I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: plugger on February 01, 2012, 09:52:02 AM

Title: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 01, 2012, 09:52:02 AM
The Colorado State bill for the certification of Hemodialysis Technicians - that so many of us fought so hard for back in 2007 - is in danger of being wiped out.  The Sunset Review of the bill which reviews bills years after they have been passed occurred this last January 24th.  We were very surprised when some committee members of the house Health and Environment committee objected to the bill.  We strongly feel their objections didn't have enough merit to kill the bill.  We are happy to report the bill passed review by a 6-5 vote.  However this bill that has worked so well, is now going to have to be voted on again by the legislature - we are very worried it could be a tough fight.  Right now we are in the process of finding backers of the bill at the dialysis companies, Colorado Hospital Association, etc...  We don't even have a number for the bill yet.  But we are encouraging you to write or call the Reps who are sponsoring and co-sponsoring this bill and express your support!  It is hard to fight for something when you feel alone.

Sponsor: Representative Beth McCann,  email: beth.mccann.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01ucLPSrGlcOegCi0fOl9brw==&c=vQkU2m85bfwEw36p8V6r3Sb86GO4F_lcAH87TdeUKuE=),  ph. 303-866-2959

Co-sponsor: Representative John Kefalas,  email: john.kefalas.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01ucLPSrGlcOegCi0fOl9brw==&c=rqZMMxmwIDH_ptfg9sNS4ORJFrYDGOwS__8U8Zgfrns=), ph. 303-866-4569           
(Rep. Kefalas was also a sponsor of the 2007 bill)

Co-sponsor: Representative Dave Young, email dave.young.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01ucLPSrGlcOegCi0fOl9brw==&c=UMPxw8ttqW1PCWeMCBWCZBg5lZKti2RPxjrhSZ14Byw=), ph. 303-866-2929
1) This state bill ties in tech certification with a dialysis clinic’s license. Tech certification is checked at the start of a clinic, during the annual license renewal, and during state inspections - other states don't do this!  California for example only checks every 3 years!  We believe this may allow clinics to be less tempted to hire less qualified individuals.
2) This bill is a backup – think of it as insurance – if the feds weaken or abolish current regulations.
3) Abolishing this bill might encourage those who favor a less-qualified labor force to bring in a watered-down tech certification such as California's CDC program
4) Little fiscal impact: ($1,818 in 2010)
5) DORA now recommends it (change from 2007): http://www.dora.state.co.us/opr/archive/2011HemodialysisTechnicians.pdf

1) Duplicates the federal regulations.   Answer: see above
2) If home dialysis caregivers don't require certification, why do techs?  Answer: A caregiver specializes in one patient, a tech is required to help a group of people with different reasons for kidney disease - who have other illnesses many times.  Also home dialysis patients are usually healthier than the general dialysis population.

And give a special thanks to the Chair of the Health and Environment committee, Representative Ken Summers, for going against the grain and siding with us!  Representative Ken Summers, ken.summers.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01ucLPSrGlcOegCi0fOl9brw==&c=0MLBRsCBf5MhlvTYl4H_wn2M9Id1isJwI0IDEiePODU=), ph. 303-866-2927
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: thegrammalady on February 01, 2012, 10:14:17 AM
oooooo, this makes me sooooooo mad!!! you have to have a license to empty a bed pan! why would anyone think it unnecessary to need a license to empty blood from someone and run it through a machine?

i'll send something to all listed.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: lmunchkin on February 01, 2012, 03:05:02 PM
I will definately send something, even though I do not live in CO.  Plugger, thank you for all that you do for Coloradoians everywhere!  You are such a strong advocate for those people.  They are blessed to have you!

Again, Thank you,
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 02, 2012, 06:20:44 AM
Thanks TheGrammaLady and LMunchKin!!!   And you are right to write LMunchKin.  This isn't just about Colorado!  This is about standing up for what is right!

After the hearing, I was flustered and mad.  I wanted to get a group together and STORM THE BARRICADES!!  BUT NO!!!  NOBODY WANTS TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!!!    So we decided asking for simple thank-you's might be a good start.  (sorry, I do get in touch with my inner goofball at times, been a shield against this nonsense)

Anyway, I'm off to listen to the Boss's new song "We Take Care of Our Own", that does get me psyched.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 03, 2012, 03:59:38 PM
I was reminded how California came up with a watered-down tech certification program that is only good in California - sure hope it doesn't go federal!  Help us keep our defenses up!  If this gets knocked down, I can see how California's crap might move in:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: lmunchkin on February 03, 2012, 04:58:55 PM
This is an excellent point, Plugger.  Like the ole song goes, "Youv'e got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything".  Right or wrong, we have all got to stand up for what we believe in.

I emailed the sponsor and the 2 co-sponsors you listed, yesterday! I was going to call those numbers, but they are long distants for me, and right now, money is tight, but the emails should suffice. 
 I hope this opens some ears, there and everywhere,

Take care& God Bless you Plugger,
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: Joe on February 03, 2012, 06:58:43 PM
I've emailed all 3 Chris. And put my home address on the notes so they knew I was from the home state.
Will keep my fingers crossed this goes through.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 04, 2012, 06:31:54 PM
Many thanks you two!!!!  I listened to the "You've got to Stand for Something" song - I'm loving it!!!  We are bringing the Rock fans and the Country fans together for a common cause! - it's a beautiful thing!  :'(

Sly and the Family Stone's Stand! is also sounding good right now - nice to have some marching music before the next hearing.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 08, 2012, 05:43:15 AM
From Rep. McCann: "The bill has now been officially set for Feb. 21st at 1:30 in the Health committee which meets in the Legal Services Building on 14th between Sherman and Grant - south side of the Capitol."
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 08, 2012, 09:32:15 AM
And another item, the number of the bill is HB1204
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 10, 2012, 06:37:17 AM
Anyway, I've been told by a couple of people now that this might not be the place to make a stand.  I'll refer those people -and anybody else who wants to go there - to   Ghandi's Salt March (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_March) - I only steal from the best!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: Whamo on February 10, 2012, 07:18:41 AM
You're smart to keep politically active and vocal.  I fear the politicians will demand cuts in Medi-care, and they will stop funding dialysis.  As the younger generation gets angrier about their dire economic lives they're going to turn that frustration on to the baby boomers.  I have my own medical insurance, but in two years I have to go on Medi-care. 
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 10, 2012, 01:25:31 PM
As the younger generation gets angrier about their dire economic lives they're going to turn that frustration on to the baby boomers. 

EEEkkkk!!!  I say that since I'm a baby boomer.  I may have to gather some materials to prove the ire should be turned first to the folks running healthcare before baby boomers like me get turned into soylent green - looks like a lot of money is wasted.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 11, 2012, 07:05:55 AM
Anyway, I've been told by a couple of people now that this might not be the place to make a stand.  I'll refer those people -and anybody else who wants to go there - to   Ghandi's Salt March (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_March) - I only steal from the best!

The reason I use Ghandhi's Salt March example is because he was being told there were bigger issues out there, that the issue of the British controlling salt was inconsequential.  Some might feel what is happening in Colorado is inconsequential for the rest of the nation.  But we are seeing the scenario where if this bill is knocked down, those who believe in a less-educated labor force just might be bold enough to water-down tech certification here - then elsewhere.  It has already happened in California with their CDC certification.  I say we fight now, so we don't have to fight later.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 12, 2012, 06:57:27 PM
Inserted a new item 3 into the "Why"s in the top post

P.S. I promised Whamo info on waste in healthcare.   I started a thread: http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=25816.0

Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 13, 2012, 07:29:37 AM
Bill link:
Click_for_HB1204_bill (http://www.leg.state.co.us/clics/clics2012a/csl.nsf/fsbillcont/8079A3312E3DD8EB87257981007E0685?Open&file=1204_01.pdf)

I should mention there are two other legislators who should be thanked for their yes vote at the sunset review meeting:

Representative Rhonda Fields,  email: rhonda.fields.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01n_NfJxQ0eKrvMCUEVB8EKg==&c=GZnOQscWA5Qu6vwVeJ2TI_7frYHGbVlyjA93eGUTWhQ=), ph. 303-866-3911

Representative Sue Schafer,  email: sue.schafer.house*at*state.co.us (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01n_NfJxQ0eKrvMCUEVB8EKg==&c=xSEekfj0AR3yfAHhCSKLWBmieyHRJ9gjsswrfaG49lo=), ph. 303-866-5522

And if anybody was curious about how the overall vote went, here is the link, click then follow instructions below:

Click "Summaries by Committee", then "House Health and Environment", then "01/24/2012", then "Sunset Review for the Regulation of Hemodialysis Technicians", then bottom link

Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: Joe on February 13, 2012, 04:49:27 PM
So, the next step is?
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 14, 2012, 06:18:26 AM
I'm being told this is the make-or-break hearing on the 21st (of course we were thinking this was going to be a slam dunk too).  But assuming we get out of the house Health and Environment committee, the bill then goes to the state house floor for a vote (not much to do here from what I'm hearing).  We then go to the state Senate Health and Environment committee (a friendlier committee from what I hear) - more testimony here.  If we get out of the state Senate committee, it goes to the state Senate floor for a vote.  Pass the Senate floor and it is up to Governor to sign.  Quite the obstacle course, huh?
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 19, 2012, 05:05:32 PM
Amended directions:
The bill has now been officially set for Feb. 21st at 1:30 in the Health committee which meets in the Legal Services Building on 14th between Sherman and Grant – south side of the Capitol. (Hearing Room A)

It is the place at 225 E. 14th Street, NOT the place on Grant which google comes up with if you type in Legislative Services.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 21, 2012, 05:37:27 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE 12-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 25, 2012, 05:22:48 AM
I'm hearing the Colorado house floor vote could be as soon as Monday!

So I wrote my new State Rep:

Representative DelGrosso,

I'm the father of a daughter with kidney disease (transplant now).  I recently moved into your district, but have been involved in issues concerning kidney disease and kidney dialysis for about 12 years now.  I was part of a group that got a Colorado state bill passed back in 2007 for the certification of hemodialysis technicians.  It is up for a Sunset Review, and this last Tuesday the bill passed out of the Health and Environment committee by a 12-0 vote!  The concerns at the earlier review have been answered and I will be very happy if the bill gains your vote.

Some of the reasons to vote for the bill are the following:
1) Checks tech certification every year with the renewal of the license vs. other states like California which check every 3 years (if that).  We are hearing clinic managers are less likely to try and use less-qualified staff.
2) Infections like sepsis, a potentially lethal infection of the blood, took a significant dip in 2008-2009 when the state tech program was starting to be implemented - California continued to climb, their tech certification hadn't been implemented yet.
3) Stopping this bill could lead to a watered-down version of tech certification which California has with their CDC program - good only in California.  I should note California appears to have higher rates of infections (sepsis was very notable!)
4) A retired dialysis nurse testified about the case of someone who couldn't pass the company test, but was allowed on the floor anyway jeopardizing the safety of patients.  Had there been state or federal certification, she felt there was less of chance of this person getting out on the floor - or even being hired.
5) A lady who had been on dialysis eleven years testified she met a tech who was allowed on the floor after two weeks!  Would you trust a mechanic working on your brakes if they had just picked up a wrench two weeks ago?
6) A current dialysis patient testified how he had seen staff short-handed.  Would you want that already short-handed staff to be also poorly-trained?
7) Low fiscal impact
8) Clinic managers report less turn-over with certification.

In the years since the bill has been implemented I haven't heard staff or patients complain about certification.  I hope you will find enough reasons to support this bill!

Chris Schwab

Any Coloradoans out there might consider shooting off a quick email to their state reps!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: Joe on February 25, 2012, 07:50:03 PM
Sent a note to my Rep Plugger. Hope all goes well!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 26, 2012, 06:40:23 AM
Thanks for the help with all this!  Think we got the momentum, just got to keep it going!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 27, 2012, 06:48:59 PM
We passed the Colorado state House 54-9!!!  State Senate committee here we come!
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: Joe on February 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM
Great news Plugger! Sounds like lots of folks are on board. Any sense for the Senate?
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: cassandra on February 28, 2012, 12:46:34 PM
wow Plugger, I'm can't believe sometimes that things like that are happening there. Thank you for all you do for my friends overthere.

Good luck Cas
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 28, 2012, 08:51:09 PM
Glad I can help!  I'm hearing it ought to be smooth sailing in the Senate - as long as nothing unforeseen happens.  I remember though back in 2007 the Senate committee was where davita almost stopped us - we got out by a vote!  So we aren't taking anything for granted.
Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on February 29, 2012, 06:15:44 AM
Here is the audio from the state House committee:

Title: Re: Thank some Legislators!
Post by: plugger on March 07, 2012, 07:32:07 AM
While we are waiting for a state Senate committee date, thought I would post the graphs we gave to the Colorado state legislators.  Particularly we asked them to pay attention to the sepsis graph - a worrisome uptrend for an infection that can be fatal, but from 2008-2009 there was a significant dip for Colorado.  Could it be because here in Colorado we were implementing our tech certification program?

We compared Colorado to California after reading about their 56% tech pass rate, compared to Colorado's 80-93% pass rate.



