I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Introduction => The IHD Family - Our Members => Topic started by: goofynina on January 28, 2007, 06:40:28 PM

Title: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: goofynina on January 28, 2007, 06:40:28 PM
   As most of you know by now i had the pleasure of having Epoman, Epowife and Epokid over for the weekend.  They arrived Saturday around 7pm and we had a very nice dinner together.  Epoman was feeling a little under the weather so after dinner and a little talking he decided to lay down and Trina and Nick (Epowife and Epokid) and myself visited until my hubby got home at 11pm. 
   When i got up, my guests were already up and thankfully Epoman was feeling a little better.  We ate breakfast and sat around and talked and laughed and had a great visit.  My mom even came to meet the "famous Epoman" i am always talking about (cursing about is more like it) :P   Unfortunately, Sam, my hubby didnt get a chance to meet Epoman because he had to work last night and this morning and Epoman was afraid to come out of his room until he left, he has this crazy notion that Sam wants to kick his ass,  :o  i dont know whatever gave him that idea *whistles*  ::)   But all in all it was an awesome visit.  The Epofamily has definetly become apart of our family and i cant wait to see them again.   :grouphug; 

EDITED: Added "Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II" to subject line. - Epoman, Owner/Admin
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: Sluff on January 28, 2007, 06:44:30 PM
So after dinner Epoman wasn't feeling good? hhhmmm Maybe when I visit we can skip the food thing.  >:D Just kidding.

I'm glad you got together again, and I'm glad Epoman was feeling a little better in the morning. Long drive probably did him in.
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: kitkatz on January 28, 2007, 07:25:54 PM
I am so glad you guys go together again.  Our admins need a close working relationship in order to keep this membership in line! LOL
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: Rerun on January 28, 2007, 07:37:50 PM
Pictures.....Epo-Underware.....   :lol;

I'm glad you had a good time.  I wondered why I was the only one on here last night!   :pics;
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: kitkatz on January 28, 2007, 07:39:42 PM
I was around here around ten oclock last night Rerun! So was JBeany. You are just not late birds like we are. LOL
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: Rerun on January 28, 2007, 07:43:13 PM
I was around here around ten oclock last night Rerun! So was JBeany. You are just not late birds like we are. LOL

Sorry, I meant Moderators.  I was the only one watching the "Village".   ;D
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: Epoman on January 30, 2007, 09:23:11 AM
Ok, here is my side of the story.

It's true and believe it or not I made it out alive. I took the four and half hour drive to Susie's AKA Goofynina. I wasn't feeling to well I had gotten a "cold" starting a few days before but after all the plans Susie had made, I did not want to let her down or stand her up like she did me the week prior, something about her "feet" hurt. ::) I even went even after she called me the day before I left and told me that her Central Heat didn't work, probably some lame excuse to talk me out of coming, ::) but it wasn't going to work. So I packed the Epofamily up and we went. It was raining along the way there, it was a long ride but I have driven to San Francisco before and that is a 7 hour drive.

When we finally got to Susie's house she greeted us and invited us inside and she had enough snacks spread on the table to make a dietitian blush. :o I was expecting a dozen more people with that much food. She had prepared "Wraps", Chips and dip, "Veggies" a few types of chips, Salsa with Avocado. It was a very nice spread indeed. And she had done it all just for us. For the main course she had prepared Chicken Enchiladas with home made rice, beans, and Macaroni salad which she claims she made however I think is was store bought, it was that good. All the food was excellent however I was worried since she had been threatening to put "Toe Nails" and "Boogers" in my food as payback. Payback for a few things, one of them being me "bumping" her infamous first thread. By the way here is a link to that first thread: Click here (http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=537.0) So I inspected every bite, I even offered EpoKid some of my avocado but he wouldn't take it and he LOVES avocado but he too was worried about biting down on one of Susie's big toe nails. I wasn't feeling very well so I didn't eat as much as I would have liked, so much good food. The enchiladas were amazing probably the best I've ever had. But I didn't get much sleep the night before and after the long drive, I was tired. Susie suggested I lay down and take a nap. I agreed as I was feeling quite exhausted. So Susie showed us to the guest room which was very nice and had a queen size bed, plenty of extra blankets. Epokid and Epowife stayed up talking as I napped and they waited up until Sam which is Susie's husband came home from work. I was glad I made my escape to the bedroom before he came home, because Sam has told me before when he met me "He was gonna kick my ass" for what reason I don't know, all I know is that Susie is always trying to get Sam to kick my ass. Well that nap turned into overnight sleep I was out for the night, I never did get back up.

So I made it through the night without having to throw up a booger or hock up a toe nail and for that I was grateful. I foiled Susie's plot for revenge. Or so I thought..... In the morning I got up feeling better but I still had this damn cold and when I get a cold it wipes me out. But Susie was still in her bed draining on PD, but I was up and I needed to go to the bathroom but we found out my wheelchair would not fit through the bathroom door. So asked Epowife to knock on Susie's door and ask for a Phillips screwdriver. I told Epowife to tell Susie I needed the screwdriver so I could tighten my hips. I NEVER thought she would take me seriously. I actually need the screwdriver so I could take off the hand-rims from my wheelchair wheels by doing that it would allow me to just fit through the bathroom door. Later it turns out that Susie told us she had called her mom and Sam worried that I needed a screwdriver to tighten my hips, and that she didn't have one. lol. Epowife and I busted up laughing.  ;D

So after I finally got in and out of the bathroom, Susie was making breakfast it was about noon time but we had all just woke up. Susie made fried potatoes, or as us Mexicans call them "Papitas", eggs, re-fried beans and "Chorizo" Chorizo is basically all the left over parts of the pig or cow depending on the type of chorizo beef or pork they don't use. It really is made from the left over parts, like ears, cheeks, glands, etc, etc. But it is so good. I didn't eat any because it is usually very greasy and my stomach was a little upset from still having my cold. And growing up I had my fair share of Chorizo. But anyway It was a great breakfast and during breakfast I got to meet Susie's mom as she had come over to say hi. Sam had already left before I had gotten up. Epokid and Epowife got to meet him but he was covering another shift at work so I didn't get to see him. So I managed to escape an ass whipping this time. I was ready for him though if he tried any funny business, I brought my STUN Gun and would have stunned his ass. >:( Susie's mom was very sweet, nice and pleasant. I guess Goofynina took after her dad because Susie is nothing like her mom. >:D

After breakfast we talked about this and that and Susie had me help her with some computer issues, I helped her and showed her a few tips and tricks. Here is a picture.

(http://www.ihatedialysis.com/images/IMG_3432 (Small).jpg)

Believe it or not that is the only picture I took, I just didn't feel much in the picture mood due to my cold. But I had to at least take one picture. I promise there will be more pictures next time. I was going to take a picture of the contents of the box I found under Susie's desk marked "Susie's Treasure Chest", :o but I know it might offend some people. So I didn't. After that it was getting late and we still had a 4+ hour drive home. It was about 5:00pm on Sunday when we left. We had a great time I wish I had felt better but there is always next time. Susie made us all feel very welcome and at home. On the way home I did notice that I had a piece of a Toe nail stuck in one of my back teeth, well I guess it's better than finding a big juicy booger that she had promised me.

P.S. I forgot to mention Susie's Hound of Hell. Her Doberman "Jane" That dog did not take her eyes off me the whole time I was there. Epowife did take this photo of Epokid and Goofydog.

(http://www.ihatedialysis.com/images/IMG_3431b (Small).jpg)

- Epoman

Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: Sluff on January 30, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
Better save that toenail Epoman, might need it for evidence.. ;)   Great Picture and story.
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner??
Post by: Joe Paul on January 30, 2007, 10:02:35 AM
I was around here around ten oclock last night Rerun! So was JBeany. You are just not late birds like we are. LOL

Sorry, I meant Moderators.  I was the only one watching the "Village".   ;D
FLASHBACK to the "Village People"  ???
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: charee on January 30, 2007, 02:09:08 PM
Great story the foods sounds fabulous wish i lived closer to you Susie !
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: kitkatz on January 30, 2007, 04:29:08 PM
Okay, woman get ready for company one weekend in February.  I have several three day weekends coming up.
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: okarol on June 26, 2007, 10:17:55 AM
Two thoughts:
Man, I miss Epoman.
Boy, I love chicken enchiladas.
Title: Re: Guess who came to dinner?? Epoman & Goofynina Meet PART II
Post by: glitter on August 05, 2007, 09:21:01 PM
just thinking about epoman.....I hope is family is doing well.