I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Off-Topic => Other Severe Medical Conditions => Topic started by: kitty927 on January 28, 2007, 11:02:33 AM

Title: What to do? I'm in a quandry
Post by: kitty927 on January 28, 2007, 11:02:33 AM
I was in the hospital in Nov. they did 2 mri's and when I was getting out they told me they coudlnt tell if I had a stroke or had MS.  I saw a neurologist and she said " I think its more likely you had a stroke, but lets get another MRI.  I HAVE CLAUSTROPHOBIA ISSUES.  It was odd the one I had in the hospital was weird, it was like there were all of these curtains handing down and the wooden slab I was on moved along like on a belt but I couldnt move my head hardly.  In any event I asked my kidney dr. for Valum to go thru the test.  Of course she tells me that when my boyfriend takes me, if he cant wake me up to take me to the hospital, she thinks I might have a bad reaction to the meds.  I had a day when they did a stress test and had to use dopemene and I was so restless I couldnt stay for dialsis, I had to come in on Sat. So I am conflicted, I am going to go to an open MRI place, and worry should I or shouldnt I take the med.  what do you thinki.  In actuality the neurolgist says she thinks I am to old for MS thats why she goes toward the stroke>   I just dont know anymore.  Thanks for all your imput.    Kitty927

Moved from General Dialysis Discussion to Other Severe Medical Conditions.  Rerun / Moderator
Title: Re: What to do? I'm in a quandry
Post by: mrhecht on January 28, 2007, 12:09:17 PM
I've had several MRIs, traditional & open. The open MRIs are definately easier. My guess is you won't have a problem, BUT hear is my suggestion for getting through it.

TAKE A PORTABLE CD OR MP3 PLAYER W/HEADPHONES WITH YOU!! Have your most relaxing music. Explain your claustrophobia to the tech before hand.  Ask the tech to tell you just before it starts and CLOSE YOUR EYES. DO NOT OPEN THEM NO MATTER WHAT.  There is something about opening your eyes and seeing the closeness of the unit all around you that causes the clautrophobic feeling. I am somewhat claustrophobic myself. I once walked up 10 flights of stairs just to avoid being on an elevator. This music and closed eye method worked for me when I have had the traditional MRI before.

BTW, I bet you will not have the restless reaction to Valium that you had to dopamene. They work differently. The restlessness you had is called CNS (Central Nervous System) excitement. I have that same reaction to compazine & demerol. Make sure you tell doctors about your reaction before procedures because you should avoid similar drugs.

Hope you have good results!
Title: Re: What to do? I'm in a quandry
Post by: Bette on January 29, 2007, 03:48:52 PM
Last month I had to have a MRI and I totally freaked out.  I started screaming and they had to stop the test.  It was strange because I've had MRI's before, but never this reaction.  Anyway, they gave me a big dose on Zanex and I was able to finish the test. 

Oddly enough, they also saw changes in my MRI and initially thought it was MS.  I followed up with a neurologist, who said it was not MS, just changes due to having long term hypertension.

I hope everything works well for you.  Maybe you can try Zanex.
Title: Re: What to do? I'm in a quandry
Post by: Sluff on March 16, 2007, 06:48:44 PM
Just wondering if things have improved, haven't seen you for awhile.