I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Deanne on October 28, 2013, 09:10:30 AM

Title: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Deanne on October 28, 2013, 09:10:30 AM
One of my key places to cramp is my left ankle/foot. I felt a cramp coming after I crawled into bed on Saturday night. I used my right leg to hold my left foot down and was trying not to move because I didn't want to disturb the cat that was sleeping on my shoulder. Of course the cramp got worse anyway, and then to add insult to injury, my right thigh started to cramp, too, and the left cramp moved up my shin bone. I finally had to disturb my poor cat and get up. I had thoughts of grabbing my iPad to do a quick web search to to see if it's possible for leg cramps to break bones. It took a long time for it to go away. After I crawled back in bed, I started to wonder if I'd punctured my palms digging my fingernals in because it took a long time for them to stop hurting, too.

And of course the cramps started up again a while later. This time I hung my left leg off the side of the bed to let gravity hold my foot down instead of trying to hold it down with my other leg, but still my right leg started cramping again, too, and it occurred to me that there's a term for the condition of holding both legs off the side of the bed. It's called falling out of bed. Didn't want to go there, so instead I got up to walk it off again. The cat took my pillow.

I rememberd to go buy tonic water yesterday. My legs still hurt a bit today.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Jean on October 28, 2013, 12:17:55 PM
There is a product called, believe it or not " Leg Cramps" You can get it at WalMart and it works like NOW!!! Of course I showed it to my Dr and he said it was okay. The main ingredient is Quinine and there is no phos in it. I get leg cramps all the way up to my thighs. WOW that hurts.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: MooseMom on October 28, 2013, 01:18:30 PM
And not only do you still feel sore, but I bet that you feel tired, too.  Nothing like leg cramps to disturb your beauty sleep and turn you into a bit of a crank the next day.

Does quinine really help?
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: obsidianom on October 28, 2013, 01:30:47 PM
We used to prescribe quinine a lot for night muscle cramps. It did help. The presription stuff is no longer available but tonic water helps some.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: cdwbrooklyn on October 28, 2013, 01:33:44 PM
Next time when you get leg cramps, drink some water.  It means your body is taking the water from your muscles.  Keep a bottle of water by your bed and drink it all at room tempature.  Your cramps will go away a lot sooner.  You can also use a heating pad, that works for me all the time.  As soon as I start feeling the cramps, I but the heating pad on my leg and it helps. 
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: MooseMom on October 28, 2013, 01:38:57 PM
Oooooh, cdwb, nice photo!
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Dman73 on October 28, 2013, 04:15:47 PM
I get rid of leg cramps by eating a baby dill gherkin pickle and some water.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: cattlekid on October 29, 2013, 10:56:55 AM
My husband swears by the Hyland's Leg Cramps ointment.  Reading the tube, it is a Homeopathic remedy.  Contains the following:  Aconitum, Arnica, Ledum, Magnesia Phos (!), Rhus, Viscum. 

We buy it at Walgreens.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: cdwbrooklyn on October 29, 2013, 02:37:48 PM
Thanks MooseMom...I try to keep myself looking good.   8)
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: cariad on October 29, 2013, 03:25:15 PM
Quinine does indeed help. A nephrologist of mine got quinine capsules ordered from Canada for me once they stopped offering them in the US (why??) I told him I was happy to just have tonic water but he muttered something about too much sodium. The capsules work within minutes and you won't load up on fluid. I tried Hylands and while their teething products seemed to help my boys when they were infants, the leg cramp formula did not work for me.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Deanne on October 29, 2013, 07:54:13 PM
Tonic water has always worked for me, so far anyway. My neph told me to drink it. It seems like the cramps go in spurts. I'll have them for a few nights in a row. As soon as I start having an evening glass of tonic water, they're gone. I won't have cramps again for several months. I'll put a glass of water next to the bed, too. Sometimes I get thirsty during the night anyway.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: tattooscott on January 01, 2014, 12:43:15 PM
 can I drink tonnic water while on the machne I start getting crampy my last hr I have them slow jt down but discomfort is always there and can last for a long while sorry don't type to much
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: papacat on January 16, 2014, 12:17:10 AM
I get leg cramps sometimes at night on the cycler. Sometimes extremely painful. I found that if I don't drink much water during the day the night time cramps are worse. Quinine works but the Feds stopped it from being sold for leg cramps in the US because a very few people died from heart attacks due to Quinine. If I could get Quinine tablets for leg cramps from Canada, I would! Hyland Leg Cramps has some in it but it isn't labeled containing Quinine anymore. The minute I feel cramps starting, I get up on my feet and try walking, then take 4 to 6 Hyland Leg Cramp tablets and then drink a small bottle of tonic water which also has some Quinine and salt in it. That works better for me than just drinking water. I tried the Hyland Leg Cramp ointment and found it only worked for me on minor leg cramps. Intake of salt is also supposed to help, pickles are high in salt so that makes sense, but I haven't tried it. Someone on this site mentioned yellow mustard works for them. I tried it and that worked for me also except I keep it in the refrigerator at the other end of the house and can't get it when on the cycler.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: cdwbrooklyn on January 16, 2014, 11:58:38 AM
Try using an electric heating pad it works wonders .  I use mind when I start cramping and it works very quickly as soon as it get hot enough.  Also, try to drink more fluid, it will help your body gain fluid so the machine can remove water without you having leg cramps or cramps perod.

Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I've been laughing
Post by: renalwife on January 16, 2014, 06:49:50 PM
I get severe leg cramps at night.  Sometimes I think  the cramps are caused by dehydration.  But even when I am well hydrated, I still get the cramps.  Tonic water and quinine are not for me because I have leukemia and am on oral chemo.  And no, the chemo does not cause the cramps.  I use a heating pad curled around my leg and it does work.  It has to get pretty hot and then I decrease the heat, #3 on my heat control.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Sugarlump on January 23, 2014, 03:38:04 AM
We can still get quinine on prescription in the UK but I find IF I drink plenty during dialysis (not the recommended 400ml) but something like 600ml at least, i don't normally get cramp so i am sure it is to do with hydration (or lack of it on dialysis) plus I always take a drink of water to bed with me and drink apprx 100ml before I go to sleep.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: RichardMEL on January 23, 2014, 07:11:47 PM
Of course Tonic Water contains quinine, so really talking about the same thing just different dosages :)

Deanne.. I'm sorry but I love how "trained" you are that your main concern is not for yourself or your own pain, but not disturbing kitty.  :yahoo; :rofl; ;D
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Deanne on January 24, 2014, 08:26:21 AM
I'm a very well trained human. I have to struggle not to be pushed off the side of the bed many nights. I get about 8 inches of bed space and the various cats and dogs are all stretched out sleeping comfortably across the rest of the bed. Sometimes I've been tempted to just let them have it and go sleep on the couch.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: obsidianom on January 24, 2014, 08:55:03 AM
We used to sleep with 2 German Shepherds on the bed. They totalled over 170 pounds and were LONG. It made for tight sleeping.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: Sugarlump on January 25, 2014, 06:18:13 AM
My aged labrador likes to sneak on the bed in the mornings (He weighs in about 35kg) but when he spreads out diagonally there's not much space but plenty of body heat.
The worse thing is his snoring  ::)
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: JaeCie on January 26, 2014, 11:04:03 AM
Is it possible that sleeping with the animals are creating the cramps? Potassium is also another prescribed solution for leg cramps although you have to be careful about your levels.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: RenalSurvivorDotCA on January 27, 2014, 10:21:48 AM
Quinine does indeed help. A nephrologist of mine got quinine capsules ordered from Canada for me once they stopped offering them in the US (why??)

I was just thinking, wondering why quinine sulphate is off the shelves in the US. I live in Canada and have a bottle for "as needed" use at home. I also drink a small amount of Gatorade (150ml) before bed.
I was told cramping is caused by electrolyte imbalance.

Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: papacat on February 22, 2014, 12:45:26 PM
The FDA took Quinine tablets off the market because a few people (nine if I remember correctly) died due to heart failure caused by taking Quinine.
Title: Re: Leg cramps. If it didn't hurt so much I'd've been laughing
Post by: ianch on March 08, 2014, 02:18:35 AM
I am assuming people have looked at the cause of cramping as well as eliminators?  I stopped cramping daily when i left the centre over a year ago.  Those days were incredibly painful post dialysis, crippling even.   It turned out to be the fast rate of UF removal per hour didnt agree with me, probably because I'm small.  Doing more frequent dialysis has meant more flexibility with the fluid target, but since I cut out salt I'm only pulling 1.6L every 2 days anyway.  I found in-centre were ruthless at keeping to weight goals whereas with HomeD the docs prefer we don't over do it as they want us to stay out of hospital.

In testing I discovered I could handle high UF levels in the 1st 2 hours (500ml per hour), which meant the last 8 hours was only 75ml per hour.  This seemed to provide for a natural equalizing of metabolic fluids.   I.e.  No post complications with the head  lol  which is good as I am an IT consultant so without my head I'm a tad useless.