I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Home Dialysis - NxStage Users => Topic started by: boswife on December 30, 2010, 05:59:26 PM

Title: just a quick note about training
Post by: boswife on December 30, 2010, 05:59:26 PM
Well, i can say i have been tuckered, drained, stresed????  and can add that until yesterday, it was kicking my BUTT!!   Im soooooooo obsessed (just one of 'my' issues) with doing everything so right that i have made this much harder than i know it really is.  I suck..lol  The 'learning' is actually fun, but my anxiety disorder is really rearing it's ugly head and messing with me, but!!!!!!!!!  i am succeeding and quite proud of myself and my hubby.    8 days of training and we've got the whole thing start to finish down and doing it by ourselves with either Bags or PureFlow.  Im not crazy about having to go back and forth between those two set ups as i REALLY prefer to learn one thing at a time, but thats not feaseable in our situation..    Cannulating is my favorite part  :o and i established his Venous buttonhole all by myelf and it's a beauty i might add.  Today was the first i used the 'blunts' on it and went smooth as a whistle.  So, all in all, i think we're doing great, i just HAVE to get rid of my FAKE fears so my mind is open to continued learning.  I hate my own issues!!  But like i said, i WILL prevail.   
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: cariad on December 30, 2010, 06:20:49 PM
I suck..lol   

No, you are actually an awesome partner in his care and you deserve a standing ovation:  :clap; :clap; :clap; :clap; :clap; :clap; :clap;

Well done on the buttonholes. I suspect the more you do this, the more that your anxiety will be quietened. You are on the right path and you're absolutely right, you WILL indeed prevail.

Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: willowtreewren on December 30, 2010, 07:03:06 PM
I kept a blog of our training and it was a roller coaster with a very steep learning curve at the beginning. We learned with bags only. After a year of bags we switched to PureFlow. I commend your ability to switch back and forth!


You are going to mess up sometimes. Just deal with it and move on. In the beginning alarms were so stressful, but now they are just a pain in the  :sir ken;

You are doing great. Congratulations!  :2thumbsup;

Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: debby on January 01, 2011, 08:27:49 PM
My husband just started on home dialysis. I was also scared every time a alarm goes off. The people at nxstage told me the machine is not gonna hurt him. That made me feel better, but I still follow the book to a tee. One time I didn't press stop when I should have and I called help line and they guided me thru. We have had our share of alarms. It was hard at first because I started a new job the day classes started and I could not make it to very  many. The nurses that taught us are very helpful. I think it will get easier as it goes on. We are both getting more confident.
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: boswife on January 21, 2011, 07:27:46 PM
you guys are great with encouragement and i thank you.  I did read these right away, but just now am feeling like i can get out of my 'studies' and do a bit of other things in life besides DIALYSIS..  Thank each of you for your input.  We're running smoth right now, which is calming me down.  If it will stay like this.. oh yea!! i'll be a happy camper  :2thumbsup; 
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: tyefly on January 22, 2011, 04:28:36 PM
Yes  good job.... its very stressfull at first.... in no time it will be routine...... 

   Today for me the most stressfull part of the whole thing is cannulating...... sometime It takes me 30 minutes to get it done....  I am very slow about it ...but then I know when it hurts....and I dont force it..... 

   I was overwhelmed when I first started....   you are doing great...
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: kimberlyn50 on January 27, 2011, 08:11:08 AM
 :cheer: Sounds like your well on your way! Happy for you both!  We started back up on HD almost 2 weeks ago after a one month break (he went back to center) and things are going great! You are so right about the anxiety!  I went to the Dr. and took anxiety meds for a month just to get over the hump.  Am off them now and what a difference!  My boyfriend is feeling much better and we are so much more relaxed.  I was so worried about alarms in the beginning, but have learned I don't need to be stressed out over it.  It is so nice to see how much better he feels and altho it is time consuming I feel like we have some of our life back.  Been thinking of you and hoping all was going good....sounds like you are doing great....keep up the good work!  And YES...it can be very exhausting!!! I don't know if you work, but I work 8-5, come home, eat quick, and get him on the machine....we're usually done by 9-9:30........but it is nice not to have to take a whole day and drive 30 miles one way to the center, sit there for 4 1/2 hours, then drive back home.......
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: boswife on January 27, 2011, 01:03:52 PM
oh!! you dont know how happy i am to hear from you kimberlyn!!!   I wanted so much for this to work out for you and it did!! sooooooo  :cheer: back at ya :-)  Our getting 'into' all this was so close in time that it just broke my heart when you had to put it on hold.  Although, truly, i was a bit envious all the same.  I wanted to blow up our machine (na, that would have been too easy, more like giving it the big boot and make it run far and fast out of my site) the first night of looking at and hearing it so perminant in our lives.  I was freeked out to the max and wanted to run with all my might away from it.  Even though i had gotton over cannulation, my whole days were consumed with fear and anxiety but, im happy to report that after the first three, i didnt HATE it anymore, but just got down on my knees (litterally) and thanked the good Lord for getting me through, and keeping us strong and making it work.  It's been about 11 times at home now, and really seeming to be flowing well and peacefully.  I still shake at hook up and take off, but at least not throught he whole thing which i believe now, im more in the norm, instead of over the limit scarred.  So, all in all, im so happy for you, and will love to hear more of your times at home.  I do see your Snap AND Tap posts.  What a buggar those are huh.  Sounds like you got personal issues  (tee hee) with it, so will be good to hear how it works out.  Well, im heading out side to enjoy this california sunshine with hubby.  TX done by 8 30 this morn   :yahoo; as we wanted this day sorta free so we got up early and got er done  :2thumbsup;  Once again, im so happy your HOME :-)  gives me someore to feel  good about..

And...... tyefly, dang, you are my hero.  You are so brave to be doing your own cannulating,, heck, and the rest of it too!!!  i cant emagine truly the strength and drive you must have.  For me, this has been a huge feat and im super proud of where we've come.  I think we are over a BIG hump!!  I understand the machine and am not so afraid of it.  all in all, i give a great big  IM PROUD OF YOU to everyone who have made it through training, and is blessed with being able to "take it home"   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: tyefly on January 27, 2011, 10:31:46 PM
   Boswife...... In no time you will be just like us....telling the new people how simple and easy nxstage is.... We all have come a long ways  ......    :clap;
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: rocker on January 28, 2011, 09:01:58 PM
Indeed.  I was terrified when we got home but the more "boring" treatments you have, it really does get easier.

And if it ever gets tiring or old....read some of the in-center stories.  I am NEVER sending him back there again!

  - rocker
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: kimberlyn50 on January 31, 2011, 09:50:49 AM
It DOES get easier as each day goes by...and you are so right...and I will NEVER send my boyfriend (Urban) back to center.......it was horrible there!! 
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: sherry7668 on February 04, 2011, 08:33:20 AM
Omg, I am knew to this site, I have been up all night reading !! You guys are awesome !!! My husband and I are looking in to getting started on nex-stage, and everyone on here has been a great help! I was really nervous, but after reading the stories and comments from all of you great people, I feel alot better. My husband has been on pd @ home going on 7 years. He needs a change, lately he has been very down.Drs wants him to try home hemo next-stage.. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the help! Im sure I will need a lot more!
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: boswife on February 04, 2011, 03:18:17 PM
Hi, and Welcome Sherry :-)  Amazing here isnt it!!  honestly, i could not have survived all this D stuff if it hadnt been for this place.  Im really glad your thinking of giving NxStage a shot.  Your having some experience , or should i say years of experience! with PD this too should be just something to get through and then enjoy.......  did i just say that?? lol  Dont know about 'enjoy' but at least breeze through and feel comfortable with in no time.  I was a needle phobic so that was my first hurdle.  Then, well, i have my own OTHER issues that include not only being the 'normal' nervious, but i have a stinken anxiety disorder that through me for a loop.  Some 'rescue remedy' and lots and lots of prayers are helping me through, but for the 'normal' person, i think you'll find yourself really pleased with this NxStage treatment, and so will hubby and thats'what its all about right  :shy;    there is also a NxStage users listserve that REALLY helps with quick answers once you start training.  So, welcome to THIS amaxing group, and post away.  Go over and introduce yourself too in the introduction section...  enjoy
Title: Re: just a quick note about training
Post by: lmunchkin on February 28, 2011, 09:32:08 AM
Hey Sherry, how are u doin with Nxstage now? I too did PD on hubby for almost 5yrs.  Wen he went In-Center he was not the only one to hate it, but I disliked it very much! We all know why the patients have a distain for it but as a caregiver I was going through withdrawals because I was not envolved in the process. I would take him & pick him up. When I picked him up he would be wiped out or late due to low bp or they may have problems with water pressure that caused him to be late. The whole in-center process just wasnt right for him or me.  So needless to say, we love Nxstage at home. He is back in center (after I trashed them) for a brief time cause I slipped on black ice and broke left ankle on inner side and outer side.  I messed it up bad. So now I cant drive, I cant dialysis hubby, and Iam bored to death.  But this is bout the 3rd week of this mishab with me, so I made a batch last night.  Gonna go against orders and try to dialysize him 2nite.

You will love doing him at home.  I enjoyed Pd with him at home too, but those heavy bags were really difficult but necessary. Plus you need to be contious of sterile procedures at all times with PD, but not so much "hand washing" with Nxstage.  I just wash my hands and put on gloves and whalla go to work. Just wanted to know if you started and how it is going.
