I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: Jess21 on April 20, 2011, 12:06:54 AM

Title: Blood Pressure
Post by: Jess21 on April 20, 2011, 12:06:54 AM
Does anyone know how low transplant centers will consider your BP "low"?
I'm still on a high dose of BP meds, and was told they want my BP to be as low as possible "without getting dizzy or passing out". 
I went for my annual heart echo in February and my BP was 115 (can't remember any bottom numbers).  At my cardiologist appointment the next month it was 110.  I went to to my primary care doc a few weeks ago (who's tried to kill me twice..) and it was 90.  He came in and asked if I was dizzy and I said no.  But he's not allowed to change my BP meds anyway...(one of the times he tried to kill me...).
So everyone, how low is "low"?  I'm an odd person.  I don't notice being "out of sorts" ever (which explains the 32 creatinine when I was first sick  :banghead; ).  I walked out of dialysis with a BP of 50 before (hey, I got the techs to release me! won't talk about the time I got to the waiting room without having to sit down...LOL).  So if we go off my "low" I'll be in trouble.  I occasionally get light headed but never dizzy.
Title: Re: Blood Pressure
Post by: Chris on April 20, 2011, 12:33:31 AM
I am not sure either. but sounds like you need a new gp. I have had similar experiences with the lows at D and walking out ( luckily I parked close). As for the lightheaded ness, it can be a sign and it can't. When I was on CellCept, that did it to me when outyside in bright light. I would ask the doctor who told you they wanted it lower.
Title: Re: Blood Pressure
Post by: Jess21 on April 20, 2011, 12:39:23 AM
I wasn't really planning on going back to him.  However my transplant neph called him and told him he needed to see me (but I'll tell THAT story in another topic, LOL)
Title: Re: Blood Pressure
Post by: Bruno on April 20, 2011, 02:29:49 AM
Depends on whereabouts you are, I reckon. Before I went on dialysis (ie before my kidneys carked it) I was using heaps of BP medication and we thought anything under 150 was good. We were using so much I nearly passed out a couple of times with BP of around 100.
Now I'm on dialysis we've cut out most drugs and kept one only (Avapro) and that is on half the previous dose.
Now (on dialysis) 150 is high, and 120 the norm and I've been as low as 70 and not passed out but that was because of too much fluid out too quickly.