I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Ken Shelmerdine on December 09, 2010, 06:18:04 PM

Title: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on December 09, 2010, 06:18:04 PM
For the last few months I ocasionally get this slight nauseous feeling.It can happen on a full stomach or an empty stomach for no apparent reason. My boods havn't changed much for ages so maybe it's not kidney related.

 I don't know what's going on in my head but I now get these strange thoughts when I smell  or eat a hot meal. We both like dining out but just recently I see a plate of food  being brought over by the waiter and straight away I think of all the excess of substances in that food which because of kidney failure are there to poison my body and then I start feeling sick and am unable to enjoy my meal.I just pick at it. I see it as a plate of poison.

I know I may be on the virge of an eating disorder and I can't seem to control it. Sometimes I also get a very dry mouth which won't go away so I usually end up drinking over 2 pints of water. (this doesn't affect the fluid thing as my fluid volume is that of a healthy person) and even that makes me feel sick so its not just in my head but maybe as I've described above it is.
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: boswife on December 09, 2010, 07:01:06 PM
 hubby and i both have for the past 2 months felt very yucky when eating and getting heart burn like feelings. We swear it's something in the air because when we mentioned it to others, they seem to be having issues as well.   So, dont know whats up, but your post really made me wonder.  I also (im not the D person in our family) am a healthy eater and when i know theres bad stuff in food, i over think it and taste it.  No one else does, but it will tast ransid or 'bad' to me and i just cant eat it.   I would hope your not beginning a 'disorder' type thing, just a more healthy way of eating, by seeing whats bad for you.  I used to love some things, but knowing how bad they were just finally got the best of me and so i dont eat them anymore.  I LOVE food, so i have no disorder, just more thoughtful eating.  I really dont think i answerd you correctly,  Im tired and may be going off in the wrong direction.  But i do feel for ya and think i understand even if im not expressing it correctly.             
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: Des on December 10, 2010, 05:24:47 AM
I think you should look at your plate of food as a 50/50 situation. Just think of all the good stuff in it as well. Like vitamins, zink, protein and the engergy. I have to remind myself that the food is not all bad. I have to place the trust in that awful machine to take out the baddies for me while I keep the goodies.
You need the good stuff more......... than you don't need the bad stuff (hope it makes sense) You can only try to cut out most of the baddies. Believe me nobody in the whole world will be able to cut out all the baddies. Accept this and make healthier decisions.

You are in controll of your thoughts and only you can change them....
Food is suplying your body with EVERYTHING it needs to run. Maybe you can think of that everytime you eat.

I hope you can get over this nausia thing soon... it doesn't sound nice at all.

Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: casper2636 on December 11, 2010, 01:49:47 PM
I do have an eating disorder and feel nauseous at every meal. Des is right, you have to look at it as healthy choices. You need to eat to live. And living involves eating good foods no matter how weary you are of them. When I first started hd I was terrified to eat anything. The only place that got me was the hospital. Make good choices, and talk with your dietitian if you are unsure of what those are. Maybe she/he could set up a "diet" for you so there will be no question. That's what I had to do to eat enough. Happily, it's worked for me. Hope it will work for you! I'll be thinkin' of you and hoping for the best.
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: KICKSTART on December 12, 2010, 04:01:12 AM
Ken , i dont have a problem with food , but have noticed ive gone a bit OCD with things like , i cant watch people lie on the grass or ground, thinking maybe a dog has peed there or there are creepy crawlies in it. Ive never had this problem before and i am an outdoors person ! I wonder if its toxins or medication sometimes? Its totally irrational isnt it ? Maybe just try eating your favourite foods for a while ? If you are physically sick then i would say it was toxins , sadly throwing up everyday is a way of life for me , but it doesnt stop me eating !
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: flipperfun on December 19, 2010, 10:04:01 AM
Yes this nausea problem irritates me like mad.  I used to have a very healthy appetite and was known as the 'dustbin'!  Now those days are less and less. Even when I am hungry, I have become 'picky' about my food.  I have even gone 'off' dinners unless it has a sweet flavour to it.

My dread is eating out.  Often I am hungry until I sit at the table when the food comes out!  Embarrassing it is to be leaving so much food!

I'd like to live on fruit, or yogurt, or cake and biscuits, or trifle and chocolate.  Oh that sweet tooth of mine! 
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: casper2636 on December 19, 2010, 06:15:08 PM
Yes Flipperfun, I too, would love to live off yogurt, fruit and biscuts, but that's not plausible in our positions (not in anyones). But I have found that after pointing out my problem with nausea daily to my Docs and not being able to eat, they have given me prescriptions for Compazine and Zofan. This seems to have helped somewhat with the nausea. Never the less, I do vomit at least once a day before I break down and take it (I keep hoping that maybe Today I won't have to take meds for nausea and vomiting) Possibly that might help you and /or others. Can't hurt to ask!
Hang in there!
Title: Re: Sometimes feel nauseous
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on December 21, 2010, 05:11:18 AM
Yes this nausea problem irritates me like mad.  I used to have a very healthy appetite and was known as the 'dustbin'!  Now those days are less and less. Even when I am hungry, I have become 'picky' about my food.  I have even gone 'off' dinners unless it has a sweet flavour to it.

My dread is eating out.  Often I am hungry until I sit at the table when the food comes out!  Embarrassing it is to be leaving so much food!

I'd like to live on fruit, or yogurt, or cake and biscuits, or trifle and chocolate.  Oh that sweet tooth of mine!

That's me down to a tee. It's funny though even when I feel nauseous it's as if I have a seperate stomach for deserts!
Thanks for all your replies by the way.