I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: krismimo on June 25, 2012, 07:21:03 PM

Title: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: krismimo on June 25, 2012, 07:21:03 PM
Hello all! For those that already know I'm giving my kidney to my hubby. I would like to know fo rthose that donated their kidney to someone what were the changes if any have you noticed about your body? And what should I expect?
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: smcd23 on June 25, 2012, 07:48:54 PM
My stomach muscles are not as strong as they used to be, and I recently hurt my lower back. When I did physical therapy for it, the core exercises were a LOT harder than I expected. But I also got pregnant shortly after donating, and never got back into going to the gym after so that plays a role, I am sure.

I also notice that the right side of my stomach sticks out more when I look down the front of me. They took my left one, so the right side just seems bigger lol. It is something I think only I notice, and I've always wondered if other donors see the same thing?

I also know when I was pregnant I had a harder time getting rid of swelling. But I was also pregnant in summer so I swelled A LOT. They watched me like a hawk too because it was so soon (surprise!!) but I had no major issues the entire pregnancy, just in case you were thinking of that down the road.

I also find that I don't lose weight as easily. But that could just be because I am 4 years older now, have had a child and never got back into exercise and just don't have the time now, so it's just built up. My blood pressure might have gone up a point or two, but I was always really low, and still don't hit the 120/80 mark most times, so I don't know if that's related or not.

I also know I drink more water. Not because there is any real reason except psychological I think. I want to make sure my 1 kidney stays healthy so I hydrate a LOT more now than I used to.

If you have any specific questions feel free to shoot me a PM!
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: olivia on June 26, 2012, 05:30:59 PM
My donor and dear friend tells me she has no changes, she is the same.

But she did also have to do physical therapy, she had a muscle knot in her lower back, hip area.
When her primary care doc sent her to a chiropractor, the chiropractor sent her to physical therapy, the therapist told her that she is the fourth kidney donor he had with this same problem.

She also has a bulge by her stitches scare, which the surgeon told her was from a knot he tied inside to avoid any hernia from forming.
She was told by her doc to watch her sodium intake and to drink plenty of water. Also to quit smoking for good ( she did for a while, now smoking again).

She is happy she donated and says she would do it again, but she needs that kidney.  ;D

Good luck to both of you, I hope all works out well for both of you. You are an angel for donating part of yourself.
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: smcd23 on June 26, 2012, 07:33:34 PM
But she did also have to do physical therapy, she had a muscle knot in her lower back, hip area.

That's interesting - that's where my back issues are/were - left lower back and butt area with the pain in my hip and going down my leg. I assumed it was pregnancy and everything getting out of whack. Any other donors out there experience this??
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: cariad on June 26, 2012, 08:15:54 PM
My husband reports that he feels absolutely no difference and often forgets that we ever went through the saga. He has not altered his diet in any way or refrained from taking any medications (still uses ibuprofen for pain). My original donor would probably say the same and he donated 36 years ago.
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: Poppylicious on June 27, 2012, 11:13:26 AM
Nope no difference.  Just that little scar on my belly ...  ;D

Interestingly I've struggled to lose weight too (I've stayed the same as pre-donation, give or take two or three pounds) but I put that down to psychological issues (I lost LOADS of weight prior to donating and now I don't *have* to my body wants to stay where it is).

I'm 253 days post-donation and I sometimes get an odd feeling where my kidney should be.  It only happens when my period is due or when I need to do a #2 and it doesn't hurt or ache or anything ... it's just a bit of discomfort but I don't think it's bad.  I assume it's just because bits got moved around inside or something.  :o
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: krismimo on June 28, 2012, 06:20:02 PM
Thank you so much I feel so much better about it, I mean it is one thing for a doctor to tell you but another when you can talk to someone who has actually been through it. On occassion I do like to ge tmy drank on I have heard urban legend that some people's alcohol tolerance went way down since they are down to one Kidney. Have any of you experince this? Just curious :). I See the surgeon tomorrow. yay!
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: smcd23 on June 28, 2012, 07:18:00 PM
I donated on 9/16/08 and on Halloween a month and a half later, I was drinking just as much as I used to, with the same effect. And I was by no means a lightweight. If you want your alcohol tolerance to go down, have a baby! 9 months of sobriety will do that to you  ;D
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: cariad on June 28, 2012, 07:24:32 PM
If you want your alcohol tolerance to go down, have a baby! 9 months of sobriety will do that to you  ;D
This is so true. That first glass of wine after giving birth and I felt like I had been given general anesthesia!
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: krismimo on June 28, 2012, 07:50:31 PM
WHOO HOO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: bleija on June 28, 2012, 08:36:19 PM
when are you donating? just curious
Title: Re: For Those that Donated their Kidney how has your body changed?
Post by: krismimo on June 29, 2012, 05:37:41 PM
I spoke to the surgeon still saying everything looks good. They are suppose to have one final meeting with everyone on my side my whole team of doctors, psychiratrist, etc. So I will know within a few weeks when I can sch our surgery. I'm happy to be at UCLA one of the best places to be at they NEVER had any deaths on the surgury and the survival rate at least 95-100%. I felt light as a feather. Hopefully we can do this around August 20. Crossing my fingers! :)