I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: kitkatz on January 18, 2011, 10:08:14 PM

Title: Secret TV Watching
Post by: kitkatz on January 18, 2011, 10:08:14 PM
That one TV show you secretly watch because YOU like it and to heck with what anyone else says.

Mine has become WWE Raw and Smackdown- Yes, that is World Wrestling Entertainment.   It makes me laugh!

My hubby just shakes his head at me and growls at me whenever I have it on.  I DVR it.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: tyefly on January 18, 2011, 10:15:10 PM
   Ok    I love American Funniest Video.....    I love that stuff.......

Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: glitter on January 18, 2011, 11:34:05 PM
yes i watch housewives of Beverly hills, and Atlanta- I am so ashamed though!! :shy; :shy; :shy;

to make matters worse ........I am going to see Barry Manilow in two days.... I have hardly told a soul..... :shy;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Rerun on January 19, 2011, 04:35:23 AM
   Ok    I love American Funniest Video.....    I love that stuff.......

Me too!  I just LOL at that stuff.  Some people think it is mean but I love it.   :rofl;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: harley08 on January 19, 2011, 05:13:45 AM
I love to watch a program called "Jerseylicious" it is about a beauty shop in Jersey and all the girls way way too much make up and really nails and fight all the time, but I can't help but look forward to each weeks new episode :shy;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: knittingdan on January 19, 2011, 08:53:58 AM
Jersey Shore and Millionaire Matchmaker.  Train Wreck TV-- WOO HOO!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: cariad on January 19, 2011, 10:44:36 AM
I really don't enjoy television much, but before the transplant there were many days when I watched because it was all I could be bothered to do. I think the one I feel silliest about is Dog The Bounty Hunter. I have to admit that this family, from a sociological perspective, is quite the find. Hells Angel meets Altar Boy. I learned a bit about how bail bonding works, but mostly it was just pointless fluff.

Now the only television I watch is MSNBC, Colbert Report (giving up on Daily Show - sick of that man pontificating) and I DVR Graham Norton and watch that sometimes, although our system is so overloaded that half the time it automatically erases it before I get to view.

Oh, but Glitter - don't you realise? Barry Manilow is so cheesy he's gone full-circle to cool. Same with Tom Jones and many, many others. You are more hip than you know!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Deanne on January 19, 2011, 12:20:13 PM
"Hoarders," and I've just started watching "You're Cut Off!" "Iron Chef" (Japanese version) is on at 8:00 weeknights, and "Iron Chef America" is on Saturday/Sunday evenings. I also like Suze Orman. Oh, and can't forget "Food Detectives!"

No one ever wants to watch TV with me. I don't know why!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: kitkatz on January 19, 2011, 02:30:14 PM
yes i watch housewives of Beverly hills, and Atlanta- I am so ashamed though!! :shy; :shy; :shy;

to make matters worse ........I am going to see Barry Manilow in two days.... I have hardly told a soul..... :shy;

I love Barry Manilow. Take me, too.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Chris on January 19, 2011, 03:03:29 PM
Always Sunny In Philadelphia for me. It is so stupid, yet funny and imitating. I don't watch it on Comedy Central tho, just on FX.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: rsudock on January 19, 2011, 05:04:57 PM
16 and Pregnant, Real Housewives of __________ (any of them), Rob and Big, Top Chef, House Hunters... basically reality tv is my fave!!!!!  :yahoo;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Ang on January 19, 2011, 07:14:29 PM
smack down and raw :yahoo;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: jbeany on January 19, 2011, 07:48:49 PM
Deanne, I'll come over for Hoarders or Iron Chef anytime!  (I have no cable!)  I do watch Hoarders online - but I don't know if I'd count it a guilty pleasure - I always clean my house during and after.  Iron Chef doesn't count as a guilty pleasure in family either - it's one of the few shows that we all like, even my 11 yr old nephew.

If I had cable, I think my guilty pleasure would be Pawn Stars.  I love all the clips on the website.

Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Chris on January 19, 2011, 09:36:08 PM
Just saw a new one, Oddities. Bizarre and Weird stuff people look for to buy. Out of all the new auction shows, this one I will have to watch due to all the weird stuff, almost like a Ripley's Beleive It Or Not type spin off.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Riki on January 20, 2011, 01:55:40 PM
I am going to see Barry Manilow in two days.... I have hardly told a soul..... :shy;

Barry Manilow????  TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!

I kinda fell in love with him after he sang with Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report.  I mostly just watch MSNBC and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, but I do sometimes watch Food Network.  I like Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, Chopped, and Unwrapped.

oh, and Cariad, Jon is a bit of an ass, but he is a nice guy in person.  I was at the show during Fleet Week a couple of years ago.  Both TDS and TCR immediately VIP any military person in uniform who are in the line.  There was a few from one particular ship, who actually gave him a gift.  It was a picture of the ship, and it was really nice.  He actually worked it into the show, saying that was how he commuted to work.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: KICKSTART on January 20, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
I dont have to do any of it in secret . I have the remote and dont have to share , but my one naughty one is, True Blood , new series just started over here and there are some quite naughty bits in it !!!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Brightsky69 on January 20, 2011, 04:56:30 PM
 :bandance; I love Ghost Adventures - no one I know watches that...not even my boyfriend. 

Ghost Adventures is on the Travel Channel.   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Riki on January 20, 2011, 05:02:13 PM
True Blood is awesome, Kickstart... I have the first 2 seasons on DVD
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: cariad on January 20, 2011, 05:37:19 PM
I kinda fell in love with him after he sang with Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report.  I mostly just watch MSNBC and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, but I do sometimes watch Food Network.  I like Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, Chopped, and Unwrapped.

oh, and Cariad, Jon is a bit of an ass, but he is a nice guy in person.  I was at the show during Fleet Week a couple of years ago.  Both TDS and TCR immediately VIP any military person in uniform who are in the line.  There was a few from one particular ship, who actually gave him a gift.  It was a picture of the ship, and it was really nice.  He actually worked it into the show, saying that was how he commuted to work.

I used to watch Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives but stopped, primarily because it is not vegetarian friendly. In fact, I've been to one restaurant featured on that show, a restaurant just round the block from us, which incidentally clearly does not fit into any of those three categories. I watched and was horrified to discover that dishes I thought were vegetarian seemed to have lard in them. Gah! In San Pedro, CA, we also lived right down the block from a breakfasty place that was featured on the show and it apparently had lines down the street every morning. We could have walked there, but never bothered. I read reviews that said the hollandaise was bland, and that was all it took to turn me off for life.

I'm sure Jon Stewart is a decent guy. I heard his brother is COO of the New York Stock Exchange, which is interesting - why doesn't he have him on? I'd tune back in for that one. I really detested his interview with Rachel Maddow though, got fed up and switched it right off. He was so rude to her, and yes, I understand he was ill, but wow, telling her the faults in her show and her network and essentially saying "I wouldn't do it this way, so your show sucks" is excruciatingly bad form. And the way Jon Stewart kisses Mike Huckabee's  :sir ken; makes me want to upchuck. Isn't it just the quaintest thing when two middle aged men discuss abortion and speak so authoritatively on it? As if, in a sane world, their opinion should matter to anyone but their female sexual partners.

Anyhow, there are things I like about him, and I love his supporting cast, (except Jason Jones and Samantha Bee are hit and miss) but the DVR cannot record everything. :laugh:
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: okarol on January 20, 2011, 05:55:56 PM
I dont have to do any of it in secret . I have the remote and dont have to share , but my one naughty one is, True Blood , new series just started over here and there are some quite naughty bits in it !!!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Riki on January 20, 2011, 07:12:23 PM
I really detested his interview with Rachel Maddow though, got fed up and switched it right off. He was so rude to her, and yes, I understand he was ill, but wow, telling her the faults in her show and her network and essentially saying "I wouldn't do it this way, so your show sucks" is excruciatingly bad form.

I don't remember him saying or implying that Rachel's show sucked.  I have the interview dvr'd, I could probably watch it again to check.  What I got was that he wanted to differentiate between what Rachel does and what he does, that what Rachel does is news, and what he does is make fun of the news.  A lot of people can't tell the difference.  BTW, Stephen Colbert kisses Huckabee's ass too.  Stephen gets away with things that Jon can't because Stephen is playing a character.  Huckabee offered Stephen the VP spot if he was nominated for president.  I think they kiss the ass of any GOP member who'll come on the shows more than once.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: glitter on January 21, 2011, 01:11:03 AM
Just to let you all know- Barry Manilow was awesome!!! He gave a great show and sang all the greatest oldies- the audience sang, and everyone was so well-mannered! Probably the nicest audience I have ever been with as well, many many husbands too, (which kinds surprised me Barry was just the total showman- I hope I get to see him again someday!!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: cariad on January 21, 2011, 10:35:32 AM
I really detested his interview with Rachel Maddow though, got fed up and switched it right off. He was so rude to her, and yes, I understand he was ill, but wow, telling her the faults in her show and her network and essentially saying "I wouldn't do it this way, so your show sucks" is excruciatingly bad form.

I don't remember him saying or implying that Rachel's show sucked.  I have the interview dvr'd, I could probably watch it again to check.  What I got was that he wanted to differentiate between what Rachel does and what he does, that what Rachel does is news, and what he does is make fun of the news.  A lot of people can't tell the difference.  BTW, Stephen Colbert kisses Huckabee's ass too.  Stephen gets away with things that Jon can't because Stephen is playing a character.  Huckabee offered Stephen the VP spot if he was nominated for president.  I think they kiss the ass of any GOP member who'll come on the shows more than once.

Thanks for the viewpoint, Riki. I am listening to the interview right now to see if it still strikes me that way. I'll be back with either more specific examples, or an apology for slandering him to one of his fans....  :2thumbsup; (I do find when he goes into his intellectual mode, it comes off all wrong to me somehow. It reminds me of writing English papers in primary school: Why use a small, common word when I've got a thesaurus.... That'll impress the teacher!)
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: cariad on January 21, 2011, 06:36:28 PM
Well, I was going to write something about the Jon Stewart interview, but I've just see that Keith Olbermann resigned and I did a little research on it, and apparently Comcast has completed their buyout of NBC and they are on the right, which is the favored rumor as to why he so suddenly left. I guess Rachel Maddow had the "evening off".

I still believe Jon Stewart was rather a pompous jerk with Rachel, but that hardly seems to matter now. I wonder if she'll even be able to keep her show. First Air America and now MSNBC - what the hell am I going to watch now? We watched these shows at dinner to introduce the kids to politics and how the world operates. I was not particularly a fan of Keith Olbermann - as I always told my friends, he is someone I wanted to like, but just couldn't. I liked the information he gave, I did not care for his overly florid style, and I especially disliked when he tried to be funny. Rachel Maddow I genuinely like, though again, I wish she would try less hard to be comedic. God, but it looks like we will not have a liberal voice in this country anymore.

Look out Britain, Gwyn's coming home.... and bringing the rest of us with him!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Riki on January 21, 2011, 10:06:42 PM
Rachel was on Bill Mahar tonight and she said that it was a bit of a surprise to her too.  The way she put it was that Keith and the Network came to a mutual decision that it was time to end.  His farewell to the viewers, to me, sounded like there was too much going on outside of the show in the last 2 years (well, his mom AND his dad died) and it was pulling him down.  He said that the reason he had kept going was because of the fans.

I don't like that they're putting Lawrence O'Donnell's show on at 8.. I think they should have just pushed it back.  I have a hard time with Lawrence's condescension toward his guests.

Here's the link to his farewell comment...  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/vp/41201922#41201922
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: kitkatz on January 25, 2011, 07:05:53 PM
:bandance; I love Ghost Adventures - no one I know watches that...not even my boyfriend. 

Ghost Adventures is on the Travel Channel.   :2thumbsup;

SHHHH! Me too!  Hangs head in shame.  I have it DVRed.  I want Zach to have a ghost kick him in the head!  :rofl; 
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Brightsky69 on January 26, 2011, 08:28:26 AM
 :rofl;  I love Aaron... "Oh my God...Dude!!"
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: needlephobic on January 26, 2011, 07:09:59 PM
:bandance; I love Ghost Adventures - no one I know watches that...not even my boyfriend. 

Ghost Adventures is on the Travel Channel.   :2thumbsup;

SHHHH! Me too!  Hangs head in shame.  I have it DVRed.  I want Zach to have a ghost kick him in the head!  :rofl;
I watch that show too just love it when they hear a noise and the goofy look on there faces.
I am a slap stick nut I love watching The Three Stooges they crack me up
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: kitkatz on February 06, 2011, 06:17:27 PM
:bandance; I love Ghost Adventures - no one I know watches that...not even my boyfriend. 

Ghost Adventures is on the Travel Channel.   :2thumbsup;

SHHHH! Me too!  Hangs head in shame.  I have it DVRed.  I want Zach to have a ghost kick him in the head!  :rofl;
I watch that show too just love it when they hear a noise and the goofy look on there faces.
I am a slap stick nut I love watching The Three Stooges they crack me up

I just think Zach and his crew are a screaming riot!  That is not ghost hunting.  They are making a name for themselves.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Brightsky69 on February 07, 2011, 06:14:20 AM
That flying brick at the Goldfield Hotel was a bit freaky. That's about the only thing that freaked me out on that show.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Riki on March 12, 2011, 10:07:48 PM
Teletoon Retro was just added to our cable package by the cable company and I've been watching all the old 80s cartoons that I used to watch when I was a kid.  Inspector Gadget and The Real Ghostbusters, He-Man and She-Ra.  It also doesn't hurt that The Flintstones and The Jetsons are on every night.
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: rsudock on March 13, 2011, 10:55:51 PM
OH my goodness...is anyone watching "Sister Wives" on TLC??? I am intrigued by this show. I love shows/movies about others' religions. Sister Wives focuses on the polygamist lifestyle of fundamental Mormons. I also love watching documentaries about Amish religion as well. What is weird is that Aaron's dad grew up in the Amish faith so, now I have even more inside info!!
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on March 14, 2011, 12:05:32 AM
i dont have tv at my place, but when im at my dads i watch the Nanny and Golden Girls reruns. hehe
Also love the Mystery ER, Mystery diagnosis, 1000 ways to die, things like that...
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: kellyt on March 14, 2011, 02:12:21 AM
I love watching court TV (Judge Alex, Judge Mathis, etc.)  I also love The Housewives of WHEREVER, Top Chef, FHV, Modern Family, and The Big Bang Theory.  I also like watching Dancing With the Stars (but most of the time I stop watching before the end.  Just depends on who's in the final 4) and American Idol (same thing, usually don't make it to the end).    I watch way too much TV.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Darthvadar on March 14, 2011, 02:57:50 AM
Erm Kelly..... Join the club!!!...

I LOVE Judge Judy!!!!!.... She's so quiet, shy, and retiring... Bit like me, really!...  :rofl;

I watch a lot of the Discovery channel... Mythbusters, Deadliest Catch, Extreme Engineering, Airplane Repo, etc.... Ooooh, yes... A day spent with the remote... Bliss!!!...

Love to all....

Title: Re: Secret TV Watching
Post by: Poppylicious on March 16, 2011, 07:30:21 AM
My not-so secret is watching Glee.  What nobody knows is that I record it first so that I can fast-forward through the songs (I just like the teenage-angst storylines!)
