I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Off-Topic => Other Severe Medical Conditions => Topic started by: aharris2 on January 24, 2007, 10:37:34 AM

Title: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: aharris2 on January 24, 2007, 10:37:34 AM
i want to know if sleep apnea is a condition brought on by dialysis, if so how many of you have it??? i have the kind that kills you in your sleep, my oxygen levels drop to almost non existent... i might have had a heart attack because of it.... now I'm using a machine called bi pap so that it supplies oxygen while i sleep. the machine pushes air/oxygen up your nostrils the only problem i have is  trying to fall asleep with it on all night, is really annoying.


EDITED: Moved Thread To Proper Topic; Other Severe Medical Conditions - Sluff, Moderator

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on January 24, 2007, 10:53:01 AM
I have sleep apnea and use a Cpap machine. I'm predyalysis.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Rerun on January 24, 2007, 11:46:17 AM
How do you know if you have it?  I wake up a lot taking a deep breath so I wonder if I have it?

Did you go to a sleep clinic?

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: nextnoel on January 24, 2007, 12:46:36 PM
How timely your question is - I had the preliminary evaluation this morning and was told that I definitely do have sleep apnea.  In a couple of weeks, I'm to have the overnight sleep study done to determine what my level of treatment with the CPAP machine will be.  Interestingly, they said I've probably had it for years, and that it frequently helps lessen high blood pressure - high blood pressure is what has caused my kidney disease!  Gee, wish I'd known the symptoms of sleep apnea, etc., a couple years ago - maybe I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in now! 

And (rant, rant) when I went to the doctor yesterday to see why my chest cold wasn't going away, I was told I have "severe asthma".  WTF?  I'm 61 years old and NOW I get asthma???  So I have 2 inhalers (1 every 4 hours, 1 twice a day).  I had to switch to a bigger purse so I can tote around all my medical gadgets!   :banghead;

Anyway, breathing is good, so I'm thankful for the care I've been given, and the CPAP machine I'll get, and the inhalers (better living through chemistry)!  And now that I've got that out of my system, I feel much better - thanks, guys! :)
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on January 24, 2007, 01:26:08 PM
How do you know if you have it?  I wake up a lot taking a deep breath so I wonder if I have it?

Did you go to a sleep clinic?

I went to a sleep clinic.  If you wake up still tired and with headaches all the time is a good indication. For me I was so tired I would fall asleep while waiting for the traffic light to change.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 24, 2007, 01:34:19 PM
I know of 4 people who have sleep apnea and have the sleeping breathing aid
and none of them have kidney problems and are pretty healthy.
Rerun, you should get a sleeping study done if you are waking up sort of
catching your breath.
It is funny how it is more common now.  Years ago never heard of such a thing.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: aharris2 on January 24, 2007, 01:47:45 PM
thx rerun n nextnoel for writing...

i went to the ER because i woke up with a pain in my chest and out of breath. because of my medical history(which is extensive) they kept me in ICU fearing the worse, they thought i had a heart episode, well after many days in the ICU (which was not fun at all) they said that i should go to the pulmonary Dr and do a sleep study.

i went to the sleep clinic a few weeks ago for a sleep study overnight, then i just went to the pulmonary Dr. a couple of days ago and he told me that the study showed that i stopped breathing at least forty times so he put me on a bpap machine.... for a couple of weeks i had been on a cpap machine since i got out of the hospital.   so now the Dr put me on this other machine that helps me breath and exhale while i sleep... imagine that i need a machine to do what my brain forgets to do at night..horrible isn't it? anyways, i also had lots of nightmares brought on by lack of oxygen to my brain...(and i thought they were brought on after reading the thread..Is there a god?..shame on you epoman) :rofl;

anyways that's the story so far, now I'm sleeping much better and have no nightmares, so i guess the bpap machine is doing what it's supposed to, not that i sleep much mind you... i spend most nights on the chatroom here at IHD waiting for someone to come (very little luck so far).oh well I'll keep waiting.

peace out people,

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Rerun on January 24, 2007, 03:42:22 PM
I think years ago we just heard stories like"

"Well, he just died in his sleep....bless his soul."
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: mcjane on January 31, 2007, 09:21:08 PM
My husband has it. I would hear him stop breathing several times a night & told him he needed to do something about it.  He spent a night in a sleep center & was diagnosed & put on a
C-pap machine.

Most people with apnea are snorers & he sure was. We ended up in separate bedrroms because of it & I could still hear him.

rerun, most people find out about it because their bed partners tell them they stop breathing.

Looks like you'll have to get a bed partner if you want to find out.  :)
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on February 01, 2007, 08:28:19 AM
My husband has it. I would hear him stop breathing several times a night & told him he needed to do something about it.  He spent a night in a sleep center & was diagnosed & put on a
C-pap machine.

Most people with apnea are snorers & he sure was. We ended up in separate bedrroms because of it & I could still hear him.

rerun, most people find out about it because their bed partners tell them they stop breathing.

Looks like you'll have to get a bed partner if you want to find out.  :)

I'll apply for the job.. >:D ;)  Kust Jidding
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: ILOVEFLUID on March 20, 2007, 06:07:43 AM
I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and am really looking forward to getting a cpap machine.  They say i get about 10 - 15 hrs sleep a week.  No wonder I always feel like crap.

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on March 20, 2007, 06:26:58 AM

Please go to the introduction and read the site rules here:  http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?board=34.0

and then go to the introduce yourself section here: http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?board=14.0
and post your introduction to the forums by starting a new thread.

Thank you

Sluff, Administrator
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Joe Paul on March 20, 2007, 07:57:30 AM
My wife has sleep apnea. I noticed it when id be up days on end before I knew my kidneys were shot.  She would stop breathing and id poke her to start again. She went to a sleep clinic as well, and told her her oxygen level went dangerously low and stopped breathing lots of  times during the night. Thank God I couldn't sleep and noticed a problem and for her machine, id be hard pressed to carry on without her.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Romona on August 21, 2007, 07:19:17 PM
I am going for a sleep study Thursday. I am curious to see what they find. Those of you that are being treated, have you noticed a difference? My dentist thinks I am clenching my teeth at night, I recently had to have my bridge repaired. My legs are aching like crazy, so they are checking me for RLS. I'd really like to hear from some of you.  :)

I do know of two people that also have it. One is about ten years post transplant the other is doing dialysis.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: ILOVEFLUID on March 24, 2008, 10:37:44 PM
I have been on the CPAP machine for 6 months now and I guess I notice a difference.  My husband certainly does.  However I rarely make it through the night without ripping the mask off my face.  I don't know I am doing it but I usually wake up with the mask on the floor.  The doctor says that it is better than not wearing it at all.  I have so many other problems that make me tired all the time.  I guess sleep apnea was just one of them.  When the other problems are fixed maybe I will get the full benefit of the CPAP.

BTW Sluff, I did introduce myself in the Introduction thread about a year and a half ago.  I think you just forgot me because I have been away from the site for quite some time.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: okarol on March 24, 2008, 10:55:05 PM
I have been on the CPAP machine for 6 months now and I guess I notice a difference.  My husband certainly does.  However I rarely make it through the night without ripping the mask off my face.  I don't know I am doing it but I usually wake up with the mask on the floor.  The doctor says that it is better than not wearing it at all.  I have so many other problems that make me tired all the time.  I guess sleep apnea was just one of them.  When the other problems are fixed maybe I will get the full benefit of the CPAP.

BTW Sluff, I did introduce myself in the Introduction thread about a year and a half ago.  I think you just forgot me because I have been away from the site for quite some time.

Yeah, she's been around a long time - took a break but I am glad she's back!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on March 25, 2008, 03:12:47 AM
I have a cpap machine for about 5 years now, I suppose I should use it again.. ::)  I posted the post about introducing yourself about a year ago but must have missed it. Anyway I'm glad your cpap helps. I hate mine. I would wake up and think I was drowning when I used the humidifier, and if I didn't use the humidifier I would wake up with a sore throat. Just can't win.
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Mimi on March 25, 2008, 01:33:35 PM
I think I have SA, too, but I haven't been to the sleep clinic yet.  My daughter went and didn't sleep a wink all night long. LOL!   So they couldn't tell a thing about her sleeping patterns.
Com'on Sluff you remember ILOVEFLUID or has motorcyle mania got you?

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Phillip_20 on March 25, 2008, 02:09:40 PM
I think I might have a milder form of sleep apnea, but I'm not for sure
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: paris on March 25, 2008, 05:16:44 PM
Sluff's post was March 20, 2007 - a year ago. 
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Sluff on March 25, 2008, 07:03:46 PM
Yep your introduction was on March 20th 2007 also.

111   Introduction / Introduce Yourself / Introducing myself.  on: March 20, 2007, 11:41:45 PM 
I have avoided introducing myself because I do not know how to make this a short story.  So I guess I will do it in installments. 
It's all good ILF Just pointing it out that those posts were a long time ago also, no big deal.   :thumbup;
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Loretta on June 13, 2008, 08:09:29 PM
I was diagnosed with Sleep apnea well before I had kidney failure.  I was so tired all the time that I was falling asleep on the job.  I was a teacher and had to keep walking in order to stay awake. It was miserable.  After I got the CPAP it was like a whole new world came to be.  I could actually teach and deal with my foster kids.  I still love my CPAP.  I have a hard time getting the masks replaced.  Right now I am using one that should have been replaced more than six months ago.  It gets uncomfortable sometimes but it is much better than not having oxygen while I sleep.

Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: twirl on June 14, 2008, 07:57:24 AM
Loretta, really? have a severe apnea and am afraid to use all the equiment----afraid it will blow up
and the room gets hot
I have equipment from two companies and I can not get used to it
I find myself pulling of the equipment in a panic
can't stand anything over my face
but I am tired all the time
I am a teacher
seems like we have a lot of teachers at IHD
Title: Re: how many of you have sleep apnea??
Post by: Loretta on June 14, 2008, 11:36:15 AM
Have you tried different kinds of masks?  Sometimes when I first started I pulled the mask off in my sleep and would wake up gasping for air, but the more I persisted the more I got use to it.