I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: billybags on September 20, 2011, 04:46:12 AM

Title: Peritoneul?
Post by: billybags on September 20, 2011, 04:46:12 AM
What are the signs of your peritoneum packing up? My husband is having to do more green bags (2.5) on his over night cycler and that is scary in as much as it can damage your peritoneal.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: looneytunes on September 20, 2011, 05:22:23 AM
When hubby's peritoneum gave out, he began getting lower clearance levels (kt/v) and was having to use more green and even red bags to get fluid off even when he restricted his fluid intake severely.  We also noticed more fibrin in the bags for the last couple of months he was on PD.   After 3 months of inadequate clearance, he was taken off PD and put back on hemo.   

Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: mcclane on September 20, 2011, 07:54:19 AM
when my gave up, my creatine levels were over 1000, and i was extremely puffy from fluid overload.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: Riki on September 20, 2011, 05:44:39 PM
I didn't know that 2.5 was bad. I always used a 1.5/2.5 mix on the cycler, and it worked well for me.  I couldn't use anything higher than 2.5, as it would dry me out
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: lmunchkin on September 20, 2011, 07:35:47 PM
We always based what we used by his weight and BP.  But it is true, the higher the strength, you could damage the peritoneum.  We didnt have to use the higher strengths very often, but when we did, we would drop the dwell time down 10-15minutes.  I don't know about these newer machines, but surely, it allows for adjustments!

lmunchkin :kickstart;
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: Riki on September 20, 2011, 07:49:14 PM
It doesn't matter to me anymore.  I'll never be able to use PD again.  I haven't done PD for almost 3 years now.  I used the Baxter Home Choice, and before that, when I was much younger, an Fresinius-Brent machine that I haven't been able to find any information on.

I had an average UF of 200mls per night and felt great.  I really do miss PD.  My life would be so much easier if I could go back to it
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: tbarrett2533 on September 21, 2011, 09:15:47 AM
I am just a little bit worried here..... I have been using all Green b/c I absorb the yellow like crazy... I am wondering if this is the reason why I am having so many problems???

I am thinking after reading on here that I will do some yellows with really short dwells say 3 hours instead of 4 and if I have to throw in an extra exchange and see if this helps.....
gosh, in case I have not mentioned it...... I love this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: billybags on September 21, 2011, 11:00:11 AM
Thanks every one for your comments. At the moment we are trying alsorts of things.. The nurse has tried an extra bag 5000 on the machine with more cycles. That's not worked so we are back to the norm 1 green 2 yellow 1 extraneal. 2 greens if his weight goes up. We keep asking if his dry weight is right because he did lose lots of weight over 6 months but now he is eating loads better but he keeps being told it is fluid. he does get breathless but his heart is not good at all but we are told he has got fluid. So whats to do!!!! Our nurse is very good and she says she is looking after his peritoneal and too many greens will harm it.

tbarrett, What sort of problems are you having?
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: lmunchkin on September 21, 2011, 04:38:35 PM
TB & BB, D. is really a fine balancing act to me.  I just think that if you use greens (especially if all are green) then you really should drop dwell times, so as to not have it sit there in the cavity for very long. But Im not a doctor either.  If weight is real high and BP is high, to me that is the only times that I would use the green and I would combine lower with it, not all greens.  Now if weight is up just a little and BP is slightly hi, then use the 2's with 1's.

Like I said, it all seems like a balancing act to me.  It is crazy and interesting at the same time.  When I do hemo on him, I go more by the way he feels to determined what needs to be done.  Most of the symptoms J. exhibits is directed to too much fluid removal.  So when he complains of cramps or weakness or even headaches, I immediately drop the UF down to sometimes -0-, and continue to just remove toxins.  His symptoms almost instantly return to normal.  But lately, I have not had to do anything because I have about had it to the letter.  Haven't had to manipulate the numbers very much. Thank God!


Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: pitagory on September 21, 2011, 05:22:26 PM
I have always used 1 green bag on the cycler. and I would pull about 1000 to 1300 per night but lately I have only been pulling 200 to 300. My nurse told me to use red for about 3 day and i have been pulling about 1500 to1800.i guess i should start using the green again.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: lmunchkin on September 21, 2011, 05:37:40 PM
Pitagory, can you refresh my memory, was red's the 1.5 or 2.25. I remember the green was 4.25.  When we did PD, we were trained to judge by fluid retention (weight) and BP. I just don't remember using very many greens on J. during the 5yrs.  He always maintained his weight pretty good, but I do remember the clinic pushing Protein, protein, and protein.  My goodness, he must have turned into an "egg".


Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: wbdoug on September 21, 2011, 05:57:51 PM

Pitagory, can you refresh my memory, was red's the 1.5 or 2.25. I remember the green was 4.25.  When we did PD, we were trained to judge by fluid retention (weight) and BP. I just don't remember using very many greens on J. during the 5yrs.  He always maintained his weight pretty good, but I do remember the clinic pushing Protein, protein, and protein.  My goodness, he must have turned into an "egg".



Yellow= 1.5
Green= 2.5
Red= 4.5
Purple= 7.5 extraneal

I am currently doing 2 greens and 1 purple for final fill on the machine each night. I did a green and a a yellow one night but I absorbed a lot of fluid and had a negative uf so my pd nurse told me to just go with 2 greens. My uf is about 500.

Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: pitagory on September 21, 2011, 08:46:23 PM

Pitagory, can you refresh my memory, was red's the 1.5 or 2.25. I remember the green was 4.25.  When we did PD, we were trained to judge by fluid retention (weight) and BP. I just don't remember using very many greens on J. during the 5yrs.  He always maintained his weight pretty good, but I do remember the clinic pushing Protein, protein, and protein.  My goodness, he must have turned into an "egg".



Yellow= 1.5
Green= 2.5
Red= 4.5
Purple= 7.5 extraneal

I am currently doing 2 greens and 1 purple for final fill on the machine each night. I did a green and a a yellow one night but I absorbed a lot of fluid and had a negative uf so my pd nurse told me to just go with 2 greens. My uf is about 500.


wow Bill I did not know there was purple. and I was freaking out when my uf where 200 to 500 but I was getting very puffy all over and gaining a lot of weight.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: lmunchkin on September 21, 2011, 09:20:09 PM
Wow, they never had purple when hubby did it.  Times have really changed.  They taught us that when you start to obsorb fluid, to lower dwell time.

T.Barrett, I bet you are thoroughly confused by what I was saying. The green when we did it was 4.25, which would be 2.5 for you.  And now they have a purple?  When would someone use that?  You would have to be very swollen or puffed to use a 7.5.

We never had halfs, they were 1/4s except the 1.5 and certainly not the 7.5!!!!  Wow, that is potent!


Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: wbdoug on September 22, 2011, 09:00:15 AM
Wow, they never had purple when hubby did it.  Times have really changed.  They taught us that when you start to obsorb fluid, to lower dwell time.

T.Barrett, I bet you are thoroughly confused by what I was saying. The green when we did it was 4.25, which would be 2.5 for you.  And now they have a purple?  When would someone use that?  You would have to be very swollen or puffed to use a 7.5.

We never had halfs, they were 1/4s except the 1.5 and certainly not the 7.5!!!!  Wow, that is potent!



The purple is a different formula, it is not dextrose. It is for longer dwell times. This is what I have in me during the day for about 14 to 15 hours and I only pull off about 125 to 200 uf all day. I was led to believe that it is better for my peritoneum. If I am wrong, I hope that someone with more knowledge with jump in and correct me. Still trying to learn from the experts.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: billybags on September 22, 2011, 10:25:00 AM
wbdoug, My husbands last fill on his cycler is what we call in the UK an extraneal 2000. He keeps this in all day from about 6 in the morning till 6 in the evening until he does a manual of green. They are not suppose to absorb. If he was on manuals all day he would not be using this. These are the bags you can have if you go on a long haul flights, say to Australia.
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: tbarrett2533 on September 22, 2011, 10:45:31 AM
hopefully I can answer/reply to everyone  ;D

I do CAPD, the probs are as follows:  no/slow drains and I absorb like CRAZY!!!!!!!! Oh yea and pain when filling that literrally feels like my insides are being riped from my bo0dy!!!

now after reading on here last night, I decided to change things up a little bit....... I usually (or have been) doing all green (4 a day) but I decided to do two yellows back to back yesterday and was for the first time in 3 days able to pull fluid off.... I got 2100 and 2200 then for my last fill (overnight dwell) I did a green and this morning my drain only lasted 20 minutes and I got 2700ml off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in the process right now as I type of doing my second exchange of the day (with green in)

I have got my fingers crossed that everything goes back to "normal" for me!!!!!

Now I am no doctor or nurse, but I had NO problems at all until I used a red two days in a row (two exchanges total in two days) then the next day no/slow drains and pain like you can not imagine!!!!!! I am wondering if that stupid red did not do something to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the purple (which I do not use) but my PD nurse told me that the purple is used for long overnight dwells

sorry for Thread jacking over here with all my problems, but thanks for listening/reading
Title: Re: Peritoneul?
Post by: billybags on September 23, 2011, 06:47:20 AM
Fingers crossed you have sussed it out. They are good drains. When my husband was on CAPD he did :  yellow morning -  green lunch - yellow tea -and green bed time.Hope things work out OK