I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Kammie on May 16, 2012, 08:45:26 AM

Title: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Kammie on May 16, 2012, 08:45:26 AM
Hello All...
I haven't been on in a while because the last few months have been a whirlwind of tests, and preparation for what I thought was my second Transplant.

Without telling me...my nieces husband went to be tested to be a donor for me..  His tests came back great & he came to me early March to tell me he was a great match and wanted to donate!  Wooo Hooo! Was I ever stunned, grateful, speechless, etc.. :)  My Transplant Team & Coordinator were very excited and scheduled the surgery for Tuesday, May 15th..

They had to do a 'day before' cross match one more time with our blood and I got a call Monday afternoon at 3:00 that my antibodies had changed and 'attacked' his.  The surgery was cancelled and we were all, needless to say, devastated.   Literally hours away..then BAM!

While I understand that this was for the best as I would have definitely rejected the kidney and his donation would have been for nothing..I'm still a little confused as to how and why this happened.  Everyone keeps saying the same thing..."I thought he was a great match!"  I keep explaining that yes, he was..but in a 2 month period, my antibodies changed..(that's how the Transplant Team explained it to me)

Anyway,..I've pulled out my dialysis machine again and resigned myself that it just wasn't meant to be right now.

My donor wants to do the 'paired-exchange' thing..Have any of you ever heard of this?  He says his initial intent was for me to have a 'living donor kidney' and this way it can still happen..just not the way we initially thought.  He's an amazing person, no? 

Still wrapping my head around this...


EDITED: Moved to Transplant Discussion, Sluff/Admin   

Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: MomoMcSleepy on May 16, 2012, 09:00:27 AM
Wow, he is amazing and seems to have educated himself about transplants.  What a blessing!  It might take a few different donors all hooked together but hopefully soon you and another person will have fabulous new kidneys!

I hope do, Kammie.  Maybe this devastating news will end up helping improve more lives my matching up several donors and recipients.  It is a truly lovely offer he's making.  Your niece sure knows how to pick 'em!  Good luck!  Did your team explain the process to you?  I keep hearing about transplants that occur this way.  I think transplant teams are pushing them more or something.
Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: cattlekid on May 16, 2012, 09:00:30 AM
Hello Kammie,

I am so sorry to hear that your transplant was cancelled.  I have definitely heard of Paired Exchange, in fact my transplant center here in Chicago encourages it.  Like he said, you would still get a kidney, it just wouldn't be HIS kidney.  A win-win all around. 

Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Darthvadar on May 16, 2012, 09:11:02 AM
Sorry to hear that!...

Hope you get a transplant VERY soon...

Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: boswife on May 16, 2012, 09:36:02 AM
First and formost IMHO  ;) is what you say "No Matter What Happens..God Is Always With Me" and because of that, all will be what it should be  :pray;  Im just sorry for the 'time' you have now waiting but you should feel wrapped in* blessed* as you surly are with that great family of yours.  It'll be so good to hear when it does happen for you, but in the meantime, stay strong.  :grouphug;  and blessings, and I am sorry for your delay, but so glad that there still is one in the future ... 
Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Deanne on May 16, 2012, 10:29:48 AM

I'm so sorry. To be so close and then to have this happen.  :'(
Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Cordelia on May 16, 2012, 11:17:37 AM
OMG, I'm so sorry to hear this.         :grouphug;

I'm (kind of)  in the same boat as you,  my husband was going to be giving me. We were told a few months ago, it wasn't going to work though..meanwhile we had been led to believe all along during the testing for a whole year that I would be getting my husband's kidney.

But we found out a few months ago that his kidney if put in me, would only survive about a week. It was pretty upsetting/devastating.

Its weird, we're the same blood type, however, I have antibodies against him.

So, one night after supper  I got a call from my transplant doctor and he explained the whole paired exchange program. We are in the process of it right now. My husband can still donate, but it will be to someone he doesn't know. He was pretty upset that he wasn't going to be able to give me his kidney.

We just got in the computer system this month to see if there's a potential match. We should find out next month where we stand if they were able to find one or not.

I can imagine the devastation, I would be too if I came hours away only to be told no.

I'm so sorry this has happened.        :cuddle;
Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Brightsky69 on May 16, 2012, 12:06:40 PM
I am so sorry it didn't work out. Hopefully the paired exchance will have a great outcome. I hear about people doing pair exchanges all the time. It may not happen right now but it sounds like it will happen.

Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: paris on May 16, 2012, 12:53:27 PM
Sorry to hear this news.  Stupid antibodies rule everything.  I hope he is able to become part of the pair exchange and and two of you can benefit.   There are members here that have been part of a paired exchange and they can share more information with you.   
Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: Rerun on May 16, 2012, 12:57:51 PM
I'm so sorry this happened.  How can your antibodies change "that fast"?  Can't you go through that Plasmapheresis or whatever?  You have a live donor can't they work with that?  You can't get mad because then they would say you were unstable.....  Geez I'm not sure I'd deal with this so well.

Title: Re: Crushing News..Transplant Cancelled
Post by: noahvale on May 16, 2012, 02:51:15 PM