I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Spouses and Caregivers => Topic started by: lmunchkin on June 28, 2011, 05:56:37 PM

Title: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: lmunchkin on June 28, 2011, 05:56:37 PM
Just curious!  How many of you doing D at home, PD or Hemo, would be willing to go back In-Center? 

lmunchkin      :flower;
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: del on June 28, 2011, 06:29:19 PM
Hubby does not even want to talk about going back to in center!!  He has been doing nocturnal home hemo  for almost 5 years.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Desert Dancer on June 28, 2011, 07:03:41 PM
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: boswife on June 28, 2011, 07:09:20 PM
Nope.... and hubby sais NOPE!  lol  I can say that in the beginning, i hoped and nearly prayed that hubby would change his mind and say he'ed rather do just the 3x a week in center and be done with it, but .................. since he didnt, and my heart has stoped racing, i now wouldnt have it any other way.. Well, i guess if he had some  reasons for wanting to go back, i'd respect it, but it wouldnt be my option.  Incenter was a good experience so dont get me wrong, but he sais he wouldnt go back..  Home is where his heart is so home he'll be, and im so glad to be able to accomidate  :flower;
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: tyefly on June 28, 2011, 08:24:27 PM
NEVER..... NEVER.....  NEVER.....  not even on vacation....  I will take my machine with me wherever I go....forever..... once you dialysis at home you can not go back....its the freedom and the way you feel...

Incenter I felt really bad.,,,,cramps all the time and feeling tired or washed out as they call it....

I often wonder why more people dont go home.... they dont know what they are missing....
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Bill Peckham on June 28, 2011, 10:26:42 PM
I plan to dialyze incenter in Argentina in December - it will be the sixth continent that I've dialyzed incenter and the 21st country.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: willowtreewren on June 29, 2011, 06:39:49 AM
Amazing, Bill!

 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: cariad on June 29, 2011, 07:28:09 AM
I plan to dialyze incenter in Argentina in December - it will be the sixth continent that I've dialyzed incenter and the 21st country.

Rock on, Bill!  :yahoo; :yahoo;

And don't forget the :pics; of your trip!
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: looneytunes on June 29, 2011, 12:27:11 PM
Hubby would say "no way".   He is much more comfortable dialyzing at home. 
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: cookie2008 on June 29, 2011, 12:43:29 PM
No, I only go in for my iv iron.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: lmunchkin on June 29, 2011, 04:20:28 PM
I understand and agree with all of you.  At first, like Boswife, I was kinda hoping he would go back, but after I settled in to doing it on him at home, it is so much better!  Especially, when you get to knowing more about it and how it makes for good dialysis on our loved one's.  Now I would say " Hell No, WE won't Go".

That being said, would you do it if they offered a discount, Oh lets say 25 or even 50% off your bill? We all know that the cost can be Astronomical.  Now, don't take that to mean that the money is more important than the life, cause I put no price on my husband or anyone else for that matter!  Let me explain why I ask!  I took hubby to his PCP Monday for routine check up.  His In-center clinic is in the same bldg.

So J. wanted to stop and see some friends there!  There was only 2 people that he knew and was suprised to see that some had left, for what ever reason.  Two dialysis patients were there.  There were more new patients there, but not like it was when he was going!   The staff had all practically changed too!  I asked one of the nurse's I knew about that, and all she said was, "oh, people move on, you know!"

This was the 2nd In-Center he went to and I believe I understand very well what has happened there!  But no assumptions from this gal, I will let you guys figure it out!

I thought as I left there, " they would have to pay people to come back or offer one hell of a discount!" 

lmunchkin     :flower;
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Chris on June 29, 2011, 04:29:16 PM
Even tho I had a transplant, this question kind of fits. The center I went to does not offer nocturnal or NxStage, just PD. So I'd have to go with in center. I do not have room for PD nor care for it.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: lmunchkin on June 29, 2011, 07:45:19 PM
PD, does require extra square footage for sure, Chris! 

And don't anyone misunderstand me on this, please!  There are alot of clinics that are there for a purpose, but I do believe doing it at home, works for us and I really hope we can continue to do so!

lmunchkin       :flower;    :cheer:
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Chris on June 29, 2011, 10:54:16 PM
As much as I like to control my health and that I use to give insulin injections to myself, big needles I can not do without someone inserting them for me so I can clamp down on something and look the otherway. I do not have a support system that would allow me to do home dialysis either along with vision problems and unsteady hands. So my only choice would be in center 3X a week here. Nocturnal would be great if they did that or more times a wek for just 3 hours.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Lillupie on June 30, 2011, 01:55:33 AM
Hey Bill,
 Who pays for this out of the country dialysis?

I plan to dialyze incenter in Argentina in December - it will be the sixth continent that I've dialyzed incenter and the 21st country.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Lillupie on June 30, 2011, 02:01:43 AM
hell NO. I have told numerous people if I had no choice (no offsense to thouse that dont have a choice, Im sorry) I would have to consider hospice. No way am I going to get a fistuala, or a ugly graft, go on a rollercoaster ride, no way in hell am i going to give up even more food then I already have.

Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: lmunchkin on June 30, 2011, 07:49:27 PM
Lillupie, I hear others talk about an "ugly" fistula, but I got to tell you, my husband's is not ugly!  Big, yes, but not ugly!  Even if it were, I don't care!  As long as he is here amoung us and that IS what's important!

lmunchkin      :flower;    :cheer:

p.s. He can't do PD anymore either but he ain't going In-Center!  Some people have to have those "Ugly" fistula's!
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Chris on June 30, 2011, 09:48:20 PM
My fistula never had a chance, but glad it never did get big like I saw in some pictures, that would be an added worry. My graft on the other hand is not bad at all, just itchy at times and since I am skinny, or athletic depending who you ask, it is closer to the surface of the skin compared to when I was on dialysis. It's just itchy really bad at times and I have a prescription for it when needed since OTC do nothing to sto[p it.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Desert Dancer on June 30, 2011, 10:22:25 PM
hell NO. I have told numerous people if I had no choice (no offsense to thouse that dont have a choice, Im sorry) I would have to consider hospice. No way am I going to get a fistuala, or a ugly graft, go on a rollercoaster ride, no way in hell am i going to give up even more food then I already have.

Lisa, it's not a given that you'll have a big ugly fistula; mine is barely noticeable at all. If it weren't for the buttonholes you'd probably miss it altogether.  Just sayin'. :twocents;
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Bill Peckham on June 30, 2011, 10:52:36 PM
Hey Bill,
 Who pays for this out of the country dialysis?

I plan to dialyze incenter in Argentina in December - it will be the sixth continent that I've dialyzed incenter and the 21st country.

My insurance through the carpenters union.

EDITED TO ADD: They pay 90% until I've paid (I think) $2,000 for the year then they reimburse 100%
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: tyefly on June 30, 2011, 11:30:08 PM
I thought those big ugly fistula were from running high blood flow speeds...and  over a long period of time..... I thought if I ran slower then I wouldnt get those big ugly bumps..... 

Has anyone else heard of this....
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Lindia on July 01, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
My hubby has a large fistula, they put it in 10 years ago, (just in case)  and its never been used until last month.  It is large, and we thought that was just a function of time passing.  He is however, 6'3, 190 pounds, so maybe that has something to do with it.   His is upper arm, so short sleeves cover a lot of it, I like it, so I should probably give it a nickname.  His cat also loves it, and when she sleeps with him, she wraps her paws around it,  I guess she likes the "thrill".  Sadly, we will probably have to kick her out of the bedroom, if and when we get to do dialysis at home.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: lmunchkin on July 05, 2011, 04:13:30 PM
Tyefly, I don't think blood flow rate has anything to do with it!  My husbands is big, but I run a low BFR on him.  His Doctors have told him the bigger the better the flow!  Course theyr'e not always right!  I sometimes think people on this site know more than the Doc's! Ive certainly learned alot from IHD members.

His fistula is very thick and now it has matured to the max!  The bigger the fistula, IMO, less chance for infiltration!  I haven't infiltr. him since Aug. last year! 

Lindia, that is cute about the cat.  Just have her exit the room while dialysising then let her back in afterwards!  She be so glad to see him again! :bandance;   :yahoo;

lmunchkin       :flower;
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: jbeany on July 06, 2011, 09:42:56 AM
My hubby has a large fistula, they put it in 10 years ago, (just in case)  and its never been used until last month.  It is large, and we thought that was just a function of time passing.  He is however, 6'3, 190 pounds, so maybe that has something to do with it.   His is upper arm, so short sleeves cover a lot of it, I like it, so I should probably give it a nickname.  His cat also loves it, and when she sleeps with him, she wraps her paws around it,  I guess she likes the "thrill".  Sadly, we will probably have to kick her out of the bedroom, if and when we get to do dialysis at home.

I did NxStage at home.  My kitty (who also loved to put her head on my arm to hear me purr) quickly learned the routine.  She was not allowed in the room while the machine was being set up.  She would wait patiently outside the door.  Once I was attached and running, she would seat herself in the room - either in my lap or on the back of the chair, wherever she felt like sitting.  When the final beeping began, she knew she had to leave until I was disconnected, the room and machine were wiped down, and everything was put away.  She got into the routine quickly.
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: Lindia on July 06, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
Thanks Jbeany -  hopefully we can come to some compromise with the cat.  She is a large Himalayan, and definitley thinks she is the boss and we are her servants.  My hubby loves his "key-kat" and I'm not sure what the outcome would be if it came down to me or the cat -   :rofl;   
Title: Re: Would You ever Go Back In-Center Voluntarily?
Post by: jbeany on July 06, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
Oh, the little stinker would test her limits once in a while, and try to sneak in to sit out of sight while we were hooking up the connections and inserting needles.  We'd growl at her and she'd scoot for the door.  Then she would sit right at the edge of the door way, put one paw just the tiniest smidge over the bracket where the hall tile met the room tile, glare at us and give the biggest sigh of frustration!  "See, I'm in here and it's not hurting anything!"