I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Idodialysis on February 05, 2011, 02:17:57 AM

Title: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: Idodialysis on February 05, 2011, 02:17:57 AM
          Hello everyone out there. I'm a 38 yr old m from Ohio and I have been ON dialysis now for 3 yrs. Its been a really rough road for me so far but I don't wanna get into all the boring details all in the 1st post as I introduce myself but I will share my story with anybody that is interested and for anybody that it will help. My family and I are all amazed that I'm actually still here from all that has happened so all I can do is be Thankful to the Lord.
I got my kidney failure from hypertension. My blood pressure managed to get so high that i had seizures and that caused me to have a mini stroke on my left side. I am so thankful that it wasn't a full stroke (and i pray for anybody that this has happened to)  because its so sad what that will do to a perfectly normal person. Its awful. I managed to escape without that happening to me but not completely. Anyhow it did shut down my kidneys and I now live with End Stage Renal Disease. I'm no dialysis 4 times a week. I have been doing this for 3 yrs. I was on my way to a transplant but and I quote "my kidney doctor" here in Akron messed that all up for me. Yep~! My Kidney Doc!
            Here's to make a long story short. He wasn't my original doctor and I ended up with him from transferring to that dialysis center to get closer to my dads house after moving in with my dad.My original Kidney Dr. didn't go to that dialysis center so I had to switch. I was already doing all the tests for the transplant and by time I made it to the end and all the doctors were voting if I was a good candidate for the transplant, my doctor was the only one that voted against me getting the transplant. His reasoning was that I was non-compliant. So I was denied and they told me to try again in a few months and they would reconsider. Well... I was so disgusted I was just about to just give up because of everything that I have been through. We managed to find out what was wrong that I couldn't complete my treatments and that has made it 100% easier for me to deal with so i didn't give up and I am still here today fighting. Well I switched Kidney Dr's. and we have been working on going through all of it again. It don't matter to me because my donor has changed their mind, so I don't have a donor. I have just faced that I'm gonna end up doing dialysis till I die. I will share my story (which there is so much to it) with anybody that wants to know more or anybody that my experiences with this all will help them in dealing with this all. Its not easy but its possible. I'm living proof and there are so many others out there that have beat this as well. Thank our dear God! My family keeps  joking that I have 9 lives because i have died and came back so many times. Ill be floating around the forums reading and responding to some posts. I just wanted to introduce myself and my name is Jeff. I hope to get to meet some nice people which I'm sure I will.Take care and catch ya around!               (Thank goodness for spell-checking...haha)
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: looneytunes on February 05, 2011, 08:16:12 AM
Hi Jeff and welcome to IHD.  Sounds like you have been through quite a bit in a short time.  IHD is a great place to interact with others who are on the same crazy ride due to renal disease.  Hope to see you on the boards.   :welcomesign;
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: peleroja on February 05, 2011, 08:21:20 AM
Welcome to the group.  Lots of good information and friends here.  Glad you joined!
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: paris on February 05, 2011, 06:19:24 PM
Hi Jeff.  So glad you found us.  My grandparents lived in Barberton, so we were in the Akron area a lot.  Those were the days when you were getting close to Akron or Barberton and you could smell the tire factories.  You wrote a great introduction.  I look forward to more of your posts and getting to know you better.   I have a son your age, and I am sorry you have had to go through so much in your life.  You really are a survivor, aren't you?  Must be that Ohio blood!!  I don't live in Ohio anymore, but I think Ohioans are strong people.   So, keep fighting!   Welcome to IHD   :2thumbsup;

paris, Moderator
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: Rerun on February 08, 2011, 06:23:56 AM
Hello Jeff and welcome to IHD.  I'm so glad you joined.  Sounds like your road has been rough but the Lord is in your life and has carried you through the rocks.  I'm glad you got a new Nephrologist.  I hope this guy gets you your second chance.

Rerun, Moderator             :welcomesign;
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: monrein on February 08, 2011, 03:26:05 PM
 :welcomesign; to IHD.
Title: Re: Hello from Akron OH. 38m
Post by: galvo on February 08, 2011, 04:25:00 PM
G'day, Jeff, and :welcomesign;.