I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: needlephobic on October 27, 2011, 08:35:00 PM

Title: Saturday might be the day
Post by: needlephobic on October 27, 2011, 08:35:00 PM
They are going to try to stick me ((((shivers)))) they tried before and I freaked out I am scared right now thinking about it. The prob is my chest cath is messing up again so its do or die. I got the cream that supposed to help me not feel a thing.
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: MooseMom on October 27, 2011, 10:18:25 PM
Oh, I don't know what to think or what to say!  I just hope that all goes well for you and that you will be able to cope.  I know how hard all of this has been, and I am really admiring of how you have coped so far.  It would have been easy for you to just give up, but you didn't.  Good for you.  Please let us know how things go on Saturday.  I'll be thinking of you!
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: Ang on October 28, 2011, 12:54:34 AM
good luck, hopefully you'll come back telling everyone how it all went :thumbup;
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: natnnnat on October 28, 2011, 02:51:11 AM
 :cuddle; Good luck needleman.
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: kristina on October 28, 2011, 04:28:26 AM

I wish you good luck and all the best

and I do hope you won't have any problems !

Best wishes from Kristina.  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: willowtreewren on October 28, 2011, 04:44:21 AM

So, I am hoping that we get to change your name......

Instead of NeedlePhobic we will need to call you NeedlePhillic (needle lover!)  :2thumbsup;

Keep in mind that those needles are your LIFE! I am rooting for you. You can DO this! You have come so far.....just a bit further to go. Make sure the BEST nurse is in charge of this momentous occasion.


Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: monrein on October 28, 2011, 05:34:47 AM
Sending my thoughts and all my strength your way ....baby steps can lead to huge strides.   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: Desert Dancer on October 28, 2011, 05:36:39 AM
They are going to try to stick me ((((shivers)))) they tried before and I freaked out I am scared right now thinking about it. The prob is my chest cath is messing up again so its do or die. I got the cream that supposed to help me not feel a thing.

DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! I know that's like telling someone on a building not to look down. But really, try not to think about it beforehand. I'm not needle phobic and even I just block it from my mind until the moment I have to cannulate, getting all up in your head about it is just crazy-making for anyone.

Has your psychologist/chiatrist given you any tools for achieving this milestone Saturday?

You know we will ALL be thinking of you and cheering for you on Saturday... think about us instead and all the good wishes coming your way!  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: jeannea on October 28, 2011, 06:32:49 AM
You can do it. You have all of us pulling for you. Don't look while they do it. And pick something to use as your reward if you make it through. You deserve it.
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: CebuShan on October 28, 2011, 07:40:58 AM
That's great (but scary) news! Are they going to try using 1 needle and your catheter or are they going to use 2 needles? You definitely CAN do this! Call me if you need a distraction while it's happening. Hopefully mine will be working, it didn't on Thursday even though we tried. We'll be thinking of and praying for you.
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: Big E on October 28, 2011, 11:48:47 AM
Best of luck Needlephobic.  Once they do it you'll find it's not so bad.  All your IHD friends are rooting for you. :cheer:
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: lmunchkin on October 28, 2011, 07:31:51 PM

So, I am hoping that we get to change your name......

Instead of NeedlePhobic we will need to call you NeedlePhillic (needle lover!)  :2thumbsup;

Keep in mind that those needles are your LIFE! I am rooting for you. You can DO this! You have come so far.....just a bit further to go. Make sure the BEST nurse is in charge of this momentous occasion.



I second what Aleta said! You cracked me up with that one! Iam so very proud that you have come this far!  You need to know that All Of Us have your BACK!  You will get through this!  Praying for you Needlephob!

Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: ToddB0130 on October 28, 2011, 07:46:47 PM
Fears are a terrible thing to have to deal with.  You must be very proud of yourself for working so hard to face yours.  GREAT WORK !!
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: needlephobic on October 28, 2011, 08:00:24 PM
Looks like it will be on hold can't get the cream untill insurance lets my neph  confirm my insurance with the pharamacy  its crazy only other way is to stick me with the numbing shot for my arm. still scared prob won't get no sleep tonight. Funny thing there is a tech there who is afraid of needles won't letr nobody stick him but himself. He told me he will let me stick him if I will stick him with a needle this will be good.

So, I am hoping that we get to change your name......

Instead of NeedlePhobic we will need to call you NeedlePhillic (needle lover!)  :2thumbsup;

Keep in mind that those needles are your LIFE! I am rooting for you. You can DO this! You have come so far.....just a bit further to go. Make sure the BEST nurse is in charge of this momentous occasion.



Aleta I can't think of one person on dialysis who loves needles so don't think that will work I do like what natnnnat called me Needleman

They are going to try to stick me ((((shivers)))) they tried before and I freaked out I am scared right now thinking about it. The prob is my chest cath is messing up again so its do or die. I got the cream that supposed to help me not feel a thing.

DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! I know that's like telling someone on a building not to look down. But really, try not to think about it beforehand. I'm not needle phobic and even I just block it from my mind until the moment I have to cannulate, getting all up in your head about it is just crazy-making for anyone.

Has your psychologist/chiatrist given you any tools for achieving this milestone Saturday?

You know we will ALL be thinking of you and cheering for you on Saturday... think about us instead and all the good wishes coming your way!  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yes the plan is to put a pillow under my arm to block my view of them putting the needle in and having a nurse or tech to talk to me and calm me down and focus my attention away from my arm. The tech or nurse that will be sticking me is not to say her we go or a little stick just supposed to stick me then keep me focused and calm through the treatment if possable one needle in arm and one hooked to chest cath. supposed to be stuck once a week for awhile to keep me from freaking out every time I go in it makes the machine light up like a christmas tree when my blood pressure shoots up .

Fears are a terrible thing to have to deal with.  You must be very proud of yourself for working so hard to face yours.  GREAT WORK !!

Not sure if I want to be proud of myself cause I am still scared having second thoughts about it
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: boswife on October 28, 2011, 08:01:55 PM
So hoping todays efforts went well and  became a  step in the right direction.  I hope it worked for you to give you courage to go at it again.  It's so hard i know, but your giving it a great go at it and i hope you are rewarded for your efforts.   :grouphug;

edit because we were writing at the same time im guessing as i see your post RIGHT above mine...  Wow,,,,  "I" am so increadably proud of you.  You can still be scarred, but your doing it!!!!!!!!  Ok, not yet, but your still going for it and im just so glad.  I always want to go off on my own experiences, but wont, i just want to say, it can happen, you can do it.  You will win :)   :flower;
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: fearless on October 28, 2011, 11:42:49 PM
I'm sending you bravery, but even more: I'm sending you a little trick I practice myself.  That is, I focus on a beautiful ball of light.  It's sitting warmly in my abdomen.   And even though it's a part of my body, it's like it's separate from my body too.  I think about my body as though it is not mine.  I give it love and reassurance.  And I let it know that what's happening to it is to help it.

I suffer from panic when I'm in a stressful situation, but I've learned to conquer it with this sort of thinking.  It takes a while to get in the groove of sort of "checking out", but actually really just focusing on something better.

I got stuck for the first time last week, and it was a failed attempt.  My arm swelled up and I got a big bruise. But you know what?  It didn't hurt.  That cream really works :)

best to you
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: willowtreewren on October 29, 2011, 11:06:59 AM
Okay, "Needleman"!

I really like Fearless's idea. That kind of imagery is peaceful and beautiful!

I have a diabetic child in my class and I have had to give him needles for years. Seeing the courage of that little guy (well he is 10 now) has helped me so much. Whenever I feel myself tensing up over any kind of medical procedure, I think about how calm he is for his multiple shots every day! He is an inspiration. AND SO ARE YOU!

Let us know when your cream comes in and you get to take a stab (oops maybe not a good word) at this adventure. That way we can have your back!


Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: boswife on October 29, 2011, 02:36:14 PM
ouhhhhhhh i LOVE that 'fearless'!!!  You explained it very well too.  I do something similar for situations, but would not have been able to explain.  Great job, and great help  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Saturday might be the day
Post by: CebuShan on October 29, 2011, 06:29:18 PM
Hey Needleman! How'd it go today?