 13, 2007, 09:15:37 AM
I'm realizing all the various CKD's effect people so differently.  Does anyone out there have membranous glomerular nephritis?

I was diagnosed back in 1982 after a hike in the Grand Canyon.....I think I became dehydrated and damaged my kidney, or I had it prior and the hike just worsened it.  After the hike I developed severe pitting edema....after many tests and doctor visits a bioposy confirmed CKD.

I'm currently at 3.7 creatintine and GFR 13, I still feel fine, pee normally, no diet restrictions except what I've imposed on myself.   What was the final reason you went on dialysis and how did you chose which form?


Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on March 27, 2007, 10:14:06 AM
My kidney function and creatnine levels were the final reason I went on dialysis. I went on hemo because that's all I knew about at the time. I switched to PD once I found out about it.

With a creatnine as low as yours, if you can continue to help maintain that number or keep it from progressing rapidly, you could very well not need dialysis for years and years.... and maybe get a transplant before dialysis.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: carson on April 02, 2007, 07:18:03 AM
My kidneys stopped growing when I was about 11 or so. I was diagnosed at 14, on PD at 15 then transplant 9 months later. I was diagnosed with MGN as well.
When my transplant started to "kak out" I chose to go back on PD. My creatinine was about 600 at that time. I was forever tired, not eating right, looked a little pale. Generally felt like crap. I went to my neph and said (with tears in my eyes and a big lump in my throat), "it's time". About a month or so later I had my cath. put in. It's been pretty smooth sailing since then, 10 yrs. A couple bouts of peritonitis but that's about it. Lovin' life. although, I still hate dialysis!!
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: goofynina on April 07, 2007, 02:35:15 PM
Wow Carson, you have been doing PD for 10 years?  Oh man, if that is possible i am going to hope and pray i can last that long on it too  ;)
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Chicken Little on April 08, 2007, 11:42:56 AM
I don't have membranous glomerular nephritis.  My ESRF was brought on by diabetes.  I kicked and screamed all the way into dialysis, but I really had no choice except to start.  I had completely lost my appetite and what I did eat, my body revolted against.  I was so loaded with toxins and in the beginning stages of  malnutrition.   

I chose PD, but have had several complications and I'm presently on Hemo.  I hope and pray I'll be back on PD soon.    I don't feel like I have as much control in Hemo and I hate being trapped in that uncomfortable clinic chair for 12 hours a week.  PD definitely has it's downfalls, including the UGLY tube sticking out of your belly and feeling like your 6 months pregnant when your full of dialysate, but I felt much better on PD than I do on Hemo.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: joanna2007 on April 08, 2007, 08:28:48 PM
Thanks for the notes on what was the last straw that made you go on dialysis.  I feel good now, but want to know what to expect and watch out for any signs of further kidney lost between blood tests.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Sluff on April 08, 2007, 08:42:00 PM
I'm glad that you find IHD helpful. The members here are great!
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: carson on April 09, 2007, 07:04:49 PM
ya, susie, 10 yrs on PD isn't much fun but I make the best of it. There's not much I don't do, in fact ChickenLittle commented on the ugly tube and the pregnant looking tummy - well, I don't look any more pregnant than many women around. A girl at my work gave birth to a baby boy last week - now SHE looked pregnant!!! And the ugly little tube...well, I kid with my friends and husband that I'm going to put on some pasties, a little tassle on the "spout" (as I call it) and do a striptease for a little extra cash!!! When you're handed lemons....make lemonade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: goofynina on April 10, 2007, 09:34:36 PM
ya, susie, 10 yrs on PD isn't much fun but I make the best of it. There's not much I don't do, in fact ChickenLittle commented on the ugly tube and the pregnant looking tummy - well, I don't look any more pregnant than many women around. A girl at my work gave birth to a baby boy last week - now SHE looked pregnant!!! And the ugly little tube...well, I kid with my friends and husband that I'm going to put on some pasties, a little tassle on the "spout" (as I call it) and do a striptease for a little extra cash!!! When you're handed lemons....make lemonade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2thumbsup;

Good for you girlfriend, good thing i love lemons huh? ;) :P  My hubby gets embarrased when i whip out my "peepee" and tell the guys, ok, i've showed you mine, now show me yours :P  the looks are to die for. lol,   Of course i only do it when we are with close friends, they are all so cool with it, (thank God)  Damn, i wish i could think of other ways of breaking the ice, lol, but for now, this one seems to be the crowd pleaser, lol,  and i will take 10 years of PD over 1 year Hemo, any ol' day girlfriend.  Keep on keepin' on  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: MyssAnne on April 11, 2007, 11:09:39 AM
LOL!! Ya know, ladies, I have thought that if I could sew I would sew a cute little 'holder' for my tube out of velvet,
crushed red velvet no less. Wouldn't that be adorable!!!! And tassels could be added, I suppose.....
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Chicken Little on April 11, 2007, 02:03:38 PM
Good for you girlfriend, good thing i love lemons huh? ;) :P  My hubby gets embarrased when i whip out my "peepee" and tell the guys, ok, i've showed you mine, now show me yours :P  the looks are to die for. lol,   Of course i only do it when we are with close friends, they are all so cool with it, (thank God)  Damn, i wish i could think of other ways of breaking the ice, lol, but for now, this one seems to be the crowd pleaser, lol,  and i will take 10 years of PD over 1 year Hemo, any ol' day girlfriend.  Keep on keepin' on  :2thumbsup;

I really admire your ability to deal openly with this.   I'm having quite a bit of trouble with it.   I don't even let my hubby see my tube.  It creeps me out enough.   :-\
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: goofynina on April 11, 2007, 04:03:17 PM
Good for you girlfriend, good thing i love lemons huh? ;) :P  My hubby gets embarrased when i whip out my "peepee" and tell the guys, ok, i've showed you mine, now show me yours :P  the looks are to die for. lol,   Of course i only do it when we are with close friends, they are all so cool with it, (thank God)  Damn, i wish i could think of other ways of breaking the ice, lol, but for now, this one seems to be the crowd pleaser, lol,  and i will take 10 years of PD over 1 year Hemo, any ol' day girlfriend.  Keep on keepin' on  :2thumbsup;

I really admire your ability to deal openly with this.   I'm having quite a bit of trouble with it.   I don't even let my hubby see my tube. It creeps me out enough. :-\

Awww ChickenLittle, i am sorry your having a hard time dealing with all of this, i must say my tube has never bothered me (the sight of it i mean)  I am very comfortable with it and as long as it is taped to my tummy, i can do ANYTHING ;) ;)  :o  yep, you heard it right, ANYTHING ;)  lol, Because of the length of my tube, i always tell hubby he only WISHES his was as big as mine, lol, needless to say he thinks i am nuts, well, ok, i am nuts but so what dammit... lol,  just remember, you got to Live until you Die... Take care and keep you head up girlfriend,,, i am here for ya if you ever need me...  :cuddle;
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: MyssAnne on April 11, 2007, 05:29:05 PM
Chicken, you gotta tell your tube YOU are in charge, by golly!
Listen to Goofy, she knows whereof she speaks!  My whole attitude
toward life and its expectations changed when I went on dialysis.
Serious. All of a sudden, I just did not care. I am who I am and if
you don't like it, that's fine. Doesn't mean I'm mean or strident,
just means I am me, and that includes me having dialysis.
Don't forget, Chicken, you are a LOT stronger than you realize.
You have to be, to have gone through this process.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on April 11, 2007, 07:01:21 PM
Back on topic.... Joanna, when you start puking up your breakfast it is time.  Although, they won't let you get that far.  Usually a GFR of 8 or lower.... sometimes they try to make you go on at 10. 

Hang in there.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Duane on April 17, 2007, 07:32:08 PM
My Neph is a young asian guy and he is very good at his job, i do everything he tells me to do except quit smoking for now.

by nov 06 fluid filled my entire body and my blood pressure won't go below 200/110,  couldn't see my ankles, he recommended the treatment center for me and i'm glad he did.

the latest news report says fistula's will replace all cath's and tubes within the next 2 yrs. Experts are convinced fistulas are safer and better. Must have a good surgeon though.

i prefer and i'm glad i have the fistula.
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on April 17, 2007, 07:34:00 PM
My Neph is a young asian guy and he is very good at his job, i do everything he tells me to do except quit smoking for now.

by nov 06 fluid filled my entire body and my blood pressure won't go below 200/110,  couldn't see my ankles, he recommended the treatment center for me and i'm glad he did.

the latest news report says fistula's will replace all cath's and tubes within the next 2 yrs. Experts are convinced fistulas are safer and better. Must have a good surgeon though.

i prefer and i'm glad i have the fistula.

Not everyone is able to have a Fistula though, unfortunately. I am one of those people.  :thumbdown;
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 28, 2007, 12:14:39 AM
Hi I have membranous glomerular nephritis and am now on haemodialysis. I was diagnosed at age 24 after my first baby and despite all their dire warnings I went on to have three more children and lasted 20 years without dialysis. The last couple of years were the worst when all the symptoms appeared, specifically anemia tiredness nausea etc. Your creatine levels are a good indication of how well your kidneys are managing to cope, whilst they stay under 250 fine, once they go beyond this dialysis is beckoning. My advice is to go on sooner than later once your creatinine starts soaring beyond 600 you feel crap. I have been on haemo 18 months and am doing ok. I still continue to produce urine which helps not having to be so strict with diet or fluid restrictions.  Any other questions, ask away... good luck :)
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: Duane on April 29, 2007, 01:40:53 AM
Pre-Dialysis, Stage 4 Hypertension, LDL Cholesterol (bad) way too high around 600, heart failure set in due to fluid. Kidney Failure first noticed in 1999, wasn't until 2005 that i got a steady neph. that i trusted and followed all his advise. by 11/06 couldn't do anything to full of toxins about to die.
then he said lets get you started now. I had 6mths prior to dialysis to learn about the fistula as my choice.

This forum is helping me understand better what i'm going through today and what to expect tomorrow. :thx;

Acceptance is where i find my peace today!
Title: Re: Membranous Glomerular Nephritis anyone? When did you know to go on dialysis?
Post by: keefer51 on May 12, 2007, 10:12:41 AM
I had Glomerular Nephritis. At least that is what the big boys told me. I went on dialysis the first time after some dialog with my ex wife. I didn't feel sick i was just told after a operation that is what i had. I was only born with a right solitary pelvic kidney. So most of my life i was paranoid that i would die from it. Once i was diagnosed with it i was told i didn't have to go on dialysis till "I" wanted to. My creatine was 4.5. It rose to 7.0 in the year i was on dialysis. My transplant last a little over 10 years. I got Glomerular Nephritis again and lost the transplanted kidney. This time though i knew how i felt the first time and did not jump to dialysis. Almost two years went by. I waited till my creatine was 10 to go on dialysis again. But i will tell you i did everything i could those two years. I had a ball! Sometimes you can go on a renal diet and take care of your self and not go on dialysis for a while. The trick is to keep that darn creatine down to a minim.