I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: packshortie on July 10, 2011, 04:21:46 PM
So just a little about myself I was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis c1q when I was just 10 years old. I was on PD for 11 monthes then was lucky enough to receive a perfect match transplant. My transplanted kidney lasted 16 and half years and I am now back on dialysis. and the transplant list. Trying to handle it the best I can but things have really changed in 17 years. Plus I was so free for so long it is hard to conform like I should especially with the diet. However I know just gotta take it one day at a time and not let it get me down.
:welcomesign; Aboard :thumbup;
good attitude you've got, :thumbup;
Welcome. I'm post transplant too. Mine lasted 11 years now I'm on PD. The people here are supportive and helpful. Can you get on the list again? I whine more than you do though. :welcomesign;
16 years is fabulous! Hopefully your wait time will be short. The diet and fluid restrictions just plain stink - but we have a whole section on here with hints, tricks and some really great rants about it, for when you are just in the mood to grumble! Join in wherever you see a post that interests you!
jbeany, Moderator
Yes I am on the transplant list for a second kidney. Hope the wait will be short again but never know plus the list is my only option as no one in my family can donate due to diabetes.
Welcome Packshortie! You are amoung friends here! Good to have you post, even under the unfortunate circumstances!
lmunchkin :flower;
I went to NCSU and thinking you might be a fan!
My husband was in a similar situation as you with a re transplant. Good chance you guys used the same nephrology group.
Just drove thru/past Cary today! Welcome!
Welcome to the group, packshortie. Lots of good information and friends to help you through. Glad you found us!
Hi Packshortie! Welcome to IHD. I know how it is to be saved from dialysis with a transplant and have it for 16 and a half years and then back on dialysis. I'm on hemo Nocturnal. What did you go back to. PD? Gosh, I hope you get your life back again soon.
This site is great, I hope you check in often.
Rerun, Moderator :welcomesign;
:welcomesign; packshortie!
Welcome from another NC resident (Bahama for me, though I work in the Triangle).