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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: okarol on November 19, 2010, 12:43:47 AM

Title: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: okarol on November 19, 2010, 12:43:47 AM
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together

Blog: I'm Taller Than I Look by Lori Hartwell

As you may know, I have a number of health challenges.  When I started back on dialysis last March, after a 20 year run with my kidney transplant, it was another life adjustment.  At times I felt down and frustrated as I had to learn to accept this major lifestyle change in my life again. How do I deal with the challenges?  One of the strategies I use to cope is to engage in the creative process.

When I am creating something or watching someone create, it helps me relax and get my mind off my health issues. It also helps me stay distracted so I don’t eat or drink out of boredom.

I love the Food Channel with Bobby Flay throwing down his cooking skills and using all kinds of colorful ingredients.  The HGTV channel has many shows that transform old broken down shacks in to dream homes.

I have always believed that if you take the body the mind will follow, so I thought I needed a new art therapy project to get my mind in a good place.

A friend of mine turned me on to buttons.  She made these beautiful button bracelets and each one looks like a piece of art.  I wanted to learn how to make them, so she showed me how.  I was off and running with my new found fun.  The more I learned about buttons and the history behind them, the more intrigued I became.

It became like a treasure hunt for me. I often search for that perfect button that will complete my bracelet.  I scavenged garage sales, vintage stores, Ebay and, once people knew I was collecting buttons, friends started sending me theirs.  There are so many different types of buttons: silver, gold, ivory, bone, mother-of-pearl, glass, stone, wood, horn, ceramic, Bakelite, plastic, and polymer clay and some dating back as far as the 18th century.

I was wondering why I was so attracted to buttons and making something new out of them.  Then I realized that most of the buttons I receive have been sitting in an old jar and may have been thrown away.

I am giving the buttons a new life.  Buttons also are known for keeping things together. On several occasion my girlfriends come over and we sort buttons into color piles, design a bracelet or just chit-chat.  Buttons are helping me connect with my friends.

Art therapy offers many benefits from stress reduction and enjoyment through creativity, to learning a sense of mastery, problem-solving, and improves self-esteem.

Art and emotions are closely linked so art-making can help to positively alter one's mood.  I always feel better after I finish a bracelet.

So I encourage you to engage in a creative activity.  It will help you get through the tough times.

from: BLOG: I'm Taller Than I Look by Lori Hartwell http://lorihartwell.blogspot.com/
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: Sluff on November 19, 2010, 02:17:14 PM
Lori is a very well respected Lady in the renal community. And for those of you who don't know Lori, you should. Lori and Karol are a lot alike and work together in many endeavors. She is a power house when it comes to ideas and implementing programs to help others. I have much admiration for Lori Hartwell and our very own Karol. Where does the energy come from? Self made I guess, but I hope both of these wonderful ladies continue with their mission. These are the two finest I know. Thank you both.

From Buttons to Teen Prom and beyond.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: okarol on November 19, 2010, 03:44:24 PM
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: calypso on November 19, 2010, 07:44:26 PM
Yup, I turned to digital art for a time. Creativity certainly helps keep the mind going. It's like a muscle, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. I should get back into it, I haven't done much in that dept. lately. So that post may be inspirational in getting me to pick it up again.

And with the advent of 3D TV I could create 3D animations that can actually be seen in 3D, which would be pretty cool. Though I don't have a 3D display yet.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: Riki on November 20, 2010, 01:32:59 PM
Baking does it for me.  I'm always in a good mood when I bake, and hey.. when I"m done, I have a treat. *G*

I don't like being watched when I"m baking, though..self conscious, I guess, so I only do it when I'm home by myself
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: calypso on November 20, 2010, 02:19:42 PM
Baking does it for me.  I'm always in a good mood when I bake, and hey.. when I"m done, I have a treat. *G*

I don't like being watched when I"m baking, though..self conscious, I guess, so I only do it when I'm home by myself

I wouldn't mind someone watching me, as long as they don't try and tell me what to do! No back seat bakers! lol

I baked oatmeal cookies last week they were super yummy. I'd share the recipe if you want it.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: Riki on November 20, 2010, 02:33:32 PM
ooh. oatmeal cookies......

I made butter cookies today.  It was the first time with the recipe, so I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.  They turned out good, though.  Next Saturday, butterscotch chip!
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: kevno on November 26, 2010, 02:24:32 PM
what kept me going is snooker, played since i was 14years old. Snooker has helped me through many hard times. Thinking about the game while in hospital. I suppose its only missing the game in hospital as wanted me to play it more. I was in hospital last week, went in on Saturday after dialysis came out on Friday. Like an idiot played snooker that Friday night. Even played snooker on a zimmer frame, a couple of days after i had 44 staples out of my arm. Always been around that table has soon as i could (if not sooner  ::) )

All renal patients need some thing to do. I know a lot of renal patients still work. I do not have that option any more ( I wish i could). The waste of time social worker came out with part time voluntary work. I already do that teaching children to play snooker.

My friend and I have made thousands of pounds from snooker exhibitions. For the unit I am at, the top eight snooker players in the world have done the exhibitions.   
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: tyefly on November 26, 2010, 07:30:46 PM
Wonderfull....  I love the positive......
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: chook on November 26, 2010, 07:44:38 PM
Okay, so I need an outlet for my creativity. Wait, I have no creativity. Does gardening count? I do make cards for friends and family by recycling old cards, so that's something, I guess.
Go, Kevno. Playing snooker on a zimmer frame must have been challenging!
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: natnnnat on November 27, 2010, 02:48:16 AM
I reckon gardening is very creative.  And productive too.  I just planted tomato seeds today.  Not sure how they'll go:  not full sun on our balcony.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: calypso on November 27, 2010, 10:43:54 AM
ooh. oatmeal cookies......

I made butter cookies today.  It was the first time with the recipe, so I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.  They turned out good, though.  Next Saturday, butterscotch chip!

Awesome! Funny story, the last batch of oatmeal cookies I made I couldn't decide if I wanted butterscotch chips in there or not. So I made half with and half without. Guess which I liked better?

Neither. I liked them both equally. I STILL can't decide what to do for my next batch lol. The butterscotch ones were a little sweeter, the plain oatmeal a little less sweet. So I guess if I did the butterscotch again I'd put a tad less sugar to compensate. What brand of butterscotch chips do you use? I used Nestle's brand but I have a feeling they are not the best. They don't taste as good as butterscotch candies I had as a kid. Course that was so long ago my tastes may have changed.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: Riki on November 27, 2010, 07:23:27 PM
The ones I have now are store brand, but I have used chipits in the past, and they're not too bad.  I think that the cheaper they are, the further from real butterscotch they get.  I think the store brand ones just have butterscotch flavoring

I wasn't motivated enough to make cookies today.. so I didn't.. I also need more sugar.. *L*  I might make them through the week, or next Saturday if I don't go to the Santa Claus parade
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: okarol on November 27, 2010, 09:12:02 PM

I made butter cookies today.  It was the first time with the recipe, so I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.  They turned out good, though.  Next Saturday, butterscotch chip!

Recipe from this month's Kidney Times here Crispy Butterscotch Cookies http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=21092.0
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: chook on November 28, 2010, 04:52:02 PM
I checked out the button bracelets - they are so pretty.
And natnnat I 'found' four tomato seedlings out in the paddock! I was raking up around the dog kennels and spotted them out in amongst the grass. They were about 6 inches high. I have transplanted them and they are going well. I'm hoping they are cherry tomatoes, my favourites but I guess I will have to wait and see. Good luck with your tomato growing.
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: natnnnat on November 28, 2010, 08:50:58 PM
Surely they will be cherry toms.  I love volunteer tomatoes, they are the very best kind. 
Title: Re: Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together
Post by: chook on November 29, 2010, 04:35:05 PM
Volunteer tomatoes  :rofl;