I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Xbandito on January 18, 2010, 02:15:01 AM

Title: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Xbandito on January 18, 2010, 02:15:01 AM
Hi Gang, just want to know if these sound familiar to anybody, pre-dialysis -:
1. Feeling ill after eating
2. Having trouble eating, your hungry but dont want to eat
3. waking up to the feeling of being sick
4. getting up 3 to 4 times a night to urinate
5. uncomfortable at night, no position comfy
6. lack of energy, feeling tired and cold all the time
7. Lose concentration
8. Irritable, becoming very moody
9. constant stomach, flank and back pain (out of ten,it's a 6 )

       Just going to hit my Neph with this today, for I am fed up, woke up this morning and all I wanted to do was stick my head down the loo, was not feeling too good. Thats after a night of up an down to the loo for a tinkle. Been feeling like this since before xmas and it's now starting to annoy me, sasha had to do her own walk this morning, there was no way I could take her out......for who would clear up after me ?......  :oops;
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: sico on January 18, 2010, 02:33:39 AM
Yeah, sounds familiar.

Although my main complaints before starting dialysis were swollen ankles, shortness of breath and blurred vision.

I stared dialysis the day i found out i had kidney problem.

Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Rerun on January 18, 2010, 05:37:46 AM
BINGO!   You have a win!  Get to your Nephrologist.  Dialysis isn't great but you won't feel so sick ALL the time. 

Best of luck.     :cuddle;
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: kristina on January 18, 2010, 06:10:30 AM

Everything you write, sounds like everything I have read about symptoms of ESRF before dialysis becomes a necessity.
My kidneys also function only ~10%, but I do not have your symptoms yet, perhaps because my ESRF is due to Lupus/SLE/MCTD.
Or perhaps my body has re-adjusted to the steady decline of my kidney function a little better. I don't know,
but I do not fool myself, I KNOW I am very very unwell.

I envy you because you are in Wales & I know they have re-adjusted their NHS
& it has become again a good service to the general public if and when they they need medical care.
Unfortunately no such luck for me here in London. I feel, I would need a PHD
to be able to deal with corruptive NHS-doctors & a corruptive NHS-system
to receive NHS-medical-care for my Lupus-flare-up causing my kidney failure.
I am without NHS-GP to go to & without a NHS-nephrologist to go to
& only receive what I can pay for, which is very little, like regular blood-tests of my Creatinine and Urea.

Good luck and best wishes, Kristina.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Xbandito on January 18, 2010, 08:11:59 AM
Ah well, I start Dialysis on Thursday morning........7.30am  :o . Hopefully I can get up in time, not an early riser as of late, considering I do not get much sleep. The sister in charge said she would not baffle me with too much information....yeah right sister, I use the internet  :rofl;

Kristina......no NHS-GP or Neph ??....what the......how does that work ?......or is London doing a trial on the American insurance health care system ?
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: texasstyle on January 18, 2010, 08:25:55 AM
 I watched my husband have these same symptoms. Swelling & shortness of breath were among them too. The throwing up, still happens a lot. For him, these symptoms were occuring over a period of years. (he wouldn't go to the doctor) I hope once you start dialysis you start feeling better. You've got so many toxins built up in you right now.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: YLGuy on January 18, 2010, 08:31:36 AM
and itchy skin. Really itchy skin.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: kristina on January 18, 2010, 11:57:55 AM

Hello, Xbandito,

I am glad that you are being sorted and wish you good luck on Thursday morning.

I did not understand when I was told by a Senior PALS Officer, that a new "Hitlerist" -scheme has been introduced,
& NHS-patients with chronic diseases are being "weeded out"  instead of receiving proper NHS-health care.
He did not think I stood a chance to receive NHS-health care because of my medical history.
Under the NHS I suffered cerebral haemorrhages, a stroke and now ESRF due to Lupus/SLE/MCTD.
Of course, I thought he was crazy & I thought that "Hitlerism" was sorted out over 60 years ago.
But when my complaint was refused by the Ombuds"man", every other NHS-authority, and no solicitor would take my case,
I wrote to Buckingham Palace, the Prime Minister, every other Minister could think of, the House of Lords,
my MP and many others, with the result, that I received no help and no reply.
Furthermore, come to think of it, it seems as if in the past I was always used for medical experiments
and that explains my horrid NHS-health-history, because I never received health-care when I needed it most of all.
Perhaps this Senior PALS Officer was telling me the truth after all?
I have not seen a NHS-GP for almost 6 years now.
Kind regards from Kristina.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Stoday on January 18, 2010, 11:58:22 AM
I'm pre-dialysis, but most of your symptoms are familiar.

1. Feeling ill after eating
Only if I eat too much. But anything more than very small helpings is too much. On the other hand, I can eat whatever I fancy and I still lose weight.

2. Having trouble eating, your hungry but don't want to eat
No, I just don't get hungry.

3. waking up to the feeling of being sick

4. getting up 3 to 4 times a night to urinate
Only 3 or 4?

5. uncomfortable at night, no position comfy
I spend half the night in a chair.

6. lack of energy, feeling tired and cold all the time
Feeling tired, yes. Then last week I had an iron infusion which took 7 hours. Very considerable improvement.

7. Lose concentration

8. Irritable, becoming very moody

9. constant stomach, flank and back pain
Stomach pain some of the time.

Plus —

Shortness of breath

Edema (ankles and calves)

Itch (sometimes)
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Stacy Without An E on January 18, 2010, 12:11:13 PM
You have just described my first two years on Dialysis.  You need to get to the doctor as soon as possible.  They may even need to put you in the hospital and place an emergency catheter in your neck.

Please, don't wait any longer.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Xbandito on January 18, 2010, 12:30:48 PM
Kristina, I think you should take this higher and go to the court of human rights and bring a case against the people responsible for your appaling health care treatment.
For these comments "NHS-patients with chronic diseases are being "weeded out"", a lot of people could end up in trouble.

Stoday  - forgot about the "itch"...mainly lower legs and the bit on my back I cannot reach and the shortness of breath (smoking since age 16 does not help). But the edema, nope, no swelling as of yet, can still see my bones  :thumbup;

Stacy "minus an E" - Is that to me or to Stoday ?.......dont want another op thanks, my fistula is apparently working great, except it's a bit "wonky", it's like an "s" instead of a straight line.......The sister's words not mine.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Poppylicious on January 18, 2010, 01:43:57 PM
Sounds like my Blokey in the days before he even knew he had issues with his kidneys, but he was also completely fluid overloaded and the fool didn't go see a doctor till he ended up in hospital with pneumonia and blood clots.  Tsk.  Now he's on dialysis he just suffers mainly from sleeplessness and a general lack of energy.

Hope that your first dialysis session goes ok on Thursday.

Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: kristina on January 18, 2010, 02:06:53 PM
Hello again.
Thanks for your thoughts. I did put my case to the EU Court of Human Rights,
& have tried very hard to fight for my Human Rights, but I was refused on the grounds
that I cannot find a solicitor/lawyer to take on my case
& their regulations do not permit a case without solicitor/lawyer.
I have also tried the EU Health Ombudsman & unfortunately he is not allowed to assist individual cases,
but at least they informed me that I am not the first NHS-victim to contact them for help.
I have also put an application for help to the EU President & all I received is a case-number and nothing else.
Another great disappointment was the Humanitarian Office of the United Nations: no help, no answer and no care.
To my knowledge I think I have tried everything.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Hanify on January 18, 2010, 02:13:11 PM
Good luck with starting dialysis.  Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: murf on January 18, 2010, 03:47:57 PM
The only thing that I can add: in my pre-dialysis days I had severe night cramps. Otherwise you have just about listed all the common complaints. However, the good news is that once you start dialysis you feel a lot better. The routine might be a pain in the bum but at least there is no nausea or tiredness.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: tyefly on January 18, 2010, 07:16:59 PM
Yes it sounds like you need to start..... Iam sure you will feel better after a few weeks on D.  Keep us up to date...
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: sullidog on January 18, 2010, 08:23:01 PM
I had all of the predialysis symptems mentioned in this thread but the fluid overload.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: Jean on January 18, 2010, 11:36:07 PM
I am only ( only) at 5 out of 10 of those symptoms, but do have shortness of breath and a tiny,tiny bit of edema. Just the ankles. Hate that nausea tho.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: renalpenguin on January 19, 2010, 12:43:27 PM
That list sounds exactly like what's going on with me. My gfr is down to 12.
Title: Re: Do these sound familiar ?
Post by: kitkatz on January 21, 2010, 07:53:46 PM
. Feeling ill after eating
2. Having trouble eating, your hungry but dont want to eat
3. waking up to the feeling of being sick
4. getting up 3 to 4 times a night to urinate
5. uncomfortable at night, no position comfy
6. lack of energy, feeling tired and cold all the time
7. Lose concentration
8. Irritable, becoming very moody
9. constant stomach, flank and back pain (out of ten,it's a 6 )

Sounds very familiar. I felt that way.