I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Rivy on February 13, 2012, 06:30:03 AM

Title: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Rivy on February 13, 2012, 06:30:03 AM
-Last Friday was something else than I usually expect when I arrive to have my treatment at the AKC(Albuquerque Kidney Center.)  I had a tech tell me that I have a, 'big mouth! and "talk to much!"  I had no idea what he was talking about.    ???

Althought, I had no ideal what he was talking  about when I was just in to getting my treatment done..He came around again saying, " I don't know how to keep my mouth shut and that I have to start stuff!"  I finally know what he was referring to..

He was referring to that Friday night at my treatment when one of the nurses cut my ephrine in half and one of the techs did not change it..so he blame the other tech for giving me the full ephrine dose..They begin to argue about that I was suppose to only get half of the ephrine so I was saying that it was the Techs fault because he was standing here when the nurse ordered it and he didn't change it.  Then I referred to him that he was just slow in getting it ready..He got mad about and then apologize to another patient for my behavior..Well, the other Tech that was saying that I had "a big mouth!" wasn't involved with this and continued to tell me that until he hit a spot with me and I told him that He should mind his own buisness that he wasn't there and to stay out of it.

The tech that was yelling at this time about that I should, "keep my mouth shut!"  I told him he should since it doesn't involve him..The other teck that was putting me on was standing there not saying a word and the nursed where at the nurses station not saying a word to him to calm down and get back to his station..At this time we were yelling at each other in front of the whole center..

I than, told the tech that was yelling at me about keeping my, "mouth shut!" That if you have a problem with me you should take it up with Bobbie (Manager of AKC)  I then processed to prep for my treatment because the other tech that had been involved in the discommunication was telling us to settle down..I stopped, but the tech kept on yelling about my keeping quiet and I talk too much..I was stun about the whole thing because we were yelling in front of the patients around..

I was shaken up by the end so I wanted to talk to the manager myself about this..I finally got to talk to the manager when she came when I was all in ready for my treatment sitting in the chair...When the manager came, the tech that was yelling at me came to start all over again telling that I open my mouth so again we started yelling at eachother..I kept telling him what do or did I say and I wanted him to tell me what was the reason..The manager was right there when he was yelling again at me...She finally told him that she would talk to him later...

I could not believe he came when I was talking to her..I guess he wanted to see who's side the manager would take on this matter...I felt so hurt that a tech would do something like that to a patient...I just think that he had not right and that he sould be written up for something like that.   The manager conforted me about the whole thing saying it wasn't my fault and that she will talk to them about this...Last Friday she was on her way out so I don't think she talked with him or she was going to wait til Monday to go throught this...

I feel what this Tech did was wrong..Do you feel that I could do anything about this because I am still feeling hurt and going back today for a treatment is a little uncomfortable I felt like I wanted to change centers and get transfer just because of this Tech that has something against me that I am who I am...

Should I email the manager about this to see if there was something done or should I just wait? 

Thank you for taking the time out to read my delima,

Rive :grouphug;
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Whamo on February 13, 2012, 06:47:43 AM
I would register a complaint with the superior of both the manager and the technician, but first I would talk to the manager.  I would demand the technician apologize for his behavior.  If he does that you may want to end it.  But if you talk to the manager and it doesn't happen, go over their heads, in the form of a written letter.  They usually have pamphlets available on the proper channels for complaints at kidney centers.  Take the time to review these.  Do not let him get away with this behavior or it will escalate.  I feel so lucky that the people in my kidney center at Loma Linda are caring and considerate. 
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Jean on February 13, 2012, 12:02:08 PM
WOW, talk about unprofessional. That dude should be working in Wal Mart or the 99cent store. Whamo's advice is right on and for good ness sakes dont let his presence near you disturb your treatment.
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Riverwhispering on February 13, 2012, 05:20:07 PM
Actually the people I know that work at Walmart and the dollar store are very nice people.    Maybe you meant the people that work in government.
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: amanda100wilson on February 13, 2012, 06:22:57 PM
Yes, I wouldn't expect to be spoken to like that in Walmart.  I agree completely with Whammo's advice.
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Lillupie on February 13, 2012, 08:48:53 PM
Wow Im sorry you have had to go through this. I sure hope you dont get that nasty tech again!

 :pray; :grouphug;
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Brightsky69 on February 14, 2012, 05:49:47 AM
Actually the people I know that work at Walmart and the dollar store are very nice people.    Maybe you meant the people that work in government.

I work in government and if we told a customer to "keep your mouth shut" we would be in big big trouble. Just sayin....

Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: HILINE on February 14, 2012, 06:06:44 AM
find another Center :sir ken;
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Riverwhispering on February 14, 2012, 07:11:39 AM
Brightsky I'm sorry, I was thinking of politicians not government workers.

I don't think I would stick around that center if I could transfer to another one.  No one should be talked to like that and if you are in their care and they have a grudge against you that sounds very dangerous for you.   
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: cassandra on February 14, 2012, 07:54:28 AM
I aggree, if an other centre is nearby, I would change. On the other hand, that tech should be the one to go.
Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: Brightsky69 on February 14, 2012, 10:52:30 AM
Brightsky I'm sorry, I was thinking of politicians not government workers.

No worries.... ;D

River I also agree with what you said. I would transfer ASAP out of there. I would not trust someone that immature and unprofessional to touch me.

I had a run in with my first PD nurse and the clinic where she worked. First of all it was filthy. And when I finally put in for a transfer she cornered me while I was in the chair and kept asking me "why do you want to leave, I don't understnad why you want to leave..." very confrontational and rude. It's not like I could just get up and walk away from her. I think I ended up getting her fired  ;D Either that or she quit.

Title: Re: Dialysis Tech out of line!
Post by: kitkatz on February 14, 2012, 11:34:42 PM
A written complaint must be dealt with within three days of it being given to the manager of the clinic.  Write it up yourself!