I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: gothiclovemonkey on July 13, 2012, 04:41:19 PM

Title: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 13, 2012, 04:41:19 PM
IDK if anyone here believes in psychic abilities. I do, but only to a certain extent, and most times I think people are just full of S............
At the convention in KY i went to, there was a psychic, and i got to talk to her for a bit. She was telling me things about myself, that NOONE could know right off the bat like that. It freaked me out hardcore!
At the same time, though, she was asking questions i personally think would be obvious to any psychic... maybe she only gets certain bits of info, idk. but at any rate one thing she told me that excites me... and hopefully true...
I will have a kidney by Christmas. I will however have alot of trouble healing, it will seem to be a failure at first but it will come around, at that point i will have a bad reaction to the antirejection meds, they will try something else and all will be well....
Sounds like something my body would do lol
She really did freak me out though... some of my closests friends wouldnt even know some of the things she said. Other things I suppose she could hav ejust guessed, but damn good guesses, indeed!
Either way, im not getting my hopes up, but still would be pretty awesome if she was right!

Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: jeannea on July 14, 2012, 08:32:05 AM
I've never been to a psychic. I always thought they were fakes but who knows? I'm all for you getting a kidney. Just don't stake all your hopes on it.
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: jbeany on July 14, 2012, 12:04:44 PM
It's a lot of pysch tricks, mostly, along with a talent for reading body language.  Seriously, if anyone could really do that, they'd put it to better use -  like winning a fortune in Vegas or playing the stock market.  Wouldn't you?
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 14, 2012, 06:22:06 PM
well yes, if thats the type of psychic they are...
I DO believe some people can see things they arent supposed to, but its ... muffled?  so i do think that if u can understand what you are "seeing" and peice it together... perhaps?

even being able to read body language she in no way could have possibly known some of that...
On the other hand, it may have been a really good guess!

Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: cariad on July 14, 2012, 06:24:46 PM
I believe that certain people have better intuition than others. If you want to see psychics debunked, google James Randi. He and his team have exposed the tricks of faith healers, psychics, ghost hunters and every other odd claim of supernatural powers. He also is a professional magician and has demonstrated how he can perform the same stunts that psychics can.

Did this psychic use the term 'antirejection meds'? If so, I give her credit for knowing more than the average bear about kidney transplants.
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: jeannea on July 14, 2012, 09:17:18 PM
I'm wondering if she recognized a fistula. She could have a relative on dialysis and know what that looks like.
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: WishIKnew on July 15, 2012, 12:58:21 AM
I don't do the psychic thing, but hey, a kidney by Christmas sounds good to me!  Hope springs eternal!
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 15, 2012, 10:01:34 AM
She didnt seem t o know the fistula, but she did ask if it was a port. and she did know a LOT about dialysis and transplant, so I do assume she probably either has a family member on it, or she may have a day job in the medical feild. or perhaps she just reads up on things like that so she does a more convincing read (thats what i would do!)
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: Annig83 on July 15, 2012, 08:54:27 PM
It'll be awesome if that happens.  I had a similar experience when I was pregnant.  I went grocery shopping with my Mom.  While standing in line, a woman behind us tapped me on the shoulder.  She said "I thought so, I knew you were pregnant.  You're about 6 months right?"  Astonished I said yes.  She then said "Just so you know, your son (how she knew I was having a boy I'll never know), will be born early...but don't worry, he is going to be healthy, and everything will work out fine."

My Mom and I still talk about it to this day.  My son was born a month later and was perfectly healthy, except for being small!
It was such a cool experience... wish I could ask when I'll be getting a kidney?! ;)
Title: Re: psychic predicts a new kidney haha
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 15, 2012, 09:46:36 PM
thats another thing, i think if you truly have that GIFT you shouldnt charge people for it... I wouldnt.

but then they do say, if ur good at something dont do it free....

That is awesome Annig!