I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Spouses and Caregivers => Topic started by: texasstyle on March 09, 2011, 08:24:36 AM

Title: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 09, 2011, 08:24:36 AM
I know you have to feel this way at times too. You just have to. It can't only be me, but what I wouldn't do for the same old "how did dialysis go? "were you late getting on?" "how much fluid did they pull off?' "you feel ok?" "are you dizzy?" day after day. I need some interesting conversation that is NOT about dialysis and sickness! PLease tell me what your day or week has in store for you. The fun & interesting parts only. NO TALKING ABOUT DIALYSIS. You're not even aloud to metion anything that is assoc. with it. NOTHING. I think we could use a little break from it once and a while. Heck, tell me what you had for breakfast. I don't care lol.  PS: good laughs are welcomed
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: paul.karen on March 09, 2011, 08:46:52 AM
Well i dont eat breakfast.

But im praying for a nice weekend so we can put some miles on the bikes.

If its not nice out may clean the garage.  So i hope its nice out.....
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cattlekid on March 09, 2011, 09:00:15 AM
We are going to Kona Grill today for a co-workers baby shower.  For my gift contribution, I knit a hat that looks like a tomato - I have now knitted three fruit hats for three different babies - one strawberry, one pumpkin and one tomato. 

BTW, I had a Clif bar for breakfast.   ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 09, 2011, 11:05:00 AM
It's an absoultly beautiful day in sunny southern Cali today..  I actually think we're going to pack up our van and head to the beach with the dogs in just a bit.  First waiting to see my nearly 3yr old  grandson who btw is increadably adorable and full of himself..Im also thinking what we MAY want to eat while in the beach area besides our own made up food... Hum.....

Well, i can say that my chickens are happely clucking in the back yard, nibbling bugaroos  and washing them down with the tender shoots of grass poppen up from our little rain we got last week...  I love chickens :-)  very peaceful sounding.....most of the time anyway, unless they've just laid and egg and are feeling very proud and announcing it to the world.  Theyre very silly creatures.  I love wathching them as they're quite dramatic over some pretty simple things. Anyway, this is my day, hope yours is full of something peaceful, fun, or at least DIFFERENT  :2thumbsup;


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on March 09, 2011, 11:10:10 AM
I only had coffee for breakfast but also took a morning walk and its a beautiful day! Spring has sprung here, flowering fruit trees and the mock orange smells like heaven. I was out yesterday and saw a gorgeous purple wisteria blooming on an adobe wall so I turned around, went home and got my camera. I will post a photo if they come out. The last few weeks the saucer magnolias have been blooming and so are some wildflowers. I took a couple photos so will attach here.  Have a great day TXSTYL!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 09, 2011, 11:16:03 AM
Hi, TS. I had my hard drive just DIE yesterday. I was working on a budget spread sheet before lunch and when I came back afterward, nothing would move. I shut the computer off and when I turned it back on....all I heard was a loud click, clank....I KNEW the hard drive was just kaput!

The amazing thing is that I didn't panic!  :rofl; :clap;

I had backed up the computer a few days ago, so I knew I hadn't lost too much. And we made a trip to the Apple store where they kindly told us that we could get a bigger hard drive for much less at a big box store. They would show us how to install it if we brought it back to them. By 8:00 PM I was home with a HUGE new hard drive and things were humming along being installed and re-booted from my back-up.  :cheer:

And best of all, I was only out $63.90, because the man in line in front of us had a handful of 10% off coupons. He turned to us and said, "Oh, you are buying a hard drive? Here, take one of these that I didn't use!"

w00t!  :yahoo;

So, there you have an exciting evening from my life!



PS For breakfast I had a cup of blueberries mixed with Golean and Fiber One cereals, swimming in soymilk. That is my standard weekday fare! And don't forget coffee!  ;)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: MooseMom on March 09, 2011, 01:07:54 PM
I just had a chicken sandwich.

I'm about to go for a walk.  It's dull and dreary here in Chicagoland today, but at least it is not freezing.  My snowdrops are up, and the tippy tops of my daffs are up, too, but other than that, there is no real sign of spring yet other than the absense of temps below freezing.

My husband is teaching tonight; he teaches a graduate law course one evening a week, so I'm going to find something interesting on Netflix that he wouldn't want to watch...something girly where nothing blows up and there are no ghosts or creepy children.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 09, 2011, 01:22:11 PM
I went to WW tonight and discovered that despite my best intentions I weighed exactly the same as I did this time last week.  So I came home and gorged myself on food and my belly is full.  Now you can amuse yourself with images of a pink-faced me using my Wii Fit Plus for hours every day in an effort to fix it.


(I didn't have breakfast today because I only eat breakie on a working day and Wednesday is my day off ... tomorrow I will have a Weetabix.  Yum.)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 09, 2011, 01:44:54 PM
MM, try "Priceless" It is a French film with English subtitles.

Cute and predictable, but a good chick flick.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: MooseMom on March 09, 2011, 02:19:11 PM
MM, try "Priceless" It is a French film with English subtitles.

Cute and predictable, but a good chick flick.


Funnily enough, it's already on my queue, but it was sorta lost down there at around #392 (I have a very long Netflix queue)!  That looks absolutely PERFECT!  I do like Audrey Tatou; I've seen most of her films.  Thanks so much for the recommendation!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 09, 2011, 03:41:46 PM
TS...here's some real ADULT conversation for you...Today I went to our accountant to have our taxes prepared  :puke;.  Then I did the monthly grocery shopping thing.  Both are hated chores but have to be done.  Since we live in a rural area, I only go to a larger community about once a month for the BIG shopping trip and have to go to several stores to get everything.  I have 2 large deep freezers and a huge pantry and this keeps us from having to buy at the local small town grocer (which is very expensive). 

I had a Hardee's breakfast sandwich and coffee for breakfast.  I enjoyed my day away from home by myself.   >:D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 09, 2011, 04:16:37 PM
Hey look everyone, No one spoke about kidney disease! See we can do it!  Even w/ our screwy messed up lives we still do some pretty good living don't we? It's when we get overwhlmed with everything we need to vent it out (and that's often). I believe it or not, actually went to lunch with my husband and daughter. I had sirlon steak w/ bacon and cheese, brown gravy side, mac and cheese, corn and for something different a fuit cup instead of salad. All for $5.99! (buissness man's special lol) It is really great to see that everyone is doing fun things and making life be the best they can under the circumstances. I would have replied sooner but wen to to luch and daughter did school work on computer. Going to lunch was a real suprise. OMG, those fruit hats sound like the cutest. Maybe you could put a picture up of them. I almost want one for myself! I'll take a Blueberry lol. Looks like everyone had a GREAT day. Willow: glad you got your hard drive straightened out right away. Not having your computer stinks lol. I didn't have breakfast either lol
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Brightsky69 on March 09, 2011, 04:44:53 PM
Well...I had a boiled egg and half a big pretzel for breakfast.  ;D
Work has been wonderful this week. Most of my co-worker are in San Diego for a conference that we host. I got to stay here this year. WooHoo!!
Only the cool people were left behind at work.  :cheer:
We might go out to lunch together tomorrow for a (cool 8)) co-workers birthday.   8) Work has been so relaxing and stress free this week.
And this weekend the weather should be in the 60's
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Mizar on March 09, 2011, 05:01:47 PM

 I went and got the Oil Changed in My Car, Yesterday. My Husband, always, took care of that. It was a Breeze.     :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 09, 2011, 05:55:45 PM
A dear friend of mine had a beautiful baby boy 5 weeks ago.  She had to go back to work this week and her full time baby sitter could not start until next week so for this week I am the luckiest woman in the world.  I get to snuggle and play with a tiny baby all day.  He is just wonderful, you know the good baby smell and the cooing.  It's been so fun.

Also, my 7th grade son had a big poetry project due today.  He's been working on it and I'm so proud of him!  I used to teach high school English, so these things are so fun for me.  He choose The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.  His analysis was amazing for a 13 year old.  He presented it to the class today.  Not only did he get a 100% but his classmates clapped.  He was feeling pretty good about himself when he got home  tonight. 

So, we had a very good day here!

I'd order a fruit hat, too!  They sound wonderfully fun!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 09, 2011, 06:18:36 PM
I had my weight watchers group tonight too. After snowshoeing almost everyday and helping hubby with the firewood and watching my diet very closely all week I only lost 1 1/4 lbs.  Last week I gained 3 1/2!!!  :thumbdown;  I had weight watchers bread toasted for breakfast , cereal for lunch and fried fish and some left over chicken with scalloped potatoes for supper.  I have a load of clothes in the washer that need to go in the dryer and another load in the washer but that wil wait until morning. Dishwasher needs unloading too but that's tomorrow morning's job as well. 

This aftrnoon we went to visit hubby's mom at the nursing home.  I dropped in the fabric store and bought some pom pom wool to knit a scarf. haven't knit one with that type of wool before but they are very pretty when they are done. Only use six -8 stitches on it.  Pom poms all fall in line (I hope!!)  I'll post a pic when I get it done.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 09, 2011, 06:46:16 PM
My unexpected reward for volunteering to teach craft classes was 4 free tickets to a show that is part of the massive 10 day Laughfest going on here in Grand Rapids.  (BIG names are Betty White and Bill Cosby, plus hundreds more comics and plays and shows andnandnandnandand.......)  My tickets are for March 18th 5 hour show that starts with an Irish singer, has an Irish comedian named Steve Byrne in the middle, and ends with an Irish rock band named Gaelic Storm, who did part of the sound track for Titanic.   I invited a friend who is a huge Irish music fan, and I had two extra tickets after that.  I planned to give them to my sister, who was disappointed to realize it was the same weekend she's out of town for work.  So I passed them on to my "boss" at the volunteer organization at the courthouse.  He was thrilled, and his wife is too.  Isn't it nice to surprise someone with a treat?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: paris on March 09, 2011, 07:28:01 PM
We have a new baby in our family; born about an hour ago.   :clap;  The father and my 2 sons have been best friends since 7th grade. He spent all his holidays with us, vacations, and has always been called our third son.  We've been the place he can go when times are tough or happy: his parents divorce, his Dad's death and also all the great things like graduations,etc.   He and his wife have been married 10 years and had no children.  Their church told them of a teenager who wanted to give her baby up for adoption (she was 6 months pregnant). Without hesitation, they said yes, yes! It is an open adoption, so they have had several visits with the birth Mom. And will continue visits after the baby is theirs.  Today, they have been at the hospital with her and her family. Randy has been keeping us updated all day. They now live in Oklahoma, too far from NC.   We haven't seen pictures yet or know his name!  I am so excited for them. There have been a lot of miracles lately!   I have been praying for the birth Mom.  She is only 15, the Dad was killed in a drive by shooting. Very sad story.  But, like a cadaver donor, while the reciever is so happy, another family is grieving.  I am sure the birth Mom and her family are having a very hard time. I hope it helps them to know the baby will have an incredible life with lots of people who love him.     Thanks Texasstyle, for letting me share this happy day with you.    I loved reading about everyone's day.     :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 09, 2011, 10:19:19 PM
We have a 3 month old puppy (maltese poodle) and I tought her how to sit (upright like a bear on her bum) in three days. She got it right just with hand signals.....

She is the cutest thing ever. I will start the "roll over" trick on Saturday. I can't wait.  She makes me smile, oh and she smiles back.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 09, 2011, 11:23:37 PM
 >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

(Punch it, Hurb
Yo, I don't think we should talk about this
Come on, why not?
People might misunderstand what we're tryin' to say, you know?
No, but that's a part of life)

Come on


Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex

Let's talk about sex for now to the people at home or in the crowd
It keeps coming up anyhow
Don't decoy, avoid, or make void the topic
Cuz that ain't gonna stop it
Now we talk about sex on the radio and video shows
Many will know anything goes
Let's tell it how it is, and how it could be
How it was, and of course, how it should be
Those who think it's dirty have a choice
Pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off
Will that stop us, Pep? I doubt it
All right then, come on, Spin


Hot to trot, make any man's eyes pop
She use what she got to get whatever she don't got
Fellas drool like fools, but then again they're only human
The chick was a hit because her body was boomin'
Gold, pearls, rubies, crazy diamonds
Nothin' she ever wore was ever common
Her dates heads of state, men of taste
Lawyers, doctors, no one was too great for her to get with
Or even mess with, the Prez she says was next on her list
And believe me, you, it's as good as true
There ain't a man alive that she couldn't get next to
She had it all in the bag so she should have been glad
But she was mad and sad and feelin' bad
Thinkin' about the things that she never had
No love, just sex, followed next with a check and a note
That last night was dope

Let's talk about sex, baby (sing it)
Let's talk about you and me (sing it, sing it)
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex (come on)
Let's talk about sex (do it)
Let's talk about sex (uh-huh)
Let's talk about sex

Ladies, all the ladies, louder now, help me out
Come on, all the ladies - let's talk about sex, all right

(Yo, Pep, I don't think they're gonna play this on the radio
And why not? Everybody has sex
I mean, everybody should be makin' love
Come on, how many guys you know make love?)


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 10, 2011, 02:01:12 AM
:Kit n Stik; :Kit n Stik;

I am sure she said Talk not sing.  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Jean on March 10, 2011, 02:24:56 AM
Went out to lunch with my dearest friend. She had 2 chicken tacos, I had one pork taco, 2 glasses of iced tea, $20.00. Think I will not be going back there any time soon. On the bright side, tomorrow I am going to make my first wedding cake for a friend who is being married on Friday. Wish me luck, I really need it. How do I get myself in to this type of thing???
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Yvonne on March 10, 2011, 02:48:47 AM
I've got a new addition to my family, a puppy I've named her Poppy. I bought her home at 5 weeks old because her Mum had stopped feeding her. She was born on the 19th Dec 2010. Can't take her out yet as she has not finished all her injections. As she has got older she is becoming a handful, keeps me so busy now trying to potty train her.  She is so full mischief. If someone had warned me how hard it would be I might of changed my mind about having a dog, I'm a little bit old to take on a puppy but maybe she will keep me young. As she sleeps I look at her and realise how much I love her. I've longed to tell you all about Poppy and this is the ideal time with you starting this thread.
How do I post a photo on here???
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 10, 2011, 03:05:07 AM
I've got a new addition to my family, a puppy I've named her Poppy. I bought her home at 5 weeks old because her Mum had stopped feeding her. She was born on the 19th Dec 2010. Can't take her out yet as she has not finished all her injections. As she has got older she is becoming a handful, keeps me so busy now trying to potty train her.  She is so full mischief. If someone had warned me how hard it would be I might of changed my mind about having a dog, I'm a little bit old to take on a puppy but maybe she will keep me young. As she sleeps I look at her and realise how much I love her. I've longed to tell you all about Poppy and this is the ideal time with you starting this thread.
How do I post a photo on here???

I am glad to hear from you. You will read that I also enjoy the littly fury things. see my post a few up.
they change your life completely.

TX did a fab thing in creating this space. Love it.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Henry P Snicklesnorter on March 10, 2011, 04:29:50 AM
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 10, 2011, 05:38:14 AM
Wow, everyone has some really great thing going on  in their lives! And a little confused about this, but I think Richard spent the ay having sex. Yay for you Richard lol. Yvonne that puppy is gonna be your best pal in the world and you need that. The first year is a lot owrk but it is SO worth the pay off. Tip: treats work so well for training. I always kept some in my pocket outdoors. And Des you have a little too. aww.... I want another one now. Look what you've done to me lol. Paris- one hour? What an enjoyable time this must be for the family. So new he doesn't even have a name yet. I want to go to the laughfest very badly. Maybe today will be just as good as yesterday for all us. That would be 2 days in a row lol. For me, that would be amazing..
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: peleroja on March 10, 2011, 07:23:46 AM
So, how 'bout those Mets?!  Haven't had breakfast yet, sorry.  Gonna go to the doc today for my arthritis pain.  Beautiful day here in sunny southern California.  That's all I can come up with right now!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: billybags on March 10, 2011, 07:58:57 AM
Richard, that's all we do is talk about it. Is it like riding a bike lol.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: paris on March 10, 2011, 08:34:43 AM
Micah John, 7lbs 6oz and absolutely gorgeous. He has a full head of black hair and huge, beautiful eyes and a very calm peaceful look on his face.  As if he knows this is going to be a good life.   Ahhhh, babies. They make the world right.      And my daughter has been interviewing for a job she really wants. 5 levels of interviews.  This morning she got the call and she is now the Exectutive Director of NC Muscular Dystropy Association. Very proud of her.  And the offered her $10,000 more than the salary they quoted her in the interviews!!   It has been a good 24 hours.   

Breakfast? I've been too excited to eat!  And I am having lunch with 2 good friends. Tonight I'm going to granddaughters band concert (7th grade). 

And Richard?   He does seem to have a reaccuring theme!!    :rofl;    Richardmeltmyheart --- our own Romeo!!     :cuddle;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Yvonne on March 10, 2011, 08:55:55 AM
Managed to post some photo's of Poppy
1st one she was 4 weeks old  2nd one about 6 weeks and 3rd 10 weeks old
Hope you like
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 10, 2011, 09:33:10 AM
oh my goodness, what a great bunch of stuff written and enjoyed here...  I want to respond to everyones joy, but will just say  :yahoo; .  lifes good  :clap; :clap;    and oh my gosh i love puppies
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 10, 2011, 09:40:45 AM
Oh, Yvonne, what a cutie!  :flower;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 10, 2011, 09:43:19 AM
The snow is melting!!!!  Be about another 2 months at least before we see daffidols or any other blooming plant!!!  That's one of the down things about living on an island in the North Atlantic LOL.  Have to go now and help hubby unload a truckful of firewood.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 10, 2011, 11:49:11 AM
what a little swetheart your puppy is!  He is just adorable. I love puppies too... Paris sounds like great things going on in your family. Wow. I know you're loving it too. More pictures of puppies and babies please!! I hope you get some relief for your arthritis today peleroja!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 10, 2011, 08:49:00 PM
Paris...what an exciting thing!   And Yvonne, Poppy is gorgeous! 

Today was a pretty quiet day here.  I worked on a quilt I am making for my daughter and did a little housecleaning.  Fed the cows. 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 10, 2011, 09:27:54 PM
Hi Tx and friends,

I spent most of last night with my 17 year old teenage daughter - she did not make the netbal team and was crying her little heart out. :'(

Now it is times like these that I need a "how to help your teen" manual  :rofl;
But all looks ok this morning.

Oh and I de-wormed all the doggies this morning.

(not very exciting but I don't want to talk about D or work)

ps I had yogurt and muesli for breakfast.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 11, 2011, 04:48:52 AM
I have  14 & 19 year old girls and when their hearts are broken you just have to be there for them. I'll bet the manual says "just listen", and I'm sure you did that. Aww..I feel bad for her.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: billybags on March 11, 2011, 08:46:54 AM
Yvonne it is so nice to see you smiling and the dog looks sooooo cuddly. I think about you a lot.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: vcarmody on March 11, 2011, 10:58:29 AM
TS, I have been busy packing for our cruise.  Were going for 11 days, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Labadee, Samana and Antiqua.  I worry if my house will still be standing when I get back, I am leaving my 21 and 19 year old daughters home while we are away.  We are so looking forward to getting away from the cold, snow and rain and into the Caribbean sunshine.  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 11, 2011, 11:01:03 AM
A cruise sounds good to me!  Any room in your baggage for a stowaway?  I'll be quiet, I promise!   :shy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: ODAT on March 11, 2011, 01:07:56 PM
Ahhhh, I want a puppy!

Des, trying out for school sports is pure hell. My youngest tried out for baseball every season (made it once - freshman year), and basketball (never made that even though he tried so hard he puked). I think there are a lot of politics in school sports.

Yup, our snow is melting and now we have lots of flooding! It was 40 degrees today but very windy.

I'm taking my time going home from work today. My son (19) wanted to talk to his dad alone about switching jobs. He actually left his job two weeks ago, didn't tell my hubby and didn't want me to either. He got a better job, better pay, and lots more hours so hubby shouldn't be too upset (until this weekend when my son also tells him he wants to stop college for now).


Hope everyone has a pleasant evening. I'm going to get a movie!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 11, 2011, 01:08:51 PM
What a great day!  Got to hang with friends and spend a little time with my husband and son.  Everyone's just busy and happy!  Life is good!!!!!
On my way to a fish fry for supper, yum!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 11, 2011, 01:39:15 PM
Hey, let's see if we can carry this good attitude of ours all the way to Monday! Then Monday we can go back to complaing. Promise lol.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 11, 2011, 02:09:44 PM
I'm really loving those 'Poppy is gorgeous' statements ...


(She is, Yvonne ... truly scrummy.)

I shan't spoil this thread with my bad news, but just wanted to let you know that I had TWO Weetabix this morning.  I was very greedy.  Also, I want to know who Richard spent the day having sex with.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 11, 2011, 04:05:08 PM
well you are! (gorgeous)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 11, 2011, 07:49:15 PM
I'm chugging away at my homework, and managed not to procrastinate today in spite of the lovely sunny day.  I did go out to lunch with a friend, though and had yummmmmmy Mexican food.  Homework for two classes done, and a good head start on an annoying part of another course.   :bandance;

Plus, I get to sleep in tomorrow - for the first time in AGES!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: rsudock on March 12, 2011, 03:23:28 AM
I shan't spoil this thread with my bad news, but just wanted to let you know that I had TWO Weetabix this morning.  I was very greedy.  Also, I want to know who Richard spent the day having sex with.


hey poppy just wanted to know what is Weetabix?

Also Aaron and I made the decision that we are going to move somewhere warmer when he graduates from college this summer! I have also made the decision to get licensed to teach "Talented and Gifted" students...I am really excited about this b/c I love to learn but even more this is my best chance to continue to teach and have smaller class sizes and kids that are more motivated to learn. Out of everything I LOVE about EDUCATING I love the imparting knowledge and helping kids explore their potential the best. I will miss the general population but I think this is the best bet for me to be able to keep teaching and living a fulfilling life. Aaron is going to take me to the local university and see what the requirements are.

Speaking of Aaron I just want to brag about how wonderful he is. He just constantly rises to the challenge of loving me and putting up with me. He has never lost faith in my ability to find my way back. I told him the other day that maybe we could get married in a winery. That is the only idea I have real seem to take a liking too. Anyway he is going to take me to a movie today!! yeah...of course last time I fell asleep at the theater :/  but of course he wasn't mad.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 12, 2011, 05:13:55 AM
Today I get to pick up all 4 of my grandkiddos and bring them back to the farm for a week!   :clap;   I have been looking forward to Spring Break just as much as if I were still a student!  The oldest is soon to be 10 and the youngest is almost 4.  They are all really sweet and a whole lot of fun and love to come to the farm.  I intend to play...play...play!   :cheer:
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 12, 2011, 05:46:54 AM
As soon as I finish my morning coffee we are going for a walk on snowshoes.  Hubby told me last night he feels better than he ever has (anytime in his life)!!  And he's been on dialysis for over 14 years!!!  We are taking matches to have a fire.  It is +8 celcius today and the snow is melting!!  Thank God!!  I want to see flowers and leaves on the trees.  Will be late may or June here before we get the leaves on the trees and another couple of months before I see my tulips and daffidols bloom.  Terrible what has happened in Japan.  Pictures look awful!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: vcarmody on March 12, 2011, 10:57:23 AM
All I can say as I am happy it is del that still has snow, ours is finally almost gone thanks to the rain that flooded everything, but today when I took my dog out I seen my daffodils getting ready to bloom even though we really have not had any warm days and it just made me so happy inside to know spring is almost here!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: kimberlyn50 on March 14, 2011, 12:03:40 PM
 :thx; WOW!! This thread is great!!  It is SO nice to read about everyday...normal life stuff!!! I sometimes stay away from this site just cause mentally I've had enough..... I've always thought there should be a webpage focusing on CareGivers.....Call it "D" Free Zone!! A place we can go just for this...to get away from it all in our minds...it is refreshing!! I too got a new puppy named Cooper....I got him as a stress reliever...something else to focus on........he is a mini-Aussie and sure does keep me busy!!  But I love him so much!!  I used to raise Rotties, and I had forgotten just how much work a puppy is!! But it is so worth it..and yes,,, while he sleeps I too look at him and think how wonderful.....I'll be checking in here alot.....just love it!!! :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 14, 2011, 01:29:44 PM
I made some whole wheat biscuits (scones to you Brits) for Carl to snack on today. Oh, the house smelled wonderful. I'm off for the next two weeks!

Looney, the visit from your grandchildren sounds luscious. We'll be heading up north to visit ours in a couple days!  :cheer: :cheer:

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 14, 2011, 02:47:51 PM
What a great day! Lunch with my favorite ex-sister-in-law (Why is it that I can get along so well with the sister-in-law my brother divorced and can't get along very well with he sister-in-law my other brother remains married to?  :rofl;) We went to this great local burger joint (Pres. Obama ate there when he was in town!).

Then I went to parent/teacher conferences to hear glowing things about my great kid.  He started in a new school this year and it's nice to see that the teachers are getting to know him.  At the fall conferences all  I heard was, " He's such a quiet boy."  But now they seem to have gotten to know my quirky, kind, funny, smart kid.  It was nice.  (I'm trying to give you a picture of my son - we'll see if I did it right!)

Then my husband and I made a great dinner.  Chicken and broccoli and asparagus.  If you have not discovered McCormick seasonings, I highly recommend them!!!!!  (sodium, I know - but on PD my blood pressure is actually low...)

Hope YOU are having a good day, too!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 14, 2011, 02:49:40 PM
My son is the blond looking at the camera.  That was from the kidney walk two years ago.  Love that kid!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 14, 2011, 02:54:24 PM
hey poppy just wanted to know what is Weetabix?
It's a whole grain biscuit (breakfast cereal.)  Apparently you have them in the US too!  Yay!  But I finished my box today so will have to have porridge tomorrow. 

I enjoyed a gossip over lunch with a friend today.  A man in the pub kept looking at me.  I decided I must have had something on my face.


At the fall conferences all  I heard was, " He's such a quiet boy." 
My school reports always labelled me as being quiet.  Mumsy used to get ever-so irked ... 'If they lived with you they wouldn't be saying that!' she would snarl upon returning from parents evening. 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 15, 2011, 03:26:13 AM
Have to go out to the supermarket shortly ... I'm nearly out of gin and chocolate!!!
But I do need bottled water, cat food and j-cloths as well but not nearly as important!!!
Wish you could buy men on supermarket shelves, they might have a buy one get one free offer on today!!!

Breakfast today was real coffee, boiled egg, french bread and orange juice ... treating myself today.
Yesterday I grabbed a kitkat!

 :waving;  :waving;  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 15, 2011, 05:28:21 AM
OMG! OMG! I am so very happy! I have cured my carpal tunnel syndrome!

It took two days of exercising to stretch the tendons in my wrist! That's it! I slept through  the night last night for the first time in months and months!!!!

Today is going to be a great day!  :cheer: :bandance; :cheer: :bandance;

And tomorrow we set off to see the family in Massachusetts! Woot!  :clap; :clap; :clap;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 15, 2011, 07:58:06 AM
Ummmm just for the record folks...  I have not had sex since... well.. neveryoumind!!!!  :rofl;

I have, however, been out of the country - well sort of (it doesn't really count as International) - to Auckland, New Zealand.

I flew on Emirates' A380 in First Class. It was awesome :-)

but i'm baaaaaaack now
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 15, 2011, 08:23:58 AM
Since when?
 ;)  ;)  ;)

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 15, 2011, 05:10:30 PM
I saw your pictures and they were awsome!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Yvonne on March 16, 2011, 05:36:36 AM
Here in the UK we had a lovely warm sunny day on Sunday the first one this year it must be spring coming.  Took Poppy down to the coast where I used to live she loved it and so did I.  But went and looked at my old bungalow and then wished I hadn't as the new people have taken down some lovely rose bushes I had growing and also the lawn had all cars parked over it. It looked like a tip.
I often wish now I had never moved away from the seaside there was always so much to do down there.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 16, 2011, 06:08:29 AM
I often wish now I had never moved away from the seaside there was always so much to do down there.
I would love to live by the seaside.  Walks along the beach, wet days on the two penny games at the amusements and that gorgeous seaside-y smell.  Oh, and hot 'donuts' ... Divine.

I did a whole hour on my Wii Fit Plus this morning, despite nearly giving up halfway through the cycling activity.  I am very proud of myself.  It's Wednesday so breakfast didn't happen. 

Wish you could buy men on supermarket shelves, they might have a buy one get one free offer on today!!!
Yes, but what if you only had the money for supermarket own brand? Or worse, Tesco Value?  Looks tasty, but doesn't know how his spanner from his frying-pan, and thinks that groan of boredom was you being very much satisfied by his jerky fumble.  Would you still want one then? 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 16, 2011, 06:23:57 AM
Oh Pops you did so make me laugh then, laptop nearly fell off my lap!!!
Blue and white stripe Man by Tesco's!!!!
YES I WOULD!!! I mean buy one get one free, one for the bedroom (surely I could train him????) and one for all those jobs around
the house that need doing like cutting the grass, putting air in my tyres, driving me around ... and back up for number one when he gets too
tired to keep up with my prednisolone-led demands!!!!
Perhaps they would have a Tesco's finest range as well, you know, man-in-a-suit ! I'm a sucker for one of those, throw in some designer shades and we'll forget about spending money on food ...oh YES PLEASE!!!!
You've got me excited now!!!! put me off my picking horses for Cheltenham!

 :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 16, 2011, 07:51:45 AM
Ha ha, I love the idea of a Tesco Finest Man-in-a-Suit.  I can see Finest and Value sitting together on the shelf.  Finest would be James Bond-esque in a wonderfully designed and completely appealing package (with bow,) and Value would be in a string vest (think Onslow from Keeping Up Appearances) just wrapped in plastic on a polystyrene tray. 

If Waitrose or M&S wanted to provide healthy competition they could package up David Cameron or Nick Clegg.  Asda will offer the Milliband Brother's.  And if you're desperate - and lacking in time - the local corner shop will have Phil Mitchell on the shelves. Heinz will do Man-in-aTinCan (with your choice of Mexican or barbeque'd beans.)

You'll be able to order the Brad Pitt and Charlie Sheen types online from somewhere like American Soda.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 16, 2011, 08:03:39 AM
Now you're getting carried away!!!
Hey I'm not that fussy  ::)
puts whole new slant on Saturday Night Takeaways!!! Do you think Customer Services would do refunds on a Sunday morning for poor performances!!! Whoa that would be some conversation !!!

MY horse BOSTON ANGEL just romped home at 16-1 YIPPEE!!!
 :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 16, 2011, 10:32:40 AM
Now you're getting carried away!!!
It's my day off work ... I need to amuse myself somehow!


MY horse BOSTON ANGEL just romped home at 16-1 YIPPEE!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 16, 2011, 11:07:55 AM
I have the whole year off work!!!  I go back in September to my Grade 2 class.  I did a deferred salary thing where I paid into a trust fund for 3 years and get the 4th year off.  During that year I get paid from my trust fund.    I've been having a wonderful year.  Only 2 years left to teach before I retire!! 
It has been sunny and beautiful here the last 2 days. We have ben cutting firewood and bringing it home.  I'm really tired this afternoon.  I have to get a shower and style my hair and head to my weight loss group in a little bit. Hope I lost at least a little bit this week!! If I didn't I'll work harder next week!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 16, 2011, 02:12:37 PM

Now you're getting carried away!!!
It's my day off work ... I need to amuse myself somehow!



Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 16, 2011, 02:22:36 PM
... and head to my weight loss group in a little bit. Hope I lost at least a little bit this week!! If I didn't I'll work harder next week!!
I managed to lose 2Ibs this week.  This was after a Chinese on Saturday and a KFC on Sunday.  I suspect that I'll need to be good this coming week so that it doesn't catch up with me!  Hope you lost!

Sure ... but only if you're paying. 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 16, 2011, 03:54:16 PM
I ought to be on top of the world tonight, having picked out 3 winners @ Cheltenham races but having sat and stared at my computer screen for the last three hours, waiting for "some guy" to talk to me yet my message box remains persistently empty... I feel like a teenager again. You think I would have learned my lesson before now. Don't fall ... but that heady rush of a new man on the scene is so addictive ...wish i didn't feel quite so crap now.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 16, 2011, 05:15:12 PM
Bad day is ending pretty good - we had breakfast for supper!  Yum! :flower;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 16, 2011, 08:09:34 PM
aww, 'wish i knew' we had breakfast for dinner too :-)  also yum  ;D

And Yvonne, your Poppy is absolutly wonderfully beautiful.  What joy they bring and im so happy you have her.  Our dogs bring so much to our lives, i couldnt live without one.  One of our favorite things to do is walk the waters with our dogs.  Brings me such peace.  Would have loved to be doing that today, but painting wood so that tomorrow we can fix our picket fence with it was our fun for the day  ::)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 17, 2011, 05:19:36 AM
Happy St. Paddy's Day!  Are you wearing green?   If not, consider yourself pinched!    :rofl;

 I had a very restfull night last night!  Yeah!

Cleaning today, not my favorite thing to do, but it looks so nice when it's done!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 17, 2011, 02:34:20 PM
It's my dog Murphy's 9th birthday today!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 17, 2011, 03:03:32 PM
Sticking with my New Year's resolution to make more people smile for random reasons   - I passed out 20 small green envelopes to both friends and random strangers today, while telling them I hope they had a little bit of the luck of Irish going for them. Each package was a $1 scratch-off lotto ticket.  Highly entertaining way to spend $20!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on March 17, 2011, 05:15:39 PM
Sugarlump, Your Murphy looks a really sweet boy!

jbeany, what a brilliant idea!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 17, 2011, 05:46:14 PM
Sugarlump, Your Murphy looks a really sweet boy!

He is. We'd just shared a picnic by the river together hence him licking his lips in the photo!
If anyone got me through the last 7 years it was him always there, always looking out for me and being the
reason to make me get up and walk everyday.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 17, 2011, 06:00:14 PM
Happy Burthday Murphy!

I'll try to post my Sugar Bear's picture.  She is a wonderful companion!!!  With my hearing loss, she is also my ears!  What would we do without our furry family?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on March 17, 2011, 09:02:02 PM
I am enjoying this thread - so random yet normal - it's nice - it's life beyond illness.
I am volunteering at an event we do each year to raise money for childrens music programs. We find a run down mansion, bring in 20 interior and 15 exterior designers, who donate their time and talent to renovate the home. We sell tickets for the house and garden tour, also have a restaurant tent and a marketplace - it's open for 4 weeks. Its a lot of work but very successful and the group has been raising funds with a different Showcase House for 47 years - here's a short video about the house. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ7NvXyNy7c
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Yvonne on March 18, 2011, 02:33:44 AM
I've just watch the You Tube Video, it's just fantastic what you are doing Okarol.  I wished I could visit but I am in the UK.  But will keep looking in now and again to see how it's coming on. :clap; :clap;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 18, 2011, 02:36:35 AM
You know I told you about my ball of fluff sitting on her butt, well last night I started training the "roll over" It was 2 and a half hours of laughter and fun.

She had me and my daughter roll over on the carpet with laughter. I wonder who was training who? :rofl; 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 18, 2011, 06:21:41 AM
She had me and my daughter roll over on the carpet with laughter. I wonder who was training who? :rofl; 

Quite, right, Des! Your ball of fluff was saying: look, I was able to get those humans to laugh and roll over for hours!

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

So glad you got a kick out of this!

I'm hangning with my granddaughters in Massachusetts. I can't tell you how much fun it is to listen to bickering between them.  :sarcasm;

They usually get along. But daughter and SIL are using our visit as a time to let us do some major baby sitting. I think I will have enjoyed my dear granddaughters quite enough for a while when we leave on Monday.

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 18, 2011, 07:47:09 AM
thats so funny Des,,, and so good to hear  :flower;    And WillowT,  you cracked me up..  Theres nothen more precious than those grandbabies,, and "I was born to be a grama"  <----(a stollen quote by Chook  ;) )  but i have to be carfull as to the time of day i ask to keep my grandson as when im tired, im TIRED..hehe
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 18, 2011, 08:50:32 AM

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 18, 2011, 12:33:27 PM

*raises eyebrow and awaits an explanation*

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday, Murphy!

jbeany ... I wish I'd been around when you were handing out lottery tickets!  We don't really do anything for St. Paddy's Day in little old England, at least not in the places I've lived (of which there are many.)

I spent my afternoon wasting time at a 'make your own cartoon strip' website.  Yes, I should have been busy planning lessons for next week (I was, sort of) but condensing the whole Twilight series into three images and no more than forty words was very entertaining (and surprisingly easy!)

(porridge, in case you're wondering)

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 18, 2011, 12:56:17 PM
Hi Poppy!
Just a certain man made me very happy this afternoon!
I could tell you who but then I'd have to kill you !!! so it will have to remain a secret!

 :P  :P  :P  :bandance;  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 18, 2011, 01:18:28 PM
Sugar....you can tell me... :secret;

I won't tell....  :rofl;

But so gald you are happy!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 18, 2011, 01:42:51 PM
Hi Poppy!
Just a certain man made me very happy this afternoon!
I could tell you who but then I'd have to kill you !!! so it will have to remain a secret!

 :P  :P  :P  :bandance;  ;D  ;D  ;D
Oooh, 'citing!   ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 18, 2011, 01:43:16 PM
You're never going to believe it
 but ...

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 18, 2011, 02:44:21 PM
oh no no no no nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you dont!!! dont be holden out on your homies like that!!!  spill it chick!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 18, 2011, 02:54:18 PM
My lips are sealed but he's good  8)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 18, 2011, 04:00:04 PM
Craig (my husband) and Kenny (my son) are out the door for a boy scout campout weekend.  I LOVE these weekends for several reasons.  I do NO cooking.  I watch chick stuff on TV and keep the flipper in MY hand all weekend.  I go to bed late and get up late.  And, most importantly, I know they are off having a good time together doing guy stuff.  These weekends give them something that is only theirs.  Anyway, I'm off to watch MY shows.  Have a good weekend all!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: lmunchkin on March 18, 2011, 06:26:47 PM
Hey Paul/karen, what kind of bikes you have? Hubby and I have 1100 v-stars.  He got rid of his but I still have mine.  I put some Hard Chrome extention pipes on mine, to make it a little louder.  I love to ride. Im not crazy about doing it alone, but sometimes it can be so relaxing. I broke my ankle by slipping on ice in January and am just now allowed to weight bear. That is goning to slow my riding a bit, but I can't wait to slap that helmet on my head and RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 18, 2011, 09:28:34 PM
Today I had a great day.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 19, 2011, 12:10:55 AM

 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

PS. WTF we had an overnight frost and its freeeeeezzzzzing!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 19, 2011, 04:02:07 AM
HEY Poppy where are you?
I'm having a coffee break between bouts of housework and need someone to chat to!

Chinese, wine and rugby tonight!!!! They'll be a riot in my corner of Suffolk if Italy and Wales win!!!!

 :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 19, 2011, 09:27:05 AM
And now I've broken the hoover ! **** Do you think I could mend it with superglue?
Oh well .. that's that no more hoovering ever!
                                                                   :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 19, 2011, 09:43:59 AM
We had 10 -12 inches of snow last night!!!  Yuck. Now it is clean up time!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: boswife on March 19, 2011, 09:56:15 AM
oh goodness Del, SNOW ..... NOW!  lol, i can say we did have a cloud in the sky..lol  It's so weard to me when im sitting outside in shorts, to hear of snow... 
And as for today for us..... Ball game for grandson,,then BBq at daughters, and 'ick' fights for the guys tonight... some boxing type thying..  All in all, a great day  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 19, 2011, 10:01:39 AM
bbq sounds good!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 20, 2011, 01:40:59 PM
We sold our quad today!!  Now to sell our snow machine.  We have had a few inquiries so hopefully it will sell.  We are planning to buy a new quad with the tracks that you can put on it for using it in snow.  We just got home from a walk on snowshoes. It is such a beautiful day it was a waste to stay inside!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 20, 2011, 03:59:16 PM
My husband made the most delicious dinner, salsa chicken over rice!  Yummy!

(very easy - your favorite jar of salsa poured over boneless, skinless chicken breasts and cooked all day in the crock pot 'til the chicken almost falls apart.  We serve it over rice and they dribble cheese and sour cream on top, but it's good just plain!)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 20, 2011, 04:28:25 PM
That sounds wicked sitting here having a glass of wine and thinking
I could just eat that!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Heymike on March 20, 2011, 06:22:08 PM
Getting ready to rain here in San Diego. In April the forcast changes to sunny and warm until October .  Then sunny and not quite as warm until January. Then Winter four or five days of rain and the population panics.  The news cast actually calls it STORM WATCH!!  Can you believe it?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Brightsky69 on March 20, 2011, 06:25:34 PM
It's Sunday night and  :P I have to go to work tomorrow.  :thumbdown; >:(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 21, 2011, 04:58:55 AM
My son is home from school sick today.  A cold, sore throat, fever....  At least we get to cuddle!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on March 21, 2011, 07:50:26 AM
I got up this morning & realized that I forgot to add the hair to my daughter's "cowgirl" poster she had to make for kindergarden....she's 6. So I had to rush & scalp a Barbie (the head wouldn't stay on the body anymore), glue the hair on the posterboard, then walk the dogs & get her ready for school. We drove her to school this morning so she wouldn't get her cowgirl messed up on the bus (we even cut a foam cowboy hat down to put on the poster for the 3-D effect). By the time hubby dropped me off at work, I realized that I left my badge (keycard to get in & out of the office) hanging by the dog's leashes!!! Then, I have to wait for one of my co-workers to get here to let me into the receptionist area so I could cover for her while she's out this week! Oh what a morning! I am TIRED already!
 :banghead;   lmao
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 21, 2011, 09:40:07 AM
When I'm studying, I tend to get so focused that nothing else in my environment gets through to me.  While it's helpful for studying, it's not always so great for things I SHOULD be paying attention to in the world around me. (My cat has learned to deal with this by simply jumping on the desk and standing on the keyboard so I can't type or see the screen.  Then I have to pay attention to her.) 
Last night, though, my usual blocking out nearly gave me a heart attack.  I hadn't noticed that it has started to rain, and I hadn't paid any attention to the storm that was headed my way either.  At least not until a bolt of lightning hit so close and with such violence that it knocked a 20 inch iron scroll-work clock off the outside wall!  It smashed into the chair below, and then bounced off the back into the wall, smashing the plate on the electrical plug and bending the two plugs in it.  The cat, who was in the chair, launched off with a yowl of fright and tore down the hall to hide under the bed.
Okay, I'm paying attention now!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 21, 2011, 10:32:55 AM
My cat has learned to deal with this by simply jumping on the desk and standing on the keyboard so I can't type or see the screen.  Then I have to pay attention to her.
My little old cat (which everyone thinks is a kitten) has just started doing that in the last couple of weeks.  I think she's been in contact with yours when we're not on the 'puters.

Sugarlump - this chap is so good that you broke the hoover?  Wow!    >:D

I hung some washing on the line for the first time this year today and it had dried by the time I got home from work.  I likes spring, I does.  I particularly like daffodils.  They're the only flower that I imagine being alive. We got some new fish for our aquarium.  And we moved the living room around in preparation for our new settee.  Hurry up, settee!  I was VERY hyper all weekend.  It's an odd sensation for me. 

I think that's enough randomness.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 21, 2011, 11:44:36 AM
Sugarlump - this chap is so good that you broke the hoover?  Wow!    >:D
HEY Poppy the man and the hoover totally unconnected!  :rofl;
I blame the steroids giving me so much excess energy that I've been hoovering madly everyday and I think the hoover went and had a heart attack on Saturday!!!! But I rang Sainsburys and they're going to replace it with a new one (only 8 months old!) so all's well that end well!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 21, 2011, 02:04:35 PM
I've been hoovering madly everyday ...
Please will you bring your new hoover to my house (I hate hoovering.)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 21, 2011, 02:25:10 PM
No problem I get very twitchy in the evenings if i sit still for long so whizzing round with hoover keeps me calm (in the absence of
anything else!!!)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 21, 2011, 08:38:17 PM
Dogwalking and garrdening extra!!!  :angel;  :angel;  :angel;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 22, 2011, 12:21:34 PM
I had a sh!tty day: a student became aggressive with me and the stupid jobs worth of a bus driver wouldn't let me off the bus at the bus station (to catch another bus) because of 'elf & safety so a 12 mile journey home became a 45 mile journey home, and then I embarrassed myself by just bursting into tears ON THE BUS. 

But when Blokey came home he brought with him Little Big Planet 2 (yay! i ♥ surprises!) so I shall spend tomorrow hooked up to the PS3.  Huzzah!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 22, 2011, 12:26:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your shitty day Poppy  :cuddle;

Have a jellybaby?
I'm sitting here eating a packet of them (comfort eating!!)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on March 22, 2011, 12:34:21 PM
I had a sh!tty day: a student became aggressive with me and the stupid jobs worth of a bus driver wouldn't let me off the bus at the bus station (to catch another bus) because of 'elf & safety so a 12 mile journey home became a 45 mile journey home, and then I embarrassed myself by just bursting into tears ON THE BUS. 

But when Blokey came home he brought with him Little Big Planet 2 (yay! i ♥ surprises!) so I shall spend tomorrow hooked up to the PS3.  Huzzah!


You poor thing. I think tears were warranted. Trust me, I have burst into tears in the most inappropriate and embarrassing places, far worse than a bus full of strangers. In fact, when I saw "student became aggressive with me" I thought to myself 'if it were me, I would have just collapsed into sobs' which I'm sure would have drawn mocking laughter from the kids, and ruined any authority I might have had. It sounds like you handled a difficult situation with grace, so Poppy, please give yourself credit. I'm sure your fellow bus riders have had days like that, too.  :cuddle;

Enjoy your Little Big Planet. (Video game??)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 22, 2011, 01:25:06 PM
I love reading all the things going on all over the world.

I got home from a trip to Massachusetts last night. Went grocery shopping and bought a roast that smells wonderful as it cooks in the crock pot....and this afternoon I went to the gym and did water exercises for over an hour. Afterward I went to school to feed all the critters.

Now I call that a nearly perfect day!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 22, 2011, 02:47:45 PM
Your post made me think about what "would" constitute the perfect day ?

Someone bringing me a cup of real coffee in bed to start the day, a house that has been magically cleaned by fairies overnight, the sun actually shining, maybe going on a hike into the countryside with my dog and being fit enough to walk say 10 miles, stopping for a gourmet picnic (prepared by same magical fairies) and coming home refreshed and relaxed to find a sweet guy in my kitchen cooking dinner, sharing steak, salad and a glass of wine with some decent conversation and music in the background, and .......................  ;D
That will do nicely!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 22, 2011, 03:17:12 PM
You poor thing. I think tears were warranted. Trust me, I have burst into tears in the most inappropriate and embarrassing places, far worse than a bus full of strangers. In fact, when I saw "student became aggressive with me" I thought to myself 'if it were me, I would have just collapsed into sobs' which I'm sure would have drawn mocking laughter from the kids, and ruined any authority I might have had. It sounds like you handled a difficult situation with grace, so Poppy, please give yourself credit. I'm sure your fellow bus riders have had days like that, too.  :cuddle;

Enjoy your Little Big Planet. (Video game??)
Thank you cariad.  This made me tearful again!  (But in a relieved 'I'm normal' way, rather than an embarrassed 'I'm so weak' way.)

And Little Big Planet is indeedy a video game.  ;D

*takes jellybaby from sugarlump* ... how did you know they're my favourites?!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 22, 2011, 04:07:47 PM
Sugarlump, your perfect day REALLY topped mine.... :rofl; :rofl;

But we even had dinner on the porch. Now THAT was a real treat for this time of year!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 22, 2011, 04:33:20 PM
Hey Willow just thinking about it put a smile on my face  :laugh: but reading it back just now made me think it doesn't sound very adventurous perhaps I should have written climbing Mt Kilimanjaro or something but don't think I'm quite up to that yet x

Sugarlump, your perfect day REALLY topped mine.... :rofl; :rofl;

But we even had dinner on the porch. Now THAT was a real treat for this time of year!


Can tell you don't live in England dinner outside in March wow!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 22, 2011, 04:52:04 PM
I was begged several times for the recipe to my Bacon Pecan fudge today.  Wahahahahah - NO!  >:D (I can't anyhow - there isn't really a recipe in set measurements.  It's a dash of this and a heaping spoonful of that and stir until it looks right.)   I do so love the "Ewww, bacon in fudge?"  which is immediately followed by "Omigod, gimme some more!"  when you finally convince someone to try it!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: monrein on March 22, 2011, 07:25:45 PM
I had a wonderful day today.  Rowed for 30 minutes at the gym followed by 30 minutes of upper body weight work and 30 minutes of biking.  Delicious lunch at Indian restaurant near my house with my aunt then my 75 minute daily walk (7 and a half kilometers) during which I succumbed to the decadence of a splurge on a beautiful red leather handbag (see attached photo).  Then the anguish as I realized too late that I'd totally forgotten a dental appointment.  AAARRGGHHH!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 22, 2011, 11:52:03 PM

I want some pie too  :laugh:

Well I am working (sort of).

I am so proud of my daughter , she is this amazing human being.  :flower;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 23, 2011, 05:21:53 AM
I want a nurse purse now lol. Maybe just like that. A nice bright red one to  cheer my day. I usually get....black lol. Today is rainy, grey and quiet. I had a bagel w/ honey nut cream cheese. It is dialysis day so I'm enjoying my alone time. I've even cranked my music way up! lol
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 23, 2011, 05:30:22 AM
Bacon in fudge?!  Me want-y! 

I've even cranked my music way up! lol
Are you dancing like nobody's watching?

Can tell you don't live in England dinner outside in March wow!!!!
I have just watched my elderly next door neighbour walk up the road dressed in her best winter coat (buttons done up,) furry black boots and furry cream hat.  Meanwhile, the cats can't make up their minds whether they want to be inside worshipping Mummy (me) or outside worshipping the sun so they're meowing to be let in only to decide that they really do need to urgently be back outside ten seconds later.  It's gorgeously warm here in the western East Angles of England ... I hope the sun has found it's way to the southern East Angles too, Sugarlump!

I want a barbecue!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 23, 2011, 05:36:41 AM
I want a BB Que too. I will bring my new red purse with me. I wasn't dancing but I sure am singing like no one's watching. I am listening to Sam Cooke greatest hits right now. After that, Aretha Franklin. When that one goes on, the dancing will begin! lol. Feel free to come join me. WE can dance all over. I don't even care if you jump on top of my furniture or counters. We are going to call it THERAPY!! lol
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 23, 2011, 05:56:45 AM
HEY I'm dancing with my new hoover 
:bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance; its a funky purple and white one!!!! and my music is well
cranked up  and YES Poppy the sun has made it to the most easterly part of England at last. Spring !!!! is springing!!!!
Abba on the radio (not very cool I know) but just right for dancing with your hoover!!!! Does your mother know  ;musicalnote;

Yeah i know, I've lost the plot!!!
Men in white coats looking for me now! Won't find me on their sat nav cos it's a brand new house and doesn't exist on gps!!!!!

 :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 23, 2011, 06:05:49 AM
If you are listening to ABBA you must be the dancing queen!  :2thumbsup;

Jbeany, a friend was just telling me about chocolate covered bacon, and then I read about your bacon fudge....the universe LOVES the combo of sweat and salty!

The wind is blowing this morning and the blossom petals are swirling off the purple plum like snow, but it is too warm for snow.


Shopping today...and time to get moving. (Before the thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes arrive).

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 23, 2011, 06:14:33 AM
Hi. Aleta

Autumn here.... wind is blowing as well.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 23, 2011, 06:45:42 AM
Feel free to come join me. WE can dance all over. I don't even care if you jump on top of my furniture or counters. We are going to call it THERAPY!! lol
WooHoo!  Count me in!

Sugarlump, Please don't be too energetic with the hoover; I imagine sainsbury's won't be very happy with you if you break it so soon.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 23, 2011, 06:49:06 AM
Each hoover comes with years guarantee! How many hoovers will I get through before they alter my drugs!!!!!  :urcrazy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 23, 2011, 06:52:11 AM
 Sugar you just gave me the greatest idea, dance with my broom while I'm sweeping! Love it!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 23, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Makes the housework more fun plus you get an energetic workout!!! Crank music up loud throw open windows and doors and sing at top of your voice and dance like crazy. Celebrate being ALIVE!!!
Poppy will get cracking with the bbq for afterwards!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 23, 2011, 06:58:03 AM
Makes the housework more fun plus you get an energetic workout!!! Crank music up loud throw open windows and doors and sing at top of your voice and dance like crazy. Celebrate being ALIVE!!!
Poppy will get cracking with the bbq for afterwards!!!!
If I sung with the windows open the neighbours would assume I was strangling my cats!  Can I celebrate being alive with the windows closed, please?

Oh, and bring your own sausages for the barbecue.  Don't worry about the alcohol; I have lots. You might want to bring a cardie too because the sun has decided that it's had enough and it's snoozing behind the clouds.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 23, 2011, 07:00:31 AM
Cardie's are for cowardly custards !!!! I'm wearing my jeans and sparkly vest top!!!  :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 23, 2011, 07:58:03 AM
I had a wonderful day today.  Rowed for 30 minutes at the gym followed by 30 minutes of upper body weight work and 30 minutes of biking.  Delicious lunch at Indian restaurant near my house with my aunt then my 75 minute daily walk (7 and a half kilometers) during which I succumbed to the decadence of a splurge on a beautiful red leather handbag (see attached photo).  Then the anguish as I realized too late that I'd totally forgotten a dental appointment.  AAARRGGHHH!

I splurged last summer on a leather bag and a leather jacket that same color!!  Love it!!  Now if the weather would get warm enough to wear the jacket!!  The wind is really cold here today BRRR!! 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 23, 2011, 09:41:17 AM
Aletha is going shopping too. Looks like she's getting a new red purse today! lol. Hey, you know how they have the "Ladies Red Hat Society?" (or something like that) Well we canhave our own  "Renal Red Purse Society"
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 23, 2011, 10:49:15 AM
Aletha is going shopping too. Looks like she's getting a new red purse today! lol. Hey, you know how they have the "Ladies Red Hat Society?" (or something like that) Well we canhave our own  "Renal Red Purse Society"
Can I be the quirky member with the non-red pale pink bag?

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 23, 2011, 11:42:57 AM
HA!!! I've got a bright cerise pink straw one too!!! Pink is the new red!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 23, 2011, 05:00:10 PM
Oh, I WISH I had been shopping for purses!

I was just doing the monthly warehouse shopping.....

But I had a lovely, lovely swim at the gym....or more like an hour of strenuous exercising, but it felt GREAT!


I want to turn in my dull black purse for something right spiffy!

And I'm ready to go dancing!  :clap;

The banana dance... :bandance; :bandance; :bandance;

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Have a good one, everyone!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 24, 2011, 08:39:11 AM
I 've decided summer is coming so treated myself to a shortish bright pink and white flowery dress with a deep V neck and a ruffle at the hem so I can float about and be very cool and summery!

 :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 24, 2011, 12:35:41 PM
I love swimming...you're lucky! lol Today am lying in bed with my foot up. I have 3 broken toes that are all black 'blue and hurt mighty bad. Dropped a heavy glass container of rice on them last night. Dropped down in pain. I am not wearing a pretty flowery dress darn.. (wish I was!). I am in yuckky sweat pants lol. Later tonight I will carefully run a bath and bathe. I guess I'llprop my foot up bit while in there. Urghh.. Things could be a lot worse so I'm looking on the bright side!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 24, 2011, 12:51:28 PM
Hi TS that reminds me of when my mum dropped a dish of moussaka on her foot and burnt her toes. The doctor remarked if it had been an English casserole it would have run straight off but because it was moussaka in a cheese sauce it stuck and burnt her!!!
My tip for the day : bag of frozen peas on it works a treat!!!   :laugh:

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 24, 2011, 04:33:21 PM
Ouch Texasstyle!!!
We ordered our new quad today.  Should get it some time next week.  We sold our old ATV last Sunday and there are people coming to buy our skidoo tomorrow!!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 24, 2011, 04:42:29 PM
Oh, TS!  >:(

Three broken toes!!!! Not good, not good at ALL!


I don't think you will be dancing for a while. I suggest you get one of those boot things at a medical supplier. They really help!

We took two more steps toward a "normal" post-transplant life today. First we finished moving the furniture around so our den no longer has ANY traces of being a dialysis clinic and our spare bedroom is once again a bedroom.

AND, we renewed our expired passports. Afterward we looked at travel trailers....Wheeeeeeee!

(We aren't ready to buy, yet, but it was fun to look!)


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 24, 2011, 06:58:02 PM
was doing ice for some time. I've heard of the frozen vegetable bags before.This shappened late last night. toes deep purple this morning. The 3 in the middle of my left foot. Trobbed aaaaaaalllll nite long. Still hurting but throbbing is down some. Elevated my foot in bed all day & watched tv, and played my guitar, and wrote a new song! I guess being bed ridden isn't so bad after all. Oh, and I even brough my morning cup of coffee. Del, that sounds sounds like so much fun! Be careful though please. We don't need anymore broken toes lol.  Ouch burns are the worst.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 24, 2011, 08:05:32 PM
Made really nice chicken and cashew nut stirfry for dinner tonight have leftovers if you're interested  :waving;  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 24, 2011, 09:26:24 PM
 :bandance; Aleta's planning a traveling vacation?  I think she should stop and see ALL of us!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 24, 2011, 10:32:06 PM
Oh, TS!  >:(

AND, we renewed our expired passports. Afterward we looked at travel trailers....Wheeeeeeee!


South Africa! South Africa! It is a fantastic place to visit and with the R/$ exchange rate fairly cheap I believe. See you SOON.  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: tyefly on March 24, 2011, 11:51:41 PM
Aleta    dont forget to come to Oregon....  Crater Lake,,,, the Pacific Ocean..... the Red Woods....   lakes , rivers, deserts, big ass mountains.... rain forest.....  lots of hiking trails...     

 I love Vacations..... 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 25, 2011, 12:20:33 AM
I can do a whistlestop tour of London, Shakespeares birthplace and the suffolk beaches like Southwold and Walberswick ...very chic x
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: MooseMom on March 25, 2011, 12:56:48 AM
Come to Chicago!  We'll take to you Lake Michigan and the wonderful museums along the lake.  We'll take you to dinner 95 floors up in the Hancock building.  We'll go shopping down the Magnificent Mile.  And you can eat all the pizza you want!  Baseball season starts 1 April...we'll take you to Wrigley Field.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 25, 2011, 03:50:55 AM
And after Chicago, swing a bit northwest, and I'll give you the grand tour of Michigan's west side!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on March 25, 2011, 04:28:46 AM
Australia awaits you!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 25, 2011, 04:52:49 AM
Hi Galvo!  :)
Did I frighten you off the other day???
Haven't seen you on "Last post wins" since .... :(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 25, 2011, 05:55:44 AM
Aleta...Southern MO is beautiful this time of year and not too far from you for the first night's stay.  Maybe on the Current river or at the Looney Farm.  It's so great to see the bloom of a new life for you.

TS...you poor dear.  Frozen veggies for your foot and a box of chocolates for your pain. 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on March 25, 2011, 09:21:22 AM
Aleta, I won't make anyone pretend that they want to see Milwaukee. Just pick a city that you fancy and I'll meet you there, 'kay? If you are feeling political, we could go to Madison.

I'd love to go to South Africa again, definitely would want to visit Ms. Des this time around. :2thumbsup;

We are starting to repay our debt to society tomorrow. The couple that acted as two of our primary support people are moving (just down the road) and one of them is out of town this weekend. We are spending the day with one, possibly two, of their boys. My kids have a skating make-up class tomorrow, then we will have the kid(s) over. My older son will just want to play video games with their older child, but I am taking my little guy to go 'maple sugaring' at the environmental center. Apparently, we will learn to spot maple trees, see how they are tapped, and get a taste of very local maple syrup. They also have a pancake breakfast going for much of the day, so Gwyn may take our kids over in the morning for a proper taste of the syrup. After the class, we will meet up at the cinema and take the whole lot of them to Rango at the best theatre in town - they run childrens films and you can order food and  :beer1; or  :wine; For under $100, we will all see a pickie, and be sorted for dinner as well. WooHoo!

Today my younger son has the day off due to school furloughs. We will just do a bit of cleaning, then pick his brother up at 3PM and head to the environmental center for their afternoon science program. My little guy is in the playroom right now, absorbed in his Tag reader books. Oh, just discovered he will be participating in a piano recital in May. I am so proud! He really has the makings of a musician. :guitar:

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 25, 2011, 12:53:41 PM
I can take you to the best coffee shops in Cambridge!

Oh, and some of the colleges (but they're not THAT exciting.)

Texas, hope your toes are feeling a tad better today ... *ouch*!

It's the weekend ...

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 25, 2011, 01:51:37 PM
Punting on the river ????
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 25, 2011, 02:04:31 PM
:bandance; Aleta's planning a traveling vacation?  I think she should stop and see ALL of us!

South Africa! South Africa! It is a fantastic place to visit and with the R/$ exchange rate fairly cheap I believe. See you SOON.  :waving;

Aleta    dont forget to come to Oregon....  Crater Lake,,,, the Pacific Ocean..... the Red Woods....   lakes , rivers, deserts, big ass mountains.... rain forest.....  lots of hiking trails...     

 I love Vacations..... 

I can do a whistlestop tour of London, Shakespeares birthplace and the suffolk beaches like Southwold and Walberswick ...very chic x

Come to Chicago!  We'll take to you Lake Michigan and the wonderful museums along the lake.  We'll take you to dinner 95 floors up in the Hancock building.  We'll go shopping down the Magnificent Mile.  And you can eat all the pizza you want!  Baseball season starts 1 April...we'll take you to Wrigley Field.

And after Chicago, swing a bit northwest, and I'll give you the grand tour of Michigan's west side!

Australia awaits you!

Aleta...Southern MO is beautiful this time of year and not too far from you for the first night's stay.  Maybe on the Current river or at the Looney Farm.  It's so great to see the bloom of a new life for you.

Aleta, I won't make anyone pretend that they want to see Milwaukee. Just pick a city that you fancy and I'll meet you there, 'kay? If you are feeling political, we could go to Madison.

I can take you to the best coffee shops in Cambridge!

Oh, and some of the colleges (but they're not THAT exciting.)

Punting on the river ????

Oh, my dear friends.....I am weeping .... truly weeping....  :grouphug;

I always said that when we were able we were going to go see all my wonderful friends from here. I guess I better make good on that .... ASAP!  :clap;

Had a lovely, lovely lunch with Mizar today. We sat and talked and talked. It was a good thing the restaurant wasn't crowded.... they would have kicked us out!  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 25, 2011, 02:11:53 PM
IHD World Tour  !!!! :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 25, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
Aleta, Don't forget that you are coming to visit us !!!   :beer1;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 25, 2011, 03:41:13 PM
I know, Del....You and Bill are first on the list...  :grouphug;


We will have to make a   W - I - D - E   swing on the way south from Newfoundland to visit other folks.


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 25, 2011, 04:10:11 PM
Yum yum...that stir fry sounds good! I've never made stir fry at home before. Althea has decided that we are GOING along with her on her trip! Yippe! Althea, did you know that? lol   She says she is providing limo's for transport to the airport and then, we are all private Lier jets!  Oh Althea, you're the best! xoxo
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 25, 2011, 04:17:27 PM
Yum yum...that stir fry sounds good! I've never made stir fry at home before. Althea has decided that we are GOING along with her on her trip! Yippe! Althea, did you know that? lol   She says she is providing limo's for transport to the airport and then, we are all private Lier jets!  Oh Althea, you're the best! xoxo

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Okay, okay!  :2thumbsup;

And TS, we have been talking that this insane 15-hour-straight-through drive to Massachusetts may just be getting a bit old. And since we pass through your part of the country on our way.....

 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Tag, you are IT!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: monrein on March 25, 2011, 04:23:00 PM
Toronto anyone?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 25, 2011, 04:24:58 PM
Toronto anyone?

Added to my ever growing list.  :yahoo;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: lmunchkin on March 25, 2011, 05:59:10 PM
We are Texas bound hopefully soon. Just gonna loaded Van up with machine & supplies and we be SOUTH bound!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 26, 2011, 04:48:25 AM
I really love Cambridge (UK) specially since I studied at Wolfson for a 3 week study tour thing in the late 80's. Was fantastic. Definitely Camb over Oxford!!!  >:D

TS? I make stir fry several times a week - it's quick and easy and I think fairly healthy - I either do chicken with vegies, cashews and sweet chilli or peanut sauce, or I try with beef and teriyaki or maybe black bean. I think it's one way to keep it simple but also fairly healthy (and trust me I am hopeless inb the kitchen).

Anyway I'm working on my own little tour :) I'm looking at a round the world ticket for late May taking in Hong Kong, UK, Seattle... maybe other mystery locations... depends on time and meds...

A place I really want to visit is Maho beach St. Maarten - where the planes come in over the beach (and topless women get into the bar for free  >:D). I'd be in heaven with beach babes and plane porn AND A BAR!!!

So who wants to come with me to SXM??  :rofl; (note: preference will be given to beach babes.... )
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 26, 2011, 07:26:57 AM
Yum yum...that stir fry sounds good! I've never made stir fry at home before.

BTW I pinched RM's recipe and was very yummy.
Chicken breast, unsalted cashew nuts, onion, red pepper and mange tout.
Easiest to fry off onion and cashews in wok first for 2-3 mins then remove, put chicken in (cut into strips), when half-cooked add veggies. When cooked, re-add onions and cashews.
I made sweet and sour sauce up with soy sauce,brown sugar, pineapple juice and dash wine vinegar. Add for last 60 seconds
and hey presto
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 26, 2011, 08:15:09 AM
haha it's not MINE it's YOURS!!! You totally improved on mine since I cheat and use bottle sauce and frozen veggies - but the idea is basically the same (though I found doing cashews after the chicken goes in a bit better for me as if I had them in too early they would burn a bit).

damn I'm hungry and it's time for bed!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 26, 2011, 11:31:47 AM
Rich's Chicken and Cashew nut stirfry English stylie!
I'll fedex you some over x

 :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on March 26, 2011, 06:06:40 PM
My poor puppy has a very swollen face.  We took her to the vet and she has an abscess tooth.  Antibiotics to get the infection under control and then surgery Wed. to remove the tooth.  She looks so sad and a little drugged up now from the pain meds.  Poor thing.

Ouch on the wallet, too.  $725.00 for all!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Brightsky69 on March 26, 2011, 06:16:06 PM
Wow $725.00 but poor puppy....but gotta fix her poor tooth.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 26, 2011, 06:23:54 PM
That is $725 of LOVE that will be repaid a hundred times over.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 09:59:16 AM
Twice within 24hours I have been described in ghostlike terms I'm getting quite worried I'm disappearing into twilight.
I need to go and look in the mirror and check.
For anyone out there who doubts it, I am alive and kicking and very real. I ain't no phantom!   >:D

 :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 27, 2011, 10:32:15 AM
Definitely Camb over Oxford!!!  >:D

Sorry about your puppy, WIK.  Hope he feels oodles better soon.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 10:36:29 AM
Who won the boat race ?????  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: lmunchkin on March 27, 2011, 11:02:03 AM
A/C unit on the blink!  Fiddle sticks!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 11:05:41 AM
I believe I won £15 on OXFORD on Saturday!!!!!  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 27, 2011, 12:11:42 PM
I won $2 on lotto. LOl.  I'm rich!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on March 27, 2011, 01:38:34 PM
I went to the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast yesterday, with the syrup harvested from the woods right behind them. The syrup tasted a bit like sugary cereal to me - not sure why that was. It had almost a graham cracker taste to it. Really, though, I was not there to eat, just support the environmental center that teaches so many kids about nature and conservation. My younger son would ditch us in an instant if they offered him a room there and a spot on staff. (He knows way too much about animals, and what he doesn't know, he will gladly fabricate.)

Skating after that. Liot is aggravating me. He gets bored and will lie down on the ice and refuse to get up. This is his second time taking this course and I refuse to pay for a third. He is much more competent on skates, he just does not like the little exercises that they want them to do. I was told the other day that my older son will likely be able to jump ahead two levels. The teacher told me that he is keeping up very well and that if she can save us a little money, she would be happy to do it. After that, just hosting the kids all afternoon, and then some UNO with my younger son who felt left out when he was not invited to spend the night with the other boys. I told him (and this is true) that I was desperate for some Liot time as we almost never get to spend time with just him. It turns out he is a really good sport! He does not get at all upset when he loses at cards. I am stunned by this, truly I am.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 27, 2011, 01:44:16 PM
All this betting (and winning!) on sports, sugarlump - what's the secret?  I suppose actually watching them might help, though....

A friend of mine sent me a text today, all full of exclamation points, about Virginia beating someone else.  Uh-huh.  I sent back a message requesting a translation for the sports impaired.  What sport was she watching?  She texted back, "It's March, idiot!"

Oh, yeah.  March Madness, US college basketball. 

I don't know why she's surprised, when I never know when the Superbowl is on or who is playing, either.   ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 02:25:34 PM
Hi jb unfortunately my amazing tipping services are already taken by a very special person who shan't be named  :secret;
You need to study the form and statistics and also need a little bit of the Midas touch! Watching is good but not necessary!!!! A little bit of recklessness helps x
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: MooseMom on March 27, 2011, 02:37:57 PM
11 ranked Virginia Commonwealth beat number 1 Kansas! ( I know jbeany is just dying to know this)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 27, 2011, 02:45:03 PM
 I, too, am sports impaired. Someone asked me which team I was rooting for in the Superbowl and I responded that I didn't even know who was playing!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

I participated in a lively discussion with friends today about civil communication.

It was a bit over 2 years ago that the shooter entered a UU church here and gunned down several people, injuring a dear friend, taking out the eye of another friend's father and killing two people, including someone I knew socially. Civil discourse is still a hot topic around here.

AND I had a glass of peach flavored bubbly! Ooooh! I feel so wicked.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on March 27, 2011, 02:45:51 PM
Twice within 24hours I have been described in ghostlike terms I'm getting quite worried I'm disappearing into twilight.
I need to go and look in the mirror and check.
For anyone out there who doubts it, I am alive and kicking and very real. I ain't no phantom!   >:D

 :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;

I see you.  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on March 27, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
My 3 adult tortoises are awake from their 6 month hibernation. They came out about 10 days ago, but it's been raining a lot so they have scarcely eaten. Hopefully it's going to be sunny now. The baby tortoise Rocky (he's 3 years old now) hibernated in a dark space in the house as opposed to the adult shelter in the yard. He looks great, eating like crazy today, ready for spring.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 03:08:22 PM
Twice within 24hours I have been described in ghostlike terms I'm getting quite worried I'm disappearing into twilight.
I need to go and look in the mirror and check.
For anyone out there who doubts it, I am alive and kicking and very real. I ain't no phantom!   >:D

 :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;  :urcrazy;

I see you.  :waving;

GOOD  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on March 27, 2011, 04:48:26 PM
Hi Galvo!  :)
Did I frighten you off the other day???
Haven't seen you on "Last post wins" since .... :(

Have I done this quote thing properly?

Yes, Sugarlump. You have me shaking in my boots!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 05:19:54 PM
Just don't mention ghosts!!! Mr "Stamina" !!!!!!!!!  :bandance;  :bandance; :bandance;

You're not in bed again ??? :clap;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 05:26:03 PM
its getting on for lunchtime over there??   >:D
Do you have tattoo's and a bush hat ?? Can you wrestle crocodiles??
Will I be safe with you??

 :beer1;  :beer1;  :beer1;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 05:38:51 PM
Hi jb unfortunately my amazing tipping services are already taken by a very special person who shan't be named  :secret;
You need to study the form and statistics and also need a little bit of the Midas touch! Watching is good but not necessary!!!! A little bit of recklessness helps x

but everyone has their price ....   :sarcasm;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 27, 2011, 10:47:46 PM
My 3 adult tortoises are awake from their 6 month hibernation. They came out about 10 days ago, but it's been raining a lot so they have scarcely eaten. Hopefully it's going to be sunny now. The baby tortoise Rocky (he's 3 years old now) hibernated in a dark space in the house as opposed to the adult shelter in the yard. He looks great, eating like crazy today, ready for spring.

That is SO cute. Here in SA they don't really hybernate as such as the temp never really drop that low but ou pet snake was covered up and not fed for 3 months every winter. (we don't have it anymore)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 27, 2011, 10:50:27 PM
Cricket - so the SA team chocked again. Congrats to NZ.  :cheer:

Head dropped in shame. I really thought we were going to win this one.  ???
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 27, 2011, 11:01:26 PM
Oh but Des didn't my man Danny take an awesome catch??? Good to see him back out there!!!!

As for Oxford... *growl* NOT HAPPY!!! my pride as a Cambridge man is hurting! :)

All I can say is that at least Cambridge still leads overall - 80 to 76 :)

I think SL should shout us all drinks with her winnings!  :rofl;  :beer1;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 11:31:07 PM
Just cos you didn't take my advice!!!!   ;D

 :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;

OK drinks are on me ....coming Galvo? or you still in bed?!!

 :wine; :wine; :wine; :wine; :wine; :wine;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 27, 2011, 11:54:16 PM
Who stole the glasses ????  :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 28, 2011, 06:11:23 AM
Beautiful (but chilly) day here. Temp is staying around freezing. I'm going for a walk in a few minutes though!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 06:19:31 AM
I had to look up where you live to see why so cold. Newfoundland that explains it ... Do you have snow still? Brrrr I thought England was cold enough lately...

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 10:11:03 AM
I think SL should shout us all drinks with her winnings!  :rofl;  :beer1;
I'm not sure £15 would buy *that* many drinks at pub prices in the UK! 

Oooh, it's glorious here.  I got home from work and surprised myself with two and a half hours of solid gardening.  I HATE gardening!  Then I amused myself with some bubbles in the bath and am now sitting here in my pyjamas.  Yes, it's only just gone 6.00pm. 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 10:15:58 AM
I think SL should shout us all drinks with her winnings!  :rofl;  :beer1;
I'm not sure £15 would buy *that* many drinks at pub prices in the UK! 

Oooh, it's glorious here.  I got home from work and surprised myself with two and a half hours of solid gardening.  I HATE gardening!  Then I amused myself with some bubbles in the bath and am now sitting here in my pyjamas.  Yes, it's only just gone 6.00pm. 


Without wishing to brag that was only one of many that managed to romp home at the weekend (apart from Lewis Hamilton) so
reckon I could manage a bottle of champagne or two Pops !!!
What kind of pyjamas then??? I just bought some snoopy ones with "I'm so cool" emblazoned on the front!!!! for summer travels -
Sugarlump on Tour 2011!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on March 28, 2011, 10:39:21 AM
My toughest professor told me I'm a good writer.  Always nice to be patted on the back!   :bandance;

I got an assignment back in another class.  Compared notes with the friend I sit next to as we looked over the comments.  I got a 96, he got a 95.  I pointed out the scrawled "One of the best two in the class" written across the top of mine, telling him that he likely had the other.  Classmates around us razzed us about being over-achievers.  Then the prof explained his grading system.  "I graded on a curve, based on the two best papers in class."   Oooops.  If looks could kill!   >:(
Should have kept our mouths shut!   :shy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on March 28, 2011, 11:10:28 AM
My son scored a goal in his soccer match yesterday. He played with the same team that asked him to join them a month ago - they were short a player again, and this time no subs at all. He came home with an ice pack. I wanted to go watch him, but Gwyn and I are in the midst of an ugly row at the moment, and I knew that if he had to choose, Aidan would want his dad there coaching him. Last time he played, he came back home and burst into tears because he said that he felt like he was being ignored.  :'( Then Gwyn interrupted with Hang on - Were you playing positions? This team is two years up from Aidan, which means he's playing with kids a foot or more taller than he. He's approaching 9, there could be kids almost 12 playing with him. Anyhow, he scored, took an injury, and has got the hang of the 'positions' system. An accomplished morning.

He also got his baseball assignment. He'll be playing for the 'padres'. Now, Aidan is mostly fluent in Spanish, so I'll bet he's wondering why his team is "the parents".

I am going to get back into local politics this week. Too many meetings, too many emails - I burnt out on it, but have to jump back in now.

Aidan told me he is ready for spring. No kidding, sweetie! I am having a depressive episode over this ridiculously cold weather.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 01:25:09 PM
My pyjamas are just boring pink ones, Sugarlump.  No coolness associated with them whatsoever.

So, I know this thread is supposed to be the Happy Happy Joyful thread, but I'm feeling sad and I want *huggles*.


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 28, 2011, 01:31:05 PM
 :grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug;

Here are some huggles for you Poppy!

 :flower; :flower;

Nothing wrong with plain pink PJs!!! It's the comfort that scores with PJs!  :cuddle;

But if you don't like them...you can do this...

 :sir ken;


More huggles for you..... :grouphug; :grouphug; :grouphug;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 01:33:27 PM
Why so down Poppy?

 :cuddle;  :cuddle;  :cuddle;

I have to go to Cambridge Wednesday morning A14 @ 9am oh joy of joys!!!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 01:58:07 PM
But if you don't like them...you can do this...

 :sir ken;

*gasp* ... not with my big bottom I can't (at least, not in public!)

Why so down Poppy?

 :cuddle;  :cuddle;  :cuddle;

I have to go to Cambridge Wednesday morning A14 @ 9am oh joy of joys!!!  ;D ;D
Oh, this and that, Sugar.  Isn't 9am a tad early for you?!

I'm watching Glee now ... it's keeping me amused.


Thanks for the huggles!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 02:13:34 PM
It is indeed when I very rarely go to sleep before 3am !! But all in aid of keeping my doc happy!  :)
i want to sweet talk him into letting me travel further afield than Western Europe this summer. :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 02:17:20 PM
Awww, I hope he gives you the thumbs up for travel.  Just get an early night tomorrow!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 02:19:56 PM
I'll try
When I have early appointment at hospital i like to drive through Newmarket on the way, just to stare in awe at all the racehorses out for exercize on the heath. An inspiring sight to bolster me up to face clinic!
  :clap;   :clap;    :clap;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 02:26:10 PM
I've never actually been to Newmarket.  Driven past it thousands of times, but never into it.  An ex student of mine got a job there the other year, working with the horses.  I think he got on a college course too, which is unusual for our kids.  Horses have never really done anything for me (if anything I find them a tad scary ...)

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 02:30:46 PM
I can think of lots of things scarier ...
Ghosts ... lifts ...operations ... snakes ... drunken men
but horses are really quite gentle, telepathic creatures   :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 28, 2011, 02:34:30 PM
I think it's because they're so big ... Plus, I've never met one close up.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on March 28, 2011, 04:09:45 PM
Poppy, I am sending you lots of good thoughts and cyber hugs.   
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Mizar on March 28, 2011, 05:12:32 PM
So, this Morning, I got a call, from My Church, asking if I had some time to Volunteer, for a Project, they were working on. I said, " Sure, Rainy Day, I will come now" I get to the Church and they said, " All you need to do, is Remove, the Labels, from some Bottles of Water " That sounded Easy, enough. Then I asked, " How many Bottles?"   " It was 72 Cases!  ---------  Remember this, If they ask for all Volunteers, to Step Forward - be sure to take, One Step Back!   :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 28, 2011, 06:27:05 PM
Remember this, If they ask for all Volunteers, to Step Forward - be sure to take, One Step Back!   :rofl;

Excellent advice!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on March 28, 2011, 08:23:05 PM
its getting on for lunchtime over there??   >:D
Do you have tattoo's and a bush hat ?? Can you wrestle crocodiles??
Will I be safe with you??

 In answer  to your questions, Sugar, (note the familiarity) tattoos - yes. bush hat - yes. wrestle crocs - yes. Safe with me - no (but you really don't want to be, do you?)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 10:48:34 PM
No !!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 10:51:44 PM
Galvo rules  :ausflag;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 28, 2011, 11:11:23 PM
I like REAL men xxx  >:D

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 29, 2011, 09:50:32 AM
Poppy, I am sending you lots of good thoughts and cyber hugs.   
Thank you, my lovely!  Much appreciated (and needed!)

Today I hoovered my settees (and under them ... yikes!) in preparation for getting new ones tomorrow.  Huzzah! 

I like REAL men xxx  >:D

But what is a REAL man?  Does he have to be able to wrestle crocodiles? If yes, then I've never met a real man.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 29, 2011, 10:05:15 AM
Not much call for wrestling crocodiles in Cambridge !!!
What is a real man ? I guess someone who makes you feel special AND would wrestle a crocodile on your behalf it necessary! Tough and gentle. Does that man exist? I bloody hope so or why are we all looking for him!!!

When I go to Cambridge tomorrow I'll keep my eyes peeled for crocodiles just in case!!! and hunky Australian men with tattoos and bush hats! You never know your luck!

 :waving;   :waving;   :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on March 29, 2011, 04:27:43 PM
I had to look up where you live to see why so cold. Newfoundland that explains it ... Do you have snow still? Brrrr I thought England was cold enough lately...


Still snow here and I am sick of it!!  We won't have the leaves on the trees or daffodils blooming for about another 2 months!!!  Hopefully when April starts we will get some warmer weather and the snow will start to melt.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on March 29, 2011, 07:04:10 PM
I got a rude wake up call twice last night...with everything else going on around here, I have been (unintentionally) neglecting our dogs....& 1 of them let me know it....well....she couldn't help it....she got the runs. I am SSSOOOOOOO glad we got the carpet cleaner last year!!!! I don't think our neighbors below us were too happy though...1:30am & 3:45am had it running to clean up the messes.....poor ole girl....she seems to be doing better so far this evening, but will have to put her in the crate for the night....just in case.  I feel so awful for not noticing sooner!   :(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on March 30, 2011, 01:33:22 AM
I bloody hope so or why are we all looking for him!!!

When I go to Cambridge tomorrow I'll keep my eyes peeled for crocodiles just in case!!! and hunky Australian men with tattoos and bush hats! You never know your luck!
I'm not looking for him ... I already have him *smug grin* (although I'm not sure he'd wrestle a crocodile on my behalf!)

There is a crocodile farm near me.  Let's hope they haven't escaped. 

I got a rude wake up call twice last night...with everything else going on around here, I have been (unintentionally) neglecting our dogs....& 1 of them let me know it....well....she couldn't help it....she got the runs. I am SSSOOOOOOO glad we got the carpet cleaner last year!!!! I don't think our neighbors below us were too happy though...1:30am & 3:45am had it running to clean up the messes.....poor ole girl....she seems to be doing better so far this evening, but will have to put her in the crate for the night....just in case.  I feel so awful for not noticing sooner!   :(
Awww, poor little thing!  My pussy-cat is poorly and I have a vet appointment for this afternoon, but I really feel I should have noticed a few days ago that she wasn't quite right.  We can now feel guilt-ridden together.


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on March 30, 2011, 04:38:15 AM
 :grouphug; to all the furry family members.  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Brightsky69 on March 30, 2011, 05:23:29 AM
I got a rude wake up call twice last night...with everything else going on around here, I have been (unintentionally) neglecting our dogs....& 1 of them let me know it....well....she couldn't help it....she got the runs. I am SSSOOOOOOO glad we got the carpet cleaner last year!!!! I don't think our neighbors below us were too happy though...1:30am & 3:45am had it running to clean up the messes.....poor ole girl....she seems to be doing better so far this evening, but will have to put her in the crate for the night....just in case.  I feel so awful for not noticing sooner!   :(

Poor puppy.....I hope she feels better soon.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: texasstyle on March 30, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Poppy: my single best girlfriend is insisiting a "real" man is one who has a job, showers, and doesn't live with his mom still. She is still looking lol...
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 30, 2011, 08:08:15 AM
God that's depressing !!! if that's all I've got to look forward to.
I'm still desperately seeking Galvo didn't find him or any crocs in Cambridge.
My doc laughed at me that's not very kind. I don't think it's funny  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 30, 2011, 03:44:36 PM
Pops is there really a crocodile farm near Cambridge I find that very alarming? why would they farm crocodiles? For handbags?
 :clap;  :clap;  :clap;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on March 30, 2011, 09:07:19 PM
Pops is there really a crocodile farm near Cambridge I find that very alarming? why would they farm crocodiles? For handbags?
 :clap;  :clap;  :clap;

oddly enough...my grandpa used to raise gators when I was growing up.....I still don't know what for exactly.....I think he still has a few....too funny
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 30, 2011, 09:43:06 PM
Funny ?? Shudder...  :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 30, 2011, 10:39:04 PM
Poppy: my single best girlfriend is insisiting a "real" man is one who has a job, showers, and doesn't live with his mom still. She is still looking lol...

Don't forget to add : has clean fingernails and toenails.  They are pretty scarce.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 30, 2011, 10:53:19 PM
Hell girls we might be getting a bit picky here!  :P  :P  :P
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 30, 2011, 10:55:43 PM
My dad had an awful saying : "Everyone looks the same in the dark"

Sugar, Maybe you are right , just switch the lights off. :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 30, 2011, 11:02:58 PM
sounds good to me I'm game!!!!
switching of lights right now ........ :welcomesign;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Des on March 30, 2011, 11:09:26 PM
Well TX

My news for today (non dialysis) is that I am a bit worried about one of the kids. She is on a netbal tour with the school and she phoned and she said it is absolutaly awful. The food is bad, the place is dirty, they are not learning anything new and THERE IS A LOT OF SPIDERS. :rofl; So I am just a bit worried (being the mom and all) Tomorrow 1 April is "april fools day" and I sometimes hates the stupid things people do but I am going to try very hard to get into the scheme of things.

So that is my news for today.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 30, 2011, 11:59:41 PM
Wait... I have a job, I shower daily and the only "mother" I live with is my cat (well she's the boss you know  :rofl;). Oh yeah, I have 3 kidneys!! Is that real enough?!?!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 31, 2011, 12:04:59 AM
First we need to discuss your crocodile wrestling skills ???
Would you?
Could you?

Then .....  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 31, 2011, 12:12:57 AM
me? No and No. I'm a wimp.

Guess that explains why I'm single...
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 31, 2011, 02:17:25 AM
It ll have to be Galvo then ... :-*
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: RichardMEL on March 31, 2011, 02:32:30 AM
It ll have to be Galvo then ... :-*

yes he's a real man. He'll tell you so because he barracks for Collingwood.  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on March 31, 2011, 04:24:24 PM
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 31, 2011, 06:21:03 PM
You win Galvo x  :-*  :-*  :-*
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on March 31, 2011, 06:42:54 PM
RM says he's not man enough ...so I'm going to run off with you  :P
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on April 01, 2011, 06:15:21 AM
We have the handi plates on our car....I don't like to park in the handi spots if it's just me. I went to a store yesterday & parked right next to the handi spot...as I was walking to the door to leave, these 2 people came in & they were griping because I parked NEXT to the handi spot & not IN it....so they couldn't park in front of the store (they parked 2 spots down from the store front)....I don't know what I should do in situations like that....take advantage of the handi plates?? It was kinda funny listening to them get that upset though (I'd seen them in that store before & they are never really nice at all to the employees there anyway).
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 01, 2011, 11:25:30 AM
Texan, it's best to ignore the trolls in real life, just like you do for the ones online!

If you had parked in the handi spot, they would have just griped about people getting good spots "when they don't even look sick!"
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on April 01, 2011, 01:44:51 PM
That's why it was kinda funny...I didn't take it to heart.....trolls....hubby is on his Tiger Blood kick...Sheen is nuts  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 01, 2011, 02:00:02 PM
Oh, someone have that fool committed.  Please!   :rofl;

3 weeks left of classes and then I'm done for the semester.   :bandance;  Not that I still don't have to study for my professional certification test, make up a resume, and find an internship, and, oh yeah, have surgery this summer - but at least I won't have homework for a while!!!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on April 01, 2011, 07:23:06 PM
Early congrats to you JBeany but it sure sounds like a busy summer for you! 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 01, 2011, 07:29:04 PM
A new theme song for Jbeany....sung to the tune of All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

 :guitar:  (sung lovingly)

All she wants this summer is a belly button! :rofl;  :pray;

Jbeany, I know you have been barely keeping your head above water with all your studies, but from where I'm watching, it really is inspiring!  :clap; :cheer:


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 01, 2011, 07:55:54 PM
Yes, please, a belly button!  Only can I have it for 4th of July instead of Christmas? And something that vaguely resembles a waistline again - I am the oddest shape right now with all the skin shifted to either side of my abdomen around the giant egg shaped opening where my intestines are pushing the skin graft out past the height of my skin on either side.   

I'm getting all A's right now, and I just have to keep it up a little bit longer......with only 10 classes to take to get this certificate, I really, really need to keep that up - I've got enough marks against me when I apply for a job without adding anything less than a 4 point GPA to my resume!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 01, 2011, 08:00:02 PM

I want you to remember that TRUE beauty comes from within....


It comes from our efforts and our character. You got it, gal, belly button or not!  :cuddle;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on April 02, 2011, 11:37:23 AM
So true Aleta!!  We had about 20 cm of snow again last night!!!   :thumbdown;Melting fairly quickly today though. It's +5 celcius now!!  I really wish spring would show its nose around here!!  I want to see flowers blooming!!  :flower; :flower;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 02, 2011, 12:08:29 PM
Some snow would be good right now.
Very hot and sticky tonight 16 dgrees in April @ 8pm unusual!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: fc2821 on April 02, 2011, 02:28:15 PM
Trying to get back intot eh swing of things here.  May I join in?  My step daughter and her husband took the grand kids to a Monster truck show today, they are 2 and 4 and they love monster trucks. Only seen them on DVD, though.   Suggested they get some noise canclign head phone for the little guys.     
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 02, 2011, 03:40:28 PM
Yikes, I've seen monster trucks in a car show parade - that was loud enough without being in an echoing arena!  Bet they loved it anyhow.....
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 02, 2011, 04:36:24 PM
Better that the trucks be monsters than the grandkids, Rob!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

We have been enjoying some gorgeous weather today. Loving it!  :flower;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 03, 2011, 10:58:15 AM

EVEN England has been enjoying some spring sunshine today. Amazing how a little bit of sun lifts the spirits  8) and makes me start thinking about bbq's, parties, picnics and going to the races. And holidays. Will I get to go on tour with Sidney the Kidney this year ? Its seven years since I travelled freely without complicated dialysis plans and reams of extra luggage...
                                                                                                                 :bandance;  :bandance;  :bandance;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: fc2821 on April 03, 2011, 11:06:10 AM
 :waving;  Hi.   Sugarlump, hope you get to travel and at least enjoyed the good weather day.

Aleta, the little guys enjoyed the Monster truck show!  :yahoo; Not certain their parrents did though.  ;D   Yes it was a lot of noise.  They got to go home with plenty of souviners and were worn out. 

Aleta is is a ncie day ehre today too.  Suppose to be 66 which is warm compaired to the last week, but 9 days ago it was 83  :o
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 03, 2011, 12:02:23 PM
:waving;  Hi.   Sugarlump, hope you get to travel and at least enjoyed the good weather day.
I see everyone else calls you Rob which is a lot easier on the tongue than FC2821!!! Sounds like a drug!!!! Thanks for your good wishes.
Yes its been a good day today from when I woke (4am for my sins) until now.
I am just chillin' now on the sofa with Murphy (my dog) and a roast chicken and stuffing sandwich, listening to some music
before I have an early night.
Yes I have big travel plans for the next 12 months, including Hong Kong, Paris and a longer trip to America to take in The Pacific Coast Highway,
Black Bears, California and maybe Colorado. That's going to take a fair chunk of time!!! Can't wait  8)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 03, 2011, 12:32:11 PM
Oh, Sugarlump,
Part of the southern part of the Pacific Coast highway slid into the ocean recently (near Big Sur). Might not be repaired any time soon.

Any chance of the Smoky Mountains being on your travel agenda? I would give you a personal tour of the highlights!  :2thumbsup;

Another beautiful day here and I am getting ready to go to a friend's house for an outdoor barbeque!  :clap;

Couldn't have been a better day for it!!!!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 03, 2011, 12:49:53 PM
Oh no its been my dream to drive this road for years and years, how much has gone??? Will I have to do a detour!!! Shall have to get the map out!
You'll have to tell me where the Smoky mountains are in relation to my other travels? America is so big compared to England. Hard to get my head round the distances.

                                   :o  :'(  :'(  :'(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on April 03, 2011, 04:18:12 PM
Wish we would get some nice weather and sunshine. Snow flurries again today and chilly.  We went for a walk this morning and you almost had to jump over mud puddles in places!!!  I cooked a turkey for supper with all the trimmings. It was delicious.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 03, 2011, 05:38:43 PM
Oh no its been my dream to drive this road for years and years, how much has gone??? Will I have to do a detour!!! Shall have to get the map out!
You'll have to tell me where the Smoky mountains are in relation to my other travels? America is so big compared to England. Hard to get my head round the distances.

                                   :o  :'(  :'(  :'(

Hi, Sugar,

there is only one section that washed away in Southern California. I'm sure you'll be able to do a detour of that section.

LOL, the Smoky Mountains are a mere 2000 miles form where you are planning to go.  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Yes, it is a big country. I had friends from England who were coming to a conference that I had arranged here in Tennessee. They thought they would fly into New York and just drive over to Tennessee that day. Ha ha ha. It was "only" about 750 miles - not really a day trip!  :rofl; :rofl;

Carl and I drove the northern part of the coast highway from San Fransisco to Oregon about 5 years ago. It was absolutely beautiful, a trip I will never forget. Go for it.  :2thumbsup;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 03, 2011, 06:30:01 PM
The thing is England is such a small island there is nowhere you couldn't reach by car within a day!  ::)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: fc2821 on April 04, 2011, 09:20:04 AM
I see everyone else calls you Rob which is a lot easier on the tongue than FC2821!!! Sounds like a drug!!!! Thanks for your good wishes.

Yes it is.  Glad to have you call me Rob, which is my name.  Sad to say, never been to Great Britian.  Have, many years ago, been to Germany (the part I was in had a "West" in front of it then,  ;) ) , France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark  passed through it and  Sweden on the way to Norway, Austria and Switzerland. 
Lived in Canada for a year, in Alberta, it was beautiful and would love to go back. 
Been to most of the Western states (nor Washington or Oregon), and though I live in North Carolina now it is the only Eastern seaboard US state I have ever been in and the fartherest East in the US I have ever been.
 Spent three days in Brazil and been to Asia, Hawaii, and Alaska on very brief trips. 
Main thing I miss is just being able to go get in the car and just "go", if I want to do so.  Use to be able to say "this weekend how'd you like to go somewhere" and we often did.  Little day trips were nice too.   

EDITED:  Fixed Quote Error - Bajanne, Moderator
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 04, 2011, 09:40:05 AM
Hi Rob
yeah i know exactly what you mean. Last year it took me 3 months to arrange 2 sessions of dialysis with a unit in France to visit my daughter who lives over there, with a unit that refused point blank to speak English and demanded all the medical info translated into French!!! Spontaneous it wasn't!
If "Sidney the kidney" keeps on working well I will be off as soon as they sort out my medication problems. America will probably have to wait til next spring (needing travel insurance post transplant is tricky) but lots of other shorter trips first.
Trying to figure how much I can see of America in one go, and combining driving and flying is very complicated. Can't get my head round those distances and time zones and don't want to spend all of it on the road. But I keep adding new places to the list!!!

I like your signature tag ... not sure if I mean the "universe" to someone but maybe a little bit of the planet!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: fc2821 on April 04, 2011, 09:51:15 AM
Sugarlump, know what you mean about France.  It was nice though, but then my late first wife spoke fluent French and we visited her relatives there.  It is much easier when you have people with you from ther and who know the place and laugage,  :2thumbsup;

Yes, distance, especially in the Western states and Canada can be quite suprising.  It is vast.  What may look like a small trip on a map can take hours and hours.  For example, one time we left Witchita, KS going to Colorado Spring, Colorado...took us 10 hours to get there with only two stops.  And in those stations there is often very few towns.  Especially say in the Dakotas, Montrana, Wyoming.  Same thing for Monitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta in Canada. 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 04, 2011, 11:32:22 AM
Fortunately my daughter is bilingual and came with me to the sessions . The dialysis tech's only English was yes, no and come on baby! Not a lot of help in a dialysis setting!!!
She lives in Clermont-Ferrand which was a wicked city to visit. I love France. Everything about it. Especially the food and drink.
Proudly climbed to the top of Puy-de-Dome (1650m) day after dialysis! my french not fantastic but can get by with a
"Parlez vous anglais?" and smile sweetly!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on April 05, 2011, 09:49:46 AM
We got out new quad ( 4 wheeler ATV) today!!  It's a Can Am 650 Outlander Max XTP - Black and yellow.  It has a 60 hp motor.  Lots of power!!!  No pictures yet. It is yucky outside so we took it out of the truck and put it right in the garage - after hubby went back and forth the driveway a couple of times LOL!!  We are planning on buying the tracks for it next winter.  Have to save some money - they cost about $4000!!

It is snowing and ice pellets outside now. Supposed to change to rain and warm up to +10 C. Hopefully lots of snow will melt!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 05, 2011, 11:18:32 AM
Those long stretches of nothing are so common in America, we don't even think about them here.  Probably why we don't blink if someone has to commute to work an hour and a half one way every day.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 05, 2011, 11:44:11 AM
I think driving to Post-Transplant clinic 75 miles away and back again is a logistical nightmare !!! Aleta telling me the Smokey Mountains are a mere 2000 miles out of my way would give me nightmares but I suppose, in common with Australia, you do have a lot of internal flights which of course
we don't in England.
But nothing ventured, nothing gained and I am determined to do my trip to America in Spring '12 to cross off some more tickboxes on my 101 places to see before you die!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on April 05, 2011, 03:46:53 PM
Sugarlump 75 miles is nothing!!!  Hubby 105 km to go to his dialysis clinic 3 times a week for 6 years ( that's one way - 206km return)  The dialysis unit where we did the training for home hemo is 6 hours drive away!!!

Here's a picture of the ATV we bought today.  It was almost dark when I took the picture so I had to lighten it.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 05, 2011, 04:05:55 PM
Ahh, the never ending wood heat - warm while you cut it, warm while you split it, warm while you stack it, warm while you haul it and warmest yet when you burn it.  My parents had kids so they didn't have to have a 4 wheeler to haul it!
I really don't miss it!

Invited an 88 year old friend to come along while I taught my volunteer craft class today.  One of the other students in the class asked her how we'd met.  She couldn't think of an answer, so they both looked at me. I rattled off, "She's my sister's husband's dad's mother-in-law by his second wife."  The general response from the class was "Huh?"  I tried again.  "My brother-in-law's step-mother's mother."  Still a lot of blank looks.  "We're over-extended family!"

Welcome to the modern family!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 05, 2011, 04:27:03 PM
Sugarlump 75 miles is nothing!!!  Hubby 105 km to go to his dialysis clinic 3 times a week for 6 years ( that's one way - 206km return)  The dialysis unit where we did the training for home hemo is 6 hours drive away!!!

Here's a picture of the ATV we bought today.  It was almost dark when I took the picture so I had to lighten it.

See I think 20 miles to go to the supermarket is a long way!!! Everything in England is dinky in comparison!
I have never ever driven 6 hours anywhere would probably end up in the sea if I did!!!!  :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 05, 2011, 04:57:06 PM

See I think 20 miles to go to the supermarket is a long way!!! Everything in England is dinky in comparison!
I have never ever driven 6 hours anywhere would probably end up in the sea if I did!!!!  :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;

Ha ha.....Sugarlump, I have to drive 15 HOURS to see my daughter! And that is one way! And dang, that is a long day of driving!


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 05, 2011, 06:01:56 PM
I think the worst thing about the distances in the US was being a kid with a dad who didn't ever want to stop when we were headed somewhere on vacation.  Northern Michigan to Southern Texas, 1800 miles, leave one morning, get there the next afternoon, no motel stops.  The floor of the backseat of the station wagon just isn't that great for sleeping - remember the hump in the middle?

For those of you in the UK - that's like the distance from Calais to Istanbul - in a day trip. 

And my dad would brag about it......"Left at 6 am and made it before lunchtime, even with having to stop to let the kids pee!"  If he could have convinced my Mom to put a porta-potty in the back and make everyone just crawl over the seats, he would have.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Bajanne on April 05, 2011, 06:31:50 PM
Fortunately my daughter is bilingual and came with me to the sessions . The dialysis tech's only English was yes, no and come on baby! Not a lot of help in a dialysis setting!!!
She lives in Clermont-Ferrand which was a wicked city to visit. I love France. Everything about it. Especially the food and drink.
Proudly climbed to the top of Puy-de-Dome (1650m) day after dialysis! my french not fantastic but can get by with a
"Parlez vous anglais?" and smile sweetly!!!!  :)

You brought back lovely memories.  I spent a year in Vichy at a language school which was under the control of the University of Clermont-Ferrand.  And we also SAW the Puy-de-Dome.  Why did you call Clermont-Ferrand a 'wicked city to visit'.  I found it quite quiet.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: tyefly on April 05, 2011, 06:46:20 PM
I think the worst thing about the distances in the US was being a kid with a dad who didn't ever want to stop when we were headed somewhere on vacation.  Northern Michigan to Southern Texas, 1800 miles, leave one morning, get there the next afternoon, no motel stops.  The floor of the backseat of the station wagon just isn't that great for sleeping - remember the hump in the middle?

For those of you in the UK - that's like the distance from Calais to Istanbul - in a day trip. 

And my dad would brag about it......"Left at 6 am and made it before lunchtime, even with having to stop to let the kids pee!"  If he could have convinced my Mom to put a porta-potty in the back and make everyone just crawl over the seats, he would have.

Just think about those Truck drivers.......  Like  Sluf.... and My hubby   ( ok I have driven truck too  )     1800 miles      its a cake walk.......   LOL
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 05, 2011, 08:26:35 PM
Fortunately my daughter is bilingual and came with me to the sessions . The dialysis tech's only English was yes, no and come on baby! Not a lot of help in a dialysis setting!!!
She lives in Clermont-Ferrand which was a wicked city to visit. I love France. Everything about it. Especially the food and drink.
Proudly climbed to the top of Puy-de-Dome (1650m) day after dialysis! my french not fantastic but can get by with a
"Parlez vous anglais?" and smile sweetly!!!!  :)

You brought back lovely memories.  I spent a year in Vichy at a language school which was under the control of the University of Clermont-Ferrand.  And we also SAW the Puy-de-Dome.  Why did you call Clermont-Ferrand a 'wicked city to visit'.  I found it quite quiet.

wicked = good in English slang. Not that quiet she lives next door to cathedral literally very noisy bells! Great restaurants and bars and markets.And opposite town hall. Thay had very noisy strike underneath her apartment window lots of chanting and flag waving. The French and their strikes!!!!  :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 06, 2011, 01:44:48 AM
Sugarlump 75 miles is nothing!!! 
*chuckles* ... when you live on an over-populated island with too-many drivers using too-rubbishy roads, 75 miles is everything!  The road Sugarlump has to use is one of the worst in England for congestion, busy-ness and stupid lorries (trucks) who think it's okay to overtake another lorry going at the same speed, thus causing tailbacks for about five miles.  One day traffic in the UK will come to a complete standstill because they'll be too many drivers and too few roads (and nowhere to create new ones)!

And it doesn't help when the local bus company are cutting bus routes, and making bus journeys more expensive (but that's another rant, for another day ... ho-hum!)

I am ill.  Give me *huggles* ...

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 06, 2011, 04:17:38 AM
Hell I surpassed myself today arrived in 1hour and 11 minutes precisely. A record!!!!
Lewis Hamilton eat your heart out!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 06, 2011, 04:21:30 AM
But the bad news is creatinine raised to 163, Biopsy number 3 Monday week. Ugh!  :( :(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 06, 2011, 04:37:47 AM
But the bad news is creatinine raised to 163, Biopsy number 3 Monday week. Ugh!  :( :(

Awww. Sugarlump.... :grouphug;

And *huggles* to you, too, Poppy!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 06, 2011, 05:08:04 AM
Thank you, Aleta. 

Oh, Sugar ... *huggles* (but yay for the quickness of your car!)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: rsudock on April 06, 2011, 07:01:26 AM
huggles to you Poppy!

sugarlump hope the biopsy goes well! sorry for the rising creatinine! boo!!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 06, 2011, 07:26:29 AM
Well I've been here before so I guess I can weather the storm.   :(
So much for them taking me off the steroids now.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 06, 2011, 07:28:46 AM
Crikey, Sugar, you need a break. I first went into renal failure over 35 years ago, and I've only had 3 biopsies in my entire life. I'll be keeping a good thought for you on Monday (though I'll likely be sleeping when you have it done, we're six hours behind you after all). I'll dream positive dreams for you. Best of luck!

PS - calling you Sugar makes me feel like some doomed Southern Belle in a Tennessee Williams play. I am tempted to offer you a lemon Coke and dive into an elegiac speech about jonquils and gentleman callers from my disastrous youth on a decaying plantation.... :laugh:
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 06, 2011, 07:40:05 AM
I had over 20 biopsies last time within 3 months when previous transplant failed.
This is biopsy number 3 within 3 months of new kidney. I've always known the odds were stacked against me again but sidney was doing so well...
Monday week thats the 18th for biopsy he gave me choice of this week or next thought I'd opt for the second give myself a bit of time .

A lemon coke would be fine, love the imagery always seen myself as a bit of a Scarlett O'hara!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 07, 2011, 08:16:06 AM
Urgh! Lemon coke is nasty!

Blokey had a letter from your surgeon (Dr. Chris) today, Sugar.  He doesn't know it yet though.  Yes, I open his post when it looks interesting.

*slaps wrist*

It's offering him the chance to be part of a drug trial when he gets his transplant.  I expect he'll go for it, knowing Blokey. 

How is Sidney behaving?

Oooh, I took a wander down to the vets today and picked up my baby girl Tabatha.  She's in a beautiful little pouch and came home with a lovely little certificate promising that she'd been individually cremated and that it was definitely her inside the pouch.  I had a little cry.  It was my second of the day; I'd enjoyed a sob earlier because whilst hanging out the washing I realised that I wasn't having to sidestep cat-poo (our lawn was her favourite litter-tray.) 

Also, I went to the bakers and bought a cream cake to share with Blokey this evening.  Yum.  (< this is emboldened because it's the Important Happy Bit.)

Now I'm going to indulge in some cold remedy and an old black & white scary film and probably fall asleep on my new massive settee. 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 07, 2011, 09:38:45 AM
Drug trial sounds interesting. Better research the drug before Blokey agrees though. even if it is my surgeon!!!!!
Sidney and me are having problems with our blood pressure at the moment, which is really annoying and I have to have biopsy Monday week to see if antibodies are causing problems again but otherwise doing ok. I'll ignore the rising creatinine until I have to deal with it!!!
Describe the cream cake so I can lust after it without any calories.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm   ;D
Not too sure the cold remedy will get the same reaction though  >:(
Enjoy the film  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 07, 2011, 10:35:36 AM
Urgh! Lemon coke is nasty!

It's a reference to Blanche in Streetcar. She drinks them, but I think we are meant to understand that she is really indifferent to them, they are just a convenient carrier for the liquor.

One of my fondest memories of all time was seeing Suddenly Last Summer in the West End with Gwyn, who had never heard of Tennessee Williams, let alone seen one of his works. I think it's safe to say that the Brits did not really appreciate this work - it was closing early, poor things, but it is such a rare experience, seeing one his lesser known works in anything but a black box setting. We got our tickets at the half-price booth, and they seated us in the second row but we took it upon ourselves to sit in the empty rows behind the rest of the audience - it was so poorly attended that we were probably only halfway back. Rachel Weisz (I think that's the correct spelling) played the daughter, and she did well with the accent except the word 'nun' which she pronounced with her brisk, clipped British tones, when a genuine Southener could make that word and any other last for days. The woman who played Violet was miraculous - I really must look up her name. I believe she is one of the Grand Dames of the stage. I still remember chattering on with Gwyn before curtain, lights out, crack of thunder that made us both jump, and we were away. As I've always said to Gwyn, it's the best incest-lobotomy-cannibalism play he'll ever see.

The evening we saw the show, Gwyn and I had spent the day wandering around London, mostly drinking in pubs. I got so squiffy that I told him that if he wanted a green card, I'd marry him right there. He was not quite drunk enough to accept, and it would be another six months before he proposed. It seemed to mean a lot to him to get the green card for something other than marriage. We were desperate for food at one point, and ended up at Bar None, with all the waiters trained to behave like American servers. Our waiter put my plate in front of me and declared "Los Angeles!" and was heartbroken when I said "Oh, you're so very close. San Francisco, actually." I am not sure if it was my accent or my attire that tipped him off, but I remember I was wearing my linen suit with genuine placket, white shirt, and the most gorgeous yellow silk tie with blue dots that we had just purchased for Gwyn at Pink's. Gwyn tied it for me right there in the restaurant. I could have passed for a young Tennessee Williams at this point, at least from the back. Ah, young, stupid-but-fearless love, my heart does soar.  :guitar: :laugh:
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 07, 2011, 12:59:37 PM
Sugarlump 75 miles is nothing!!! 
*chuckles* ... when you live on an over-populated island with too-many drivers using too-rubbishy roads, 75 miles is everything!  The road Sugarlump has to use is one of the worst in England for congestion, busy-ness and stupid lorries (trucks) who think it's okay to overtake another lorry going at the same speed, thus causing tailbacks for about five miles.  One day traffic in the UK will come to a complete standstill because they'll be too many drivers and too few roads (and nowhere to create new ones)!

And it doesn't help when the local bus company are cutting bus routes, and making bus journeys more expensive (but that's another rant, for another day ... ho-hum!)

I am ill.  Give me *huggles* ...


Ever read the kid's book The Pushcart War? 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 07, 2011, 03:23:54 PM
Urgh! Lemon coke is nasty!

It's a reference to Blanche in Streetcar. She drinks them, but I think we are meant to understand that she is really indifferent to them, they are just a convenient carrier for the liquor.
Ah, I see.  I was going to say that I'd studied that at A'Level but a quick glance back at my bookcase says I'm wrong; it was Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.  Tennessee Williams is a popular playwright to study at A'Level over here.

Ever read the kid's book The Pushcart War? 
No, but it looks good!  I wonder if I can find it in the library.

Describe the cream cake so I can lust after it without any calories.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm   ;D
One word: Yummy.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 07, 2011, 04:31:22 PM
details taste shape colour cream etc mmmmmmmmmm feed my fantasy please say chocolate!!!!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 08, 2011, 09:22:56 AM
details taste shape colour cream etc mmmmmmmmmm feed my fantasy please say chocolate!!!!
Ha, no not chocolate.  In fact, it was just one of these, but with a few hundreds & thousands sprinkled on top.  And actually it wasn't as yummy as I made out; it was a little sickly sweet and I wish I'd got a shortbread biscuit-y type of thing instead.  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 08, 2011, 09:24:22 AM
Today was my last day at work for two weeks and one day!  It's the Easter holidays!  Huzzah! And the weather is gorgeous.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 08, 2011, 12:19:38 PM
details taste shape colour cream etc mmmmmmmmmm feed my fantasy please say chocolate!!!!
Ha, no not chocolate.  In fact, it was just one of these, but with a few hundreds & thousands sprinkled on top.  And actually it wasn't as yummy as I made out; it was a little sickly sweet and I wish I'd got a shortbread biscuit-y type of thing instead.  ;D

I want a cream cake now ... may have to drive to tesco's and hunt one out...
can't remember when I last bought myself a cream cake. i might treat myself to a decent bottle of wine or some olives or even twiglets but never think about cream cakes ...  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 08, 2011, 02:33:28 PM
Have you tried cake bites?  You bake a regular cake (cheat, just use a box mix) then when it is cool, break it all apart into really fine crumbs with your hands.  (Takes a lot less time than it sounds like.)  Mix it with about 12 ounces of frosting (about 3/4 of a store-bought frosting tubbie) by smushing it all together with the back of a spoon until it's sticky and almost like Play-doh.  Roll it into 48 1-inch balls and pop in the freezer for 15 minutes to chill.  Transfer to fridge until you are ready to dip them into melted chocolate or those colored candy melts.  Add sprinkles (Quickly if you use candy melts - they set faster than chocolate) and put the last of the melted mix into a plastic bag.  Snip off a tiny corner and use the rest to make swirls or designs across the top.  Let set firmly and then hide them if you want to get any for yourself....

I did lemon cake with lemon frosting, then dipped in white and semi-sweet chocolate.

Check out bakerella.com - I got the recipe from her new book.  (And logged on the same day she announced that she hadn't been posting because her kidney transplant had failed after 15 years and she just started D again.)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 08, 2011, 02:46:01 PM
Lemon cake and lemon frosting "sigh" that would be so good ....can't believe I am having "cake fantasies!"  ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Brightsky69 on April 08, 2011, 04:06:15 PM
well...I may wake up tomorrow on an unpaid vacation.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on April 08, 2011, 05:21:13 PM
We were going to go camping this weekend at Big South Fork National Recreation Area. EVerything was coming together. We had a staff meeting so we got off work early, and there was nothing else on the agenda until our book club at 4:00 on Sunday. We did the weekend grocery shopping last night and started packing up the camper. I had the refrigerator food all ready in the fridge.

Got home and called to see what would happen if there were a shut down and were told that we would have to leave in the morning in that case. Since it is a two hour drive, we decided that it wasn't worth the risk.

Oh well. We have plenty to do at home anyway.  :banghead;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on April 09, 2011, 12:51:46 AM
I love all the plants with fresh green leaves, here are a couple photos from my street
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 09, 2011, 02:21:50 AM
My purple and white tulips are dancing (in the wind) in my front garden. So good to know spring is here  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 09, 2011, 10:19:01 AM
Have you tried cake bites?  You bake a regular cake (cheat, just use a box mix) then when it is cool, break it all apart into really fine crumbs with your hands.  (Takes a lot less time than it sounds like.)  Mix it with about 12 ounces of frosting (about 3/4 of a store-bought frosting tubbie) by smushing it all together with the back of a spoon until it's sticky and almost like Play-doh.  Roll it into 48 1-inch balls and pop in the freezer for 15 minutes to chill.  Transfer to fridge until you are ready to dip them into melted chocolate or those colored candy melts.  Add sprinkles (Quickly if you use candy melts - they set faster than chocolate) and put the last of the melted mix into a plastic bag.  Snip off a tiny corner and use the rest to make swirls or designs across the top.  Let set firmly and then hide them if you want to get any for yourself....

I did lemon cake with lemon frosting, then dipped in white and semi-sweet chocolate.

Check out bakerella.com - I got the recipe from her new book.  (And logged on the same day she announced that she hadn't been posting because her kidney transplant had failed after 15 years and she just started D again.)
These sound scrummy.  I'm planning on spending half a day nearer Easter baking ... I think these may make it onto my Must Bake list.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 09, 2011, 10:30:59 AM
Can I come round for afternoon tea then???  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 09, 2011, 12:18:49 PM
bakerella also gets all fancy and shapes them into fun things like baby chicks and sticks them on lollipop sticks.  I wasn't that ambitious!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 09, 2011, 02:13:40 PM
Who is this bakerella person and why doesn't she live next door to me!!!!  :(
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 09, 2011, 03:31:57 PM


Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 09, 2011, 03:37:14 PM
She'd be my ideal next door neighbour (after David Beckham of course!)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 09, 2011, 05:21:22 PM
The most aggravating day yesterday. My older son had baseball practice at 5:30 in the afternoon. Gwyn, being the sportier of the two of us, was going to take him. I was to pick our four-year-old up, which I did around 5. As I was leaving, I ran into Gwyn on the street and rolled down the window to say a few words to him before leaving. It was my second trip to the school that day, the first of course being in the morning.

OK, on the way home I tell Liot that we will have the house to ourselves and can just relax, grab a snack and a drink, watch the television or play on the iComputer (the iMac they got for Christmas). I walk in the door, take off my shoes, Liot runs upstairs (two flights) to turn on his iComputer, am just settling into my slippers when the phone rings. Gwyn has a flat and does not have the tools to change his tire. I grab this T-shaped spanner that he wants and explain the situation to Liot who is so amazingly understanding he just says "OK. Just give me a minute to shut down the iComputer." I pack up a few drinks and snacks and return to the school, take Aidan down the road to his practice, get there and he has somehow forgot his mitt at school. Since I packed all of his things for him together, this defies explanation. Return to the school and Gwyn says he managed, with a little help from maintenance, to get the nuts off the cap. I've known Gwyn twelve years, so I tell him that since the spare is not on the vehicle, he needs to call me with plenty of warning if he is going to need me to turn around and return to the school because something has gone wrong. He swears yet again that he has it sorted, that he will have Aidan his glove within a few minutes and I can go home and relax.

You see where this is going.... I get home and see that I've missed a call. I ring Gwyn back and he did not actually get the nut off the cap, he just thought he did. :waiting; ??? Aidan does not have his glove, our car is stuck behind the school, Aidan needs to be collected in half an hour, and I have to explain to Liot yet again that we have to get back in the car and do this a third time. I bribed him with my iPhone. Gwyn requests that I grab his collection of spanners from the garage. I remind him that we get free roadside assistance with my gold AmEx and urge him to call them. A friend of ours, one of our transplant support people, passed by and lives right across from the baseball field, so he offered to deliver the glove to Aidan. Thank you, that's twice you've come to our rescue! I deliver the tools to Gwyn, go sit in the carpark of the baseball diamond, collect Aidan, stop back at the school and Gwyn tells me that no matter what he does, he cannot get that last nut loose. I tell him I am not driving to that school a fifth time, so he must find his own way back. He tells me that he noticed that his other tire is flat, too, and that the roadside assistance person is stuck in traffic. Gah! It's a nightmare.

So, this all started around 5PM, and at 7:45 Gwyn tells me that the mobile tire repair service from AmEx made it there, he got the nut off by using some sort of gigantic tool, and even though he is really not supposed to for some reason, he repaired Gwyn's sidewall tire allowing Gwyn to drive it home, and hopefully drive it to a tire shop on Monday morning.

Not a great way to start the weekend. It will cost us $675 to replace all four tires. Bah, humbug.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on April 09, 2011, 06:45:45 PM
We went for 2 walks in the woods today and for a little ride on our new quad.  I even drove it today!!!  Lot easier than the old one. This one has power steering and has a lot more power.  Old one was about a 30 horsepower motor and this one has 60 horsepower.  I even make the tires spin!! 
I think I had a side effect to a statin drug I was taking for high cholesterol.  I have a really bad shoulder and neck. Have to talk to my doctor on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 13, 2011, 07:16:51 AM
It will cost us $675 to replace all four tires. Bah, humbug.

We're in the process of buying a brand new car.  The day we had to send Tabatha to Rainbow Bridge (to frolic with all the other animals) Blokey got into a fight with a White Van Man.  It was his first accident in for ever and the damage, although minor, amounted to a couple of hundred quid.  On top of that the EBS (I think) broke and that's up to £800 to fix! 


Our brand new car is patiently waiting for us - please keep your extremeties crossed that our current car gets fixed and there's no delay (or extra cost) in bringing our new baby home!

Why is it that people won't play me at Scrabble on Facebook.  Is it because I is so good?

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 13, 2011, 02:17:42 PM
I sympathize, Poppy! I thought marrying an automotive engineer would help with the car issues, but I think many times it only makes them worse.

The other day my younger son ran around the corner from the playroom and said "Mom, Mom! You know that Kitty Boo is a marsupial for his feelings!"

He had been reading his National Geographic Tag Reader facts about animals. Kitty Boo is the name of his Kimochi Cat, which is a stuffed toy cat with a pocket on his front where you can place all of these different feelings - little soft circles with faces drawn on them and the name of the feeling on the back.

My little boy is obsessed with animals. We were in my room watching one of his television programs and he asked me what dinosaur I would want to be if I could be any. I had no idea how to answer so replied with one of his favorites, struthiominus. (sp?) He told me he would be a velociraptor. Then we got into what they ate and I told my son I had to be a herbivore because I did not like meat. He broke the news to me that Struthiominus is an omnivore as if here were telling me the most distressing news ever. Then he suggested I should be "Euplocephalus - they're stronger and mightier than Ankylosaurus!" They are also herbivores. I had to get him to tell me the name several times, then still had to look it up on the Internet to have a hope in the world of spelling it out.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: MooseMom on April 13, 2011, 04:52:03 PM
"White Van Man"....I remember them!!  Do they still have billions of traffic cones on just about every motorway and A road in the UK?  I remember there used to be a toll-free number you could call to report traffic cones that were there for seemingly no reason at all.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on April 14, 2011, 01:30:13 AM
Oh yes we have more orange traffic cones than people in the UK!
Especially on the A14 and A11 on my way to clinic.
I often get urge to drive at them and knock them all flying!  :rofl;  :rofl;  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 14, 2011, 04:54:33 AM
Oh yes we have more orange traffic cones than people in the UK!
And don't most of them reside in uni student bedrooms?  Speaking of mislaid road signage items, when we moved into a rented flat there was a Lollipop Ladies sign in the cupboard.  When we moved out we just left it there; I really wish we'd brought it with us.  (I don't know why.)

MM, the BBC have just made a comedy called White Van Man - it's not bad, but I'm surprised it took so long because the opportunity for White Van Man comedy has been around for aeons.  Do you have White Van Man in the States?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: ODAT on April 14, 2011, 07:18:58 AM
Going to a redwings game today - it is a "teambuilding" for our department. We get the company's suite and get fed. lol

Looks like the weather will co-operate. Hope the wings win!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 14, 2011, 07:49:32 AM
ODAT, that's the best way to see a sports team. Have fun and good luck to the wings.

I actually have real clothes on for the first time in days and am going to attempt to go out and get some things done: labs, buy a present for one of my son's friends, perhaps grab some groceries. I contracted shingles AGAIN (last time in 2007, followed by baby getting chicken pox from me, also contracting coxsackie which gave me viral meningitis which almost killed me. I HATE YOU, HERPES ZOSTER!!!) My left leg feels like it's been badly burnt, but I see improvement today - I don't want to run into a hospital and shout just amputate already!! I am staying away from narcotics as long as possible so that I can drive without being a danger. I can take Ibuprofen again! Finally seeing how the other half lives! :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 14, 2011, 07:58:10 AM
Shingles?  Yikes.  I've never had the misfortune, but I know people who have and I understand that it is incredibly painful.  You poor thing.  Enjoy the Ibuprofen! *huggles*
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: cariad on April 14, 2011, 11:56:30 AM
Shingles?  Yikes.  I've never had the misfortune, but I know people who have and I understand that it is incredibly painful.  You poor thing.  Enjoy the Ibuprofen! *huggles*

Aw thanks, Poppy. Wow, is there anything that huggles can't cure? :)

Success - got my labs drawn and a trip to Target. How I spent $160 I don't know, but Easter candy, present and card for Aidan's good friend (Pokemon black version for Nintendo DS in case you are just dying to know...) presents to hang onto to give to the kids for their summer birthdays, and Clif bars for breakfast are all purchased.

Gee, I guess there's my answer to the high total, huh?
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 26, 2011, 07:56:51 AM
Aw thanks, Poppy. Wow, is there anything that huggles can't cure? :)
Huggles cure?!


I'm slightly embarrassed now, and may keep all my *huggles* for myself ...

Following a two week Easter break and a Bank Holiday Monday, I had three hours at work this morning.  Wednesday's I don't work and I'll have four hours at work on Thursday before the long four-day Bank Holiday weekend (with thanks to Will and Kate).  Life is somewhat bliss. 

(and would be more blissful if there was no work involved at all)

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on April 26, 2011, 11:36:04 AM
It's days like this I HATE being a temp....I've been on this "assignment" since mid January & it will last until next April (hopefully) when the company's lease ends on the currant building....apparently, a LOT of people got to go to the local Food Bank & volunteer today...complete with a luncheon. I guess because I'm a temp, I didn't get the memo/email. This company is great, but they really do let you know that you are JUST a temp. They have a meeting every other Friday, usually in the morning & they supply kolochies, donuts, coffee, & juice & they go over the "what's happening" during the last couple of weeks....they even have music & laughter....I get to "relieve" the receptionist so she can attend all the events. Over Easter weekend, they had a few people volunteer with a egg hunt at a shelter, the weekend before, there was overtime work, just a lot that I don't get to do. I'd love to volunteer somewhere, but when I am not working, I need to be home with Charles & Allyssa...weekends are when I get most of our shopping & cleaning done & now I'm just making excuses...LOL. it's just nice to get to feel "included" sometimes....*sigh*
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on April 26, 2011, 02:49:10 PM
Poppy- keep the huggles coming - they cure a lot for me!!!!

Are you going to celebrate W and K's wedding?  I'd love to be there for the frivolities!!!!!

Texas - hang in there!  I wish they included you all!  At my husband's company the temps are included in everything they wish to join - one of the newest temps won the chili cook-off last month!  It may be different because these temps are in line for full time employment if/when permanent employment is available....  Anyway, sorry you are excluded!  That never feels good.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 27, 2011, 02:32:21 AM
Awww, Summer.  It must be horrid to be excluded like that just because you're a (not-so) temp, especially when you could probably benefit from all these things a lot more than other people.  *sighs* with you.

Are you going to celebrate W and K's wedding?  I'd love to be there for the frivolities!!!!!
Um ... I wasn't planning on it.  Blokey managed to wangle a morning dialysis session for Friday which means he won't be home till after the ceremony and the whole kissing on the balcony at Bucks Palace shebangle.  I'll be stuck at home (public holiday; no work, no bus services, don't drive) and the only thing scheduled on the tellybox (on the major channels anyway)?  Yes, the Royal Wedding.  I'll probably watch a bit of it (who doesn't want to a) see Kate's dress, b) watch them fluff their lines and c) hope they do something a little uncoventional just to show that they're a little bit normal?!) If the weather forecast is nice I might just go to haemoD with Blokey and find a sunny spot at the hospital to ignore the frivolity and read a book.

I'm such a party-pooper!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: WishIKnew on April 27, 2011, 06:00:26 AM
I've gotten so pulled in to the whole royal wedding thing.  Maybe I just need a distraction.....
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 27, 2011, 12:42:18 PM
They had an article in my local paper about someone who was making a fortune selling "Wedding Barf Bags" imprinted with instructions for using when nauseated by the royal hype.   ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 29, 2011, 01:19:48 AM
They had an article in my local paper about someone who was making a fortune selling "Wedding Barf Bags" imprinted with instructions for using when nauseated by the royal hype.   ;D
*chuckles* ... I've seen those on the telly.  I wanted a limited edition anti-wedding mug but I forgot to order it.  Silly me.

I have vehemently proclaimed that I am NOT going to watch the wedding.  But I turned on the tellybox this morning and BBC1 are covering it (as is EVERY channel seemingly, but I'm a Beeb Babe) and I got a little pulled into it.  I think I might watch it after all.  I am English, and I'm proud to be English, and I actually like having a Royal Family (although I think they need to relax a tad) so I ought to be a little patriotic and watch it.  I'll make a nice cup of tea.

I will not be waving a flag though.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Kitty Cat on April 29, 2011, 02:18:48 PM
I watched part of the wedding, I also had no plans to watch it at all but..it was so nice!! I wish them all the best for a happy, healthy life together. She is such an elegant young woman, she'll be a breath of fresh air to the royals.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on April 29, 2011, 06:49:37 PM
I didn't watch!  But the pic of the happy couple was front page news here this morning.  I was surprised with the incredibly old-fashioned dress style she chose.  The gravity of the occasion, and all, I suppose.  But given how many trends she's likely to set, it should be interesting.  White wasn't a trend in wedding dresses until Queen Victoria wore one, after all.  And I remember the crazy lengths wedding dress trains went to after Diana's wedding. 

But then, if wedding dress makers start making wedding dresses with sleeves and high collars again, there are going to be a lot of happy women who don't have the body for the current strapless trend!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on April 30, 2011, 01:39:07 AM
I was surprised by the dress too.  I think that her sister's bridesmaid dress was far lovelier, but obviously a bit more revealing (showed off her bum and her shapely legs ... I'm not sure that's a good look for the wife of the future king, but I was expecting Kate's dress to be more like that.) If I was due to get married soon I'd want to style my dress on that one rather than Kate's.  It will be interesting to see if the dress does ignite a new trend. I wonder if like many brides there'll be something she regrets ... I regret not wearing my hair up, but hey-ho.

I loved her 'Wow!' as she walked onto the balcony to the cheering crowds.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on April 30, 2011, 06:16:39 PM
Across the pond, and here in what I affectionately call BFE, (some of you will know that phrase) the Royal Wedding has been an irritant to the farm boys who want to see the farm report, beef market report, weather report, etc, etc....  So..I get up yesterday morning and catch hubby watching it first thing in the morning.  I very innocently ask him what he thought of Kate's dress and he said..."it was ok"...on which I POUNCED!  I said "I KNEW you were SO into the wedding!".  He denied but I have teased him ever since about it, asking him for details of the veil...dress...kiss....  :rofl;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on May 04, 2011, 07:28:23 AM
Across the pond, and here in what I affectionately call BFE, (some of you will know that phrase) the Royal Wedding has been an irritant to the farm boys who want to see the farm report, beef market report, weather report, etc, etc....  So..I get up yesterday morning and catch hubby watching it first thing in the morning.  I very innocently ask him what he thought of Kate's dress and he said..."it was ok"...on which I POUNCED!  I said "I KNEW you were SO into the wedding!".  He denied but I have teased him ever since about it, asking him for details of the veil...dress...kiss....  :rofl;

Do farm boys wear cowboy hats?  I just thought of young men in plaid shirts wearing cowboy hats and chewing corn when I read 'farm boys'.  Beef market report? That sounds like something I'd switch on for.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Sugarlump on May 12, 2011, 08:30:17 AM
Thinking about beef markets and reports...
and I should get my mind out of the gutter Hi Pops  :waving;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: TexanSummer on May 12, 2011, 09:42:28 AM
I'm thinkin I should have just stayed in bed.....We only have 1 car, so sometimes hubby takes me to work & others, I drive myself....well today, I'm walking past the window & I look out into the parking lot. I see my car there & I actually paused long enough to think...."why is my car here?" Then I quickly remembered that I had driven myself to work today & parked it right there only 1 1/2 hours earlier..... :oops;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on May 13, 2011, 11:18:45 AM
"Hi Pops  :waving;
Hi Sugar  :waving; ... it's the weekend and the skies are blue ... yay!

I'm thinkin I should have just stayed in bed.....We only have 1 car, so sometimes hubby takes me to work & others, I drive myself....well today, I'm walking past the window & I look out into the parking lot. I see my car there & I actually paused long enough to think...."why is my car here?" Then I quickly remembered that I had driven myself to work today & parked it right there only 1 1/2 hours earlier..... :oops;
D'oh! I'm getting so bad that I sometimes forget what I'm saying halfway through a sentence.  This memory-loss trait of ESRD is apparently rubbing off on us.  Damn those pesky men of ours!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on May 13, 2011, 05:47:29 PM
I was feeling pleased with myself for taking the time to sit on my balcony and watch the lightning storm roll across the river towards me the other night.

Then I read the article about the local man who got zapped standing on his porch watching the same storm.

Now I'm just pleased I had the sense to get my relaxed self back in the house before the storm got too close!   ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: looneytunes on May 13, 2011, 10:13:59 PM
Good idea JB, stay safe! 

Poppy...farm boys wear mostly " ball caps" and chew tobacco or Skoal.  My hubby does have a "cowboy" hat but rarely wears it and most thankfully does NOT chew tobacco! 
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: aharris2 on May 15, 2011, 12:29:35 PM
I was feeling pleased with myself for taking the time to sit on my balcony and watch the lightning storm roll across the river towards me the other night.

Then I read the article about the local man who got zapped standing on his porch watching the same storm.

Now I'm just pleased I had the sense to get my relaxed self back in the house before the storm got too close!   ;D

We also enjoy spectacular weather, preferably with no one getting hurt!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on May 15, 2011, 12:38:54 PM
He was, thankfully, fine - but it sure rang his bells for him!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on May 28, 2011, 08:34:13 AM
Texie, why have we stopped talking to you?!  You poor thing ...


Today I went to the cinema and got my redundancy letter (not at the cinema, that would be silly; it came in the post). WooHoo! The excitement is so much, it's given me a headache. 

Also, I keep needing to pee.  Blokey just says, 'well, I hope your kidney is okay,' whilst giving me a stern look (as though I'm nothing but a [potential] kidney donor ...)

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Woofgang on May 31, 2011, 10:29:36 PM
I have just been scanning this thread. One of the few things I miss about NJ are the soft pretzels with mustard. DH and I went out there with his work 20 (!) years ago.Don't get me wrong, its a fine place and the people were so friendly but then you had to go as a dependent spouse, no work permit and I am soooo not cut out to be a housewife...anyway that's all in the past. I still miss the soft pretzels and Dunkin donuts bear claws though. Krisp and Kreamy don't even come close.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on June 01, 2011, 11:55:13 AM
Ooooh, Dunkin Doughnuts......*drooling*

I went to college 4 hours from home.  There were no Dunkin Doughnuts where I lived, and my mother was addicted.  There were two on my route home.  I was not allowed in the house without a full box!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Cordelia on June 01, 2011, 12:07:08 PM
I cheated on my renal diet LOL
Blood was drawn yesterday so lastnight I ate pizza and again for lunch today :shy;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on June 01, 2011, 02:06:49 PM
Yep! The best day to cheat is the day AFTER blood draws!  :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup;

I'm just trying to stay cool in this record-breaking heat!

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Woofgang on June 01, 2011, 02:12:26 PM
DH and I cheated together tonight......we had bloody marys......lovely to sit and enjoy them together with a very few salty pretzels  :oops;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Cordelia on June 01, 2011, 03:00:45 PM
Hmmmmmmm salty pretzels! LOL! I'm getting hungry! LOL  :lol;

I say too, the best time to cheat, right after the blood is drawn! LOL!  :lol;

Oh, this heat wave is something else, I started running my central air yesterday and I'm lovin' it! :yahoo; ;D
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Genlando on June 01, 2011, 04:47:53 PM
I have just been scanning this thread. One of the few things I miss about NJ are the soft pretzels with mustard. DH and I went out there with his work 20 (!) years ago.Don't get me wrong, its a fine place and the people were so friendly but then you had to go as a dependent spouse, no work permit and I am soooo not cut out to be a housewife...anyway that's all in the past. I still miss the soft pretzels and Dunkin donuts bear claws though. Krisp and Kreamy don't even come close.

As a lifetime Southerner, I must take exception to your statement about our beloved Krispy Kreme donuts!  Have you ever had them when they're still hot? They're like crack cocaine!  But seriously, I guess it's all a matter of taste, huh?  And I gotta admit that a hot, soft pretzel is pretty awesome!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on June 01, 2011, 10:40:10 PM
As a lifetime Southerner, I must take exception to your statement about our beloved Krispy Kreme donuts!  Have you ever had them when they're still hot? They're like crack cocaine!  But seriously, I guess it's all a matter of taste, huh?  And I gotta admit that a hot, soft pretzel is pretty awesome!

Oh, no, no objections here to a hot Krispy Kreme - but I prefer a chewy cake doughnut with chocolate frosting.  Dunkins is the closest I've found to a Kretchman's doughnut.  It was the family owned doughnut and coffee shop where my grandfather would take me for breakfast when I was a little kid.  Belly up to the counter on the round swivel stool that was bolted to the floor, and order a chocolate covered cake doughnut and a white milk in a little white carton from the dairy we drove by on the way to get breakfast.  Keep your mouth full and listen to the old-timers solve all the world's problems and tell a lot of tall tales over double-sugared coffee....ahhhhh...... good times and good memories!
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: chook on June 02, 2011, 02:05:31 AM
Just 'surfing' IHD posts - so interesting!
Comment on farm boys and hats - here in Australia most people call the 'cowboy' hat Akubra which is a popular brand name here. Hubby wears one ALL the time and our time in the city (Sydney) while I get monitored post tx has given us many laughs about his hat.
People often ask, 'Where's your horse?' A little boy said excitedly, 'Mum, I've just seen a cowboy!'  A man asked us 'Is it true the size of the hat tells the size of the property?' A truck driver leaned out of his truck and yelled, 'G'day, bushy!' and often people say either that they like his hat or we must be from the bush. Hubby wears his hat every day and has a bush hat and a town hat. He hates it when his town hat wears out. His new hat takes some time to break in and feel comfortable.
And we call ourselves graziers not farmers, as it is too dry where we live to grow drops so we produce wool, sheep and cattle.
Hope you find this interesting  :)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on June 02, 2011, 02:57:56 AM
Just 'surfing' IHD posts - so interesting!
Comment on farm boys and hats - here in Australia most people call the 'cowboy' hat Akubra which is a popular brand name here. Hubby wears one ALL the time and our time in the city (Sydney) while I get monitored post tx has given us many laughs about his hat.
People often ask, 'Where's your horse?' A little boy said excitedly, 'Mum, I've just seen a cowboy!'  A man asked us 'Is it true the size of the hat tells the size of the property?' A truck driver leaned out of his truck and yelled, 'G'day, bushy!' and often people say either that they like his hat or we must be from the bush. Hubby wears his hat every day and has a bush hat and a town hat. He hates it when his town hat wears out. His new hat takes some time to break in and feel comfortable.
And we call ourselves graziers not farmers, as it is too dry where we live to grow drops so we produce wool, sheep and cattle.
Hope you find this interesting  :)
When I was really little we had a (factual) book about some kids growing up on a farm in Australia in the 1960s.  They had hundreds of thousands of acres and their nearest neighbours lived hundreds of miles away.  They did all their schooling over the radio.  I truly believed that EVERYBODY in Australia lived like that for most of my childhood. The Flying Doctors helped me realise that some people lived in teeny little towns and drank beer all day, but it was Neighbours which hit me in the face with the reality that some people in Australia lived 'normally'.  I was quite disappointed.


(I'm also quite disappointed that you haven't mentioned your hubby's other hat, you know, the one with the corks hanging off it ...  >:D)
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: galvo on June 02, 2011, 05:16:28 AM
Oh! Poppy! Please don't equate 'Neighbours' with normal Aussie living. Generally, we ain't nearly as yummy as them folks.

Chook, have you had a look at the IHD facebook site? There's been a good blue going on there.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on June 02, 2011, 09:35:47 AM
Loved the reading, Chook. And Poppy, I remember that story about the kids going to school by radio, too! LOL!

Mis-information sure gets around!

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on June 02, 2011, 10:00:42 AM
I read that book!  Although, I lived in a pretty rural area, and not far from some of the islands in the Great Lakes where the year round residents often did similar things, so it seemed pretty normal to me, actually.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: KrazeeBrod on June 02, 2011, 12:11:28 PM
I have read so many books over the years, I pretty much clean out the library in a year!  LOL  I read very fast (thanks to an Evelyn Wood reading course when I was in college), and I love reading.  They cannot write murder mysteries, courtroom dramas, and police procedural fiction fast enough for me!

In fact, I would like to collect the entire works of a couple of authors if anyone wants to donate their copes.

Myers, Stephanie: The Twilight Series (all of them)

Evanovich, Janet: The Stephanie Plum series (I think there are 17 of them now.  I have #14 only.

If anyone has any of these books and would care to donate them to my library, you can reach me at tlnelson2010@comcast.net.

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: jbeany on June 02, 2011, 06:25:59 PM
My fun for the day was the Laura Ford exhibit.  I'm in love with Stump Girl!


Although, I didn't read the art critic's descriptions before - I didn't see missing children or anything sinister.  It just made me think of high school.  All the pretty accessories in the world don't make anyone stop seeing you as the "fat girl."
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: willowtreewren on June 02, 2011, 06:40:09 PM
We are packed and ready to get up VERY early and make a 15 hour drive to Massachusetts. Now that Carl isn't on dialysis, we don't really have to do the drive in one day, but it gives us more time for visiting.

And THEN, on Monday we are headed for Maine to meet IKETCHUM!  :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup;

I am so excited. Plus this past weekend we had a lovely visit from Cariad and her family! w00t! We visited the Smokies and saw a bear, deer, turkeys, salamanders, a kangaroo mouse, and the kids got to hold a painted lady butterfly! It was a fabulous weekend!  :cheer:

Next year we are hoping to make it all the way to Newfoundland to see Del! We didn't have enough time set aside for a trip that long this June, but with a year to plan, we can surely do it next June!  :clap; :clap;

Yep! I'm feeling GOOD!

Aleta    :flower;
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: Poppylicious on June 03, 2011, 03:56:52 AM
Oh! Poppy! Please don't equate 'Neighbours' with normal Aussie living. Generally, we ain't nearly as yummy as them folks.
Not as yummy?!  I don't believe it for a second!  (I haven't seen Neighbours for ages, not since Harold Bishop suddenly returned from the dead.)

In fact, I would like to collect the entire works of a couple of authors if anyone wants to donate their copes.

Myers, Stephanie: The Twilight Series (all of them)
*gasp* ... you're not having mine!  Actually, since the sun is shining the garden does beckon and it invites me to bring along my Twilight collection.  A little Edward lovin' might fill my afternoon up nicely. I might even indulge in an ice-lolly. 

Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: del on June 03, 2011, 08:59:54 AM
We are looking forward to your visit already!!!   :2thumbsup; :yahoo; Can't wait!!  We have all kinds of fun things we can do and you will get to taste some Newfoundland food!!  Anybody else who is coming this way and wants to visit we would be delighted to see you!!

Hubby and I have been really busy building an extension to our garage.  We have the roof completed and are putting doors and windows in now.  Lots of work!!  Hopefully after this you will be able to go in the garage and not trip over things!!  Have to put at least one window in this afternoon.
Title: Re: Will someone talk to me? Pleease?
Post by: okarol on June 03, 2011, 01:07:08 PM
 :2thumbsup; I love when our members get to meet!

I am spending the night with 2 other women photographers and heading out early tomorrow, before sun up, to shoot hot air balloons lifting off.  :bandance;