I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Deanne on December 19, 2011, 07:27:40 AM

Title: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Deanne on December 19, 2011, 07:27:40 AM
My transplant center told me late Friday afternoon that they want my gallbladder removed. They had me do 6-month follow-up ultrasound after my initial ultrasound showed polyps in my gallbladder. I didn't think it was a big deal since I don't have any symptoms from it. Apparently it can be a big deal. They said that because there are several polyps, and one of them is 1 centemeter in size, it's a future cancer risk. From what I read online, it looks like it's something that should be done even if I wasn't on the transplant list.

I don't think gallbladder surgery will be a big ordeal, will it? It looks like I'll be in/out the same day and back to work in a week. Since I can work from home, I'm thinking I might only need to take a couple of days off work - hopefully schedule the surgery for a Thursday, take Friday off, then work from home a couple of days the following week.
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: MooseMom on December 19, 2011, 09:24:37 AM
About 8 years ago, I had what I thought was a heart attack.  It wasn't until some years later that I realized it was the first of many gallbladder attacks to plague me over the course of 6 -7 years.  My husband had had his gallbladder out many years ago, and his stories were what clued me in that I had a dodgy gallbladder.  OMG, I had the classic, very painful attacks that would lay me low for a couple of horrible hours.

When I went for my transplant eval, they specifically asked about my gallbladder, and I told them I had had trouble.  They told me then that I'd probably have to have it out.  When I went for my ultrasound, yep, there they were...gallstones.  Diagnosis confirmed.  Apparently gallstones are common in CKD patients because of our high cholesterol.

I had my gallbladder removed in May 2010 and, no, it wasn't a big ordeal at all.  I felt really nauseous because of the anesthetic, but I feel that way after any surgery that requires anesthesia.  I feel much, much better, and I'm glad I was required to have it removed.

I hope this helps. :cuddle;
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Deanne on December 19, 2011, 09:41:53 AM
Thanks, as always, MM!

Thankfully, I don't have any symptoms. I heard gallbladder attacks are awful! They said I have polyps, not stones. It sounds like they might be different things, but maybe just two names for the same thing? Hmmmm. Time for another web searcy. Regardless, I'll be glad to have it gone since it sounds like a cancer risk. I'm waiting for my neph to call me. I'm hoping she can recommend a surgeon. The transplant center said they'll leave me active on the list until my surgery, then they'll put me on "inactive" during the recovery time. Just a minor blip in the road.
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: KarenInWA on December 20, 2011, 11:23:28 AM
I had my gallbladder removed just over 7 years ago. It was an easy surgery, done in an out-patient surgery center. The very next day I went out to dinner with my parents and ate fried chicken! (because I could, and it was gooood!!!) I had built up some sick time, so I was out for a week and a half, then did part time for 2 days (I worked 4 10's at the time, with W/Sat/Sun off) then back to FT the following week. It was an easy recovery.

Hope this helps

Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Deanne on December 20, 2011, 11:37:48 AM
Thanks Karen  :yahoo;

I was hoping it'd be something like that. I remember a day after I had endometrial surgery I took the dogs for a 1-mile walk and the day after I had a benign salivary gland tumor removed I pruned the bushes in my yard.
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Deanne on February 05, 2012, 08:07:45 AM
My gallbladder is gone. Everything went well. Surgery was Thursday and I went home Friday. Yesterday I vacuumed the house, walked the dogs over to the dog park and threw a tennis ball for an hour or two there, went out for a smoothie, and went for a walk with a friend. Today I might go out and pull some weeds in the garden and I'll start solid food again. Tomorrow I'll go back to work. I don't know yet if I'll work from home or if I'll drive in to the office. My written instructions say not to drive for a week, but I didn't get the impression from the verbal instructions that I need to be that restictive. I imagine the restrictions assume pain medications, but I don't really need them. I kept telling people I didn't think it would be a big deal and I'd be back at work by Monday, and it seemed like no one believed me. I'm glad I was right!
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Lillupie on February 05, 2012, 08:25:33 AM
Just curious of those who had their gallbladder removed what effects or body changes have you had since the surgery? My ex, who is my daughters father has not had a job in 5 years 2-3 years ago finally got his gallbladder removed and now he claims he will get disability since the surgery, he cant stay away from the bathroom.

Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: KarenInWA on February 05, 2012, 09:23:54 AM
Just curious of those who had their gallbladder removed what effects or body changes have you had since the surgery? My ex, who is my daughters father has not had a job in 5 years 2-3 years ago finally got his gallbladder removed and now he claims he will get disability since the surgery, he cant stay away from the bathroom.


Lisa - I had my gallbladder removed 7.5 years ago and I don't miss it! I do remember noticing that I would have to rush to the bathroom after eating a tuna Subway (they were the sale sandwich on Fridays back then) but even that went away after a while. I know some people end up having to avoid some foods for that reason (I avoided the tuna sandwiches for a time) but that's all trial and error. I'm sure there are rare cases where people have bigger issues, but I would think that there would be some sort of fix for it? I do know it is the most common surgery done in the US.

Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Gerald Lively on February 05, 2012, 03:06:46 PM
The worst, most severe pain I have ever felt, was a plugged up gallbladder.  The surgery was a great relief.  I went it at 11 AM and was home to watch the 5 o’clock news.

Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Lindia on February 05, 2012, 04:04:20 PM
Just curious of those who had their gallbladder removed what effects or body changes have you had since the surgery? My ex, who is my daughters father has not had a job in 5 years 2-3 years ago finally got his gallbladder removed and now he claims he will get disability since the surgery, he cant stay away from the bathroom.


Yes -  this can happen,  its sort of rare, but it happened to a good friend of mine whose an RN.   She was finally put on some medication that helps a lot,  but its been a real trial for her,  always having explosive diahrrea after meals -  if she misses a pill -  its back ....   
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Krisna on February 05, 2012, 09:47:29 PM
I had mine taken out last May 5th due to gallstones and severe pain every time I ate!  They also had to open my bile duct because I had a gallstone blocking it!  It hurt but it wasn't the worst pain I've ever had.  That one goes to the time my sm. intestine ruptured and the surgical pain after!  You wanna talk pain, that was the worst in the 32 yrs I have lived with kidney disease!  And I've had a lot of surgeries. 

I'm disabled but not because of the gallbladder removal.  And I can't see any doctor signing off on a disability claim just for that!  I don't miss my gallbladder.  I do have to avoid greasy foods but since I'm 40 so I should probably be doing that anyway!
Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: coravh on February 06, 2012, 07:42:52 AM
My Mom had her gallbladder out many years ago. 3 days after her surgery a friend dropped by with flowers and my Mom asked what they were for. She had already forgotten about the surgery! So it's not that big a deal except for the anasthetic which often throws people for a loop. Best of luck.

Title: Re: Bye-bye gallbladder. Tx center wants it gone.
Post by: Deanne on February 06, 2012, 11:49:08 AM
I had the same thought about flowers. I received three boquets, several phone calls, and was starting to wonder if my friends & family expected me to keel over dead or something. I almost felt guilty about doing so well and depriving people the opportunity to fuss. I'm glad people cared enough to check in on me though. I even had email from my neighbor across the street who didn't know I was having surgery. She noticed lights on in my house at 10 pm and sent me email asking if everything was ok. She knows I'm always in bed by about 8. It was the night I was in the hospital and my petsitter must have been there.

I did yardwork yesterday and am back at work today. I'm working from home, but mostly because I didn't want to get up early enough to drive in, and technically, I'm not supposed to drive for a week anyway. I'll just forget about that drive out yesterday to meet friends for coffee.