I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: payats on November 13, 2006, 08:10:49 AM

Title: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: payats on November 13, 2006, 08:10:49 AM
I'm just wondering why most of the people hate dialysis?
Are we not thankful that dialysis was invented by a genius person
and now we are surviving and enjoying life?

I know that long term dialysis patient is faced with long term changes in lifestyle, everything,
and that everyones future depends on medications,fluid restriction,dietary restriction,dialysis
so,tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on November 13, 2006, 08:15:02 AM

I know that long term dialysis patient is faced with long term changes in lifestyle, everything,
and that everyones future depends on medications,fluid restriction,dietary restriction,dialysis
so,tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

DHA........ >:D
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: kitkatz on November 13, 2006, 08:19:10 AM
Just about everything!
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on November 13, 2006, 08:21:08 AM
I'm sure everyone is grateful for the fact that dialysis was invented... but that dosn't mean we can't hate it. I personally hated hemodialysis because I felt "icky" all the time, and very weak and tired. The fluid restriction was horrible and I would almost always bottom out each session, which feel's crappy and sucks. I would always drink too much fluid and have alotof weight to take off each treatment... I hated going all the way to the center to arrive 10 minutes early for my scheduled time and almost always having to be put on late due to other people being late. I hated being poked by the needles, I hated the fact that i had to have a cath in my chest 90% of the time because my little veins are worn out and can't get a graft or fistula to work in my arms. Once the doctor's told me they were going to tryto put a graft in my upper thigh, I said screw this, find me something else. That's when I found out about PD. Now I feel way better, I don't really have a fluid restriction, I still have to watch my phosphorus but I can eat all the protein and potassium I want. I don't have to do dialysis on anyone else's schedule, i do it while I sleep. I can travel whenever I want, I just take my stuff with me. Do I still hate dialysis? Yah, I do.... but I do feel grateful it was invented.  ;D
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on November 13, 2006, 08:28:43 AM
OK....lets see.  Lifestyle change, constant medication, fluid restriction, diet restriction, have already been mentioned.

SO IF THAT ISN'T enough.....  :banghead;  How about two 15 gage needles stabbed into your arm, leg, back (where ever) three times a week, freezing to death three times a week, putting up with stupid nurses and techs and doctors who don't listen to you and treat you like a moron.  Constant appointments with other specialists (heart, skin, vascular....)  How about trying to stay healthy enough to stay on the transplant list.  How about knowing your life exists only as long as you have a good access.  How about watching $40,000 a month going out the window.  How about dialyzing on THANKSGIVING!!!

I'm not thankful for the ass hole who came up with dialysis.  But, because of him I have to keep trying because no one will understand if I quit.  I would be thought of as a quitter and suicide victim.   >:(
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on November 13, 2006, 08:44:53 AM
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Bette on November 13, 2006, 06:29:46 PM
I hate feeling crappy all the time on hemo.  I hate watching nurses talk to ADULT patient as if they are 5 years old.

I hate having a permacath and a CAPD catheter put in the same day which hasnot allowed me to take a shower in 2 months.  Sponge bath suck!! 

I hate all the docs asking me when I'm going back to work.  I'll go back when I don't feel like crap!!!!!

I hate spending all my extra cash on medication co-pays.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Epoman on November 13, 2006, 11:42:52 PM
I'm just wondering why most of the people hate dialysis?
Are we not thankful that dialysis was invented by a genius person
and now we are surviving and enjoying life?

I know that long term dialysis patient is faced with long term changes in lifestyle, everything,
and that everyones future depends on medications,fluid restriction,dietary restriction,dialysis
so,tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

Have you not read ANY of the threads on this site? As this has been discussed in several various threads. Hating dialysis and being grateful are two different things entirely. I hate dialysis, but I am very grateful it was invented (sorry Rerun >:D ). Just as a cancer patient does Chemo to survive, we do dialysis to survive, don't you think the cancer patient hates chemo but is grateful that it might save their life?  Living on dialysis is a terrible way to live and please don't say "then why not get a transplant?" because a transplant is not a cure and is just another type of treatment. I hate living hooked to a machine, I hate being in a wheelchair due to kidney failure, I hate having 2 broken hips that will never heal due to kidney failure, I hate having one of my vocal cords damaged due to kidney failure, I hate having my arm disfigured due to kidney failure, I hate the emotional trauma that has been done to my mental state, after all that I am still very grateful that I am able to watch my son grow up due to dialysis.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: babi68 on November 14, 2006, 12:22:50 AM
hmm, this one got me thinking.... well firstly I must say thankyou to the genius who invented dialysis. Without it I wouldn't see my children grow up.
Now what I hate about dialysis. It took my mum away from me when I was 6. She was 28, she developed an aneurysm because dialysis was done through a shunt in her ankle(this no longer gets done, because of complications). I hate feeling like crap, I hate having to sit in the chair for 5 hours, I hate not being able to have the energy to go riding with the kids, I hate the bloody needles, I hate having to wait for a transplant, I hate the caltrate tablets I need to take, I hate not being able to drink. I hate it all, but as we all know it is a love/hate relationship with our dialysis. I want to give up alot of the time, but my children keep me going. I know what it is like to live without a mother so I keep on going and going.... Sorry to ramble. Liz :waving;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Joe Paul on November 14, 2006, 01:25:17 AM
Mostly, I hate having to watch older people suffer.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on November 14, 2006, 01:49:26 AM
Mostly, I hate having to watch older people suffer.

I hate that too because I see my future if I stay the course.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: tamara on November 14, 2006, 02:50:57 AM
I'm just wondering why most of the people hate dialysis?
Are we not thankful that dialysis was invented by a genius person
and now we are surviving and enjoying life?

I know that long term dialysis patient is faced with long term changes in lifestyle, everything,
and that everyones future depends on medications,fluid restriction,dietary restriction,dialysis
so,tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

So here we have a dialysis worker of all people asking us why we hate dialysis.



THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY. (if i say anymore i might say something that will incriminate me lol)  >:D
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: AlasdairUK on November 14, 2006, 04:42:50 AM
I'm just wondering why most of the people hate dialysis?
Are we not thankful that dialysis was invented by a genius person
and now we are surviving and enjoying life?

I know that long term dialysis patient is faced with long term changes in lifestyle, everything,
and that everyones future depends on medications,fluid restriction,dietary restriction,dialysis
so,tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

Have you not read ANY of the threads on this site? As this has been discussed in several various threads. Hating dialysis and being grateful are two different things entirely. I hate dialysis, but I am very grateful it was invented (sorry Rerun >:D ). Just as a cancer patient does Chemo to survive, we do dialysis to survive, don't you think the cancer patient hates chemo but is grateful that it might save their life? Living on dialysis is a terrible way to live and please don't say "then why not get a transplant?" because a transplant is not a cure and is just another type of treatment. I hate living hooked to a machine, I hate being in a wheelchair due to kidney failure, I hate having 2 broken hips that will never heal due to kidney failure, I hate having one of my vocal cords damaged due to kidney failure, I hate having my arm disfigured due to kidney failure, I hate the emotional trauma that has been done to my mental state, after all that I am still very grateful that I am able to watch my son grow up due to dialysis.

- Epoman

I think Epoman sums it up. I am very thankful to Willem Kolff and his invention, but some days I wish I did not have to go to hospital after work to have dialysis. Instead I would rather go to a gig, pub, movie with my friends. I realise that we all have our own burdens in our life that we need to adjust to, but it does not mean that we need to like them.

It is a fair question from a health care worker to gain empathy to our needs.


So here we have a dialysis worker of all people asking us why we hate dialysis.



THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY. (if i say anymore i might say something that will incriminate me lol)  >:D

Why is it SELF EXPLANATORY? How do you expect people who do not have the disease to understand if we are sarcastic towards them. I wish more health care workers would ask what do you hate, what can I do while you are in the centre to make you more comfortable. ie. If you are cold I can turn the temperature of your dialysis fluid up.

Fixed Quite - Rerun - Moderator
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on November 14, 2006, 07:43:18 AM
Haven't really been doing it (PD) long enough to be completely sick of it yet. Also I'm lucky in that I still feel as well as I did before dialysis so it's not too much of an  effort. The only thing that has me climbing the walls at the moment is the one minute hand wash. Isn't it just the longest minute ever! If I spent most of my life doing one minute washes I think I'd feel  like I'd lived a very long time.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: scyankee on November 14, 2006, 07:58:51 AM
How many people would you think would like dialysis?????
Just sit still for 4-5 hrs with pain in your arm the whole time.  Yeah, I can see how "happy" everyone
is at my center.  Have soooooo much to look forward to in my future.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: payats on November 14, 2006, 08:02:30 AM
I have a friend she is a nurse works in the ER full time and doing hemodialysis and she feels the same way too, like most of you, hating everything about dialysis.
I am not a moron asking you this question, each of us react and cope in a chronic disease in different way and I am not here to argue about these things, I want to learn what you really feel, so that I can care for you in a way you want to.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angieskidney on November 14, 2006, 08:28:23 AM
I love to live, but I hate that I have never had a "normal" life. I love to drink and can't. I love milk and can't have it. I love my freedom and to be able to work hard and earn a lot so I can get married. But I can't work so much as I do HD 3 times every week. I hate how I have been "crashing" lately on dialysis. I am tired of my BP going below 100/60. I am fine if it is that but when it starts dropping it goes FAST! I hate my ears popping! I hate the major cramps that come back just as you think they go away even with the UF turned off temporarily. It is not so bad I guess and I am greatful! It could be worse! But think about it from my point of view. I am only 33. Waiting for my 2nd transplant. Transplants don't last forever. How many can I have in a life time? How long will the wait be each time? I will have so many antigens that I probably will be waiting years. (this time around it has already been 5 years .. will be 6 in 2007...).  I am tired of stressing over every little thing just so that I can stay alive.  Also the fact that my arms aren't the best. How long will my fistula last this time with those 15 gauge needles and them still not doing button hole like they promised me?

I saw a quote once .. and I LOVE it! Who said it?

I dialysize to live or live to dialysize? (I forget exactly how it goes)
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: DeLana on November 14, 2006, 09:34:49 AM
I'm of course fortunate to not be on dialysis, or even a CKD patient; but I know - from having worked in a clinic for 5 years - that I would hate dialysis too.

You posed a good question, and the more often this topic gets discussed, the better.  I try to learn as much as possible from patients and this is a great site for it.

DeLana   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: glitter on November 14, 2006, 08:11:18 PM
I hate watching my husband suffer through infiltrations,and big giant needles...I hate watching him puke so hard it hurts his chest...

I hate the lack of sympathy-empathy the staff shows, to how profoundly this affects families.......I hate the 'get them in-get them

out' mentality....I hate it when the gripe at him about his fluids- then laugh and say "well I could never live without my Pepsi!!!"-like

 my husband has a choice-besides dying..

.I hate the fact that ES RD is so much more then 'just' dialysis-what happens in dialysis affects your WHOLE life....

I hate smart-mouth nurses who are healthy....................i hate smart-mouthed nurses who are sick............i hate indifferent Dr.

who charge for 'services rendered'- even when you don't know what they did-cause they never talk to you ......

I hate when Dr's and nurses make changes to my husbands routine-med schedule etc. and don't tell him before they try to implement

 it-after the fact.......(probably my number 1 hate)

i hate dialysis because it is now our life-but i am grateful i get to have a life with my husband at all-
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on November 14, 2006, 08:24:20 PM
Haven't really been doing it (PD) long enough to be completely sick of it yet. Also I'm lucky in that I still feel as well as I did before dialysis so it's not too much of an  effort. The only thing that has me climbing the walls at the moment is the one minute hand wash. Isn't it just the longest minute ever! If I spent most of my life doing one minute washes I think I'd feel  like I'd lived a very long time.

ONE MINUTE??  It use to be 3 (THREE) minutes!!!  That was 20 years ago.  I would wash and wash and wash!  AHHHHHHH   :banghead;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: kitkatz on November 14, 2006, 08:42:57 PM
Go see my rant I Hate Dialysis in general discusion.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on November 15, 2006, 02:12:16 AM
Haven't really been doing it (PD) long enough to be completely sick of it yet. Also I'm lucky in that I still feel as well as I did before dialysis so it's not too much of an  effort. The only thing that has me climbing the walls at the moment is the one minute hand wash. Isn't it just the longest minute ever! If I spent most of my life doing one minute washes I think I'd feel  like I'd lived a very long time.

ONE MINUTE??  It use to be 3 (THREE) minutes!!!  That was 20 years ago.  I would wash and wash and wash!  AHHHHHHH   :banghead;

Rerun, Here in England it's one minute. Maybe it was 3 minutes here at one time.

Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: jbeany on November 15, 2006, 12:30:04 PM
I haven't started dialysis yet - but I've been in kidney failure for a decade, and I've been diabetic for 23 years.  There's plenty to hate about chronic illness. . .

I hate that I'll never be truly independent.  I hate that I can't work to support myself.  I hate being broke.  I hate that my husband and I can't have the things we want because a huge chunk of the monthly budget goes for medical supplies.
I hate having to think about every bite I take.  What's the carbo count?  How much sodium is in it?  How much fiber? Will I throw up if I eat this?  Now I get to add potassium, phosphates, and fluid counts to the list of things to worry about.  I hate that I frequently have to pick meals based on how bad the food content is to throw up again.
I hate that I can't ever make any definite plans, because I never know how I'm going to feel in the morning.  I hate knowing that at sometime during the day, the odds are good that I'm going to feel bad.  Either my sugar will bounce, or my stomach will clench, or my head will spin - every day.  It's just a matter of when and for how long.
I hate the doctors who tell you it's your life, your choice, and your decision - and then they don't listen when you choose something, or they fight you when you decide something they don't agree with.  I hate when medical staff stop seeing me as human, and treat me as a disease.  I hate when they treat me like a child even more.

I hate the loss of self-control.

I hate that my body has betrayed me. 
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: mallory on November 15, 2006, 01:26:54 PM
I have a friend she is a nurse works in the ER full time and doing hemodialysis and she feels the same way too, like most of you, hating everything about dialysis.
I am not a moron asking you this question, each of us react and cope in a chronic disease in different way and I am not here to argue about these things, I want to learn what you really feel, so that I can care for you in a way you want to.

Payats, I appreciate you asking the question, and I don't think you're a moron for asking it.  I do hate dialysis, but I'm very glad that it's available to me.  I want to stay alive because I love my family, and I have a job that I really enjoy, and, all in all, I have a very good life.

But, having ESRD, which was caused by vasculitis, has taken a toll on me.  I'm starting dialysis in about two weeks because of the ESRD, and I'm getting chemotherapy monthly for the vasculitis.  The overall effects of the disease and the drugs I've been on for the disease are that I've gained fifty pounds, lost my kidney function and fifty percent of my lung function, I'm weak and tired a lot, and I get quite sick sometimes from all of the medications.

I go to Yellowstone National Park every year for vacation.  It used to be that I hiked all over the place, even the toughest hikes didn't stop me.  Now, just walking over to Old Faithful, a couple of hundred yards, is difficult for me.  I miss that, I miss being able to hike and walk around all I want to.  I don't like it that I have to think about everything I do and wonder if I'll be able to make it or not.  I'm not old and I don't want to feel old, yet.

This is going to sound so vain, and completely ironic coming from me, but I also just hate what ESRD and vasculitis have done to my body.  I wasn't ever skinny, and I'm short, so I've never looked like a Victoria's Secret model or anything, but, the other night I was watching TV and I saw a Victoria's Secret advertisement about "what is sexy?" and there were all these tall skinny girls in the ad.  Let me just say, it was pretty clear none of them had a peritoneal catheter.  I think I can safely say; dialysis, and the effects of Prednisone, are not sexy.

There are the diet restrictions and the fluid restrictions, but I can live with that.  I wish that I could feel like I used to feel.  I wish that I could make long-term plans without wondering if I'll be alive or not.  I wish I didn't worry about the financial aspects of this disease all the time.  I wish my family didn't have to worry about me, and didn't have to feel like they need to give me a kidney. 

I do hate dialysis, but I am thankful for it.

Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angieskidney on November 15, 2006, 07:58:59 PM
Haven't really been doing it (PD) long enough to be completely sick of it yet. Also I'm lucky in that I still feel as well as I did before dialysis so it's not too much of an  effort. The only thing that has me climbing the walls at the moment is the one minute hand wash. Isn't it just the longest minute ever! If I spent most of my life doing one minute washes I think I'd feel  like I'd lived a very long time.

ONE MINUTE??  It use to be 3 (THREE) minutes!!!  That was 20 years ago.  I would wash and wash and wash!  AHHHHHHH   :banghead;

Rerun, Here in England it's one minute. Maybe it was 3 minutes here at one time.

It was 3 min in Canada too .. but like Rerun said .. it was years ago. For me it was 16 years ago.

... man i am not looking forward to Sandman going home in a few days :( .. I hate how even though my alarm alarms on my machine the nurses just ignore me and it. I know they are busy but if I don't get it in a timely manner maybe I really do NEED a nurse? They just assume I don't need any help because I am young. Lately (the last 3 times) I have been crashing .... I am sooooo glad Sandman was there and today my mom was as well!!
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Mr. Ho Ho Ho on November 16, 2006, 04:46:29 PM
Lets see - where does one start - yes I'm thankful that dialysis was invented and that I'm still alive but I still hate dialysis and I hate my kidneys even more for failing. Here  I set with a plastic tube coming out of my gut - looks great coming out of a bathing suit - feels even better hanging around during sex - I am either too full of fluids or too dry - I can not eat the food I love - I can not lift or bend like I use to and I have to hook myself up to a machine every night and do an afternoon exchange to live. I have to go to the doctors all the time and when I'm not seeing a doctor - I have to stay home and wait for my supplies to come and I had to give up a full room in my house to keep my supplies. I can not come and go as I please. I always have to think everything through and plan before I can go anywhere or do anything. Is that enough reasons? Oh, wait you know whats even better? ......because it gives me an excuse to just be MEAN and  EVIL. I just say what ever I want to people  - what are they going to do... LOL Oh wait -I did that before my kidneys failed..........

Windywoo2u  >:D
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: boxman55 on November 16, 2006, 06:11:03 PM
you realize how little of a social life you have. You work from 7 to 4:30 then drive to the center and start Dialysis at 5:30 then get done at 9 then get home at 9:30 you have just enough energy to eat something and then fall a sleep this is 3x a week the other two nights you just want to sleep when you get home. I can't take a normal shower, everyone is always asking how you feel and how did it go. you try to go to the state high school finals football game but your center wouldn't change your time so you can't go so you tell your friends again you can't do something and so they just stop asking, and on and on.................IHD
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on November 16, 2006, 06:21:40 PM
after reading some oher's replies, it made me hink of some more reasons I hate dialysis... for me, i am a single mom of 2 beautiful children.. i cant realy date while on dialysis... as i scare most men away by just saying i am sick, by saying i already have 2 kids... then i got this dang PD cath coming out of my stomache, how attractive is that!!?? I feel so, ugly with it... i dont even wanna try to find someone wo will take a chance on someone who is on dialysis... so im lonely... and feel like i will be this way forever (seems like forever waiting for a kidney)... i just want a transplant so bad so i can feel sorta pretty again... BLAHHH  :banghead;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 06:27:08 PM
Tonight my dad took Sandman and I out to dinner and the waitress goes to refill my cup and I had to grab the cup away (I didn't care if she spilled it all over the table. Her fault for not asking and just assuming! As it is I had tea and she was pouring coffee).  The other day we were out to dinner with my mom and I said I didn't want  a drink because I can just take sips of Sandman's and the waitress said I have to get a drink because it is part of the coupon my mom was using.

I hate dialysis because I am tired of the fight it takes to just enjoy a meal and all the explaining I must do over and over again. I also hate not being able to relax and take a break from the mental calculation of my daily fluids.

But one thing about catheters sticking out of the body when I was on PD, I noticed that people don't really care after they know it is just part of your health requirement. I have had a few boyfriends while I had the catheter. Now that I got the fistula I like to freak people out telling them to feel it and watching them jump! lol
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on November 16, 2006, 06:32:18 PM
Lol, yah... when i was with my ex and I got my cath he was fine with it... but now that i single and when i first start talkin to someone it sucks i have to explain what dialysis is, most ppl have never heard of it.. or thought it was nothing seous.. like we can just choose to do it or something and if not we will still be fine  ::)

I hate whn im out to eat and people stare at me when im taking my Renegel... i wanna say WHAT ya never seen sumone take meds before??  :lol;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Epoman on November 16, 2006, 07:04:58 PM
Tonight my dad took Sandman and I out to dinner and the waitress goes to refill my cup and I had to grab the cup away (I didn't care if she spilled it all over the table. Her fault for not asking and just assuming! As it is I had tea and she was pouring coffee).  The other day we were out to dinner with my mom and I said I didn't want  a drink because I can just take sips of Sandman's and the waitress said I have to get a drink because it is part of the coupon my mom was using.....

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21636#msg21636  ::)

Even sandmansa thinks it's a good idea. I'm surprised he didn't mention it.

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21638#msg21638  ;)

Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 07:07:36 PM
Tonight my dad took Sandman and I out to dinner and the waitress goes to refill my cup and I had to grab the cup away (I didn't care if she spilled it all over the table. Her fault for not asking and just assuming! As it is I had tea and she was pouring coffee).  The other day we were out to dinner with my mom and I said I didn't want  a drink because I can just take sips of Sandman's and the waitress said I have to get a drink because it is part of the coupon my mom was using.....

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21636#msg21636  ::)

Even sandmansa thinks it's a good idea. I'm surprised he didn't mention it.

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21638#msg21638  ;)

That is what I do when they actually give me a napkin. This place only had those big ones you put in your lap. it was in my lap when she came around.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Epoman on November 16, 2006, 07:13:28 PM
Tonight my dad took Sandman and I out to dinner and the waitress goes to refill my cup and I had to grab the cup away (I didn't care if she spilled it all over the table. Her fault for not asking and just assuming! As it is I had tea and she was pouring coffee).  The other day we were out to dinner with my mom and I said I didn't want  a drink because I can just take sips of Sandman's and the waitress said I have to get a drink because it is part of the coupon my mom was using.....

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21636#msg21636  ::)

Even sandmansa thinks it's a good idea. I'm surprised he didn't mention it.

http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=65.msg21638#msg21638  ;)

That is what I do when they actually give me a napkin. This place only had those big ones you put in your lap. it was in my lap when she came around.

Ahh, ok how about placing a spoon on top of the glass, that would make the waitress question a refill or bring your own napkin that you would carry in your purse? :thumbup;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: strateup on November 16, 2006, 10:04:34 PM
I agree with all of the above reasons, but I culd add a few more.  I am blessed/cursed with a good fistula.  Because I have a good fistula I am often used as the training dummy for the new techs, Ouch that hurts! 
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: mallory on November 17, 2006, 08:20:14 AM
after reading some oher's replies, it made me hink of some more reasons I hate dialysis... for me, i am a single mom of 2 beautiful children.. i cant realy date while on dialysis... as i scare most men away by just saying i am sick, by saying i already have 2 kids... then i got this dang PD cath coming out of my stomache, how attractive is that!!?? I feel so, ugly with it... i dont even wanna try to find someone wo will take a chance on someone who is on dialysis... so im lonely... and feel like i will be this way forever (seems like forever waiting for a kidney)... i just want a transplant so bad so i can feel sorta pretty again... BLAHHH :banghead;

Angela, I agree with you!  I'm single, and I'd like to have a relationship but it's so hard to describe all of this to a guy.  I'm already short and fat, now I've got this lovely catheter, that's so appealing to men!

Here's another thing I hate; I hate that I've worked at this job for 25 years, and when a really good promotion came up this year that truly should have been mine, I did not get it.  Because they said they worry the stress might be too much for me, or I might need more sick time and they want me to have the freedom to take it.  I've worked here TWENTY FIVE YEARS!  I love my job!  I've done a great job!  But, I will never get promoted again because they think I'm "sick".

I know that I have a good life.  I am thankful for the good things in my life, but I do hate dialysis, and I do hate what ESRD has done to my life.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: kitkatz on November 17, 2006, 10:31:37 AM
you realize how little of a social life you have. You work from 7 to 4:30 then drive to the center and start Dialysis at 5:30 then get done at 9 then get home at 9:30 you have just enough energy to eat something and then fall a sleep this is 3x a week the other two nights you just want to sleep when you get home. I can't take a normal shower, everyone is always asking how you feel and how did it go. you try to go to the state high school finals football game but your center wouldn't change your time so you can't go so you tell your friends again you can't do something and so they just stop asking, and on and on.................IHD

Man on man do I know how that feels!  Work from 7-2 with preteens at middle school, then MWF off to dialysis 3 to 7, home to dinner if it is fixed at 8p.m., then off to watch TV in bed and to sleep.  It gets to be a grueling schedule.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: stauffenberg on November 17, 2006, 10:55:08 AM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.  I agree with him and feel that dialysis prolongs life in an indecent and hideous way.  I conceive of it in terms of the following example:  Suppose a machine were invented that would allow corpses to move around the surface of the Earth like zombies.  They could think, see, speak, eat, and sleep, but they would always be exhausted, in a state of rapid physical deterioration, and forced to endure countless hours of medical treatment on the machine, as well as medical monitoring and diagnostic interventions in additioin to all of that.  They could only live a short while because the rapid deterioration of their health under these circumstances.  If all of this were possible, would the corpses be grateful to the inventor of the machine which enabled them to return to life for a few years as zombies, or to the people who had dug them up out of their graves?

You may say that if I viewed dialysis in such a negative light I should simply have refused to initiate this therapy in my own case, but it is very hard to summon the moral courage to do the right thing if it involves deliberately chosing your own death.  The fact that the patient is confronted by this dilemma, however, comes from the existence of the dialysis machine, and it is not the patient's fault if this tempts him into choosing a form of life which is an insult to the human spirit.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Fighter on November 17, 2006, 11:31:51 AM
tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

I have a love/hate relationship with dialysis. I am of course grateful that it has been invented and I admire not only its initial creator but every single person who has contributed to its improvement. It gives me faith in humankind that we can come up with such an ingenious invention and actually make it work on a large scale. It's tough not to resent the fact that I need a machine to survive but with time I've learned that it's kidney disease that I hate (and I hate it BIG TIME), not really dialysis.

But to list the things that drive me nuts about the 'dialysis lifestyle', obviously I could do without the waste of precious time, the fluid restrictions, the difficulty to travel and the tiredness...

after reading some oher's replies, it made me hink of some more reasons I hate dialysis... for me, i am a single mom of 2 beautiful children.. i cant realy date while on dialysis... as i scare most men away by just saying i am sick, by saying i already have 2 kids... then i got this dang PD cath coming out of my stomache, how attractive is that!!?? I feel so, ugly with it... i dont even wanna try to find someone wo will take a chance on someone who is on dialysis... so im lonely... and feel like i will be this way forever (seems like forever waiting for a kidney)... i just want a transplant so bad so i can feel sorta pretty again... BLAHHH :banghead;

Angela, I agree with you!  I'm single, and I'd like to have a relationship but it's so hard to describe all of this to a guy.  I'm already short and fat, now I've got this lovely catheter, that's so appealing to men!

Is there already a dedicated thread covering Dating on Dialysis? It may sound pathetic but it's been one of my big concerns for the past couple of years. I'm sure some of you other single patients can relate...
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Epoman on November 17, 2006, 11:38:53 AM
tell me what do you really hate >:( in dialysis?

I have a love/hate relationship with dialysis. I am of course grateful that it has been invented and I admire not only its initial creator but every single person who has contributed to its improvement. It gives me faith in humankind that we can come up with such an ingenious invention and actually make it work on a large scale. It's tough not to resent the fact that I need a machine to survive but with time I've learned that it's kidney disease that I hate (and I hate it BIG TIME), not really dialysis.

But to list the things that drive me nuts about the 'dialysis lifestyle', obviously I could do without the waste of precious time, the fluid restrictions, the difficulty to travel and the tiredness...

after reading some oher's replies, it made me hink of some more reasons I hate dialysis... for me, i am a single mom of 2 beautiful children.. i cant realy date while on dialysis... as i scare most men away by just saying i am sick, by saying i already have 2 kids... then i got this dang PD cath coming out of my stomache, how attractive is that!!?? I feel so, ugly with it... i dont even wanna try to find someone wo will take a chance on someone who is on dialysis... so im lonely... and feel like i will be this way forever (seems like forever waiting for a kidney)... i just want a transplant so bad so i can feel sorta pretty again... BLAHHH :banghead;

Angela, I agree with you!  I'm single, and I'd like to have a relationship but it's so hard to describe all of this to a guy.  I'm already short and fat, now I've got this lovely catheter, that's so appealing to men!

Is there already a dedicated thread covering Dating on Dialysis? It may sound pathetic but it's been one of my big concerns for the past couple of years. I'm sure some of you other single patients can relate...

I was thinking about a section for dating/relationships, look for a post talking about it.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Zach on November 17, 2006, 04:11:35 PM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.

Please link us to that quote.

Personally, I don't believe you have your facts straight about Willem Kolff's thoughts about using his invention for long-term therapy.  Please show us the exact quote from a reputable publication.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: jbeany on November 17, 2006, 05:46:04 PM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.

Please link us to that quote.

Personally, I don't believe you have your facts straight about Willem Kolff thoughts about using his invention for long-term therapy.  Please show us the exact quote from a reputable publication.

"Here's a real quote from Kolff, from the biography on the Academy of Acheivement website - "The exciting thing is to see somebody who is doomed to die, live and be happy."

And this, from the biography on the same page-
Over the opposition of many physicians, Dr. Kolff wanted to give the patient more control of the process, so patients could perform their dialysis at home, without a doctor's supervision. In 1975, he introduced the Wearable Artificial Kidney, an eight-pound chest pack with an 18-pound auxiliary tank."

If he only wanted it used for short term, why would he make a home unit?

And from the bio an the Membrana website (they make the filters used in dialysis)      

"Among his patients in Groningen was 22-year old Jan Bruning, who was dying slowly and painfully from kidney disease. The young Dr Kolff realised that if he could remove the toxins gradually building up in the young man's blood, which would normally be removed by the kidneys, he could be kept alive - but there was no technology available at the time to accomplish such a task. "I felt helpless telling his poor mother there was nothing we could do for him" wrote Dr Kolff many years later. This was the trigger that started Dr Kolff experimenting with a device that could temporarily replace the kidney in removing urea and other excretory products from the body. "

His reason for starting the research in the first place was a patient with chronic, not acute kidney failure.

Sorry stauffenberg - unless you can come up with another quote. . .I don't buy your take on Kolff.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Zach on November 17, 2006, 06:05:02 PM
Thank you, jbeany!!

stauffenberg, the truth will set you free.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angela515 on November 17, 2006, 07:21:39 PM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.  I agree with him and feel that dialysis prolongs life in an indecent and hideous way.  I conceive of it in terms of the following example:  Suppose a machine were invented that would allow corpses to move around the surface of the Earth like zombies.  They could think, see, speak, eat, and sleep, but they would always be exhausted, in a state of rapid physical deterioration, and forced to endure countless hours of medical treatment on the machine, as well as medical monitoring and diagnostic interventions in additioin to all of that.  They could only live a short while because the rapid deterioration of their health under these circumstances.  If all of this were possible, would the corpses be grateful to the inventor of the machine which enabled them to return to life for a few years as zombies, or to the people who had dug them up out of their graves?

You may say that if I viewed dialysis in such a negative light I should simply have refused to initiate this therapy in my own case, but it is very hard to summon the moral courage to do the right thing if it involves deliberately chosing your own death.  The fact that the patient is confronted by this dilemma, however, comes from the existence of the dialysis machine, and it is not the patient's fault if this tempts him into choosing a form of life which is an insult to the human spirit.

There is so many things I want to say to you right now in response to this, but none of them are good. and so i will hold my tongue. I will say that I totally disagree with your views. Comparing a dialysis machine to a zombie... is, pretty stupid and not even close to the truth. I personally think if you hate dialysis THAT much and don't even think it should be used to keep people alive, you personally should not do it...Hypocritical of you to put it down and still use it the way you do.... idunno... I dont think its wrong to hate dialysis.. but you speak about it in such a way that makes it seem like were being sinful by doing dialysis... I am upsetting myself just thinking about this.. so i will stop.
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: DeLana on November 17, 2006, 08:45:24 PM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.  I agree with him and feel that dialysis prolongs life in an indecent and hideous way.  I conceive of it in terms of the following example:  Suppose a machine were invented that would allow corpses to move around the surface of the Earth like zombies.  They could think, see, speak, eat, and sleep, but they would always be exhausted, in a state of rapid physical deterioration, and forced to endure countless hours of medical treatment on the machine, as well as medical monitoring and diagnostic interventions in additioin to all of that.  They could only live a short while because the rapid deterioration of their health under these circumstances.  If all of this were possible, would the corpses be grateful to the inventor of the machine which enabled them to return to life for a few years as zombies, or to the people who had dug them up out of their graves?

You may say that if I viewed dialysis in such a negative light I should simply have refused to initiate this therapy in my own case, but it is very hard to summon the moral courage to do the right thing if it involves deliberately chosing your own death.  The fact that the patient is confronted by this dilemma, however, comes from the existence of the dialysis machine, and it is not the patient's fault if this tempts him into choosing a form of life which is an insult to the human spirit.

Maybe I shouldn't comment on this since I'm not a dialysis patient; however, I'm an RN who worked on hospital floors (oncology, cardiac, medical) before working in a dialysis clinic for 5 years.  First, many of my dialysis patients would disagree that their life with dialysis leaves them as "zombies".  And of my non-ESRD hospital patients, many would have been grateful to have a machine that would allow them to live - rather than succumb to liver failure, heart disease, or cancer.

Yes, dialysis is far from perfect, but it allows you to live long enough to perhaps get a transplant or better therapies in the future (the NxStage home dialsyis machine comes to mind). 


Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Zach on November 17, 2006, 08:47:37 PM
Your comments are always welcome, DeLana!!     ;)
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: Epoman on November 17, 2006, 08:53:17 PM
Your comments are always welcome, DeLana!!     ;)

The man speaks the truth.  :thumbup;
Title: Re: Why do you hate dialysis?
Post by: angieskidney on November 17, 2006, 10:20:22 PM
The inventor of the modern form of dialysis, Willem Kolff, thought it was being abused when used for long-term therapy, and viewed it instead as appropriately used only for acute dialysis in patients for a short time.

Please link us to that quote.

Personally, I don't believe you have your facts straight about Willem Kolff's thoughts about using his invention for long-term therapy.  Please show us the exact quote from a reputable publication.
I have actually heard of this article but haven't read it myself.

His reason for starting the research in the first place was a patient with chronic, not acute kidney failure.

Sorry stauffenberg - unless you can come up with another quote. . .I don't buy your take on Kolff.
Thanks for that :) I couldn't find it myself!  :2thumbsup;

Yes, dialysis is far from perfect, but it allows you to live long enough to perhaps get a transplant or better therapies in the future (the NxStage home dialsyis machine comes to mind). 


I agree! I would have died when i was 16 if it wasn't for dialysis but instead look at me! I am 33 and engaged to a man who actually accepts the fact that I am on dialysis (and he fell in love with me while I still had the PD cath in my belly!!)