I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Jess21 on April 20, 2011, 12:58:04 AM

Title: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: Jess21 on April 20, 2011, 12:58:04 AM
So a few weeks ago I went to my PC doc for the first time since my transplant (yes I know it should've been earlier.)
Let me go back a bit.  I get this letter and prescription from my transplant clinic saying my vitamin D is VERY low and I need to take this med once a month.  It wasn't.  I had my lab results right there!!!
Then a few weeks later I get this call from my PC office.  They say they have this letter from my transplant office and they need to see me for an appointment.  I told the woman I didn't had my schedule and I had to call her back.  Hung up and called my TC immediately.  She calls me back saying I need to go see him for a follow up.  I asked what for.  She said a follow up just in case I'm having problems.  I explain i'm NOT.  She says it's for in case I ever get sick in the middle of the week or I have issues or I break a bone or something I can go see him and I'm definetly a patient of his.  Ummm. OK.  I called my PC office back and schedule an appt.  Another person takes my call and goes "OK, so a follow up appointment for your diabetes?"  I NEVER have had diabetes, so no.  Got that figured out.  The appointment ends up getting changed once by them and by me too.  They wanted me to come in the middle of the day.  My PC doc is always running behind, I'm NOT going to sit in a waiting room and get sick. No sir.  :Kit n Stik;
So I eventually go in, go right in (wow, immunsuppressed has its perks!  :rofl; ) and get my BP taken.  90 as a top number. OK, maybe I should've have taken meds an hour before coming in.  He comes in and after a few minutes starts talking about he talked to my neph.  He looks at his notes saying I was on Prilosec.  I have to explain my morning meds combo was getting me sick to my stomach, so the neph prescribed that to take.  It works awesome.  He then starts saying I'm not supposed to be on that long term cause it's a calcium sucker.  He then asks if I go off of it do I think I'll not feel good again (YESSSSSSS.  My meds haven't changed!!!!).  He puts me on a every other day for a month then off it prescription, saying if I feel bad again call him and he'll prescribe something else (after asking if there's anything that may be negotiable for taking on my morning meds.  hahaa. i wish).
Of course I'm half way thru this "every other day" rotine and already feeling like  :puke; in the morning.  My mom says to give it a fair chance.  I can't wait til I'm back on it or the equivalent...  :stressed;
He then says he saw and the neph mentioned my glucose was high right after surgery, and that that's perfectly normal.  He then says my neph wants him to check my glucose.  OK.  I get pricked and the nurse goes to do it there.  My doc made me stay until the results come back, which took 2 times.  hmm. Wonder what he'd done if the results were off.  I guess that makes sense why they said a follow up for my diabetes...
Title: Re: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: Chris on April 20, 2011, 02:32:17 AM
Sounds like the ol' right hand can't talk to the other besides that the PC sounds like an idiot. Both my pc's (one local and one at Northwestern) will not change my meds that another doctor above them unless they talk to them or that that med is making me  sick. Can you ask your neph for a reccommendation for a new PC?
Title: Re: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: Sax-O-Trix on April 20, 2011, 03:47:24 AM
I am dreading this very same issue...
Title: Re: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: Chris on April 20, 2011, 04:31:38 AM
Sax that is what I did when I didn't have a local GP due to doctor moving to a different city. Then as I kept getting sick off and on an going to the local hospital did my local neph refer me to a good GP. However I am not the only tx patient in their practice, but they do not prescribe meds until they talk to my neph, research the med, or call my tx center. Somehow I got lucky after all these years of bad doctors. Good Luck Sax
Title: Re: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: RightSide on April 20, 2011, 06:16:40 PM
Sounds like the ol' right hand can't talk to the other besides that the PC sounds like an idiot. Both my pc's (one local and one at Northwestern) will not change my meds that another doctor above them unless they talk to them or that that med is making me  sick. Can you ask your neph for a reccommendation for a new PC?
I had a more elegant solution.

I just chose my dialysis neph to be my primary care physician too.

That way, I've got a primary care physician who knows all about kidney disease.
Title: Re: Visit with my primary care doc...
Post by: Chris on April 20, 2011, 06:36:49 PM
My neph's would not alowme to do that though, but if you can that is an option to take Jess