I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: DomJDavis1985 on May 04, 2011, 08:20:37 AM

Title: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: DomJDavis1985 on May 04, 2011, 08:20:37 AM
for the first few months of Dialysis my sessions were pretty uneventful..meaning i really didn't experience much pain (no nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc.  at worst i would feel a little fatigued for maybe an hour or so afterwards and then things would go to normal however the last few sessions i have had excruciating headaches.....vomiting....and sweating profusely....i have had to cut several treatments short because of this....any suggestions from the dialysis vets....i go again tomorrow and i am not looking forward to it
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: jeannea on May 04, 2011, 08:43:11 AM
 Weren't you the one who posted you had to skip some sessions because of a funeral? That can do it to you. Once while I was still on hemo I put off my treatment from Tues night to Wed morning because of vacation. I threw up during my session and was so sick all day. I suspect you'll be ok once you get back on schedule and you get rid of all the extra toxins you probably built up.
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: cattlekid on May 04, 2011, 08:45:46 AM
Hello - that really stinks that you are having such problems with your treatments. 

I know for me, I get the nausea and sweating when they try to take more than 3 kilos off at a time.  My blood pressure gets to be too low - anything below 120 systolic gets me in trouble.  I watch my blood pressure like a hawk and if it starts to drop, I make sure to let the techs know so they can stop pulling off fluid.  Personally, I prefer to stay a kilo or so above my dry weight so I don't have the problems that you stated. 

Could it be that you have lost real weight since you started and your dry weight may need to be adjusted?
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: noahvale on May 04, 2011, 06:00:59 PM
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: DomJDavis1985 on May 05, 2011, 01:14:57 PM
sorry was experiencing headache when replying before...yes i am using a phosphorus binder
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: RichardMEL on May 05, 2011, 10:29:08 PM
I would say cutting sessions short and/or skipping them are the worst thing you could do (sorry) in terms of your dialysis health.

What has the neph said? Have they investigated anything unusual in your labs? There is going to be a reason - most likely it's fluid related - as in your real body weight has shifted (probably have put on a bit of real weight, so they are taking too much fluid) but you can't just presume. it needs to be measured and examined.

Remember every time you vomit etc you're losing fluid - do you account for that in your intake (if you are on any sort of restriction that is)?

As you've experienced the vast majority of the time dialysis essions should be uneventful with just being drained after the usual sort of result - anything else points to an imbalance of some sort that needs to be addressed. I certainly wouldn't just put up with it and do nothing - if your unit staff aren't willing to be proactive you should ask them to run a crit line/BVM at least to try and get a more accurate picture of your fluid situation and maybe do some labs to see if you're over in something like Potassium.

Good luck.
Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: rsudock on May 19, 2011, 09:27:41 PM
Dom how ya doing girlie? Did you see the post where I started having major migraines only on Mondays after dialysis in March? Well after trying to watch my diet like a hawk on the weekends, what I have been doing now is a 1/2 hour before the end of my treatments  I shut off my UF. (Mean I make them stop taking fluid off me) I only allow the machine to be setup to take off 2 liters. This past Monday I setup the machine to take off 3 and still shut it off 1/2 hour before the end of my treatment and I got a headache, but not a migraine. My BF rubbed my back and I took a 45minute nap and it went away....try shutting the UF off near the end of the treatment. I will be eager to see if you have the same result as I

Good luck

Title: Re: worst Dialysis session !!!
Post by: lmunchkin on May 20, 2011, 05:13:49 PM
Hi Dom!  Don't believe I've seen you post lately.  Did you start PD or are you still incenter?  I would do like Ru said turn off UF and just let dialsate clean toxins from your blood.  Like she said it may solve your problem.  I do not know that centers will let you do that or not.  But if they will let you, try it! 

Sorry you are having these problems!  They do seem to never end with this disease!
