I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: KICKSTART on March 25, 2011, 04:34:21 PM
If you could have one treat , just for yourself and to keep it realistic (you havent won the lottery!) lets say you had £500 to blow . what would you do ?
Two nights at a small but lovely spa with superb healthy spa foods, hot stone massage, pedicure, manicure, facial, head massage with oil, nature walks and yoga in the mornings.
An iPad.
idk how much a trip to disneyland costs im going to guess more than that so...
maybe a trip to chicago to the museums there?
though a nice spa sounds nice too lol but that wouldnt be 6 year old fun appropriate and if i was going to treat myself, i thnk it would be a good time enjoying something fun with him!
Oh *sigh*, I never buy myself anything or treat myself to anything. I am always buying for my kids and the neighbors who need help and that is the truth. If I could I'd say a great night out.
500 pound sterling is kick ass money in the USA. I would buy a new carb for the Harley or some pistons.
A trip to Washington DC to tour the Smithsonian.
A trip to Paris to climb the Eiffel Tower and to sit in Rodin Museum garden and think!
Another one of the 101 places to visit before I die I'm trying to cross off xxx
A trip to Washington DC to tour the Smithsonian.
Me too! Actually, we are tentatively planning to do exactly that this spring.
Sidney the kidney willing probably June unless I get chance before
Paris in springtime priceless!
My eldest daughter lives in France :)
Sidney the kidney willing probably June unless I get chance before
Paris in springtime priceless!
My eldest daughter lives in France :)
You live in Suffolk, right? Whereabouts?
Little place called Framlingham with a castle ... about 15m N of IPSWICH.
I don't know Suffolk that well, although a long time ago, I went to Aldeburgh.
About 15m away I used to have dialysis at Aldeburgh hospital.
Did you try the infamous fish and chips there ... none better anywhere :bow; :bow; :bow;
A trip to Washington DC to tour the Smithsonian.
Me too! Actually, we are tentatively planning to do exactly that this spring.
For my 8th grade trip, we went to DC, visited a ton of places, including the Smithsonian, it was AMAZING. I would go back again someday! It really was a blast. I love history so much. I won a writing contest, so my trip was free, so my Grandma gave me some spending cash, I got some really neat stuff!
Now i wanna go back!!!!!
Clothes. I need them. Lost 30 pounds when I had my heart attack and everything I own just hangs on me. And then, a lovely dinner at a steakhouse.
Little place called Framlingham with a castle ... about 15m N of IPSWICH.
Ha! Small world. My wife's boss lives in Framliingham.
Hey it is so you live in East Anglia as well? :2thumbsup;
Little place called Framlingham with a castle ... about 15m N of IPSWICH.
Ha! Small world. My wife's boss lives in Framliingham.
So give me a clue should I know you??? :)
Little place called Framlingham with a castle ... about 15m N of IPSWICH.
I think I went to Framlingham once.
I went to Orford Castle loads as a nipper, but for some reason thought that was Framlingham (until I just looked at Google images and was put in my place!)
Did you try the infamous fish and chips there ... none better anywhere :bow; :bow; :bow;
Technically that's not true. I think the chippie in my town holds that award.
Oh, and I went completely off topic there. Hmmm, 500 quid? I have never had a massage and I really want one, so a Spa weekend with my Mumsy would be top of my list.
Poppy you cannot beat fish and chips from Aldeburgh fish landed on the beach and straight into fryer. Superb!
Sometimes the queues stretch back round the road.
And then you can row round The Mere at Thorpeness to burn the calories off...ah Sunday afternoons ... ;D
We are planning to go to the same Wisconsin resort we visited and had such a blast at last year. (I know - recreating great memories - Always dangerous!)
In order to change things enough to not completely jinx ourselves, I have decided to ask our good friends if they would like to accompany us. Their oldest boy adores my son Aidan, and Liot told me that their daughter is one of his best friends (they are in the same class at school). This resort accepts trade from the barter organization that my father has way too many credits with, but you do have to pay tax and incidentals. Since 500 quid is around $750, if we were careful with what we spent, it would cover all of us.
(We won't be careful, because I have a 'you only live once' attitude about these things, but in theory, this works.)
And I know KS said it had to be spent on us, but I just loved being there last year, seeing my kids have so much fun, and relaxing myself. I could spend 500 quid in the blink of an eye, but I don't need any more stuff. I just want more fun times and memories right now.
A housekeeping service.
Moosey me and my all singing all dancing purple and white hoover will come and pay you a visit.
You just need to supply the Abba music!!!!!
:bandance; :bandance; :bandance;
Moosey me and my all singing all dancing purple and white hoover will come and pay you a visit.
You just need to supply the Abba music!!!!!
:bandance; :bandance; :bandance;
But do you do windows? :P
Not computer Windows but I know a man who can!!!! :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
I spent $200 on a new phone in January.. does that count? *L* I don't like it as much as my old one.. it only catches a signal in one end of the dialysis unit. The old one always got a signal..
$750, huh? That would be enough to get me one of them sparkly new ipads.. although, truth me told, and I don't think this is part of the deal, if I had that amount kicking around, I'd probably give it to my friend, to keep her from getting kicked out of her apartment
I'd give my £500 to you for being such a nice friend :)
I'd like to visit my daughter and grandson on Christmas Island (she's working there) but they don't have a dialysis machine so I guess I would settle for a live musical and dinner...Mary Poppins has opened in Sydney.