I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: del on February 09, 2007, 05:37:34 AM

Title: Phos clearance
Post by: del on February 09, 2007, 05:37:34 AM
They say nocturnal clears phos better.? Hubby was doing nocturnal but changed last week to short daily for a while.  He had blood work on Wed.  Phos when he was on nocturnal was about 1.6 pre and post was about 0.7,  No binders.  When he got the results of blood work on Wed. Phos pre was 2.39 and post was 0.8.  That's clearing better than the nocturnal!!  I personally think it was a mistake at the lab.  He didn't eat any high phos foods. If phos was 2.39 assuming the morning before it was around 0.8 that means he had to eat a lot of phos in one day. Blood work again next week -be interesting to get the results.  Everything else was good.
Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: BigSky on February 09, 2007, 09:07:09 AM
They say nocturnal clears phos better.? Hubby was doing nocturnal but changed last week to short daily for a while.  He had blood work on Wed.  Phos when he was on nocturnal was about 1.6 pre and post was about 0.7,  No binders.  When he got the results of blood work on Wed. Phos pre was 2.39 and post was 0.8.  That's clearing better than the nocturnal!!  I personally think it was a mistake at the lab.  He didn't eat any high phos foods. If phos was 2.39 assuming the morning before it was around 0.8 that means he had to eat a lot of phos in one day. Blood work again next week -be interesting to get the results.  Everything else was good.

I am not sure but I think the comparison in clearance is meant to be between in center thrice weekly dialysis vs nocturnal/daily dialysis.

At any rate with PO4 that low it wouldnt seem clearance at any rate is a problem.

Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: angela515 on February 09, 2007, 09:11:09 AM
I'm just curious about something. You mentioned the phos levels were 0.7 and 0.8, is that ok for a dialysis patient? I had a transplant, and when I went to clinic Wednesday my phos was 0.8 and they made me get an IV infusion of phos b/c you can go into respitory failure at levels that low.

So just curious... is levels that low only dangerous for ppl not on dialysis, or is that too low even for dialysis patients?
Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: Rerun on February 09, 2007, 09:16:13 AM
They say nocturnal clears phos better.? Hubby was doing nocturnal but changed last week to short daily for a while.  He had blood work on Wed.  Phos when he was on nocturnal was about 1.6 pre and post was about 0.7,  No binders.  When he got the results of blood work on Wed. Phos pre was 2.39 and post was 0.8.  That's clearing better than the nocturnal!!  I personally think it was a mistake at the lab.  He didn't eat any high phos foods. If phos was 2.39 assuming the morning before it was around 0.8 that means he had to eat a lot of phos in one day. Blood work again next week -be interesting to get the results.  Everything else was good.

Nocturnal Pre: 1.6 and post 0.7
Daily     Pre: 2.39 and post 0.8

Where I went to school Nocturnal is better.   ???
Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: Zach on February 09, 2007, 09:36:45 AM
Nocturnal Pre: 1.6 and post 0.7
Daily     Pre: 2.39 and post 0.8

Where I went to school Nocturnal is better.   ???

And of course nocturnal removes more of those middle molecules that cause other long-term problems.  Short-time dialysis (2-2.5 hours) does not do as well with these molecules.
Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: del on February 09, 2007, 12:52:54 PM
That's why I think it was a mistake.  On nocturnal he was pre at 1.60 and went down to 0.7 post.  This was 8 hr. treatments at 250 pump speed.  It doesn't seem right to go from 2.30 to 0.80 on a 3.5 hr. 400 pump speed treatment .  That's taking off a lot of phos in 3.5 hr.  I am in Canada so our levels are different Angela515.  Normal is 0.83 -1.58.
Title: Re: Phos clearance
Post by: angela515 on February 09, 2007, 01:33:04 PM
Oh ok... thanks for clarifying that. I was wondering.  :thumbup;