I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: gothiclovemonkey on July 27, 2011, 03:16:53 PM

Title: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 27, 2011, 03:16:53 PM
why? lol
And ... if a pap comes back abnormal? does that automatically deny u from being on a list?
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: MooseMom on July 27, 2011, 03:29:02 PM
why? lol
And ... if a pap comes back abnormal? does that automatically deny u from being on a list?

Because they want to check for active infection or malignancy, both of which may overwhelm the body if you are on post-transplant immunosuppressants.

If it comes back abnormal, they'd probably want you to do what needs to be done to get a "normal" reading, and then you could be listed.  Even if you're not trying to get on the list and you get an "abnormal" result, wouldn't you want that to be investigated?
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: KarenInWA on July 27, 2011, 03:52:56 PM
considering that cervical cancer, if undetected, can be a killer, I figure it's a no brainer that a pap smear is required - and anything that is needed after having an abnormal one.  Cancer is nothing to play around with, and it certainly doesn't go well with transplants and immunosuppresent meds. I just had my last one in May, so if my Tx clinic needs those results, I am more than happy to provide them with that.

Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 27, 2011, 03:58:34 PM
Well, of course to test for cancer... I didnt know if there was any other reason reguarding tx.

So now that ive had an abnormal pap... means i wont be on the list? or can one be on the list as inactive while working on whatever needs to be done?
I tried calling a tx coord. but nobody answered i think its too late in the day or something and now im freaking out :(
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: bette1 on July 27, 2011, 04:48:07 PM
Have you followed up with your obgyn?  Can you get the test redone?  The transplant center will want you to follow up to see why the test came back negative.  They will work with you to follow up and make sure that you're healthy enough for a transplant. 

Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 27, 2011, 04:51:06 PM
i went today and had a biopsy *OUCH* and ultrasound
i go back again the 11th of august to find out the results of that...

Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Lillupie on July 27, 2011, 05:43:16 PM
Are you already listed?

Ive had an abnormal one and it didnt affect me any. THen again, I have the feeling that my transplant center does not want me to get a kidney for some reason.

Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Brightsky69 on July 27, 2011, 05:55:45 PM
While I was listed in addition to a regular PAP I had to start getting mammograms each year.  Talk about OUCH!
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 27, 2011, 06:10:43 PM
oy i have no boobs, i cant imagine how they will mammogram the boobless ladies like myself...
i hope it doesnt efffect my listing... i dont think im listed YET but they seemed like they were going to list me, we were just waiting for this pap... ya.. so idk? im calling them tomorrow but i just wondered if anyone had been through this.

i cant imagine being this close and have this change it all...
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: KarenInWA on July 27, 2011, 08:18:00 PM
I have a very tiny, 7mm lump in my left breast that needed to be biopsied before I could be put on the list.  They take pre-cancer screenings *very* seriously.  Any slight thing that might be *some*thing, they're gonna want it checked out.  I have to go in for a follow up mammogram in August - and this is for a 7mm lump!

And I can tell you, as someone who has dainty little A cups - it isn't fun doing the mammogram.  However, it is absolutely lovely when the machine lets you go and you get instant relief!

I get yearly paps by default, all because I'd rather be on top of things then be surprised and be at stage 3 cervical cancer and have to deal with that.  I guess I will now be getting yearly mammos, since breast cancer is on both sides of the family, and I am listed for transplant.  I will be 38 in September.

My dad is going thru cancer treatment for Stage 3 esophageal cancer.  Cancer sucks!!!  Best bet is to catch it before it catches you! (and hopefully, there is nothing to catch!)
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Brightsky69 on July 28, 2011, 01:45:56 PM
 ;D I hear ya...I am a B cup...not alot to work with.  ;D
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: jbeany on July 28, 2011, 02:21:37 PM
At C cup, they don't hurt at all.... :shy;
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: bette1 on July 28, 2011, 04:22:23 PM
I've got to disagree.  I am bigger than a c cup and I think they still hurt like heck. 
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Cordelia on July 28, 2011, 05:15:34 PM
I managed to weezle out of a mammogram for my pre-transplant testing. Thank God because I have a main central line and there was absolutely no way in heck anyone was gonna squish my boobies and risk injury to my access line and cause me worse pain than the test already causes. I told them no. They were pretty good about it. If I have to go through an exam with a manual exam with only the hands maually palpating, fine so be it, but not the other. Nope. No way. Not gonna do it.     ;D
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Lillupie on July 28, 2011, 06:52:35 PM
How old are you women here? Because at 24-48 I just dont think Im old enough to get a mamogram. My transplant doctor had asked me if that ran in my family,a nd luckily it does not! No way do I want my tiny b cups in that. Make me feel worse then I already do.

Oh by the way, does anyone know if a breast implant causes antibodies?
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: jbeany on July 28, 2011, 07:23:59 PM
I got my first one a year early because of the transplant, at 39.  I've had 2 so far.  Maybe they only hurt if yours are really perky.....

I don't know about implants causing antibodies - It wouldn't seem logical, though.  I thought the antibodies were a result of a reaction with other people's tissue, like blood or organs?
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Cordelia on July 28, 2011, 07:25:56 PM
Well, I'm not even 40. I'm 39. From my understanding having a mammogram is not necessary if you're under 50 UNLESS there is a history of the cancer. Breast cancer doesn't even run in my family so I was like, WTF?, I don't think so!!!! My central line was a definite "Ain't gonna do it" that firmed up my decision!
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: jbeany on July 28, 2011, 07:30:59 PM
Once you get the transplant, my center wants you to start ASAP, regardless of age.  I didn't have to do one pre-transplant.
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Annig83 on July 28, 2011, 10:09:22 PM
Just remember that an abnormal pap doesn't immediately mean cancer.  Sometimes just a simple infection, or recent sexual activity can cause abnormal results.  I read somewhere (probably in my OB/GYN's office, since there is nothing else to read lol), that 1 in 10 women get a positive result for abnormal cells, and it turns out to be nothing. :clap;

I've never had a mammogram, but I have rather large breasts and I've always heard that it can be painful.
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: rsudock on July 28, 2011, 10:17:30 PM
Center wouldn't do the transplant until I was cleared by an OB/GYN doc. If you do get an abnormal reading there is no reason why they couldn't list you as inactive so you could still rack up your wait time, as you get the abnormal reading worked out. GOOD LUCK!
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 28, 2011, 11:10:24 PM
im not toooo worried about the results, because he said i was on a low end to a spectrum whatever that means lol and i figure that if it is something, maybe they will take my parts out.. i dont want them anyway lol - i always like to find an upside to bad news :P
It is most likely due to my IUD... he said its tilted and needs taken out but said it can wait until we get the results in case we need to do something else.
i was worried it would mean i wouldnt be on the list gaining time, so thank u for clearing that up for me!
apparently my tx coordinator is out of town this week..
I havent had to do a mamagram yet but im 27... do men have to do stuff like this? lol
On the plus side, its good to know i dont have any icky stds! thats always a plus lol
Anyone who has had the biopsy on the cervix? how long is it going to hurt??
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: RichardMEL on July 29, 2011, 01:47:06 AM
Please ladies, all this talk about your boob size is totally distracting me - and I want to post a serious response here!!!  >:D >:D >:D >:D :rofl;

I hope as a male I can make a generic comment without offending anyone (unless my comment above already did?!! oops!  :rofl;). Obviously I can't comment from any kind of personal experience regaring paps or mamogams, but I wanted to say something about the why's and wherefores transplant related.

Getting the pap is part of the tx workup to ensure you're as healthy as possible going in and IF anything is identified, it doesn't have to mean it's a show stopper - it could just require to get sorted out before you can be active for transplant - and frankly if it was me, I'd rather KNOW, and deal with(if possible) whatever is going on than not know.

Yep, I imagine paps are painful and gross for you gals - I can empathise there (when you have had big needles in your eyes while it's not the same, it's pretty darn personal!) - but I see it as a nessescary 'evil' - but also a good one if you will - in terms of finding out where you're at.

I had heart and lung tests and stuff over the years, and I actually found it reassuring to get the results of how good or bad I was doing general health wise. Obviously having regular paps/mamograms etc is essential for women (and no doubt as I get further into my 40's I'll be entering the time of PSA's and prostate exams, which surely ranks up there with a pap!) - and even though I so won't want to deal with that stuff, it's going to be vital, and could totally impact on my transplant life.

GLM - I'm glad the doc doesn't thnk it's too serious. That sounds positive. Sometimes "abnormal" isn't anywhere near as serious as it sounds, or is something that can be managed. For example, with my last tx biopsy they wrote about cyclosporin toxicity. I had a bit of a freakout, but I was reassured that it was a tiny concern and just something that's flagged to keep a note of for the docs, so they take an extra close look at my cyclosporin levels.

Lisa - I don't know about implants, but I would say that no matter the age if the experts think it's a good idea to get a mamogram, or pap, or whatever then I'd say do it - I definitely err on the side of preferring to be safe rather than sorry.

Just my 2 cents. You may now go back to discussing your breast size.....  >:D >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 29, 2011, 09:27:34 AM
RM! lol bet u wish ur were a gyno!
yes i figure it isnt a big deal just something to look out for kind of thing id guess... i just dont want it to mess up my chances when im this close to getting on the list! Its literally the only thing stopping me from it Illinois list... And the indiana list this and weight loss..
that would really suck!!!
ive worked way way too hard losing weight and stopping smoking.
and now they want me to see a psychiatrist ROFL idk why... i already see one, why cant they just talk to her? hmm....
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Marina on July 29, 2011, 11:20:15 AM
Well, I'm not even 40. I'm 39. From my understanding having a mammogram is not necessary if you're under 50 UNLESS there is a history of the cancer. Breast cancer doesn't even run in my family so I was like, WTF?, I don't think so!!!! My central line was a definite "Ain't gonna do it" that firmed up my decision!
hmmmmmm......... Mammograms  are  recommended  as  soon  as  you  hit  the  big  4-o     earlier if it  runs  in  the  family.

Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: monrein on July 29, 2011, 04:16:50 PM
They started my mammograms at 35...transplanted at 31...no history of breast cancer but my Mum died at 46 of melanoma and my gynecologist is super cautious.  I also have pap smears every year and have since I was 18 and go to the dentist twice a year.  I guess I'm also strong believer in precautionary measures and if anything is amiss anywhere I want to know sooner rather than later.  I also don't worry about anything going wrong until and unless it does.  Prepare for the worst but expect the best outcome.
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 29, 2011, 04:21:30 PM
"Prepare for the worse expect the best" Is the philosophy i live by! lol 
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: RichardMEL on July 31, 2011, 04:45:51 AM
ew no thanks I don't want to be a gyno. I would lose my appreciation for all the nice bits of the female form, and then I'd have absolution nothing to live for!!!!!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Cordelia on July 31, 2011, 05:10:11 AM
 :rofl;    :rofl;    :rofl;   Richard!

I've never had any luck with male gyno's. ....no offense to the male population, I just prefer a female looking around in those parts......I had a gyno exam by a female gyno one time in my life and I must say, it didn't even feel like I was having a pap, she was that gentle.....PLUS I might add, she warmed the freakin' specculum!  Every male gyno I've had in the past has NEVER warmed the specculum and they always use the big heavy metal ones ... UGH!!!!!!..the female gyno I had, she had a plastic one and let me tell you, they are SOOOOOO much better!!!!!!!!!!     :rant;
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on July 31, 2011, 08:26:16 AM
LOL id have to agree RM i cant imagine some of the nasty stuff they see ewwww

Ive never had a female gyno! I saw an episode of a show.. i cant remember the show though... she had a female obgyn and there was champaigne and ruffles and lace and bows... and... lol u get the point.... it was hilarious, she played soft music and stuff like that.
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: monrein on July 31, 2011, 08:52:19 AM
I've always had a male gyno, around my age and he is fantastic.  He trained under the father of my neph actually and I was referred to him after my first transplant because he had experience with transplant patients..there weren't a ton of us around here back in 1985.  I'm not embarrassed around doctors and we are both very matter of fact about female issues as I would try to be with any medical issues.  He's never hurt me, is always considerate and understanding when I raise things with him (and as we age there tend to be more things to raise) and I can't ever remember anything but plastic speculums.  Having said that he also always apologizes for any potential discomfort and he makes me laugh....I've especially enjoyed the assortment of eccentric pot holders that he has over the feet stirrups...my favorite were the lobsters (from Prince Edward Island) and the pigs head (from who knows where).  He is quick as well and I'm always distracted by our conversations about adventure travel. I tell him wilderness canoe trip stories and he's done some amazing fly in ski trips with amazing photos of some spots on the walls of his office.

Like all doctors though if you get one that's not a good fit for you then try to switch if you can.
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Cordelia on July 31, 2011, 03:04:13 PM
I never had any luck with male gynos. The one I had, he thought he was God's gift to all women and he was very arrogant. I don't like arrogant doctors who are not willing to listen   ::)   Uh uh!

If the doctor has a good bedside manner and is willing to listen, then I have no problem. 
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: sarahmanda on August 30, 2011, 12:46:42 PM
I had an abnormal reading from my pap and ended up having a biopsy and they removed the lesions (and frankly it was the most awkward, uncomfortable, ouchie 10 minutes of my life!) and now my OB/GYN said they would consider them gone after 3 clear pap smears, but I don't know if I will now be "cleared" as far as my tx center is concerned. They previously denied me until I lose 20 lb and will reconsider me when I lose the weight, but I'm concerned that I will have to wait another year and a half (6 mos between each pap) to be put on the list :(
Title: Re: pap smear?
Post by: Cordelia on August 30, 2011, 12:57:21 PM
I'm so sorry    :grouphug;