I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Ohio Buckeye on January 01, 2007, 10:15:10 PM

Title: Foods affect you?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 01, 2007, 10:15:10 PM
Since you have been on dialysis have foods affected you differently.
For instance, my s-i-l gave me some chili that had kidney beans in it.
Everytime I saw a kidney bean I felt sick.  On Thanksgiving I could not hardly
look at the turkey.  Some of my former favorite foods I don't want to
have much anymore.  And sometimes I just don't want to be
around a lot of food, like a buffet. but it is not all the time.
almost like being pregnant in a way.  It is strange.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Bette on January 02, 2007, 06:37:42 AM
I feel the same way about dairy.  I used to love yogurt and milk, now the very idea of them turns my stomach.  This actually started about a month before I started dialysis.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: paris on January 02, 2007, 10:20:43 AM
One of the transplant nurses compared my nausea and food dislikes to pregnancy - hormones, toxins, etc.  The thought of a big buffet makes me queasy. My range of food likes has grown very small and I use to enjoy almost everything.  It helps to know others have the same problem.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: goofynina on January 02, 2007, 12:58:10 PM
Thank you for this thread,  it is good to know i am not the only one going through this, i was getting a little worried.  It is strange but there are days when i cant even eat a whole sandwich because it just makes me nauseous and i love sandwiches, not only sandwiches, it happens with everything i eat, i just eat a portion and that is it,  i was blaming it on being on PD but i guess it is just the whole disease in general huh?  :-\ oh well, at least i am not gaining weight, Lord only knows i dont need that  ::)
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: mallory on January 02, 2007, 02:06:31 PM
Goofynina, it's funny you'd mention sandwiches.  I LOVE sandwiches.  I always have.  My sister thinks it's weird to love sandwiches, but I really do, I love sandwiches.  I'd choose a big, yummy hoagie sandwich and potato chips over most other meals.

But, all the sudden, some days I like sandwiches, and some days I can't even think about them.  It's worse since I started dialysis.  It's like my taste changes every day.  Some days I still want to go to Subway, some days you couldn't pay me to eat one of their sandwiches.  And it's all other food, too.  Some days I like some things, some days I like other things.

It's very strange the way kidney failure and dialysis affects your body.  There are so many changes you never even thought about or heard about.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: glitter on January 02, 2007, 04:31:45 PM
my husband HATED chicken before dialysis-i only cooked it maybe twice a year,(and if he knew he would eat a doughnut)-now he begs for chicken like he needs a 'fix'--and I do cook it 5 nights a week,plus extra for the fridge....I wondered if there was something in chicken he really needed......
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: goofynina on January 02, 2007, 09:00:21 PM
my husband HATED chicken before dialysis-i only cooked it maybe twice a year,(and if he knew he would eat a doughnut)-now he begs for chicken like he needs a 'fix'--and I do cook it 5 nights a week,plus extra for the fridge....I wondered if there was something in chicken he really needed......

The only thing i know is they say that chicken is a good source of protein, maybe that is what he is craving, the protein?  just my  :twocents;

Me loves me chicken too ;)
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: glitter on January 02, 2007, 09:23:11 PM
actually ,I can't think of it right now,but the thing they measure in your labs that says wether he has good nourishment-his is low-they told me to increase his meat-but its weird how its chicken he is wanting and not beef or pork-although for awhile I WAS cooking pork-ribs every other day lol
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: jbeany on January 03, 2007, 03:16:33 AM
Since I've started hemo, I can't get enough broccoli and cauliflower.  Good thing they are cheap in the frozen section.  I've been eating some every day, sometimes twice a day.  I've always liked them, but not this much!  Makes me wonder what vitamins the hemo is stripping that my nephcaps aren't replacing fast enough.

my husband HATED chicken before dialysis-i only cooked it maybe twice a year,(and if he knew he would eat a doughnut)-now he begs for chicken like he needs a 'fix'--and I do cook it 5 nights a week,plus extra for the fridge....I wondered if there was something in chicken he really needed......

I was never that fond of chicken either, and I'm eating a lot of more of that, too.  With a side order of steamed broccoli and cauliflower, of course.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 03, 2007, 10:34:36 AM
That's funny. Yesterday at the grocery I saw a bag of garlic cauliflour in the frozen section
and I got it and heat it up and ate it for supper.  It was so good.  I didnd't even have anything
with it. 
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: glitter on January 03, 2007, 10:42:49 AM
Broccolli has been 88 cents a lbs here in florida lately-my hubby craves both broccolli and cauliflower too,I wish cauliflower was on sale too..lol I know cooking it removes alot of the potassium,but he really just wants it raw-so he gets a measured dose of raw with his lunch-who would have ever thought I would be measuring the cauliflower like its medicine,and just giving him the box of little debbies.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: mallory on January 03, 2007, 01:33:16 PM
who would have ever thought I would be measuring the cauliflower like its medicine,and just giving him the box of little debbies.
Glitter, Isn't that the truth!  This renal diet is so strange to me, I understand the goals, but the results don't seem logical to me, like measuring cauliflower but you can have the Little Debbies.  That just doesn't seem right!
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: kitkatz on January 03, 2007, 08:52:23 PM
I hate bell peppers for some strange reason.  The taste totally turns me off now and I used to eat them all the time.  I even cooked with them a lot.  Now icky poo.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: charee on January 03, 2007, 08:53:37 PM
What are "little debbies" ??
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: kitkatz on January 03, 2007, 08:54:58 PM
Little Debbies are little chocolate with whipped cream in the middle snack cakes.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: charee on January 03, 2007, 08:56:31 PM
Little Debbies are little chocolate with whipped cream in the middle snack cakes.
Thanks for that never heard of them here
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 03, 2007, 08:58:56 PM
Little Debbies are goooooooooooooood.
They compare to Hostess snack cakes and cookies if you know about those.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: John S. on January 06, 2007, 09:05:51 AM
On eof the biggest side of effects of renagel other than making you dispeptic, is a loss of appetite. My appetite after 12 1/2 years of this is non-existant. Now, I'm like a marathon runner using food only as fuel. Sad.

Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: glitter on January 06, 2007, 08:33:25 PM
little debbies come in about 15 different flavors-my husband likes the huneybuns-which is like a glazed doughnut.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: angela515 on January 07, 2007, 11:00:50 AM
I'm glad someone mentioned this, I thought it was just me. Sometimes I feel really hungry, but when I sit down and start eating, I get full after only eating a little bit of my food. My dad thinks i'm wasting a lot of food now but I tell him, i'm just not hungry sometimes, and most of the time I get nauses during my meal and just don't want anymore for fear of throwing it up. So it's kind of like for me it's better to eat a lot of little meals or snacks throughout the day instead of 3 big meals.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: froggy on January 07, 2007, 01:44:24 PM
A lot of days I only eat one meal and that can be a challenge. Other days my appetite is just fine. The biggest change I noticed is I like sweets now and I never have before
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Zach on January 17, 2007, 07:12:51 PM
On eof the biggest side of effects of renagel other than making you dispeptic, is a loss of appetite. My appetite after 12 1/2 years of this is non-existant. Now, I'm like a marathon runner using food only as fuel. Sad.


Have you tried any of the protein drinks, like Designer Whey?
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: brenda on January 17, 2007, 08:58:41 PM
What the heck is "Designer Whey" ? There ain't no "way" anything with the word "whey" in it can be good.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: shay_pcb on January 17, 2007, 09:15:05 PM
My problems with food is that I want what I'm not supposed to have and don't want what I am supposed to have. And I don't eat as much as I did, but I guess that's bc I absorb calories from my fluid.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Chicken Little on January 17, 2007, 09:37:28 PM
My doctor warned me about loss of appetite, but it's more than that.  Nothing tastes the same or even good.  When I do eat, I usually get sick too. 

We drove by the It's It ice cream factory the other day and had to pull over because the smell the baking cookies made me barf.  ???  I was hoping it would get a little better when I start PD.   :( 
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Zach on January 18, 2007, 06:50:13 AM
What the heck is "Designer Whey" ? There ain't no "way" anything with the word "whey" in it can be good.

You must be jesting.

It's good stuff.  And if you like, add it to your coffee.  Add more sugar, or add a little bit of ice cream.    ;)
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: brenda on January 18, 2007, 08:01:23 AM
Ok, it's the word "chocolate" on the bottle that could make me try it!
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: AlasdairUK on January 18, 2007, 08:19:49 AM
What the heck is "Designer Whey" ? There ain't no "way" anything with the word "whey" in it can be good.

Here is a link from Zach about the importance of protein:


I would recommend most people use some form of supplement. I take muscle milk on dialysis days.
Title: Re: Foods affect you?
Post by: Bear on January 18, 2007, 05:55:36 PM
Ah yes..... when I first got really sick, my appetite got less'n'less and the taste buds went haywire!!! By the time I started P.D.,
I could only drink 'flavored tea' - you know those teas with no actual tea in, cherry flavor or ginger & lime or whatever. Went thru a
 phase of drinking soy milk, as I couldn't touch the cow (or goat) variety. I'd always been such a dairy-lover!!!!
I had to get protein drinks off the dietician, as I had dropped many days below 1000cals !! I couldnt stand soft drinks even, except for "V" & ginger ale.  :(
....once P.D. got going, my appetite improved, a bit. But I gained weight mostly from the glucose in the bags!!! Blew out to 142kg
(er....x 2.2.....300lbs for you yanks & other non-metric folk). Even after starting Haemo, I still got  "morning sickness" most days, often a couple of times. But my weight went down (now 120kg) & my appetite got better.
  Anyway...after a year of haemo, including 8 months of nocturnal, until I lost the fistula, I've reduced the morning sickness to minimal, eat more or less all my old favorites (altho being currently back on in-center, I now have to limit some of them) & can
drink anything I used to & enjoy it.    :beer1;    :wine;    altho not beer, obviously, as one ain't enough!! & 2's your daily allowance gone!  ::)
  The chicken thing mentioned earlier could well be because he didin't like bland old chicken when his appetite was good, but now he needs the protein, but can't face the stronger-tasting meats! ?  ;)