I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: YLGuy on March 04, 2013, 07:36:47 PM
My son turned me onto a comedian named Joey CoCo Diaz. He is very funny but he is really explicit. I listen to his podcast during dialysis. We went and saw him at the Brea Improv Saturday night. After the show I thanked him for making my dialysis so much better.
I was listening to Sunday's Podcast today at dialysis and heard him give a shout out to me and my son. He mentions D. Pretty cool.
The link below starts the podcast just before our shout-out.
do you know of any way to put his podcasts on my ipod?
Yes. Go to
The list of podcasts is there. Each podcast has "Direct Download" at the bottom of it. Right click and then click on "save as." I keep a podcast folder on my desktop and just load them in there. I then add them to my Winamp. I do not like i-tunes. From there you just drag and drop them into my portable device which is an old Ipod Nano.
Thankyou for the advice- I did actually find them for free on I tunes!! :flower; He is funny!!
Yes, he is. It was very cool of him to give me and my son a shout-out.