I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Jamie on November 29, 2005, 10:48:31 PM

Title: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Jamie on November 29, 2005, 10:48:31 PM
Dear fellow renal readers,

  For my treatment I use (blue) I believe 15 guage dialysis needles. I have always used these type of needles right from the start when I was 18 years old. Here is Canada when I first got my fistula put in my arm the nurse's had  always use the (blue) 15 guage needles posed to the smaller (red) one's. I have had never had a choice to chose between the two nor was givin a choice.
  That being said I must say I have never gotten use of these needles since I have been on the machine. They have always hurt like a son of a bitch but I have come up with some things that really help me while they put these very large needles into my fistula.(how maybe they will help some one else) also please remember I'm a professional and it took years to get to this level.
   My fistula first of all is in my left arm when the Doctor asked me what arm I wanted my fistula in I told him my left arm. I thought what the hell if some thing goes wrong I don't use that arm anyway. (this is your first step) because I'm right handed.
   Now before the nurse put's in my dialysis needles here in what I do to perpare myself. Number one I grind my teeth. Than with my right hand I make a fist and I blow very hard into it (The fist needle goes in )  I say very loudy in a deep and heavy voice threw my right hand while in a fist and still blowing threw it "I'M O.K., I'M O.K., I'M O.K." thinking two my self the first part is done and over with.
   Now as the 2nd needle goes in it is pretty well the same as the first but there is a little difference my voice when I say "I'M O.K., I'M O.K. " gets a little deeper and a littler louder. Now I have been on dialysis a long time and the nurse's are use to this special routine I have came up with so when you try it don't be surprised if the nurse is a little jummpy.
  Now I have tryed to deal with these needles as the best I could and its very depressing just thinking about them.
   A good friend of mine from my dialysis Clarance he is 76 years old told me just sit in the chair and bear with it because there is nothing you can do about in anyways. Believe it or not he had told that to me over 2 years ago and it has really helped me to get threw the needle part of dialysis. Sure they hurt the only thing I can compare it to is getting a bee sting twice on your arm and for me the pain goes away in about a half hour.
  Now honestly for me this is 100% the worse part about dialysis is the needle work and none of my so called normal friends what to talk or even here about it so thing must be kept in untill now.
   Until next time keep your needles sharp and your blood pressure down.....Jamie-G

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on November 30, 2005, 08:54:08 AM
Jamie, do you use zilocain (sp)?  It is a numbing shot.  ???
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Bajanne on November 30, 2005, 02:11:24 PM
There are two of my nurses whom I trust to put in the needles with no drama.  When they are the ones, I don't use lidocaine.  But any others.....I must have lidocaine.
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Jamie on November 30, 2005, 07:17:46 PM
Hello renal friends,

Here in Ontraio we do not have any numming shot of any kind used or even offered when its comes to the needles. Also at the hospital were I go for my treatments there are over 30 nurse's as there are over 30 dialysis machines in the unit. You can have a different nurse every treatment day for a year its pretty well you get who ever is setting up your machine.....Jamie-G

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on December 01, 2005, 08:22:42 PM
I have a different fircken Nurse and Tech everytime too.  What a bunch of crap!  Don't they read personnel management books or how to get along with people.  We are creatures of habbit and we need the same people so we can build trust.  What is with this "Team Work" crap they tell us about.  What kind of a team constantly has different players?  That is the worst thing for a fistula is having every Tom, "Dick" and Harry stabbing at it.  That is one plus with home hemodialysis.  You have the machine set up the same way (by you) everytime and you have the same helper everytime.  Even if they are bad, you have the same person to improve with.  I don't get these centers moving the techs and nurses around.  They are ALL there everyday, but moved around.  They don't want us to "connect" or try and make friends.  Well it has worked because I HATE them ALL!!!  >:D
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Jamie on December 03, 2005, 04:09:36 PM
I have dialized in Reno,NV, Chicago,Ill, and in Washington D.C. this year when I was doing my U.S. tour. I have noticed that these private dialysis units are much different than my normal dialysis unit in the hospital here in my city.
   Now of corse when I do dialysis in the U.S.A. I have to pay for the treatments out of my pocket the Canadian Government only pays for dialysis if I travel in Ontario. When I went to Reno in June for a week I needed two treatments and it cost me $1200.00 U.S. out of my pocket.
   Thank God I don't do that many shows it the U.S.some times I have to raise my prices in my shows to cover my expeneses. I really don't think that's fair but then again whats really fair for people on dialysis.......Jamie-G

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: hyperlite on December 21, 2005, 09:22:28 AM
Uh I'm from ontario too, and the people I know that have travelled out of Canada have been given a certain amount of money (im not sure if its a percentage or a set value) to go towards the cost of dialysis. If I were you, I'd look into getting some of that money too. otherwise i think youre getting ripped off!
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: susie q on December 21, 2005, 10:39:45 AM
The Canadian Gov't DOES cover partial payment but you must pay up front and wait 6 weeks for your money...
I'm going away in Feb.... to the beach... can't wait..  ;D
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Jamie on December 21, 2005, 06:01:30 PM
Have a good time and watch your fluid's....Jamie-G
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on February 07, 2006, 06:26:27 PM

Well, half way.  One needle and one line in the catheter.  The lidocain hurt, but after that it didn't hurt. 

I didn't like holding my arm still for so long.  When can I take the tape off?   ???

I just can't imagine doing that for the rest of my life!  GEEZ
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: kevno on February 08, 2006, 10:15:45 AM
Well done Rerun!!!! Now for two needles like the nurses are trying to get me with. I hope you manage better than me with the needles.  Did your fistula hold up OK. Well done I know Thursday Rachel will be after me, For two needles. Well Rerun if you let the nurses put one needle in, I well try for Two. :-\

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on February 08, 2006, 07:20:00 PM
I dreaded it for so long and then "got it over with."  Usually that is the end of a dreaded experience.  Not this time.  It is over with until Thursday and then Saturday and then again Tuesday for the rest of my FRICKIN' LIFE????  >:(

But, until they find something better (I think the catheter is just fine) then we have to use the fistula.

I'm right behind you Kevno...   ;)
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: kevno on February 09, 2006, 02:06:36 PM
I now how you feel Rerun.  Only actual Renal patients know how well really feel about Dialysis.  We only have Two options Die are live with going on dialysis. Do I hate those two choices! >:(

I'm going to have to get this needle thing sorted out some how,  I hate going on the unit, just in case Rachel is there.  Rachel is the one Nurse who as been told to try two needles.  Like today I got Ann to put me on today. Ann used both my lines. Ann does not like to needle me.

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on February 09, 2006, 07:29:44 PM
Kevno, how funny!!! Guess who they told me to ask for on Saturday to put the needle in????  Rachel!!!   >:D  No Joke!
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: kevno on February 10, 2006, 09:54:53 AM
Bloody Hell! Rachel gets everywhere! ;D ;D. Good luck on Saturday with Rachel!  She as not caught me yet for the two needles.  Time yet. ;D. She should be back from the USA to get me on Tuesday ;)


Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: kevno on February 13, 2006, 03:05:20 PM
Rerun how did you do with your two needles?  Was it Rachel who put them in ;D My turn tomorrow Tuesday, with Rachel :o.  Boy she get around ;D. Hope everthing went OK for you Rerun. Good choice by Epoman to make you a moderater.

Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: Rerun on February 13, 2006, 06:58:09 PM
Kevno,  Thanks~  I'm still one needle and one neck line.  I'm going to do that 3 more times before I go to 2 needles.  I swear it doesn't look like there is ROOM for 2 needles in my arm.   :P  Anyway, my Rachel did just fine.  I had to ask for her, because this guy named Julian was the featured tech on Saturday and he is nothing but a screw off and there is no way he is doing my needle.  I wouldn't even let him pull it.  So, to get me back.... he made me sit there an extra 10 minutes before he got Rachel to pull it.   >:D
Title: Re: THOSE NEEDLES ARE SHARP (how to over come the pain)
Post by: kevno on February 15, 2006, 03:14:26 AM
Yes Rerun, I got ambushed by Rachel. She was waiting for me when I got on the unit. (No Escape :o)
First needle in, OK as usual now.  But the second needle.  My Fistula is crap. It's only been in since may 1980.
No chance,  so like you Rerun. One line and one needle for now :-\.   That is until Rachel decides to try again. :-X. Something will have to give, My pump speed was only 235 with a pressure of 260.  My results are slowly going a lot worse.  Plus I am starting to feel unwell. Had another fistulagram, still the same, no change. It is the way the fistula has gone, since I lost the bottom 6 inches of it.

Hope everything works out OK for you Rerun, Plus you enjoy your new Job as a GLOBAL MODERATOR :)

Yours aways

(Just notice, I have become a Jr Member!)