I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: sganderson on October 03, 2013, 07:06:58 PM
Hi my name is Susan Anderson McIntosh and it's my husband that's doing dialysis through no fault of his own. The reason I'm even on this website is I actually stumbled there. You see he has dialysis M, W, and F and on all those days he has a really BAD cough and I started reading all the complaints of the same kind. I ran out to the living room letting him know you're not alone and I'm not crazy! Our PCP wrote a script for cough med with codeine in the hopes this will help. It does very little for the cough but at least when he does its not a violent cough. Any way I guess I've said to much being this is my first time and all. But to say I look forward to reading all your advice considering he's been dialysis this December for one year. I'd like to say in advance THANKS FOR LISTENING!
Welcome Susan. I hope you find a lot of good tips here. There are quite a few here who are care givers to loved ones so you should find great support. Just ask away when you have questions and I am sure someone with a similar experience will chime in.
Try having them give him benadryl during the treatment. I get it each time. It'll knock him out, but it might help. Also it sounds like he is WAY over loaded on fluid. Dialysis pulls it out and what isnt filtered may go back into his lungs. Only other thought is that I use to get a bad cough while on my catheter because of what it did to my heart. Some places to start. Good luck and welcome. :waving;
Welcome Susan~ :welcomesign;
I am also a caregiver. I understand the stress and the worrying. This is a wonderful place with awesome people.