I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: buffalogal855 on March 04, 2012, 03:13:29 PM
:waving; Hello everyone! I am caregiver to my 68 year old husband. Diabetic for 26 years; stroke 2003; kidney problems first diagnosed about 2008. Physician is monitoring with monthly blood tests and we have started to talk about dialysis. I have been looking at this website for quite awhile and I want to be part of it. I learn more and more every day here and the advise I've been given has been sooooooo helpful! Thanks - buffalogal
Hi, buffalogal, and welcome! As you've discovered, there's a lot of solid information here and a lot of good people who will be glad to help you. All the best to you and your hubby.
Hi Buffalogal and I also welcome you to IHD! :welcomesign; I am care partner to my hubby who is also diabetic and has been on D since 2007. Glad you joined as there's a lot of information available here as well as support for you both and probably a few laughs here and there.
:thx; Thank you for taking the time to post, it means a lot!
Hi buffalogal855, welcome to the site :welcomesign; I am also a care giver to my husband he has been on dialysis for 3 years and this site has been invaluable to me. Lots to learn, please feel free to ask any thing you want to know. You can also rant if you wish.
:welcomesign; buffalogal!
Hi, Buffalogal. I missed your intro, somehow.
I'm glad this site has been a help to you. It is a real life saver!
Welcome Buffalogal! I too am a caregiver to husband. It was a total shock to us cause we had no idea! We have learned to accept it and move on! It has not been all rosie or anything, but we are fine with it. You are among a bunch here that not only will help in any way, but have first hand knowledge in all things Kidney. Sorry you had to come here in this way, but very glad to have you aboard!
Again Welcome & God Bless,
lmunchkin :kickstart;
Welcome sweetie! You, TOO, are important and need as much as attention as your husband. I'm sure you do a fantastic job and here, we know what you go through. ***HUGS***