I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: kitkatz on November 07, 2006, 01:02:08 PM

Title: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 07, 2006, 01:02:08 PM
After eight years ( I know, I know I keep harping on the time) I decided last night that I HATE dialysis!  Before I was tolerating it, even tolerant of the shenanigans that dialysis puts me through.  I am going to have a rant here right now. Ready?

Reasons I hate dialysis:
The unit is too cold even with a blanket over me and doubled.
I have to take my weight every time I am there, EVERY TIME, twice!
I have been told to watch my weight and try to lose some. HAH!  Dialysis is nuts when you lose weight on it. You could kill yourself because the water weight and your dry weight are not getting along.
Fluid over load in my tissues and lungs!  Hard to breathe and walk and distance sometimes.
I have to bring my own snack,ice, sheet to cover the chair, and a blanket, as well as things to amuse myself with for four hours. ( Book, newspaper, DVD player, headphones, etc.)
There is no place to put my stuff other than a tiny table attached to the chair.  And the table can suddenly decide to let go and wham goes all of my stuff crashing to the floor.  A tech can bump my stuff and knock it all over.
The computer system has private information up on the screen that belongs to me. I did not think they could have the SS# up on   the screen for privacy sake.  Anyone can take the number anytime they walk in the unit.  When I mentioned this to the unit director I was told they were getting a new system and the information should be down soon.  It should have been taken down the minute it was noticed!
YES I am ranting here...
I also hate:
Being left sitting in my own blood after the sites leaked while I was holding them. Clean it up damn it!
I hate it when a nerve is hit with a needle and I have to find one comfortable spot and keep the arm in that postion all night long.
I hate two inch needle going into my body three days a week.
I hate having my blood recycled and returned to me clean three days a week.
I hate sitting in the same spot for four hours at a time and noone comes by to talk to you unless you do not feel well. Then you have all of the attention you want and more. Then they leave again.
I hate taking 4 to 5 kilos off of the body in water weight every time I go in to dialysis.  I know I need to watch the water gain, but it is difficult.
I hate the fluid restrictions.  Do not offer me another damned glass of ice. I am sick of ice, ice, ice! 
I am tired of having to get a rootbeer, or sprite or something clear instead of the huge soda I want to drink.
I am tired of only having one can of soda a day, then ice, ice, ice.
I hate the food restriction on the renal diet.  They make me want to scream, scream, scream!
I hate being treated like child when I get my blood work back.  Here is your sticker or smiley face.   Who gives a rat's ass about a sticker. I want to know if I am doing all right and sit with me and talk to me about food choices and what I am eating.  The mother hen act grows old with me.  I am an adult, duh!
I hate it when the center does not have sure seals for me to use.  Buy the damned supplies already!
Clean the place up for God's sake. It should not look like a litter bug landed in the unit all day long.  Put the trash in the trash can.
Try to keep me close to my on time as possible.  Geez, I am on the last group on, and usually the last one off.  I do NOT want to go home with the staff at eight o'clock at night when I should have been gone between 7:00 and 7:30p.m. And DO NOT get aggravated with me if I bleed for along time.  It is not my fault you got me on late and took me off late!  Manage your time better.

I am "sick" if it, I am tired of the crap I have to put up with, I HATE dialysis!

Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Rerun on November 07, 2006, 01:24:03 PM
You Go Girl!  I agree ten times~!! 
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kevno on November 07, 2006, 01:51:28 PM
Good Rant :clap;

A lot of things we renal patients do not like be just have to carry on with to survive. Whatever that is. I too hate, as you know all things to do with dialysis. Even more that the needle thing is starting again. Today got to the unit for 7.30am did not get on until 8.25am >:( . No option but to wait my turn to get on, that does not bother me. It's when I see that the other rooms have finished putting patients on, and do not help to put the other patients on in the other rooms, when they have been waiting nearly an hour.It's as if I have done my bit, why should I do more. My transport home is great. Always there when I get off the machine.

Can't grumble really, in the 70's got to the unit for 8am, had to put the kidney together. so on for 9 - 9.30am off for 3 - 3.30pm used to be on for 6 hours at a time 3x a week in those days. Then the getting home bit (what a joke!) the unit closed a 5pm. I was always still waiting for transport home. So all the Nurses went home and I was taken down to the theater waiting room. It was as late as 7pm before transport came to pick me up home for 8pm. I waited so many time in that theater waiting room. A TV was put in for me. :banghead;

At least now:

No holding down for the needles
No arm being strapped to a board to keep it straight
No Valium to calm me down
No going Off in the first hour (You could not set the machines like you can now)
No waiting for transport home
No waiting an hour to stop bleeding (They used a lot of heparin in those days, Sometimes you had to be given a clotting agent)

I know it was a different time, plus a different place but the memories are all still there.

Been thinking of you Kitkatz, hows your Husband doing? Up to now for me it was a good decision to refuse that amputation on the 10th April. Now I do not even walk with a stick. The surgeon can not believe how I have done it. I think it was the time that renal patient was sent to see me who had had the operation. I made up my mind then. No why am I having that done.

Slowly working my way back into the site. Too many thing going on again, a bit like you, in one of those moods :cuddle;

Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Sara on November 07, 2006, 04:48:41 PM
I think it was the time that renal patient was sent to see me who had had the operation. I made up my mind then. No why am I having that done.

Did you post about that particular patient changing your mind?  I don't remember reading it and would be interested if you didn't mind posting it. 

 :cuddle; to Kat
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 07, 2006, 08:05:16 PM
The hubby is doing good.  I try to post regular updates in the off topic area.

Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: DeLana on November 07, 2006, 08:08:19 PM
I wish I had any words of wisdom to help you feel better, but I don't.  All your points are very valid.

Just know that others care.

DeLana   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: anja on November 07, 2006, 10:20:29 PM
Sorry, Kitkat , that you are feeling so tough.  But, thank goodness the mood will lift and you will see the good in life again.  You're going through all this because your hubby needs you, your daughters need you, and we do too!  Come back, come back, don't leave us...don't go over the  edge, don't let dialysis win~  Continue to 'kick death's a$$" (quote by LifeOnHold-we do so miss you :'()
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: jedimaster on November 07, 2006, 10:57:46 PM
:grouphug; I send you a warm hough....couldn't agree more....
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: scyankee on November 08, 2006, 12:11:42 AM
  Amen to everything you ranted about!
  I still SCREAM on the way home from my treatments in the car how much I hate them, hate dialysis, hate everything!
  I don't bother to converse with the staff since they don't give a sh_t about me and I don't give a sh_t about them.
  What really pisses me off continually having to wait almost an hour to go to a chair.   Others just waltz right in.  I know
that they are just as fed up with me as I am with them.  I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THIS WAY OF LIFE. It is a joke how
they run the unit.
  My BP is still very high due to the stress of going there!  Now they increased my med.  Can't wait for my pressure to
drop and have no one in the bay!!!!!!  I'll enjoy watching them run around when I crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Hope you feel better after your rant.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 08, 2006, 10:51:13 AM
I don't really feel better about going back to dialysis today. But I am going to take a stand and write a letter of complaint about the things that are happening to me in the unit.  Maybe if I get this information to someone I will feel better about being there so much!
I am putting a copy of the letter here.

To Whom It Concerns:

I have some areas of concern within the dialysis unit.  I wanted to bring these areas of concern to someone’s attention and see what can be done to change them.

1.The dialysis unit is frequently too cold to sit in comfortably for four hours. I realize staff is running around in warm overcoats working hard for the most part; however as someone who comes in and sits for four hours at a stretch, it is way to cold for comfort.  The cold air is blowing down onto my face and down my neck constantly.  It makes me very cold and the thick blanket I bring does not help unless I cover my head with it.  I am going to look pretty silly in Southern California bring in a scarf and ear muffs to dialysis.  Something has to be done.  Several other patients complain about the cold frequently, too.  Often no one does anything about it and I am left feeling cold and miserable for four hours.  When I get cold I tend to stay cold. I also get sore physically and this makes me extremely irritable.
2.  I have been left sitting in my own blood after I have had needles pulled and have leaked on the chuck underneath my arm.  I do not want to be left sitting in blood no more than a few minutes.  It would not be hard for whoever is taking care of me to grab another blue chuck and put it underneath my arm immediately after the leak happens.  I know the other day my sister walked into the unit and saw all the blood underneath my arm on the chuck and said: “Icky. That looks gross.”  I had already asked twice for a new chuck to be brought over.  I should not have to ask for a clean one, it should be automatic thing techs and nurses do to keep the patient clean and the unit clean. 
3.  Where are the sure seals?  I bleed without them on my sites.  There is no excuse for running out of something some of the dialysis patients need to use on a regular basis.  I realize the sure seals are more expensive than regular bandages, however the cost of the use of extra supplies such as gauze, tape, chucks, clean up supplies, and regular bandages used in helping me to stop bleeding would more than make up for the expense of the sure seals.
4.  I want to know when someone is giving me medications through my IV lines.  Wake me up if I am sleep and tell me, before, they are given to me.  I always have to ask what it is before someone gives me something.  I think the nurses should tell me before it is given to me, what they are giving me. And don’t look so surprised when I ask what it is.  I know I am getting Epogen and iron, but sometimes the doctors will sneak things in on me and I want to know what it is before I get it and why I am getting it. 
5.  When changes are made to my treatment, please make me a part of the team.  I need to know what changes are being made and why before it is done.  The patient’s rights state that I am to be informed before any changes are made to my treatment plan. Please honor this most basic right.  I was once asked what bath I was on and I answered a 2K and the nurse said that No, I was on a 1K.  I asked when that change was made and why was I not informed about it. They told me the doctor had made the change to the treatment plan.  Was I ever told about it? No, I was not. How am I to be an informed, knowledgeable dialysis patient, when I am kept out the loop of knowing what my own treatment is?

     Here are my concerns. I would appreciate someone addressing these concerns as soon as possible. I do appreciate the careful treatment, care and concern I have been given over the last eight years of dialysis treatment at this clinic. Whenever I have brought concerns to the administration they have always addressed it quickly and fairly, while being discreet.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: goofynina on November 08, 2006, 02:44:44 PM
YOU GO GIRL!!!  I sure hope it helps for you and the others at your clinic  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: DeLana on November 08, 2006, 03:58:03 PM
Sounds great, there is only suggestion I have for you.  Instead of "To whom it may concern",  I would address it to the following individuals by name:

- Facility Administrator/Manager
- Director of Nursing/Head Nurse (often, this will be the Facility Administrator)
- Social Worker
- Medical Director/Nephrologist

If you're really concerned, you could add the Network representative >:D  I doubt this will be necessary.

Either way, this will get their attention.

DeLana   :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 08, 2006, 08:28:39 PM
I got their attention with the letter tonight.  I now have a supply of sure seals in my bag to use each time I am there.
The tech was spoken with by the director about leaving me in blood and said it will not happen again.
The thermostat was turned off tonight about halfway through the run.  I was actually warm for once in there!
The director say we will be getting new chairs and new machines over the next two months.  It will be new Fresenius machines! I hope the chairs are comfy. I hate the ones we have right now.
She is going to deal with staff on the other issues.
Makes me feel good when my concerns are addressed so quickly.
I might not hate dialysis so much anymore...Let me think here a minute...Nope...Still hate it!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on November 08, 2006, 08:41:42 PM
I am so glad you got a quick response and
hope all things improve quickly for you and the other
patients.  Some of them will probably be wondering
how the changes happen to come about and they have
you to thank.  You are a good spokesperson for the group with all
your experience and all.  Best wishes to you.  Stay strong!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angieskidney on November 08, 2006, 08:53:24 PM
What a REALY GOOD POST!! ! :2thumbsup; :2thumbsup;

I 100% agree and ya with the nurses banging into the side arm tables! They don't even seem to care! Meanwhile not like I can just get off my machine and go pick it up! Or if they knock over my drink .. not like I can leave and get a new one!!!!

Man that was such a good post Kitkatz!!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: DeLana on November 08, 2006, 09:02:58 PM
Glad to hear it!  I'm sure many patients (and staff - many don't like it cold either) will thank you.

DeLana   :clap;

Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: goofynina on November 08, 2006, 09:04:45 PM
You just keep waving that "big stick" my friend and things will happen ;)
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angela515 on November 09, 2006, 06:46:02 AM
I know how you feel kitkatz. Those are most of the reasons I switched from hemo to PD.. now I don't deal with any of that.

No more freezing in a chair for 3 hours.
No more being poked with 2 inch needles 3 times a week.
No more only eating ice ice ice.
No more only have 1 soda a day.
No more wathing potassium for the most part.
No more wasting time going to a center 3 days a week for 3 hours at a time.
No more taking off a lot of weight at one treatment.
No more feelings crappy.

Yes I have to do dialysis everyday... but it only takes 5-10 minutes to get my bags, put them on the machine, hook up the line and be ready to hook up.
I don't hook up until I go to bed, so before I hop in bed to go to sleep, I take 30 seconds and hook myself to the line, and press start. When I wake up in the morning, i'm done with dialysis for the day... and I didnt feel a thing or deal with anything  ;D
Of course we still have a fluid restriction, but its not like on hemo... cause we do dialysis everyday we can drink more. For example I usually take in about 4 cans of soda a day, plus some ice. (Not literally 4 cans of soda everyday... but thats how much fluid I drink.)
You can eat as much protein as you want, infact im encouraged to take a protein supplmen cuz im not getting enough protein.
Potassium is usually low since you take it oout through PD, sou can have oranges and orange juice.
You still have to watch phosphorus.
On hemo, I felt icky and miserable all the time... on PD i feel almost as good as hen I had a trasplant before... not AS good, but almost.
Dialysis dont control my life.... I control it.. b/c I do it when its convient for me, while I sleep.

Just a little food for thought.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 09, 2006, 08:47:24 AM
Unfortunately I cannot do PD.  I off to see the neph today at eleven.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angela515 on November 09, 2006, 09:23:46 AM
Awww, thats unfortunate Good luck at the drs  :)
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 09, 2006, 01:06:31 PM
The doc's appointment today of those "Yep, there you are, you are still alive! Good job! See you later!". Lab work from the 26 of October is very good.  The phosphorous dropped as well as the calcium!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: goofynina on November 09, 2006, 01:10:40 PM
Glad to hear your labs are improving Kit, keep up the good work my friend... :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angela515 on November 09, 2006, 01:22:29 PM
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Rerun on November 09, 2006, 01:52:00 PM
I hated dialysis more than usual today.  First the needles hurt.  Both of them.  She wanted me to try it without the lidicane and I think she just jammed them in there when I said "no, I want lidocane".  Then my labs were bad.  My P04 was up and my K was up.  Then my alarm went off so I asked what it was and she said "I switched you over to 1K and it takes a while......"  WHAT??  "Who told you to switch me to 1K"  she pointed to the nurse.  I called the nurse over and told her that just because I had one bad Potassium value that doesn't call for 1K for the rest of my life.  That was from blood drawn on Tuesday and this is Thursday.  If I get told my K is too high I'll watch it but if you also put me on 1K without telling me then  it can go too low.  I also threw in the rebounding affect that Amber_79 told me about.  ALSO, my KT/V was bad for 3 times in a row.  So, that means longer hours or something has to be done. 

Then the whole Thanksgiving thing.  I asked this older lady who seems with it if she was mad that we had to come in on Thanksgiving.  She said "Honey, this keeps me alive so I'm happy to come in."  That really pissed me off.  I hate that perky attitude of DaVita is GOD for keeping me alive crap!  We also PAY for it......it isn't FREE.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kevno on November 11, 2006, 03:25:12 PM
We renal patients are survivors :thumbup; I do not know one renal dialysis patients who as not gone to hell and back, but remember the saying "RENAL PATIENTS NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!" I have struggled some times but up to now come through the other side. Being kept alive by a machine gets us all down. It's good to have a site like this just to let a bit of the pain out in words. Thanks Epoman you will never know how many patients you have helped :beer1;  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Joe Paul on November 11, 2006, 03:37:19 PM
We renal patients are survivors :thumbup; I do not know one renal dialysis patients who as not gone to hell and back, but remember the saying "RENAL PATIENTS NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!" I have struggled some times but up to now come through the other side. Being kept alive by a machine gets us all down. It's good to have a site like this just to let a bit of the pain out in words. Thanks Epoman you will never know how many patients you have helped :beer1;  :grouphug;
Just me being able to put out what I may think or feel is good enough for me. Its no different from any day of my life, I just try to tell the truth of any situation. I'm sure any of you out there can relate to what I just said.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 18, 2006, 09:14:56 PM
I HATE having to reschedule my life around dialysis!!!!   

Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!

Going to go absolutely nuts the next time somesone schedules an appointment on a dialysis day and I have to change my life around to make their appointment! Also these medical people seem to think becasue I am on dialysis people I do not work and can just pop into any appointment they want me to be at!  I am going to yell next time: "Excuse me, you know I work for a living just like you do! You know my schedule. You know my dialysis days and when I can come in. Come on folks we have been at this eight damn years now doing this!  Get your shit together!"  Yes, I am going to lose my mind all over the next appointment person.  Pray you are not on the other end of the phone with me!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Rerun on November 18, 2006, 09:32:25 PM
That is ONE nice thing about being on disability and not working.  I am NOW one of those people who have all damn day to wait in line and wait in doctor's offices and wait wait wait.  The stress is just gone from waiting. 

When I was working and had a life......I would get so MAD when I'd get to a doctor's apportionment only to WAIT.  Then when I finally got in my blood pressure would be through the roof and they would wonder why! 

The other day I was in line at the grocery store when this lady got behind me all dressed up with a box of muffins.  I could tell she was headed to a meeting.  I let her go in front of me.  After all.......I have nothing to do!
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angela515 on November 19, 2006, 06:23:53 PM
Being on PD I only need to go to the dr's once a month, except every 3 months I have to go once for lsba dn once for seeing the dr. I am not working currently, but I do live 30 miles from the dr's office, and I have no vehicle, or driver's license. So I depend on my parents to be my ride to the dr's each month. I explained this to the drs when I first moved here last December... and I told them I can only come in on Mondays, since my dad is only off Sunday and Mondays... and my mom is only off weekends. So, its not like they dont know, they do... yet they still "forget" to draw some lab or the dr can only see me on a thursday this month or w/e... and I have to re explain, I dont have magic powers and can just appear at your convience... I can only come if I got a ride... and I only got a ride on Mondays.... I feel so tired of repeating myself over and over again...
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angieskidney on November 19, 2006, 10:54:54 PM
I guess I am lucky that disability will pay for my cab ride now .. so I call up the cab for rides to appointments. But now the cab drivers fight over getting my fare  ::) because they know they will get paid well  ::)

I hate when appointments are scheduled on dialysis days though .. and then they take longer then they said they would and then are surprised when I say "I got to go to dialysis after this"  :banghead;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: PMP on November 20, 2006, 03:33:44 PM
Dialysis center called my father this morning and said they had an opening at 10:30, so "come on down."  He got there on time and they actually got him in the chair at 1:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What the hell?? 

Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: Bette on November 20, 2006, 04:55:38 PM
I have been really irritated at dialysis lately because I sit next to an old guy who is kind of out of it.  Well he keeps moving his arm, and everytime he does, his alarm goes off. 

After about half an hour of this the nurses come over and yell at him, he gets frustrated and shakes his fists at them and it goes on and on.  I feel bad for the guy but I go to Dialysis at 5:45 AM.  I am trying to sleep!  The last thing I want to hear is alarms and screaming nurses.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angieskidney on November 21, 2006, 12:16:35 AM
when my fistula was new it would alarm a lot but even with my permcath it used to go off ALL the time! Man I hated that! What would happen was if I reached over to turn off the alarm it would go off again because reaching over would make my body at the wrong angle I guess in my chest :( taking BP woudl set it off and answering the phone, changing the channel .. and so on :(
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: kitkatz on November 21, 2006, 05:43:09 AM
Just put us in a straitjacket. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: stauffenberg on November 21, 2006, 02:07:07 PM
I think they tend to over-schedule specialist appointments and diagnostic procedures for dialysis patients.  Given that dialysis patients cannot be cured, the cost/benefit of another time-wasting appointment is questionable, especially when getting to the appointment and back uses up about an hour of time, and waiting for the appointment takes up another hour, all for an intervention by the doctor or diagnostic technician which takes about 15 minutes.  Patients should be defiant and ration the number of appointments the medical profession is allowed to impose on them per week.
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angieskidney on November 21, 2006, 05:04:36 PM
Patients should be defiant and ration the number of appointments the medical profession is allowed to impose on them per week.
YAY!!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Rant -I Hate Dialysis
Post by: angela515 on November 21, 2006, 07:21:30 PM
I think they tend to over-schedule specialist appointments and diagnostic procedures for dialysis patients.  Given that dialysis patients cannot be cured, the cost/benefit of another time-wasting appointment is questionable, especially when getting to the appointment and back uses up about an hour of time, and waiting for the appointment takes up another hour, all for an intervention by the doctor or diagnostic technician which takes about 15 minutes.  Patients should be defiant and ration the number of appointments the medical profession is allowed to impose on them per week.

Personally I think most of our appointments are a waste of time. We go to the doctor appointment for them to say "How are you?"... obviously if something was wrong, i would call the doctor... or be at the hospital... and if something was wrong with my labs, they could easily call me... why waste my time to say ok everyhing looks good for right now.. see you next time... uhm ok, and what the hell was the point of this aappointment!!???  :banghead;