I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: tubes on November 25, 2009, 09:45:25 AM

Title: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on November 25, 2009, 09:45:25 AM
I don't even know where to start. I loved my unit but this past month and a half things have change. I DONT LIKE IT!!!!!

I think the title is FA, Facility Administrator, the head nurse in charge. Anyways, it all started when our FA quit because she moved out of state.

So we got a new one, who is apparently anal about things and has to follow protocol to an exact "T". I swear she has a bug or a stick up her bum!

After she took over the whole atmosphere of the unit has changed. It use to be a fun, friendly environment and now it's a stuffy hell hole. Sorry, I'm a bit over

dramatic but I'm very unhappy with the changes.

Last month the meds nurse or w/e her title was, was fired in the middle of her shift. I was p/oed. She was a great nurse and cared about the patients. I guess she
wasn't following the newly installed protocols to an exact "T" and so she was let go. This month we lost another 2 nurses. One got a better job offer. Of course Duh

-Vita wouldn't match the job offer, so she left. The other nurse just walked out in the middle of her shift.  :'( Now there is only one original nurse left from when I

 started. Once she leaves, I'm out of there also.  I don't like the feeling of the unit anymore.

After all the patients are put on each shift, the lights above the chairs were shut off. No biggy right? WRONG!!! The new FA says we cant have the lights off

 anymore. I don't get it, there's enough light in the unit. Just the ones above the patients are turned off. Apparently its a hazard. BS!!!! You know when the nurse

 tears the pieces of tape to hold your needles in place. Then puts the strips on the tray/table by your chair. They are breaking protocol by doing that. First, they

 have to put the strips on their hand then they can put them on your tray/table. Now please tell me what the point of that is. The strips get stuck to each other

 and then time is wasted by peeling the strips of tape apart. Valuable time....VALUABLE TIME is wasted. Our on times are being pushed later and later. Oh, we have

 no ice machine. Just thought I'd throw that in. This is the first unit I've ever been to that didn't have an ice machine. Whats up with that? My throat gets dry

 sometimes. I want some damn ice! These changes have also affected the dietitian. She would bring a snack once every couple of months. You would think she

 would bring something for the holidays too. Nothing, nothing at all. She didn't bring anything for Halloween or Thanksgiving. Now I know its up to the discretion of

 the dietitian if she wants to bring a treat for the patients. She is a great woman, very caring and I know she likes bringing stuff. You can tell on the look on her face

 when she brought stuff in the past. So I asked her today why we didn't get a treat the past 2 holidays. Her answer blew my mind. She said it was because she

 brought treats "too often". Now she has to cut back. Pffftt.... You have to be kidding me, once every couple of months is "too often"?!?! I don't by it, our new FA

 has something to do with this. I'm going to have all the patients mutiny against the FA. Then we'll have her take a long walk off a short pier. Better yet, just whack

 some sense into her. :Kit n Stik;


Thanks for letting me get that out.


Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: willowtreewren on November 25, 2009, 10:17:15 AM
Sounds like you have lots of reason to rant!!! OMG!

Sounds more like a prison.  :thumbdown;

What a disappointment for you.

I'm so sorry.

Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: cariad on November 25, 2009, 10:41:57 AM
I don't blame you for wanting out of that place! It does indeed sound like prison.

Sorry you have to put up with all of this. Perhaps you should investigate other centers now, and beat the mad rush out of there.

Take care and good luck!
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: billybags on November 25, 2009, 10:44:11 AM
Sh*t, I would not like to be in your unit, shall we all get together and give her a push out the door. I hope it will get better for you all, sounds a bit doubtful though.   :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: kimcanada on November 25, 2009, 12:30:48 PM
Tubes I am sorry that your unit is a suckin, if it sucked from the first you wouldn't miss what you don't know, but to lose something so good is hard.  O must say tho that at least where you are you have other units to pick from, here its oh well to bad you get what you get , I will be thinking of you Tubes :)
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: dwcrawford on November 25, 2009, 02:22:25 PM
Good news!  All new management personnel feel they have to made changes -- thus make a mark.  Hang  in if it suits you as it is sure to change  back.  I've found that the inmates usuallyl set the tone eventually.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on November 26, 2009, 09:27:49 AM
Thank You! Im gonna stick it out until Anoka leaves. Then all the original nurses from when I started will be gona.  :'(

Will definately NOT go to another Davita unit. I really miss my old Fresinius unit. I think Omaha has DaVita, DCi and RAI available to choose from.  ;D


Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: kitkatz on November 26, 2009, 10:40:33 AM
I have seen changes in units over the passed eleven years. It can get real gross sometimes. I wish you luck in your mutiny. I find writing a written missive to whomever is in charge about things I do not like or have concerns about works great.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on November 27, 2009, 09:48:35 AM
Today, I think I might of stuck "one foot in the grave". (or w/e that saying is)

One of the new nurses asked me how I was doing this morning. I told her, Not so good. So of course she asked what was wrong.  >:D Huge, mischievous grin comes

across my face and I say, Can you get rid of Janette? Janette is the new FA. So yea, I just gauranteed that Janette is going to talk to me. Which is a good thing.....I

think. I will tell her how I feel about the changes if she talks to me about what I said. Otherwise, I'd be too chicken to tell her what I think.

Monday might be an interesting day.

She can't tell me I have to leave the unit just because I dont like her? Can she?

Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: billybags on November 27, 2009, 11:02:44 AM
Oh tubes, You've done it now, I bet you can not wait till Monday. :Kit n Stik; There will be blunt needles, you will be put on last, oh what have you started. Look forward to your post Monday. :bandance; :bandance;
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: RichardMEL on November 28, 2009, 09:26:47 PM
hmm this is starting to remind me of the "dismissed patient in texas" thread AND a recent kidney talk that covered the issue of people getting kicked out of dialysis units....

no Tubes, I don't think you can (or should) get kicked out for saying that or even writing a complaint letter about the changes.. though the problem is you MAY get marked as non compliant (or some other b/s black mark) which could count against you down the track (stupid I know, but I wouldn't put that kind of thing beyond some types of people).

Remember when/if you do talk to the FA to try and always be polite and not too emotive with arguments or get personal about anyone. State facts (eg: "I really feel we should have an ice machine because I, for one, get a dry mouth during treatment and some ice would be beneficial. I know many other units have them" or "In the past we had the lights above our chairs turned off once we were put on. This would help us rest or sleep o even watch TV better. I understand that this is seen to be a safety issue, but can we come to some kind of compromise here? Perhaps that those that specifically request the light off can have it and the others are left on?" so try and provide reasonable arguments and suggestions to back up what you're saying. She may not listen or shoot you down, but I think if you're polite (must... control... fist... of.. death!!  >:D) and reasoned it can't hurt.

Having said that your unit sounds horrible now - and the sharp turnover in staff should be a clear indication of such. I'd be tempted to write to higher-ups in davita (over and above the FA) citing the large turnover in staff and the lowering of patient morale since the changes have been made. If you get nowhere with talking to the FA indicate as such in writing that you've mad what you feel to be reasonable requests and your concerns haven't been addressed to your satisfaction. Something like that.

I wish you luck... I read stuff like that and am again greatful for the wonderful staff and unit I am in that are pretty casual with most things (just yesterday they were trying to decide who should work the new year's eve shift so we could share a glass of bubbly!! LOL )
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on November 28, 2009, 10:50:45 PM
Oh Billybags, my nurses in all the clinics I've been in have threatened to use rusty blunt needles on me.  :rofl; I just have a way with people.  >:D  :sir ken;  >:D

RichardMel, thanks for the suggestions. Sadly, I'm not one for subtlety. Either I'll blurt out how I feel, completely close up or lie. So when the FA does talk to me, it's probably not gonna turn out so great.  :(
I'm going to try my darnedest to maintain my composure and follow your advice.  :pray;
I want to go to your unit now Richard, to have a glass of bubbly with you. cheers  :beer1; (will beer do)

Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: Sluff on November 28, 2009, 11:41:15 PM
Good for you Tubes for taking a stand. get em!  :boxing;  he he  let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on December 04, 2009, 12:00:44 PM
Wow, the FA didn't show up at all this week.  I'm a bit disappointed. I'm sure she will be there Monday.

Until then....

Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: paris on December 04, 2009, 03:08:58 PM
Love seeing you and Susie!!     Hope you get a chance to see the FA on Monday.   Take Kitkatz's big stick with you    :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: tubes on December 13, 2009, 02:55:39 PM
Jinette (FA) was there Friday but it was hectic so I didnt get to talk to her.

I found out something new about Jinette.  I'm not sure if it's as bad as I'm wanting to believe. Jinette our FA is the FA of 4 DaVita units. What I have just found out...She is a dietician ACTING as FA of 4 DaVita units.  :banghead;  :banghead;  :banghead; So can anyone just be an FA? Is there training involved? I don't get it.

Now Im definately going to talk to someone higher up about her. I dont want a dietcian in charge. Especially of 4 units. Spreading a bit thin I think. I hope I'm not blowing this out of proportion.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: MissyKew on December 27, 2009, 06:25:18 AM
I wouldn't be happy with a dietician in charge of my unit.  We have a nurse in charge, as it should be.  I can imagine the law suits if something should go terribly wrong in your unit.  By the way, I would be keeping dated notes on all this.  Paper trails are important.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: Chris on December 27, 2009, 03:53:33 PM
Tubes, I would shoot a question/pm over to nursewratchet about the FA. She runs her unit very well.
Title: Re: Changes, for the NOT so good!
Post by: girliekick on December 28, 2009, 04:26:13 AM
:(  makes me sad, hope u can make some changes for the soooo good