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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: News Articles => Topic started by: okarol on January 08, 2007, 05:38:05 PM

Title: Woman in urgent need of kidney transplant
Post by: okarol on January 08, 2007, 05:38:05 PM

Woman in urgent need of kidney transplant


metro@thestar.com.my  - Jan. 9, 2007

A MOTHER of six needs a kidney transplant as soon as possible. Zuzzana Sarani, 30, has been suffering from end-stage renal failure for about six months now and an organ transplant is crucial in order for her to live.

PHOT: Family support: Zuzzana surrounded by her six children as her husband Othman looks on.

The transplant, which will be carried out in China, will cost her about RM100,000 to RM150,000.

She is hoping for individuals and organisations to come forward and help her with the cost of the operation, as she cannot afford it.

“Five of my children are still schooling and the youngest is only two years old. They need me.

“I can do the transplant here but I have to be on the waiting list with 9,000 other patients and I don't have that much time,” said Zuzzana in between sobs.

She also added that her husband, Othman Abdul Rahman, 46, who previously worked as a hawker, was unable to work anymore because he has to care for her now that her condition was worsening.

“I have to undergo dialysis every alternate day and the process leaves me exhausted physically. I am not able to do anything,” she said.

Pusat Zakat Selangor is sponsoring half of the total cost for her dialysis treatment, which amounts to RM3,610 a month.

Other than that, she needs eight or nine Epoetin injections a month.

Kampung Subang Wanita Umno chief Rashidah Abdullah told The Star that she was aware of the matter and was trying to get Malaysia Airlines to provide Zuzzana with a flight ticket to China as well as arrange accommodation during her stay there.

“I am also in the midst of setting up a fund for the poor family, as the children's needs must be looked into.

“Help of any kind is most welcome but our main concern is Zuzzana's transplant,” added Rashidah.

For more details, contact Rashidah at 012- 396 3819 or Othman Abdul Rahman at 019- 640 4061. 

URL: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/1/9/central/16452238&sec=central