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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Home Dialysis => Topic started by: clappedout on November 05, 2010, 03:25:11 PM

Title: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: clappedout on November 05, 2010, 03:25:11 PM
Well a happy November to all our readers lol..hope your year has gone well ...sofar..

Having been on CAPD since January and have had NO infections...I have had an AV Fistula in..(2 weeks ago) and this may sound strange but I cant wait to get this flipping tube outta my abdomen. I know they say it gives you flexibility...but it dont in some cases..take me for example.
Initially on 2 green and 2 yelllow per day and after my PET test, it was announced that I was a low transporter but with a problem that my night bag was all but absorbed...weight went up and fluids were leaking from everywhere. Soooo put on 2 green and 1 yellow with a dry night..however this is now making me feel quite yuk! as my dialysis is not as intense.
On the plus side you can play the dialysis card when visiting lol!

Now i have had a Fistula put in and I cant wait to get this tube out...I already said that !!!..2 weeks ago had the Op for the Fistula...got the standard infection but you can hear it whooshing away but there is no sign of balloning...how long does this take ??..will I have to wait months and months ???
I know I'm having a winge but I am worried that the Fistula is not working and to wait for another 5 months for an op is heart breaking..sorry  :'(
Any of you guys out there had a similar problem or can you advise me on how the fistula develops


Steve C
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: natnnnat on November 06, 2010, 04:46:35 AM
I can't advise you at all, but I feel your worry and uncertainty  :(
Hope others will have some good advice for you soon, in the meantime take this: 
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: carol1987 on November 06, 2010, 08:27:11 AM
When you heal from the OP the Doctor will probably give you some exercises to help develop the Fistula....
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: Riki on November 06, 2010, 05:46:55 PM
I was given a stress ball shaped like a kidney. I thought it was incredibly funny, but it did help develop the fistula.  It was 2 months before they could use it, and now, a year after having it put in, it's still developing.
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: Bruno on November 06, 2010, 07:06:56 PM
You can tell immediately after the operation if you fistula is working...you can feel the buzz...as long as you can feel that you have no problems. Sometimes you will get an infection at the site and you may get an anti-biotic. Then it becomes a question of developing the fistula and this takes a couple months, during which time you squeeze a rubber ball, sometimes with a tourniquet on your upper arm.
After it has developed a little they sometimes do a scan to make sure everything is in place and sometimes you get a scan before your first dialysis session so that they can locate where they will establish access sites.
If it is any help to you there are quite a few who find HD a better alternative to PD...I'm one of them.
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: jbeany on November 06, 2010, 07:14:05 PM
Did they give you a stethoscope?   If they didn't, get to the pharmacy and get the best one you can afford.  You'll be able to hear it.  You may be able to feel it, too - depending on how sensitive your arm is still from the surgery.  (Pressing down even a little bit may not be a good idea right now!)  Use it every day, at least twice a day to check on it and make sure it is still going.  If it does clot, the sooner you know, the sooner it gets treated, and the better the chance of saving it from the clot.

Generally, a natural fistula will take at least a month to mature, maybe longer.  If you had an infection, they aren't going to rush it.  The connection between the artery and vein take a while to grow strong enough to hold up to the pressure from the D machine.  You don't want to rush it - if they use it too soon, they can kill it, and then you have to start over.

I don't understand what you mean by there not being any sign of ballooning.  If a fistula narrows or clots, then the doc uses a tiny balloon to widen it back out to keep the fistula going.  This is commonly referred to as a fistulagram.  (Or a roto-rootering, depending on your sense of humor.)

And yes, you need to exercise it with a stress ball.  Also, try not to put pressure on it that might cut off the circulation.  No heavy bag straps across it, etc.  Try not to sleep on it, either if you can.  (Hard to control, but at least start out in that position.) Never let anyone take a blood pressure on it.  Ever!  If you have to go into the hospital, write NO Blood Pressures or Blood Draws on your arm in big letters.  You may laugh, but some nurses are idiots.  This is your life line, and spots to put new fistulas are limited, so don't let anyone screw it up!

Hang in there.  The wait may seem long, but better to go slow and do it right.

Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: natnnnat on November 07, 2010, 04:46:03 AM
If it is any help to you there are quite a few who find HD a better alternative to PD...I'm one of them.
Gregory too, much preferred HD to PD
Title: Re: New Fistula ...nedd some advice please guys?
Post by: clappedout on November 07, 2010, 12:47:07 PM
Thanks guys...feel much better now..it seems to be "buzzing away quite nicely" will keep you informed..and may I say what a gracious and kind group you all are

much love

steve c