I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: gothiclovemonkey on December 08, 2010, 07:14:26 AM

Title: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on December 08, 2010, 07:14:26 AM
I love cigarettes. I love to smoke them, The act of smoking is very soothing to me, and I enjoy it very much. As of November 17th I had my "last" cig. because I really want a transplant, and I was told that I have to be smoke free 6 mos before they will even put you on the list. (yet another hurdle to be leaped before I even get on the list?!?)
I did not use any thing to aid in my quitting,and I have to say I havent been having that hard of a time. The hardest part is finding something else to do besides smoke...And everyone in my family smokes!  Also, since I didnt really want to quit, it does make it a little more difficult.  :Kit n Stik; :stressed;
My cravings are very minimal, although, when im stressed its my first thought, "wheres mah cigs?!?!" then i remember I no longer smoke....  :stressed;
I suppose if I want this transplant bad enough, I can do this... I have to do this... I keep repeating the Serenity Prayer(Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!) over and over hoping that will help!
I did have a slip up, it was last friday, I had a really difficult 24 hours, It was really difficult not to just run out and go buy me a pack! I leveled with my sis in law, I said I can either go out and buy an entire pack and smoke it, or u can give me one, and ill be done. And she did, and Oh MY why did I smoke before??? The TASTE! :puke; I couldnt believe the taste was sooo bad. The ACTION was what draws me toit! I almost immediately wanted to toss that cig out, but the action was very relieving for me, I puffed it just enough to keep it lit! I really have absolutely no desire to taste that again, but i really want to because of the action of it.
Did anyone else have to do this? How did you do it?
Can you think of any substitutes for the ACTION of smoking?

Cold Turkey! (on my 27th Bday no less!!) with the aid of chewing gum and hard candy!
I think suckers would be a good sub, but i havent found sugar free suckers, just sugar free hard candy (I think sugar free would be best, I dont need to be getting diabetes on top of everything else!)
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: okarol on December 08, 2010, 10:04:56 AM

I always thought I loved smoking, but after I quit and looked back, I could see what a comforting addiction it was. I didn't choose to smoke, I HAD to smoke. Several weeks after quitting I was in an elevator with a person who was a smoker and I thought to myself "Wow, did I smell that bad??"
I quit because I wanted to have healthy children. It was a good motivation and so far I have not had a cigarette since 1982. I have postponed my next cigarette, one day at a time, So far, so good!
Congrats - it's not easy to quit. I admire you for tackling it - hopefully you can keep saying the serenity prayer, and postpone your next cigarette for a long time!
Here's a link for sugar free lollipops http://www.amazon.com/Xylitol-Assorted-Sugarfree-Lollipops-Wrapped/dp/B002FX3EV2/ref=pd_sbs_gro_2
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: cariad on December 08, 2010, 10:52:36 AM
Everyone I know who has quit smoking seems to do it cold - you've made it through several weeks, so you don't want to undo the hard part now. (I've never been a smoker, so I am just going by what I've been told.)

My friends had a drama professor who kept an unlit cigarette in her mouth constantly - she told her students "You'll get used to it".

I think if I needed a substitute, I would get carrot sticks, chew on a toothpick, drink tea, get a load of straws and drink sugar-free sodas, or do what you're doing and get sugar free lollipops and other candies. Actually, these sound exactly like the strategies I used as an anorexic, but this is a much more worthwhile pursuit....  :)

There is always the electronic cigarette, but it is stupidly expensive and it seemed to give migraines to Emily Yoffe when she tested it: http://www.slate.com/id/2215486/

Have you seen Barbarians At The Gate? Very amusing film about the takeover of RJ Reynolds. Does not glamourize smoking either. Watch it for some distraction and you might find you don't want to contribute to any more smoking execs' salaries.... Best of luck!
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: Chris on December 08, 2010, 01:35:08 PM
The thing I remember is Telly Savalas in Kojak who always had a sucker, blow pop maybe because he quit smoking on the show. How about gum? Not Nicorette, just regular gum any flavor or sugar content? Less expensive too than cigarettes. Maybe you don't need another addiction to take over this one. Think of the money you'll save by the end of your first full year and years to come. You could splurge on something you want from a store.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: bette1 on December 08, 2010, 03:10:54 PM
I quit smoking years ago and also did it cold turkey.  I found rubbing the center of my bottom lip helped with the craving some.  It sounds crazy, but it worked for me.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: kellyt on December 08, 2010, 05:00:05 PM
I quit cold turkey...a couple of times.   ;D  I was never an "addicted" smoker.  I just liked to sit on the back porch and smoke and think.  Oh, and talk on the phone.  Once I made it past the first few weeks it was smooth sailing.  I must say that I didn't go on my back porch much after that and my plants died.  :)

Occasionally I want one and if a friend is over and has some (only two of my friends smoke) I kindof want one, but when I'm out and others are smoking it disgusts me.  I was a closet smoker and would only smoke on my porch or my friends porch.  Never anywhere else.  Strange I know.

Congratulaitons on your quitting!  It's worth it in the end.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on December 08, 2010, 09:18:51 PM
i was thinking lollipops :)

Thank you  for ur ideas, I will try a few!
I already chewed alot of gum daily, before i quit...
so far like i said it hasnt been too bad. Crazy tho, imbreathing WORSE!
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: Chris on December 08, 2010, 09:33:52 PM
Maybe it has to get bad before it gets better. If I remember right,the tarish flem has a chance to break up.
Don't give up, keep at it and YOU CAN DO IT!
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: RichardMEL on December 08, 2010, 11:40:46 PM
I've never been addicted to smoking, but know plenty who are/have been.

I am sure it is has been even harder when the soothing feeling of smoking helped deal with the stresses and pressure of living a dialysis lifestyle.

If you want that short at a new life this  is the best option - and remember that quite apart from transplant, just not smoking is so good for your lungs, heart and other systems and obviously lowers your risks of cancers and so on.

I personally think it is great you have taken this step. It is difficult but that you are keeping to it underlines just how much you want that transplant!!!

 :yahoo; :2thumbsup; :yahoo; :2thumbsup; :yahoo; :clap; :bow; :bow; :bow;
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: Riki on December 09, 2010, 01:35:36 PM
When my grandfather quit, he chewed a lot of toothpicks.. I think Mom said he went for hypnosis.  That was in 1991, and he hasn't smoked since.  I remember him coming to visit me in the hospital, and he was chewing cinnamon toothpicks. *L*

My mom quit in 2002, though a support group.  She did it mainly to have an excuse to have Sundays off work, *L* but it worked for her.  They had to cut down to 10 cigs a day, and then pick a day to quit.  After that day, they went on the patch.  She used the first step of the patch, and didn't bother the next steps.  She hasn't smoked since.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: kellyt on December 11, 2010, 06:41:54 AM
Dr. Phil says...shhhh, everybody listen... ;)  that you can't just "quit" smoking (or any bad habit).  You must replace it with another habit - a good one - or you'll go back.  So choose your weapon wisely.  I think it's great you're ready to quit.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on December 11, 2010, 06:58:40 AM
I would rather really smoke, its something i enjoyed doing but I know that its bad for me, and I cant get a transplant if i continue to smoke. I think i have done fairly well, since Nov 17th I have had 2 cigs, both times I had one, i was dealing with ALOT of drama. I couldnt handle it, so I smoked one cig. (And BOY was it NASTY!) The action was what i craved, but the flavor left alot to be desired.
why did i ever start this stupid habit?? (i know, to stop another habit!)

Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: Poppylicious on December 11, 2010, 08:16:40 AM
The action was what i craved ...
Absolutely.  Myself and Blokey gave up 'cold turkey' in 2004.  I was on twenty a day and had been for about twelve years.  I actually found it really easy, but it was the action of hand up to mouth and then back down again which I missed most.  I don't have any strategies for dealing with that I'm afraid.  There are times when I smell cigarette smoke and really crave one, but the craving only tends to last a nanosecond so all is good.

And well done!  You've done so well ... you're a little closer to getting on the list, your lungs will already have started clearing out all the crap and you'll soon be feeling heaps better for it, especially financially!

Keep it up!

Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on December 28, 2010, 03:40:50 AM
I really wish I could kick this stupid habit although I did do once about 5 years ago for 10 months. But I found that although the craving did go considerably less after a while, there was always something there nagging at me all the time to go out and get a pack and start again.

But I did find that the plastic 'fake' ciggies which you fill with a little vial of nicotine solution and puff at were quite effective. Eventually I stopped using the vials and just sucked on it which surprisingly turned out to be just as soothing.

Maybe we all need baby soothers to quit :rofl; but it made me think that a lot of the addiction associated with smoking isn't just the nicotine but the action itself and maybe sucking on something,  chewing it or whatever is a good replacement.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: paris on December 28, 2010, 07:58:46 AM
I have heard from friends that the fake cigerettes can help.   I think you are very strong and deserve a kidney for your determination.  Great job on your part!   We are very proud of you    :2thumbsup;     :cuddle;
Title: Re: Quitting smoking for transplant
Post by: RichardMEL on December 28, 2010, 06:59:11 PM
Nobody likes to kiss a smoker. Does that help with motivation any????