I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: News Articles => Topic started by: djgaryb11 on August 02, 2011, 03:27:49 PM

Title: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: djgaryb11 on August 02, 2011, 03:27:49 PM
Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied

By Angel K. Brooks
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Henry County teacher who requested time off from the sick leave bank to donate a kidney to her husband is afraid that her request will be denied, Channel 2 Action News reports.

 Keri Van Sickle is afraid that her request for extra sick leave will be denied. She plans to donate a kidney to her husband J.D. Van Sickle,

Keri Van Sickle said she was told by human resources employees that the procedure is considered an elective surgery for her because she is donating an organ, not receiving one, the station said.

"I thought [the school system's sick leave bank] was a safety net for people who have unusual situations," Keri Van Sickle said. "I certainly thought I qualify as an unusual situation."

Van Sickle told Channel 2 that she has worked in Henry County School System for 20 years and her husband, J.D., also taught there.

J.D. Van Sickle has stage 4 kidney disease, and the couple was surprised that they are a match.

Keri Van Sickle will be out five to six weeks and has only two weeks of her own sick time to use.

According to Channel 2, the board policy lists organ transplant as an approved illness and does not specify donor or recipient.

The transplant will proceed no matter what.

"I'm kind of at their mercy because I'll be out about five weeks with no income," Keri Van Sickle said.

A schools spokesperson told Channel 2 that approval is up to the committee. The committee will decide on the request Tuesday.

Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: MooseMom on August 02, 2011, 03:45:50 PM
You're going to have to let us know if her request is granted.  If it is not, give us an email address where all of us on IHD can write to the school district and complain loudly.  This is absurd, really.  It's all about money.  The school district doesn't want to spend the money; I guess most school districts are strapped for cash these days.  Maybe this couple's church could hold a benefit for them or something.
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: jagermiester on August 02, 2011, 03:50:27 PM
It is really sad to see things like this when a human life is involved.  The thing is, if any  one those on the school board was in this situation, you know they would be fighting for the time off. 
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: MooseMom on August 02, 2011, 04:05:02 PM
My husband is an attorney for a closeby city, and they have a policy where you can donate accumulated vacation time to someone in exactly this position.  I wonder if something like that could work.
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: jbeany on August 02, 2011, 04:55:12 PM
It is a pity the transplant team couldn't have rushed the approval a bit though.  Then they could have done the transplant when everyone was off for the summer.  Another whole school year is a long time to wait on D if you've got a matching, healthy donor ready to go.

Still -if it's not in writing other than "transplant" I say they can change the policy for the next donor if they must - but pay up on this one!  3 or 4 weeks of a school teacher's salary - we are not talking millions here, folks!  Fork it over!
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: okarol on August 02, 2011, 05:58:22 PM

Can't she get time off for the Family Leave Act? She'll be caring for her hubby as she recovers. I'll bet that school district will get an earful!!
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: djgaryb11 on August 03, 2011, 10:06:57 PM

Teacher allowed time off for kidney donation
By Angel K. Brooks
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Henry County teacher who requested time off from the sick leave bank to donate a kidney to her husband will be allowed to do so, Channel 2 Action News reported Tuesday.

Keri Van Sickle was worried that her request would be denied. She said she was told by human resources employees that the procedure is considered an elective surgery for her because she is donating an organ, not receiving one, the station said.

"I thought [the school system's sick leave bank] was a safety net for people who have unusual situations," Keri Van Sickle said. "I certainly thought I qualify as an unusual situation."

Van Sickle told Channel 2 that she has worked in the Henry County School System for 20 years and her husband, J.D., also taught there.

J.D. Van Sickle has stage 4 kidney disease, and the couple was surprised that they are a match.

Keri Van Sickle will be out five to six weeks and had only two weeks of her own sick time to use.

According to Channel 2, the board policy lists organ transplant as an approved illness and does not specify donor or recipient.

A committee granted Van Sickle's request for time off Tuesday.

The transplant is scheduled for Aug. 11.

Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: okarol on August 03, 2011, 10:27:17 PM
 :clap; :clap; :clap;
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: MooseMom on August 03, 2011, 11:51:01 PM
It was the moral decision to make.
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: jbeany on August 04, 2011, 10:03:02 AM
 :bandance; :bandance; :bandance;

Wonder how much the bad press motivated that decision?   ;D
Title: Re: Teacher worried time off for kidney donation will be denied
Post by: Bajanne on August 04, 2011, 10:52:55 AM
:bandance; :bandance; :bandance;

Wonder how much the bad press motivated that decision?   ;D
that's what I am thinking!