I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: News Articles => Topic started by: okarol on November 09, 2010, 06:10:06 PM

Title: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: okarol on November 09, 2010, 06:10:06 PM
In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost

by Robin Fields
ProPublica, Nov. 9, 2010, 8 a.m.

In 1972, after a month of deliberation, Congress launched the nation's most ambitious experiment in universal health care: a change to the Social Security Act that granted comprehensive coverage under Medicare to virtually anyone diagnosed with kidney failure, regardless of age or income.

It was a supremely hopeful moment. Although the technology to keep kidney patients alive through dialysis had arrived, it was still unattainable for all but a lucky few. At one hospital, a death panel -- or "God committee" in the parlance of the time -- was deciding who got it and who didn't. The new program would help about 11,000 Americans, just for starters. For a modest initial price tag of $135 million, it would cover not only their dialysis and transplants, but all of their medical needs. Some consider it the closest that the United States has come to socialized medicine.

Now, almost four decades later, a program once envisioned as a model for a national health care system has evolved into a hulking monster. Taxpayers spend more than $20 billion a year to care for those on dialysis -- about $77,000 per patient, more, by some accounts, than any other nation. Yet the United States continues to have one of the industrialized world's highest mortality rates for dialysis care. Even taking into account differences in patient characteristics, studies suggest that if our system performed as well as Italy's, or France's, or Japan's, thousands fewer patients would die each year.

In a country that regularly boasts about its superior medical system, such results might be cause for outrage. But although dialysis is a lifeline for almost 400,000 Americans, few outside this insular world have probed why a program with such compassionate aims produces such troubling outcomes. Even during a fervid national debate over health care, the state of dialysis garnered little public attention.
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Over the course of more than a year, ProPublica reviewed thousands of inspection reports and interviewed more than 100 patients, advocates, doctors, policy makers, researchers and industry experts to get a grasp on American dialysis. The findings were bleak: At clinics from coast to coast, patients commonly receive treatment in settings that are unsanitary and prone to perilous lapses in care. Regulators have few tools and little will to enforce quality standards. Industry consolidation has left patients with fewer choices of provider. The government has withheld critical data about clinics' performance from patients, the very people who need it most. Meanwhile, the two corporate chains that dominate the dialysis-care system are consistently profitable, together making about $2 billion in operating profits a year.

One reason the system's problems have evolved out of the health care spotlight is that kidney failure disproportionately afflicts minorities and the dispossessed. But given a patient pool growing by 3 percent a year and the outsize 6 percent bite that the kidney program takes from the Medicare budget, we ignore dialysis at our own risk. "We're offering our patients a therapy we wouldn't accept for ourselves," said Dr. Tom F. Parker III, a Dallas nephrologist and national advocate for better care. More and more leaders in the field, he said, "are starting to say this isn't sufficient."

As the United States moves to expand access to health care, dialysis offers potent lessons. Its story expresses the fears of both ends of the ideological spectrum about what can happen when the doors to care are thrown wide open: Neither government controls nor market forces have kept costs from ballooning or ensured the highest-quality care. Almost every key assumption about how the program would unfold has proved wrong.

The Sharp End of the Needle
Henry Baer, right, with his mother, Violet Cunningham. Baer, 39, died from an antibiotic-resistant staph infection after his bloodline had become disconnected during a dialysis treatment. (Photo courtesy of Karen Gable)

Henry Baer, right, with his mother, Violet Cunningham. Baer, 39, died from an antibiotic-resistant staph infection after his bloodline had become disconnected during a dialysis treatment. (Photo courtesy of Karen Gable)

Henry Baer went in for his third dialysis treatment on New Year's Eve day in 2005. It turned out to be his last. He was only 39, but years of diabetes and high blood pressure had caused Baer's kidneys to shut down. Built-up waste and fluid were causing his limbs to swell and making him short of breath. He was sent for what's called in-center hemodialysis [2], the most common type of dialysis, at a beige-toned clinic near his home in Prescott Valley, Ariz.

His first two sessions were pretty normal. A patient-care technician hooked Baer to a machine the size of a filing cabinet, connecting it with plastic tubing to the catheter in his chest. He sat in a lounge chair, still as stone, for about four hours as the machine, whirring gently, moved his blood through a specialized filter, then returned it, cleansed of toxins. It was uncomfortable and boring. "Sis, this isn't for me," he told his older sister, Karen Gable, vowing to make himself a viable candidate for a kidney transplant.

Just over two hours into his next session, Baer's incoming bloodline "became disconnected," a federal inspection report [3] says. The attending technician panicked, "yelling and screaming hysterically." Blood sprayed onto Baer's shirt, pants, arms and hands. Then, "contrary to emergency standing orders," the report continued, she reconnected the line to Baer's catheter, infusing him with "potentially contaminated blood." By the time Mike Wright, Baer's boss at a local car dealership, picked Baer up after the treatment, he was complaining of nausea.

Over the next two days, Baer spiked a fever. His wife found him in bed, having a convulsion. He was taken to the hospital, where tests later showed that his catheter had become infected with antibiotic-resistant staph. The infection moved swiftly to his heart and brain. He died a few days later, on Jan. 7, 2006, leaving behind a 2-month-old daughter. (Fresenius Medical Care North America, the clinic's operator, declined to comment on the incident, citing patient privacy rules. In 2008, without admitting wrongdoing, it agreed to settle a wrongful-death lawsuit brought by Baer's survivors.)

What happened to Baer was a worst-case scenario. Yet in some ways it is symptomatic of how dialysis is delivered. Medical supervision is minimal. Clinics must have board-certified physicians as medical directors, but usually have no doctor on site, and some struggle to meet the federal requirement of at least one full-time registered nurse. Technicians, who can start with just a high-school diploma and an in-house course (though they are later required to pass a state or national certification test), have been the field's workhorses for a generation. Medicare sets no staffing ratios for dialysis centers, and most states don't either.

Although some clinics are orderly and expert -- attentive not only to patients' health, but also to their dignity -- others are run like factories, turning over three shifts of patients a day, sometimes four. Safety experts say technicians shouldn't monitor more than four patients at once, but some operators save money by stretching them further. The pace can be so intense, inspections show, that clinics have allowed patients to soil themselves rather than interrupt dialysis for a bathroom break. One technician said he quit his job at a large Colorado clinic because he often had to juggle six patients or more. "The last two years, I was just getting old," he said.

Conditions within clinics are sometimes shockingly poor. ProPublica examined inspection records for more than 1,500 clinics in California, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas from 2002 to 2009. Surveyors came across filthy or unsafe conditions in almost half the units they checked. At some, they found blood encrusted in the folds of patients' treatment chairs or spattered on walls, floors or ceiling tiles. Ants were so common at a unit in Durham, N.C., that when a patient complained, a staffer just handed him a can of bug spray.

Hundreds of clinics were cited for infection-control breaches that exposed patients to hepatitis, staph, tuberculosis and HIV. A Manhattan center closed in 2008 after cross-contamination infected three patients with hepatitis C within six months. Prescription errors were common: 60 clinics had at least five citations for them. In dozens of instances, patients died or were hospitalized after suffering hemorrhages like Baer's, when dialysis needles or tubing dislodged and staffers failed to adhere to safety guidelines.
Bill Peckham is a dialysis patient known widely for his blog, Dialysis From the Sharp End of the Needle. (Betty Udesen/ProPublica)

Bill Peckham is a dialysis patient known widely for his blog, Dialysis From the Sharp End of the Needle. (Betty Udesen/ProPublica)

Providers [4] say [5] they work hard to meet or exceed government standards, correcting deficiencies quickly when they surface and sometimes employing their own internal auditing programs. "You will find cases where things go wrong, but it's a small percent when you consider all of the hundreds of thousands of treatments every day," said Diane Wish, the CEO of a small Ohio dialysis chain and president of the National Renal Administrators Association, the group that represents dialysis facility managers. But patient advocates say conditions in some clinics have been problematic for so long that everyone in the system has come to accept it. "It's become ingrained that dialysis is expensive and dangerous and has terrible outcomes," said Bill Peckham, a patient known widely for his blog, Dialysis From the Sharp End of the Needle [6]. "Once you're there, God help you. What do you expect? You're on dialysis."

Rise of an Entitlement

Dialysis entered the American consciousness in the early 1960s as the country's signature example of medical rationing. In those days, kidney disease killed about 100,000 people a year. Chronic dialysis was possible, thanks to two inventions: the artificial-kidney machine developed by the Dutch doctor Willem Kolff during World War II and a vascular-access device designed by Belding Scribner, a pioneering Seattle physician who opened the first outpatient dialysis center in the United States. But treatments were expensive, and most private insurers would not pay for them. At Scribner's medical center, the Life or Death Committee parceled out the few slots, weighing not only the health of patients and their income, but also their perceived social worth.

News reports about the committee's work sparked one of the earliest national debates over the right to care and put pressure on the government to step in. A turning point came when Shep Glazer, vice president of the largest patient group, made an emotional appeal to the House Ways and Means Committee as he underwent dialysis on the hearing-room floor. "If your kidneys failed tomorrow, wouldn't you want the opportunity to live?" asked the 43-year-old father of two. "Wouldn't you want to see your children grow up?"

The measure [7] establishing taxpayer funding for treatment of end-stage renal disease, signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon, was expansive, and its lopsided, bipartisan approval reflected the times. Many lawmakers -- even conservatives -- thought the United States would adopt a European-style national health care system. Also, the program that took effect in July 1973 was expected to have about 35,000 patients and cost about $1 billion in its 10th year.

Those estimates came to seem almost laughable. The number of dialysis patients surpassed 35,000 by 1977 and has gone up from there. The growth reflected not only lower-than-expected transplant rates and the spread of diabetes, but also positive trends, like better cardiac care. With Americans living long enough for their kidneys to fail and no disqualifying conditions for the program, even the oldest and sickest patients increasingly were prescribed dialysis. Upwards of 100,000 now start treatment each year. "It's been a perfect example of that line, 'Build it and they will come,'" said Dr. Jay Wish, director of dialysis services for University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland.

Because the kidney program absorbed that unforeseen wave -- and thus prolonged so many lives -- some call it one of the great success stories of modern medicine. Still, the annual bill for the program quickly outpaced early projections, surging past $1 billion within six years. Per-patient expenditures were expected to drop as technology advanced. Instead they have risen steadily, as drug and hospitalization costs grew for the program's increasingly frail clientele.

Medicare has struggled to enforce quality standards for dialysis while meeting its prime directive of providing universal access. As the medical community's understanding of kidney disease grew, the government set biochemical targets for improving care. Clinics got better at hitting them, but overall rates of death and hospitalization have seen little change. And Medicare's record of making sure that clinics meet health and safety standards has been spotty. Clinics are supposed to be inspected once every three years on average, but as of October, almost one in 10 hadn't had a top-to-bottom check in at least five years, as shown by data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [8] (known as CMS). About 250 facilities hadn't had a full recertification inspection in seven years or more. Nursing homes, by contrast, must be inspected once every 15 months, and in 2006, CMS reported that 99.9 percent had been.

Even when inspectors find that clinics are not meeting government standards, the consequences are seldom meaningful. CMS can demand that facilities submit correction plans, but it cannot fine violators as it can nursing homes. The agency almost never imposes its toughest sanction -- termination from Medicare -- because clinic closures could hinder access to care. From 2000 to 2008, the agency barred just 16 dialysis facilities; federal regulations set no limits on how many violations are too many. "It's a judgment call," said Jan Tarantino, deputy director of CMS's survey-and-certification group.

When the Memphis University Dialysis Center was terminated from Medicare in June 2007, the step had been at least four years in the making. During that time, the clinic was flagged for dangerous conditions, inadequate care, higher-than-expected mortality rates and subpar clinical results. CMS threatened to yank the unit's certification in March 2006 and again the following year. Both times, however, even though inspectors continued to find problems, the agency allowed the clinic to stay open.
James 'Tug' McMurry, 66, died after suffering a devastating brain hemorrhage. Staffers at the Memphis University Dialysis Center, where McMurry received his treatments, had given him extra doses of a clot-dissolving medicine. (Photo courtesy of the McMurry family)

James 'Tug' McMurry, 66, died after suffering a devastating brain hemorrhage. Staffers at the Memphis University Dialysis Center, where McMurry received his treatments, had given him extra doses of a clot-dissolving medicine. (Photo courtesy of the McMurry family)

In April 2007, nine days after CMS sent the center a letter confirming that it was back in compliance, 66-year-old James "Tug" McMurry came in for treatment. When he had slow blood flow after being given his regular dose of blood thinner, staffers administered doses of a clot-dissolving medicine, according to a CMS survey [9]. Later, a nurse told inspectors that a doctor had given a verbal order to administer the drug, but the doctor denied it, writing [10] "This order was not given by me" on a form.

McMurry called one of his sisters, Betty Tindall, on his way home that day. "He said, 'They don't know what they're doing up there,'" Tindall recalled. A couple of hours later, McMurry's neighbor heard him bang on the shared wall between their apartments. "Help! Help!" he yelled. Paramedics found him slumped in a chair, vomiting. Tests at the hospital showed McMurry had suffered a devastating brain hemorrhage. By the time family members made it to his bedside, he was in an irreversible coma.

In an inspection three weeks later, regulators cited Memphis University Dialysis for failing to provide "safe dialysis services" and violating rules on the proper administration of drugs. They found multiple errors involving blood thinners, including one that resulted in the hospitalization of another patient. This time, CMS revoked the dialysis unit's Medicare certification, prompting it to close. "It took people dying before they did anything," said Bobby Martin, an attorney for McMurry's brother and sister-in-law, who reached a confidential settlement with DaVita Inc., the clinic's owner, in August 2009. (A DaVita official declined to comment on the case, citing patient privacy.)

CMS officials disputed the idea that they had acted too slowly. "Please understand that this is not an easy decision," said Jessica Jenkins, a spokeswoman for the regional office that handled the matter. "We're not in the business of putting facilities out of business."

Coke or Pepsi

Problems like those that regulators found in McMurry's clinic are partly rooted in economics. The government's payment policies for dialysis have created financial incentives that, in some ways, have worked against better patient care, while enabling for-profit corporations to dominate the business.

When the end-stage-renal-disease program began, hospitals provided most of the care on a nonprofit basis. But spurred by the guarantee of Medicare money, the marketplace met the growing demand for services through the expansion of for-profit companies. Today, more than 80 percent of the nation's 5,000 clinics are for-profit. Almost two-thirds of all clinics are operated by two chains: Colorado-based DaVita and Fresenius, a subsidiary of a German corporation that is the leading maker of dialysis machines and supplies.

From the start, the government's payment rules rewarded efficiency. Medicare set a rate for dialysis treatments, originally $138 per session, and covered a maximum of three treatments a week for most patients. Providers could keep whatever they didn't spend on care. There were no penalties for poor results and no bonuses for good ones. Unlike other Medicare rates, the payment wasn't adjusted upward for inflation.

Lawmakers cut the base rate to about $123 per treatment in 1983, after the program's cost came in higher than expected and audits showed providers averaging profits of more than 20 percent. Dialysis companies responded like any other business facing a drop in prices, said Philip J. Held, a nationally recognized researcher on kidney disease and an economist by training. They chopped expenses by shortening treatments, thinning staff and assigning tasks once done by nurses to unlicensed technicians. Some reused dialyzers, the filters that clean a patient's blood. "It changed the nature of the service," Held said of the rate cut. "You get what you pay for. The price was lower, but the product was dramatically different."

The government created another perverse incentive by allowing clinics to bill Medicare separately for certain medications, reimbursing them at a markup over what they paid drug makers. Dialysis companies embraced the opportunity: Doses of Epogen, prescribed to treat anemia, and similar medications tripled between 1989 and 2005, becoming Medicare's single largest pharmaceutical expense. "Their core business became giving patients injectable drugs," said Richard A. Hirth, a professor of health management and policy at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. "Dialysis was just the loss leader that got [patients] in the door."
Click to see how dialysis works. [2]

Click to see how dialysis works.

Though lucrative for clinics, the drug boom -- much like the service cuts -- may have undermined patient care. A 2006 study showed that patients treated with higher doses of Procrit, a medication similar to Epogen, were at greater risk for heart problems and death than those who got lower doses.

As a whole, the government's payment rules have given big providers, with their economies of scale and purchasing power, a financial edge over smaller ones, spurring consolidation. DaVita and Fresenius each now have at least 1,500 clinics and more than 120,000 patients in the United States. No other operator has more than 300 clinics.

The chains say their deep pockets support quality initiatives that smaller providers can't match. "One of the advantages of being large ... is that you can invest in trying new things and being innovative," said Dr. Allen Nissenson, DaVita's chief medical officer. The Big Two are evolving into one-stop-shopping outlets for dialysis-related services: They run labs, pharmacies and clinics that specialize in vascular access. They have moved into the home-dialysis market and sell drugs used by dialysis patients. In 2009, the dialysis giants booked combined North American operating profits of $2.2 billion, their most ever.

In public financial filings, the companies say Medicare payments do not fully cover the cost of treatments and attribute much of their profit to the small minority of patients covered by private insurers, who pay substantially higher rates. DaVita says its margins are slimmer than those of the health care sector overall. In a March 2010 report [11] (PDF), the independent Medicare Payment Advisory Commission judged pay for dialysis and related services to be adequate, calculating that in 2008, one-quarter of U.S. clinics had Medicare margins of at least 13 percent while another quarter lost money. The two largest providers averaged Medicare margins of 4 percent, the commission found, more than twice that of all others.

Some smaller operators are struggling. For the past several years, the Independent Dialysis Foundation, a nonprofit with nine clinics in Maryland, has run in the red. The founder, Dr. John Sadler, a pioneer in dialysis, said he has refused offers to sell because he believes independent operators offer a crucial alternative to chains. But Sadler admitted to a growing sense of futility. "Perhaps people like me are dinosaurs," he said. "I've always thought our focus on patients, not profits, was important."

Many within the dialysis world share Sadler's uneasiness with the dominance of for-profit providers overall and chains in particular. Over the past decade, stacks of competing studies have attempted to parse whether the quality of care at for-profit centers is equal to that at nonprofit centers, with no clear-cut answer. The expanding grip of DaVita and Fresenius may make such debates moot. Though the U.S. has more dialysis clinics than ever, patients don't necessarily have more choice. "It's Coke and Pepsi," said Joseph Atkins, who has been in the industry for 37 years as a technician, nurse, clinic owner, and consultant. "And in some places, it can be Coke or Pepsi."

'I Don't Have Nowhere Else to Go'

Even as government policies have encouraged the spread of corporate dialysis, they have largely denied consumers the chance to use market power to push for better care. Because Medicare is the dominant payer, it has information about dialysis centers that doesn't exist for other medical providers. Yet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has not made public key measures such as clinics' rates of mortality, hospitalization for infection and transplantation. Regulators know how dialysis units perform by these yardsticks. So far, patients don't.

Mark Schlesinger, a professor at the Yale School of Public Health, says the program has squandered an opportunity to be a model of patient empowerment. "In some ways, [dialysis] is where Medicare has the biggest footprint, but it's always been kind of a backwater," he said. "There's a perception that these patients won't take advantage of the opportunities."

ProPublica first asked CMS for the clinic-specific outcome data it collects -- at taxpayer expense -- two years ago under the Freedom of Information Act. The agency declined to say whether it would release the material until last week, as this story neared publication. It subsequently has provided reports for all clinics for 2002 to 2010. ProPublica is reviewing the data and plans to make it available for patients, researchers and the general public.

The reasons CMS has given for withholding the information until now is that some measures are disputed or lack refinement. Regulators and providers can put the data in perspective, officials had said, but patients might misinterpret the information or see it as more than they really want to know.

CMS's Dialysis Facility Compare website [12] posts a handful of measures, including one for mortality, but does not give hard numbers. Instead, it categorizes patient-survival rates as "better than expected," "worse than expected" or "as expected." "Mortality is hard for individuals to face," said Thomas Dudley, who oversees Dialysis Facility Compare. "You don't want to scare people away." Peckham, the patient-advocacy blogger, scoffed at this. "It infantilizes people to say, 'We don't want to burden you with information and facts,'" he said.

Would more information make a difference? ProPublica was able to obtain outcomes data directly from the state of Texas for more than 400 clinics there. The material, covering 2007-09, reveals striking differences between clinics in close proximity.

Innovative Renal Care and Midtown Kidney Center, clinics about two miles apart in Houston, had similar stats on Dialysis Facility Compare in 2007, including "as expected" survival rates. But the full data show that Innovative Renal's average annual death rate -- after factoring in patient demographics and complicating conditions -- was 34 percent higher than expected [13]. Midtown's average rate was 15 percent lower than expected [14]. Dialysis Facility Compare has since changed Innovative's survival rating to "worse than expected," but how much worse? The unpublished 2009 data reveal that the clinic performed more poorly, versus expectations, than 92 percent of all facilities nationwide [15]. Innovative Renal's administrator, Scott Sullivan, said the clinic had a difficult patient pool, but its most recent results have shown improvement. "We've put things in place to make sure those numbers are corrected," he said.

The information void feeds patients' general sense of powerlessness. Even activists such as Peckham or Lori Hartwell, who heads up the Renal Support Network [16], a patient advocacy group, say they often feel shut out of the biggest decisions affecting the dialysis system. As a group, those on dialysis have been less vocal and effective than other patient communities in pressing a cohesive agenda. Kidney failure is almost four times as common among African-Americans as among whites, and about one and a half times as common among Hispanics as among non-Hispanics. About half of the kidney program's beneficiaries are poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. Dialysis itself can leave many patients saddled with cramps, congestion and a sapping exhaustion. "You're a pile of mush that's barely getting through," said Cindy Miller, a former patient in Las Vegas who got a kidney transplant. "What do you want to do, file a class action? How many of these people are going to be alive long enough for that?"
Larry Hall of Wilmington, N.C., sits with boxes of documents, letters and photographs documenting his problems with dialysis treatments over the years. (Gary Allen/ProPublica)

Larry Hall of Wilmington, N.C., sits with boxes of documents, letters and photographs documenting his problems with dialysis treatments over the years. (Gary Allen/ProPublica)

When patients do take on the system, they can pay a heavy price. Larry Hall came home the evening of Nov. 15, 2007, to find the equivalent of a "Dear John" letter [17] from an attorney representing DaVita, his dialysis provider. "Effective immediately," it said, "you will no longer be treated" at Southeastern Dialysis of Wilmington, N.C., where he had been a patient for more than nine years. Enclosed "to aid you in finding a new treatment facility," the attorney wrote, was a list of non-DaVita facilities. The closest one was 50 miles away, in South Carolina.

Hall had been dumped, or, in Medicare-ese, "involuntarily discharged." A burly, soft-spoken man who spent almost two decades as a uranium processor for General Electric, Hall, 51, was a hyper-vigilant patient who sometimes challenged clinic managers. Starting in early 2006, they pressed Hall to sign a contract that labeled him disruptive and required him not to "hand out anti-DaVita or anti-dialysis literature on the premises." Hall refused to sign and sued for negligence. The discharge letter arrived a few months later.

A DaVita spokesman said in an e-mail that the company did nothing improper and blamed the discharge on Hall's "escalating disruption and behavioral issues." The clinic continued treating Hall even after he sued, the spokesman said, adding that while Hall later won a $10,000 jury award for one claim, several others were dropped. Hall was forced to seek treatment at the emergency room of a nearby hospital, where he waited hours for stations to open up and for tests to show that his condition was dire enough to warrant intervention. Once -- short of breath and swollen with 16 pounds of excess fluid -- he says he was refused dialysis. Hospital workers put him in a wheelchair and left him in the lobby.

Regulators concluded that Southeastern Dialysis had violated Medicare regulations by dismissing Hall without advance notice. For now, Medicare officials have arranged for Hall to receive dialysis at the hospital. His treatments cost more than in-center care, and Hall worries the plug could be pulled at any time. "I don't know what's going to happen to me," he said. "I don't have nowhere else to go."

The Italian Solution

Reggio Calabria is not the sort of town where you'd expect to find world-beating health care. Dusty and poor, it sits on Italy's southern tip, at the end of a notorious highway that cost so much and took so long to build that it became a national symbol of inefficiency and corruption. The city's main public hospital has the tired grubbiness of a bus station. Its unit for kidney patients, however, typifies dialysis Italian-style.

Other countries provide universal access to dialysis care, much like the United States. But some, notably Italy, have better patient survival and cost control. Italy has one of the lowest mortality rates for dialysis care -- about one in nine patients dies each year, compared with one in five here. Yet Italy spends about one-third less than we do per patient.

These results reflect lower overall health care costs and a patient population with lower rates of diabetes and heart disease, but also important divergences in policy and practice. "The differences in mortality are staggering," said Dr. Daniel Batlle, who is a professor at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and co-authored a 2009 paper on dialysis practices and outcomes in Italy.

As Dr. Carmine Zoccali, slim and white-haired, weaves through the 24-station outpatient unit in Reggio Calabria, patients recline on beds, chatting quietly or dozing. A doctor is present at every session, adjusting treatments and handling any complications. This is typical: A 2007 report [18] showed that Italian dialysis patients had more than five times as much contact [19] with their physicians as U.S. patients.

As Zoccali walks through the ward, nurses move between the beds, monitoring patients' vital signs and responding to the occasional bleat of a machine alarm. There are no patient-care technicians, Zoccali explains, and some regions set mandatory staffing minimums. His unit has at least one nurse for every 3.5 patients. Their expertise not only enhances safety, but also helps keep patients compliant with their treatment programs, Zoccali says.
Gianni Bertoletti, 57, has been getting his dialysis treatments in Bergamo, northwest of Milan, Italy, for almost four decades. (ProPublica)

Gianni Bertoletti, 57, has been getting his dialysis treatments in Bergamo, northwest of Milan, Italy, for almost four decades. (ProPublica)

Most of his patients get three treatments a week, but their sessions last at least four hours, more than the U.S. average. Extending dialysis by 30 minutes per session improves life expectancy, research shows, though many patients resist adding time. Zoccali speaks wistfully of a French clinic where patients get 12-hour treatments and have lower levels of hypertension than people with healthy kidneys. "The decision to make dialysis faster wasn't a scientific decision, it was a managerial decision," he says. "It's to allow you to do four shifts a day and make money." He schedules just two shifts a day to accommodate longer treatment times.

Zoccali and other doctors credit much of their success to the Italian practice of sending patients to specialists earlier than in the United States. There are fewer financial barriers to such referrals. Those with less-advanced kidney disease have equal coverage; patients don't need to have reached kidney failure. Intervening sooner "delays the need for dialysis and reduces the number of patients," said Dr. Francesco Locatelli, who oversees the nephrology and dialysis program at the hospital in Lecco, near Milan.

Patients tend to start dialysis in better overall health, he said, and more than 80 percent have fistulas, the type of vascular access least vulnerable to infection and clotting. In the United States, fistulas have become more common, but most patients still start out with catheters, often because they need dialysis immediately and fistulas take time to mature.

The economics of dialysis are fundamentally different in Italy, where public hospitals still provide more than three-quarters of the care. Regional health authorities pay more per treatment than Medicare -- roughly 50 percent more [20], the 2007 report found. But per-patient costs are lower because Italy's indirect expenses, particularly for hospitalization, are smaller and because coverage includes drugs as well as dialysis. A 2004 study found that Italian patients got half the average dose of Epogen given to U.S. patients, perhaps because there's no profit incentive to give them more.

Private operators have made inroads in Italy, especially where local health authorities have faced budget pressure. Areas with more private providers have so far had outstanding patient outcomes, but some practitioners think the statistics mask a more complex reality. "The private centers do the simple things, but when they have patients with complications, they send them to us," said Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi.

Remuzzi has presided over the dialysis unit in Bergamo, an industrial city northeast of Milan, for more than three decades. Poking his head into one treatment room, he introduces four patients, all seniors, who have been getting dialysis together for 17 years. A few doors down, Gianni Bertoletti, 57, a wry, mustachioed man with blue wire-rim glasses, is halfway through his session. Bertoletti started coming to the unit in 1971. To Remuzzi, their longevity is proof that Italy should resist the U.S. dialysis model. "If we use the same system you do," he said, "our patients will start to have survival rates like yours."

Breaking the Chain

Despite the deep flaws in the U.S. dialysis system -- and the obvious ways that Washington could improve it -- big changes don't seem to be in the offing. Donald Berwick, the new administrator of Medicare and Medicaid, has not yet articulated his vision for the program, and health care reform leaves it largely untouched. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement [21], which Berwick co-founded, has worked to promote the use of fistulas, but a project director, Carol Beasley, has concluded that a piecemeal approach to fixing dialysis won't work. "It's unsatisfying to tinker with one broken part of a broken system," she said. Berwick, whom conservatives already accuse of supporting health care rationing, may not have the capital to push a more holistic approach.

So far, he's taken the step of endorsing the government's move toward payment reform. Starting next year, Medicare will pay a combined rate -- about $230 per session, subsequently indexed for inflation -- for treatments, drugs and other dialysis services, removing the incentive for clinics to overuse drugs. The end-stage-renal-disease program also will try for the first time to tie pay to performance: Under a proposed rule that takes effect in 2012, clinics could lose as much as 2 percent of their Medicare payments if they fail to meet standards for anemia management and dialysis adequacy, as measured by patients' blood tests. Dr. Barry Straube, CMS's chief medical officer, called these just the first steps toward addressing ongoing quality issues in dialysis "in a serious and fairly rapid manner."

Many industry experts doubt these changes will yield much. For one thing, they offer no financial reward for providers who deliver superior outcomes. Several observers also said the government is making a crucial mistake by rating performance by lab tests, not outcomes or measures that reflect patients' quality of life. "Mortality, morbidity, and infection -- that's the bottom line," said Joseph Atkins, the former clinic owner and consultant. "It's easy to adjust the labs. What good is it if you have good numbers, but everyone's dying or in the hospital?"
Bill Peckham, the dialysis blogger and patient advocate, has been dialyzing at home since September 2001. (Betty Udesen/ProPublica)

Bill Peckham, the dialysis blogger and patient advocate, has been dialyzing at home since September 2001. (Betty Udesen/ProPublica)

Increasingly, patients, doctors and advocates say that the way forward lies in focusing on alternative therapies, particularly those, such as home dialysis, that allow for longer and more frequent treatments. The biggest potential gains may rely on keeping people off dialysis in the first place. In that, the United States is falling miserably short. The incidence of kidney failure has increased by more than 80 percent since 1990; of the 40 countries that share data on this, only Taiwan and parts of Mexico have higher rates. "The centers are kind of the end of the line," Beasley said of dialysis providers. "They could deliver perfect care, but you still would be dealing with this tidal wave of people" coming into treatment.

A potential bright spot in health care reform, she said, is that extending better coverage to persistently under- or uninsured Americans could lead to earlier intervention for kidney disease. But as care expands and the national health care debate staggers on, our four-decade experiment with dialysis is worth bearing in mind. All too often, patients get caught in a vise between bureaucracy and the bottom line. As dialysis shows, guaranteeing access can come at a steep price -- in dollars and in lives.

Lisa Schwartz, a researcher at ProPublica, and Guido Romeo, a science writer in Milan, contributed to this report.

   1. http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6253/p/salsa/web/common/public/signup?signup_page_KEY=1884
   2. http://www.propublica.org/special/inside-a-dialysis-treatment
   3. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/federal-inspection-report-henry-baer
   4. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/statement-from-fresenius-medical-care
   5. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/statement-from-davita-inc
   6. http://www.billpeckham.com/
   7. http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title02/0226A.htm
   8. http://www.cms.gov/
   9. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/federal-inspection-report-james-tug-mcmurry
  10. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/federal-inspection-report-james-tug-mcmurry#document/p31
  11. http://www.medpac.gov/chapters/Mar10_Ch02D.pdf
  12. http://www.medicare.gov/Dialysis/Include/DataSection/Questions/SearchCriteria.asp?version=default&browser=Firefox%7C3.6%7CMacOSX&language=English&defaultstatus=0&pagelist=Home
  13. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-dialysis-facility-report-innovative-renal-care#document/p3
  14. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-dialysis-facility-report-midtown-kidney-center#document/p3
  15. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2009-dialysis-facility-report-innovative-renal-care#document/p3
  16. http://www.rsnhope.org/
  17. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/davita-discharge-letter-to-patient-larry-hall
  18. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-international-comparison-report-on-dialysis
  19. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-international-comparison-report-on-dialysis#document/p21
  20. http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-international-comparison-report-on-dialysis#document/p28
  21. http://www.ihi.org/ihi


Today, 9:18 a.m.

I read a lot of medical literature.  There is evidence that the phosphates used to purge colons of contents prior to colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy are causing renal failure.  Lots of medical literature on this.

Then, there is the gadolinium used for MRIs.  It is used to enhance the image.  Gadolinium is also KNOWN to cause kidney failure (NSF is the term used in the literature) in patients who already have compromised kidney function. Ask for a kidney function test prior to an MRI (ordered with Gad) and I was turned down.  I was told it “wasn’t necessary.”  Even if you had a complete blood panel (Chem Eval) recently, your kidney status might have changed and you would think that a panel that revealed the functioning status of your kidneys directly prior to MRI with Gadolinium would be standard procedure, right?  Not so.  Not much of a conspiracy theorist, I still suspect that they don’t want a basline kidney function test proximate to the infusion of gadolinium because it makes winning a lawsuit for harm so much easier.  Okay before, not so good after.  Sometimes it take weeks or even months for the kidney damage to appear and when that happens not connected to the test.

Now, MRIs, newest generation, don’t use gadolinium!  But all those machines already in use are still earning money and still need to be paid for and continue they will.

Some kidney failure is of “unknown etiology” and some a result, it appears, of our medical technology being imperfect and there being a huge financial incentive to order these tests with these imperfect systems.  Since the premier portion of the Hippocratic Oath is “Primum Non Nocere.”, “First Do No Harm” all this is ironic.

Corey Mondello

Today, 9:23 a.m.

Conservatives suggest that we should privatize outlets and cut more from the government, in turn, causing more chances for human errors while having less oversight? Well hot damn, that’s one way to save money…..kill off the patients.

Health Fraud Analytics

Today, 10:47 a.m.

“This case serves as a lesson in how the legal process, American taxpayers, and Medicare kidney failure patients can be simultaneously strangled by two branches of government, which have been forged into a butal weapon to undermine diligent investigations of False Claims Act fraud that are mandated by the Congress.”
Source: Introduction - Motion to Dismiss without Prejudice - Case No.: CV 08-2411 Hon. Richard Seebourg - United States District Court - Northern District of California - San Jose Division


Today, 11:29 a.m.

I watcher my office manager suffer through ten years of dialysis and became convinced that the treatment he received was incompetent, at best.  His horrible experiences would fit right in with those depicted in this article.

ESRD Pt Nevada

Today, 11:33 a.m.

For the well meaning readers of this article (very long time in coming) please listen to a former dialysis patient with a history of 2 kidney transplants, dying twice, and experiencing over 50 operations before I left the world described in this article.
1.) Tiny Belgium, and a few other countries use a simple solution solve cost and the suffer described vs the previous outcome of kidney failure - DEATH:
a.) It is assumed that your organs are donated if you die when you enter a hospital UNLESS you execute a document stating otherwise OR IF AT ANYTIME a loved one or guardian says no to transplation of any organ.
2.) CAPD treatment greatly reduces the risk and cost of hemodialysis. I have had hemodialysis, CAPD, and home dialsis.
3.) ESRD patients can represent a half living half dead existance because STAFF are under paid and trained, often with profit going mainly to the owners of the dialysis unit. Making a buck is the American way. Yes?

Yes you can chew up the SYSTEM. I existed in it until I received a perfect matched organ and I was out. I got out because I never accepted the doom and gloom of docs, staff, or patients and because I fought like hell to stay alive for my family - not for me.

Life is much better now. No docs and no dialysis.
I was very fortunate and I do all that I can to help others because I should be dead.

Instead of making short off the wall comments about this very well written and detailed account of one part of ESRD. Please consider taking this article and sending to to others and to express an opinion where it counts - with the politican you elected.

If you have a little time - maybe an hour a month - go to a local dialysis unit and volunteer. Just site with a patient and be a comfort.

Sorry for the long winded statement but I hope you get the point. ADD to the SOLUTION instead of bitching.

Thank you, ESRD NV

Arlene Mullin

Today, 12:33 p.m.

I am glad that this has finally come out. Patients have been dismissed as well as given contracts from the ESRD Networks.

The shame goes all the way up to when we instigated the Senate hearings in 2000. Senator Grassley (IA) who chaired the committee, turned a deaf ear when the hearings were over.

It has been a hard story to get out. It is a corrupt system that the govt has been well aware of.


Today, 12:54 p.m.

Corey, so right. The old myth about “private” business being more “efficient” than public (gov’t) was blown out of the water in 2008 when the public (gov’t) had to bail out private financial industry that collapsed under the weight of their own greed.

Now we’ve got a bunch of low-information Tea Party zealots that want to replace our Federal Government with for-profit capitalists, which will accomplish nothing but finish emptying our wallets with unregulated markets and just outright killing the po’ folks who don’t have any money for them to steal.

Before last Tuesday, the imbalance in wealth in America already qualified us for “banana republic” status; more Tea Party silliness will destroy our democracy and turn us into a fascist oligarchy.


Today, 12:56 p.m.

A grim story.  Let’s hope it triggers a serious discussion.  I have been an esrd patient for 28 years (dialysis for 3, transplant for 9 and back on dialysis for 15 years).

However, the article ends on a very negative note.  The last sentence, “As dialysis shows, guaranteeing access can come at a steep price—in dollars and in lives.” is lopsided and partial.  The price of lack of access, in lives, far exceeds the price of guaranteeing access.  What we need to focus on is improvement in care quality and patient safety.

Karol Franks

Today, 1:24 p.m.

“Italy has one of the lowest mortality rates for dialysis care—about one in nine patients dies each year, compared with one in five here. Yet Italy spends about one-third less than we do per patient.” In the comparison with Italy, does it take into account that many countries will not allow patients over 65 or 70 years old to even begin dialysis? Whereas in the US you can be 80, 90 or older, and the mortality rate would be higher. I don’t know what Italy’s policy is regarding older patients.

From recent news: “Dr. Barry Straube is planning to retire from his position as chief medical officer at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Jan. 31, 2011.
Straube, a board-certified nephrologist, was the Medicare’s CMO for the last six years, as well as director of the CMS Office of Clinical Standards & Quality.”  I never knew he was a nephrologist. What a sad state of affairs if even he could not improve the system from within.

Bill Peckham is correct. Patients need and deserve to know what they are in for. Knowledge is power and an informed, involved patients are their own best advocates. Our website, ihatedialysis.com is a place where patients come for the truth about dialysis. But if a patient is too sick or overwhelmed, who is their advocate in the maze of dialysis and renal care? Most clinics provide social workers, but many are uninformed and provide only what limited their employer allows.

I hope to see more articles regarding dialysis and transplantation. Thanks for tackling this complex but vital topic.

G. Edward hargis

Today, 1:50 p.m.

When I went to a center three times a week — I was a wreck. The long hard pulls left me gray and staggering well into the next day. I was pretty much useless.
But now, after my wife and I were trained for home hemo care, we do six two-and-a-half hour treatments per week.
I work a 50 hour week. I do chores. I have a life. What I don’t do is have hospitalizations from complications.
Doing treatments at home gives us a flexible schedule that fits our needs rather adjusting our lives to fit someone else’s schedule.
I no longer look like a sickly kidney patient. I look like a healthy person and all my blood work comes back saying that I am.

Iyabode Omimeji

Today, 2:01 p.m.

I am diabetic in stage 4 of CKD and doing everything I can to stave off dialysis. My nephrologist notified me when my GFR was at 22%.  Why didn’t he tell me when I was hit 50%.

I don’t think so many patients would be on dialysis if the doctors did preventative care diet, lifestyle. Our kidneys take a major hit because of our dietary habits and medications. Who knew Motrin and other over-the-counter products damage kidney function?

I believe nephrology is a crap-shoot. The doctors know about as much as they don’t know and dialysis is the a handy solution.

How can a 12 hour weekly mechanical process replace a 24 hour natural process?  It’s a joke. There needs to be more individualized care for kidney patients and not cookie cutter treatment designed by the two monopolies in kidney care.

Joe Atkins

Today, 2:18 p.m.

I have just listened to the NPR interview of Robin Fields of ProPublica, who interviewed me for this article.  She is right on in her assessment of the US ESRD System and did an excellent job of presenting this article, particularly, from the patient’s point of view, which is rarely heard, or cared about.

A representative of CMS also had the opportunity to be interviewed by NPR, immediately after Robin.  Clearly, this gentleman was supporting the main stream ESRD industrial complex, particularly the big chains.

What people need to realize is that the large dialysis provider corporations lobby washington daily, and they throw millions of dollars to both Democrats and Republican candidates.  So, at the end of the day, polititians end up owing their financial supporters.  The bottom line is that money talks.  And, in my opinion, that money was working the gentleman from CMS like a sock puppet.

It’s true that the majority of people working in the field of dialysis do want to do a good job.  They want to provide the best care that they possiblly can.  However, when you have large corporations involved in care, the goal of the corporate officers and boards of directors is to maximize profit and keep the price of the stock, up.  In light of this, sometimes the patients’ needs take a backseat.

In talking with patients who are treated by large dialysis corporations, the general statement from patients is “we’re just a number” as far as their host dialysis units are concerned.

Let me be clear that making a profit in dialysis is not a sin, but, in fact, is mandatory, owing to the fact that you can’t continue to provide good quality care if you’re not making a profit.

My advice to the dialysis corporate industrial complex is to maximize the quality of care and put patients first, and then, everything else will fall into place.  You can make money and provide top notch care.

As for this article, it’s a great public service that has been done by ProPublica and The Atlantic and it should be a must read for kidney patients, their families and the dialysis industry.  No one should ever be afraid to look into the mirror and see what’s really going on in any indsutry, particularly when human lives are at stake.

Harvey Wells

Today, 2:34 p.m.

A long time coming!  Thanks for your efforts we need to make sure it doesn’t fall on deaf or disinterested ears!  Thank you Thank you Thank you


Today, 2:49 p.m.

Talk to a VA dialysis patient to get the real taste of goverment driven dialysis care.

Christopher Blagg

Today, 2:49 p.m.

In testimony to Congress about 30 years ago Dr. Belding Scribner, the inventor of the shunt that first made long-term, dialysis possible said “What started out in 1960 as a noble experiment gradually has degenerated into a highly controversial billion dollar program riddled with cost overruns and enormous profiteering”

He also said in the mid-1960s that if a patient was not rehabilitated the dialysis was inadequate.

He would have appreciated this very perceptive article but would have asked why home dialysis was mentioned, but not discussed, the best option for many more patients.


Today, 2:50 p.m.

My husband was a non-compliant diabetic who spent the last 18 months of his life on dialysis at two DaVita clinics.  While he was largely responsible for his poor quality of life and refusal to cooperate, he endured an experience almost identical to the patients in this article.  If my kidneys failed, I would never opt for dialysis, and as cruel as it sounds, I feel if most patients could see how hellish their lives would become as ESRD patients, they’d opt for a peaceful death rather than dialysis.

sam bullard

Today, 3 p.m.

Has anyone at the Fed contacted Dr Moskowitz in St Louis, who for years has been able to keep patients off of dialysis machines so long as he is able to intervene before their creatrine levels get too high.

The dialysis machine industry has fought him tooth and nails, as one would expect them too.

But maybe now the time to give Dr Moskowitz a call.

michael kelley

Today, 3:07 p.m.

I’m 74 and have been a diabetic for about 30 years and I also take good care of myself.  I also know that many doctors are just pill-pushers who often do more harm than good for their patients with all the pills they push on these poor souls.  After being on diabetes medication for about 3 years I finally discovered that the medication was working counter to my body’s naturally ability to heal itself.  Four months ago I stopped taking all medications and as I detoxify I’m feeling better every day.  My doctor also had me on 2 high blood pressure meds so I bought a blood pressure monitor and my blood pressure is actually a little low.
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to kidney disease and on to dialysis and many other diseases because of the greed and ignorance of the pill-pushing medical profession.

Mamie V. Jackson

Today, 4:12 p.m.

This is my second time on dialysis. I have had a kidney transplant for about 13 years and my life was much better. Transplantation is still the best option for organ replacement for most people who live on dialysis.  I have experienced all of the different dialysis modalities.  I did not do well with In-center short time dialysis-3-5 hours at a higher rate.  I went on Nocturnal dialysis for 8 hours and did so much better since this is a slower process and at a much lower rate of dialysis.  I later found out from my physician, Dr. Lee that this was the best modality next to organ transplant and he was right.  He showed us statistics to prove his point as well for a longer mortality for patients who did Nocturnal dialysis-dialysis while sleeping for 8 hours.  I have tried to advocate at my facility for this modality and explained why, but instead, my center has opted to focus on PD which can cause and infection and almost kill you and Home Hemo where you need at least two people or a committed one to help you.  A patient can not do Home Hemo alone.  It is dangerous and you can die if you have a problem with passing out or if your needle comes out, you can bleed to death as well.  Either way, most people can not afford to hire 2 people or do not have a spouse to or who wants to be responsible for another person’s life. There are so few Nocturnal dialysis centers because, the center don’t believe it is cost effective-even though it would be best for the patient.  Also, why can’t the company pay for the tech or nurse to come and do home hemo for patients who want this kind of treatment?  As you can see, I am very frustrated because, we, the patient, are not getting what we need from these facilities to get the best care for us, individually.  We do matter and should be treated with respect and listened to.  These companies only care about the bottom line. My treatments were changed without my knowlege and I had to fight and get them changed back. That was the best treatment for me.  I had to fight the entire time in my unit to get what I needed to take care of myself and was labeled a Diva and difficult.  So, I hope this this kind of practice is exposed and patients get much better care and get information about all options.  Many patients know nothing about their dialysis options and are not told by the Social Worker.  Dialysis staff are unhappy some of the time and we see that as well.  Many are too afraid to speak up or being afraid of being fired.  They leave when they can no longer tolerate it at a facility.  We lose some good staff sometimes.

I have said a lot because I have lived with kidney disease, diabetes and high blood pressure for over 46 years.  I run a nonprofit, licensed health agency in Los Angeles for the past 12 years and provide free urinalysis screenings for kidney disease, diabetes and high blood pressure to adult clients.  We provide educational materials as well.  We try to educate clients about these subjects including nutrition and organ and tissue donation.  These are all related and very important to the health of our communities.  All staff are volunteers and only licensed health care professionals provide health screenings and health education for clients. All services are free to clients.


Today, 6:39 p.m.

Great article. I have a large group of dialysis patiens in my university based urban practice. It’s quite disturbing to see the way this population of patients, many of them unable to advocate for themselves, are treated. In many cases the low socioeconomic background and lack of healthcare is what caused these patients to ultimately experience kidney failure- an unfortunate result of uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes.  As one of my patients told me “kidney failure was the happiest day of my life because I was then able to get medicare which saved me dying of a colon cancer detected early by my colonoscopy. I would not have had the colonoscopy if it wasn’t for the medicare entitlement”

The business would be conducted much differently if the patients were from a different socio economic class. Despite the comment that physician supervision is not necessary for safe administration of dialysis, I frequently review cases of dialysis patients who are “evaluated” in such a cursory fashion by medical directors of the facilities-problems like large hematomas from dislodged needles and gangrenous lower extremities are missed. As one of my patients told me-its hard for them to notice a problem like this when they (the kidney doctor) don’t even look at me because they are in such a rush. The problem represents one aspect of a much broader problem that you touched on. That is health disparities that are more likely to occur in undereducated lower socio economic groups. My most urban patients frequently complain of the institutionalized indoctrination they receive at the facilities and the criticism that they are targeted with when they attempt to challenge the “norm”.

The industry represents another shameful case of greed that sacrifices the care of the least empowered members of our community for the profit of large companies Great investigation to shine a light on an important topic. A better level of care is possible-it would just have to sacrifice the margins that make this area such an attractive growth expansion market for the industry leaders

Betty A

Today, 7:16 p.m.

I was really glad to see this article about kidney
disease. I am in stage 4 and will have to start
Dialysis soon.  I have had people tell me it’s no
big deal but I always new better. I actually had
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: okarol on November 10, 2010, 12:32:08 AM
KCP responds to The Atlantic series on dialysis care


Kidney Care Partners released the following statement in response to the new magazine series on dialysis, by ProPublica and published in The Atlantic.

"Medicare’s End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Program is one of our nation’s greatest health care success stories, ensuring the delivery of more than 50 million life-saving treatments to 400,000 patients each year, and doing so with unparalleled access, transparency and demonstrably high quality of care.  Your story fails to give a full picture of kidney care in America.

"Kidney Care Partners (KCP) -- a broad-based coalition of kidney physicians, nurses, providers, patients, researchers and manufacturers -- and the government agencies responsible for management and oversight of the Medicare ESRD benefit share the common goals of providing access to dialysis care to every American with kidney failure, regardless of age, income or other health conditions, while also achieving sustained, measurable quality improvements. Together, these goals are being met, and in many cases, exceeded. 

"Recent government data prove this point:  Quality has been maintained or improved in 9 out of 11 key clinical areas. In fact, the quality of kidney care in America continues on an upward trajectory in key areas, including maintaining adequate blood levels, removing toxins from the body, vaccinating patients to prevent infectious diseases, and achieving target levels of phosphorous and calcium in the body. These positive trends stem from improvements in care plan protocols and clinical best practices, advances in medicines and biologics, innovations in new dialysis technologies and offerings, and programs to increase fistula usage over catheters. Importantly, the United States is a world leader in the rate of kidney transplants we perform every year. 

"Indicative of its leadership in the area of quality improvement, the kidney community, through KCP, developed several quality performance measures in a multi-year initiative launched in 2005. The measures, which have been endorsed by the National Quality Forum, will contribute to advances in dialysis quality measurement and reporting, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. In a follow-on initiative, KCP launched the Performance Excellence and Accountability in Kidney Care (PEAK) Campaign, with the singular goal of improving survival rates in patients during their first year of dialysis. PEAK aims to reduce first year mortality by 20 percent by the end of 2012. The first year on dialysis is a critical time for stabilizing a patient following kidney failure, as it is a time when patients experience significant medical, physical, logistical and emotional challenges.

"Congress also has taken steps to improve Medicare’s kidney care benefit. In recent years, Congress passed bipartisan legislation to make available patient education programs to increase awareness about chronic kidney disease and to teach patients self-management skills that help prevent further disease progression. Congress also has made significant changes in the way Medicare funds the dialysis benefit, including establishment of the first true value-based purchasing program. Starting in 2012, Medicare will link payment to performance in kidney care. Providers who fail to meet government-established quality standards will be penalized with a funding cut of up to 2 percent. Dialysis providers are the first of any health care sector to operate under a value-based purchasing model.

"Without question, our nation’s health care system must face the challenging question of how to stem the tide of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which are precursors of chronic kidney disease. One answer is creating a reliable system for early detection and treatment. The fact that only 40 percent of new dialysis patients have seen a nephrologist before starting dialysis illustrates the significance – and importance – of the challenge before us. 

In summary, the kidney care community in America provides high quality care and is committed to continually improving care quality. We look forward to working in partnership with all stakeholders in kidney care to continue advancing positive trends in patient outcomes and improved survival rates, kidney transplant rates, and the overall dialysis experience."

Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: okarol on November 10, 2010, 12:36:03 AM
Woefully anemic - The very first sentence should have been to extend their condolences to the families of those patients who lost their lives while in the care of dialysis providers. Sadly, it's just more PR blah blah blah. The lack of compassion, not surprising. The arrogance is appalling. Somehow along the way they forgot that there are people in those chairs, on the machines, putting their faith and care in the hands of the facility where fate has brought them.  :banghead;
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 10, 2010, 06:14:21 PM
Sounds to me like they trying to use the old "our patients are older, sicker, etc..." excuse.   ::)  Sorry, but I'm going to believe doctors like Dr. Christopher Blagg and Dr. Carl Kjellstrand before I drink the KCP kool-aid (the doctors wrote about the Japanese mortality rate being at ~10%, versus our ~20%):

"There is no obvious difference in patient selection.  The Japanese accept almost as high a proportion of diabetic patients as does the United States, and the mean age of incident patients is higher in Japan."
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: MooseMom on November 11, 2010, 08:46:13 AM
Please notice Lee's comments re how outcomes would be different if so many patients were not from lower socio-economic populations.  Again, I am going to point out that if vulnerable populations do not get the funding needed to get them to doctors BEFORE their kidneys get clapped out, they will continue to end up on dialysis and will cost MORE to the taxpayer to keep alive.  But God forbid we have universal health care...we don't want anyone unable to make as much damn money as humanly possible. ::)
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 11, 2010, 07:24:48 PM
Outcomes would be different if treatments were longer, staff was better trained - and there were more of them.  But of course that would cut into profits. 

So I guess dialyzors were richer when the mortality rate was closer to 10% in the U.S. :

Anyway, before I get too worked up, I'll mention one good thing I've noticed has improved over the years: response to complaints.  Arlene Mullin (from DialysisEthics.org) said it took her 1 1/2 years to advocate for Larry Hall (mentioned in the Propublica article), recent complaints have taken days to resolve!  So if you want things to improve, get more national reporters snooping around.

As for that KCP article, I'm running out of toilet paper.
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 14, 2010, 06:21:26 AM
After thinking about this article, I'm wondering why we can't outlaw 3 or 4 shifts in a day - unless the 3rd shift is slow nocturnal?  I would rather see the whole Italian system adopted, but the political reality of that might be a little tough.
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: Hemodoc on November 14, 2010, 12:51:37 PM
Dear Plugger, great references especially Dr. Kjellstrand's keynote address.  Unfortunately, it is an entire entrenched system actively against any changes to the status quo that we are engaged against.  Until the monetary incentives of optimal dialysis are put into place, understanding what is obvious will not overcome.  The sad facts are that optimal dialysis strategies are actually overwhelmingly cost saving economically as well in reduced burden of suffering.  This is a unique American situation due to the cost structure and payment incentives now in place.  The bundle is "supposed" to remedy this situation, yet it appears inadequate for that effect at this time.

The best option is that of home hemodialysis coupled with home PD (although outcomes are not as robust as home hemo, especially nocturnal home hemo) since they combine reduced overhead costs with reduced secondary costs such as hospitializations.  It is a no brainer to me to move towards more self care in center and at home, yet there appears to be no political will to accomplish this as you have stated.
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 15, 2010, 07:37:14 AM
I guess we can agree the solutions can look simple - the paths to getting there not-so-simple. Might have to do what I know a couple of organizations are doing - a slow grind.  California OneCare and my state's Healthcare for all Colorado have been trying to get single-payer (Medicare for all) for years now.  With Jerry Brown getting in office in California, I've got to wonder if they getting close there.  With each try they seem to garner more support.

Anyway, I agree home dialysis is the best option - if you can do it.  But I'm thinking even if everybody who could do home dialysis did it, that would still leave a lot of people in the clinics.  It seems a rule for limiting the number of shifts is still needed.  As Joe Atkins said in the one Propublica article: "It's easy to adjust the labs. What good is it if you have good numbers, but everyone's dying or in the hospital?"

I see the bundle payment is around $230 for a treatment, which looks like it should be enough money, if we just go according to the following document:  http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/2007-international-comparison-report-on-dialysis#document/p28.  I can see the dialysis companies screaming about an additional rule on the number of shifts - but with the press they have been getting, maybe not as loud.

A group of us did get a bill passed for tech certification here in Colorado - a little before the Feds came out with their rules.  And we also have the experience you see below. So we have some legislative experience and some folks we can talk to.  Right now, I'm just trying to see if they are any reasons we shouldn't take a shot at it.
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 18, 2010, 01:25:26 PM
Saw DaVita's backlash to Propublica.  We've crafted a backlash to their backlash:
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: MooseMom on November 18, 2010, 02:28:19 PM
So, basically, DaVita is saying that the US has a higher mortality rate because Americans who start dialysis present with greater illness and because the majority of dialysis patients are non-white.  What does that say about our society?

Why is it that we bang on and on about the sanctity of life but ignore the living?  Since when is the welfare of an unborn human more important than that of the children already born?  We insist that we value life, but man, once you're born, forget about having healthcare. 
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 18, 2010, 06:24:02 PM
I don't know how much I can believe DaVita - looks like they are trying to point the finger away from themselves.  From what I'm reading the "poor minority" excuse is a crock (http://www.nature.com/ki/journal/v58/n3/full/4495489a.html).  They will have to convince some reputable sources (http://www.dialysisethics2.org/forum/index.php?topic=588.0) first before I would listen to much of what they have to say.

I have to keep asking why DCI clinics (http://www.dciinc.org/news.php?id=7), who work under the same health care system, seem to do so much better.  What, they giving dialysis to martians.  That's it!  There are aliens (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077745/) among us!
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 20, 2010, 06:57:30 AM
I'm reminded of another story the Denver Post did that wasn't a press release for DaVita:
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: Rerun on November 20, 2010, 10:34:50 AM
Seems like we are ALL treated the same no matter what our color or financial status.  I have private health care and Medicare and I don't get on any sooner or get any special attention (believe you me) than any one else that doesn't have private health care.  As much as my private insurance pays extra why don't I have a private room with a private nurse?

We are all thrown in the same boat.  The difference may be I can afford to eat right (not that I do) more than someone who can only afford to either eat mac and cheese or McDonald's.

The first article is a must read for all of us.  Good job.

Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: greg10 on November 20, 2010, 11:06:14 AM
I'm reminded of another story the Denver Post did that wasn't a press release for DaVita:
Your URL is not working, perhaps this is the one:

As for the "aliens" reference, try the original version with Kevin McCarthy in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956):
I don't know how much I can believe DaVita - looks like they are trying to point the finger away from themselves...
I have to keep asking why DCI clinics (http://www.dciinc.org/news.php?id=7), who work under the same health care system, seem to do so much better.  What, they giving dialysis to martians.  That's it!  There are aliens (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077745/) among us!
Title: Re: Propublica: In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost
Post by: plugger on November 20, 2010, 03:59:06 PM
Hey thanks for the link!  Must have had a case of spastic fingers.

I never got a chance to see the original version of the Body Snatchers, did see the '70's version and thought it was pretty good.  But does seem most of the time the original is better, may have to catch the '56 version sometime.