I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Home Dialysis => Topic started by: clappedout on September 09, 2010, 05:36:53 AM

Title: Have Been Denied Benefits..how do these people sleep at nightOMG! when is this g
Post by: clappedout on September 09, 2010, 05:36:53 AM
Sorry to you guys in the States and OZ or wherever, just be glad you aint in the UK. Having had to stop work thru this ESRF I attended an ATOS routine medical for benefits, guess what I have been tol dI am able to walk and cook a meal therefor you can work I am going to see my MP today about this When is this going to stop, words fail me as to the sheer lack ofcompassion! People on job seekers just seem to hang around outside of jobcentres and have to do very little to get their money each week. Why do sickand vulnerable people have to justify their conditions with these demeaning andfrankly disgusting assessments, not only do the people performing theseridiculous assessments have no medical background as to how a condition affectsall the aspects of our daily lives (the good and the bad days) but in order toqualify as an examiner they only have to attend an 8 day training course, 8bloody days to be given the power to destroy someone’s life in 20 minutes orso. Prisoners in jails get treat better. Why isn’t our doctor’s diagnosisenough! They train for years to be able to determine whether a person is toosick to work as they understand what the whole condition is capable of doing toyou on a daily basis. Please we have to do something I don’t know what buts itscoming to something when seriously ill people are being found capable ofworking, get the bloody lazy b*****s who stand around outside my localjobcentre to do some work and let people who are genuinely sick have some peaceand quiet to try to make some sense of what their lives are becoming and howthey can enjoy at least some parts of it without the stress the DWP andGovernment are placing them under, most of these sick people have worked foryears paid their dues, now they are entitled to be looked after not hounded,half the loiterers outside my JC+ have never worked a day in their lives but it’sok for them,! MR CAMERON and your cronies sort your selves out look after vulnerablepeople don’t punish them for not being able to do a full day’s work anymore" there for the grace of god!" springs to mind, I hope you and yoursnever find yourselves in the position that something chronic strikes you downwhen you least expect it and find you can’t work anymore, or maybe if it was tohappen you would change things then. By all means save money but take it fromthose who would not suffer without it!
Title: Re: Have Been Denied Benefits..how do these people sleep at nightOMG! when is this g
Post by: Sluff on September 09, 2010, 06:19:40 PM
Wow unbelievable, I hope you can get help somewhere.  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Have Been Denied Benefits..how do these people sleep at nightOMG! when is this g
Post by: Sunny on September 10, 2010, 02:46:41 PM
This doesn't seem fair.
I hope you are successful in getting them to change their minds.