I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: sandra3105 on March 19, 2012, 06:31:05 AM

Title: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: sandra3105 on March 19, 2012, 06:31:05 AM
when i changed from PD ( 3 years ) to haemo - i felt totally healthy to the extent that i did not think of myself as sick  :thumbup; however as i slowly regain the things i loved doing / decorating my house / walking dogs for couple of hours / full time work ( sat at desk though ) having granddaughter & nieces at weekend - my mind tells me im OK i know i am not but that doesnt stop you wanting to do things eg having a drink with friends, going out etc.. where alcohol is everywhere ( this is the UK after all  ;) so i was trying to find out if possible what can one drink eg. type, amount etc,, without serious consequences - i still P what i drink in fluid and know that this will be thought of as selfish but spring is on the way and would like to indulge now and again- any views on this topic or experiences would be welcome :beer1;  nurses just say to watch your limits but i dont know what they are  :puke;
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Traveller1947 on March 19, 2012, 07:02:24 AM
I can only tell you my own experience with this, sandra.  I never drink alcohol at home, but I like to go out to lunch or dinner with a friend and that means having wine or sometimes a cocktail.  I avoid beer, although there are often interesting ones on tap at the restaurants we frequent.  In the past, I would have enjoyed them.  I never have more than one cocktail, but if we have wine with dinner, I usually have two glasses.  I try to plan in advance, so my fluid intake isn't too out of range and so the alcohol doesn't interfere with my pain medicine.  My nephrologist and dietitian are both aware of my alcohol consumption and both are okay with it.  Hope this helps.  All the best to you.  Cheers!
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: jeannea on March 19, 2012, 07:58:12 AM
I just don't drink alcohol. I know it's just my personal choice and not a requirement. I stopped when I got my first transplant. When I go to a bar I just get a ginger ale or iced tea. Sometimes my sister lets me have a sip of what she's having. But for me it's just easier not to drink.
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Whamo on March 19, 2012, 08:44:31 AM
I drink as little as possible.   The less that goes in means the less that goes out during dialysis.  It's a lot more pleasant to take out 1.8 than 4.8, believe me. 
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on March 19, 2012, 09:07:11 AM
Ive actually talked to the dietician about this...
Beer is bad due to the contents,(potassium or phos? i cant remember which, the 'hops')  and vodka i think is made from potatoes so you should probably avoid those.
And of course if you have a fluid restriction, that should be watched as well...

They say as long as you do things in moderation, it shouldnt be a big deal.

I have an interesting story for you on this too:

I can tell you frm experience in stupidity ahaha that drinking the equivellent of 8 shots IS NOT a good idea... for anyone... But also want to mention, this is why im telling you this story! i didnt NOT feel drunk at all until 3 HOURS later, then all 8 hit me at once.... I was completely sober for 3 hours, then BAM i was so drunk I couldnt see straight. Idk if it was due to my kidney failure or slow metabolism or what, but that was the one and only time ive ever had more than one or two drink at a time. Ill occationally have One drink for my bday, or other special occation and that is all, it shouldnt hurt anything. Just dont over do it! Anything in moderation should be fine.
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Rerun on March 19, 2012, 09:43:57 AM
I love Long Islands and so when I go out I have one and drink about half.  I try and ask for a short one but they look at me like I'm stupid.  The liver processes alcohol not the kidneys.  So drink in moderation.

Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: lmunchkin on March 19, 2012, 09:54:00 AM
J & I use to drink alot together a few years back!  We don't indulge anymore for various reasons.  I personally could not handle my drinking.  It wouldnt take much for me to get all redneck!  I don't like being around mean drunks, so I stopped for that reason.  J on the other hand could drink like a fish, and one would never know!

I think if done in moderation, it should be fine!   :wine;

God Bless,
lmunchkin :kickstart;
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Joe on March 19, 2012, 12:37:02 PM
My nurse and dietician both have told me that drinking in moderation is ok. They don't want me drinking beer because of he phosphorous, but are ok with just about anything else. Of note, my dietician told me that wine is harder on the kidneys than hard liquor, but I guess that's if you still have any function left. I used to be a red wine drinker, but  unfortunately, since my kidneys failed wine tastes terrible to me. So I don't drink much of anything anymore. A scotch every now an then is about it.
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Restorer on March 19, 2012, 03:56:31 PM
"Regular" domestic beer has about 50 mg of phosphorus per 12 oz serving, and 100 mg of potassium. White wine has 30-ish mg of phosphorus and 100 mg of potassium per 5 oz serving. Red wine has 30-ish mg of phosphorus and 180 mg of potassium.

Beers worth drinking, especially darker, heavier beers, have even more phosphorus and potassium. You should probably avoid Guinness and other stouts and porters.

Sake is pretty okay, as far as I can tell, since it's made from polished rice. Distilled liquors are fine too, especially since they're stronger so you can drink less fluid.

As far as alcohol itself, that entirely depends on you. 2009-2010, I was fine drinking alcohol. But sometime before March 2011, something flopped and now alcohol messes with me. Any amount of alcohol will make me feel pretty bad until I next have dialysis. I don't know if it's an interaction with some of my meds, or if it's just a new idiosyncrasy of my body.

You can try drinking if you like, just account for the fluid and P/K if you drink beer or wine, and see how you feel during and afterward.

Edit: I guess I should say "regular domestic beer" in the US, so watery, yellow crap like Bud. I can't find exact nutritional information on other kinds of beers.
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on March 19, 2012, 04:12:53 PM
Some of the meds we take can be effected with alcohol too... so if the bottle says dont drink, u probably shouldnt ;)
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: RichardMEL on March 20, 2012, 04:16:57 AM
Geez GLM you had 8 shots that night in Vegas?! You told me it was only two.. no wonder you don't remember what happened that night!!!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; Oh wait, I got married didn't I? Maybe I had the 8 shots....

but I digress (as usual).

I will give my 2 cents on this from my experience.

1. In terms of fluid restrictions (OP mentions she outputs pretty much what she puts in - but not sure you can just take that as that it's ok to drink 3 pints because you'll pee it out - be sensible!) I always found it best to drink shots (for me, it was vodka - as clear spirits are understood to be better than darker ones - like beer per the K/PO4 in there). Anyway the shot size gives you the ability to drink "more" alcohol wise, if that's your thing, than being restricted to, for example 500ml of beer or wine.

2. I found that just a little bit of alc, eg the aforementioned vodka shot, would affect me while I was on D more than prior. Maybe this was due to other toxins in the system, or just generally being impaired.  So I could have two shots and be headed under the table... prior to D it took much more - not that I was a regular at testing that particular limit :) So for me it was kind of self regulating, because I would usually drink when having "lunch with the boys" on a Friday - theyt'd have a pint of beer or cider, and I'd have a vodka. worked well.

3. Not only is beer/wine higher in the nasties, but can also put the weight on (aka beer belly) - and not something you want in addition to PD belly I would think.

4. Drinking socially seems like the aim here, and that's great - nursing a glass of wine over a dinner or while chatting of a summer's eve is always good. In the world of PD you can prob extend that out a bit 2 glasses.

In general I'd discuss it with your neph for their recommendations - both general ones and also any impact there might be on your current meds.

Enjoy - in moderation!!

Now GLM do you happen to know what happened to my pants that night??????!!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on March 20, 2012, 06:59:16 AM
ROFL RM, how in the heck would I know where your pants went? Did you do some amatur strip club while you were there? perhaps they were lost during the honeymoon lol
It wasnt vegas that i had the 8shots, it was actually a very stressful day a few years ago, and a friend of mine took me out, to 'destress' then insulted me repeatedly, and then she disappeared, so i decided that i would have "a" drink, well i ordered 2 shots, then 2 more, etc, because i wasnt feeling anything... i thought sheesh someone is giving me watered down shots or something... oh goodness no...

Seems now, probably due to my meds, that I cant even have 2 shots, or one drink, or any thing, because i feel it! weeee!

Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: jeannea on March 20, 2012, 07:16:57 AM
Darn it. I'm never in Vegas when all the fun happens.
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: lmunchkin on March 20, 2012, 04:10:13 PM
Darn it. I'm never in Vegas when all the fun happens.

don't feel alone, jeannea!

lmunchkin :kickstart;
Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Lillupie on March 20, 2012, 09:13:24 PM
RichardMel, you are soo funny,

 I was told that it is ok for me, but just not to get drunk. Yes the nasty tasting beer has a lot of phos in it. I dont have a fluid restriction nor do I have a potassium restriction. Odd I can drink alcholol, and eat at McDonalds but no peanuts or dairy. :banghead;

Cannot tell you how much I hate dialysis with the passion.

Title: Re: alcohol & renal failure/dialysis
Post by: Whamo on March 21, 2012, 05:13:51 AM
I haven't had a drink since 1981.  Boy, am I thirsty!  I smoke a bowl now and then when I  need a respite from that "empty head" feeling from dialysis.  It's not expensive if you grow it in your backyard every summer.