I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Home Dialysis => Topic started by: Joe on March 10, 2012, 08:29:53 AM

Title: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: Joe on March 10, 2012, 08:29:53 AM
With us here in the US changing over to Daylight Savings Time tonight (at least, those of us that do), how are we that practice CCPD going to accommodate the time change? Are you going to hook up and hour early, or come off an hour later? With my schedule for Saturday, Mass at 5:30 then dinner out with my darling wife, I'll likely hook up around 8 and finish cycling at 6 Sunday morning. That would be pretty normal off time for Sunday morning. Anyone else have a different plan?
Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: billybags on March 10, 2012, 08:38:05 AM
Joe we in the UK have to change our clocks twice a year, probably the same as you. We change at midnight and then we go by that time the next day.
What is an hour either way.
Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: willowtreewren on March 10, 2012, 09:26:45 AM
For those on post Tx medications, it is important to make the change slowly over a number of days.... Say 15 minutes at a time.

An hour DOES make a difference there.

Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: jeannea on March 10, 2012, 09:39:19 AM
I have to hook up an hour early tonight so that I can still get up to teach Sunday School tomorrow. I find the switch to Daylight Savings really annoying.
Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: JLM on March 11, 2012, 06:53:51 AM
I just change my clocks at 7 pm on Saturday and hooked up at 9:30 like always. I unhooked 8.5 hours later.   I didn't even notice the time change.  Most people are always thinking   "NEW TIME / OLD TIME"  I just set my mind to the time on the clock.....!
Title: Re: Daylight Savings Time
Post by: highway61 on March 11, 2012, 10:53:59 AM
Hmmm. I didn't even think about that last night. I did hookup early, for no particular reason. I just let it run on it's own.