I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: whiskeyfrank on November 18, 2009, 05:34:45 AM

Title: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: whiskeyfrank on November 18, 2009, 05:34:45 AM
I keep getting asked by friends and family, "how do you feel after dialysis?" and to be honest i dont feel  any different to when i went in. If anything a little tired, but that maybe 4 hours of watching daytime TV that causes that!

Just wondered how it effects everyone else, do you generally feel better or worse. Of no medical interest just wondering
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: willowtreewren on November 18, 2009, 06:05:33 AM
My Husband doesn't feel any different immediately following dialysis, but he has residual function and we don't have to take off extra fluid very often.

In general, now that he is on dialysis, he feels worlds better than he did before starting. The toxins had built up in his system and dragged him down.

He can get up from dialysis and go right to work when we do it during the day.

Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Rerun on November 18, 2009, 06:06:29 AM
The general term that I hear is "washed out".  I feel tired and if I go lay down I feel tingly all over.... minty fresh?

Most of the time I can go about my day, but if my BP has dropped that day then forget it.  I'm dragging until the next day.

I also have noticed that the muscles in my back are weak until the next day.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: lizabee on November 18, 2009, 07:13:22 AM
I feel about the same, just more tired since I have to get benadryl for the itchiness I get from tape
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Pam on November 18, 2009, 07:46:07 AM
I feel good after D. Somedays I have a twinge o a headache and am tired but I think that is the after effect from sleeping while in he chair. If I come home and go about everyday things I am fine. If I take a nap then I am usually wiped out the rest of the day. Those naps do not refresh me at all.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: kitkatz on November 18, 2009, 08:24:07 AM
On nocturnal I have felt better after dialysis. On the four hour runs three days a week I felt washed out lot of the time and hungry afterward.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Melissa on November 18, 2009, 08:28:07 AM
I usually feel a little shaky and "washed out" as Rerun says.  It passes after a few hours, which leaves me wide awake in the middle of the night! 
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: jbeany on November 18, 2009, 08:49:56 AM

After home hemo, I usually felt great - enough energy to go shopping or work out.  On in-center, I had a lot more of the washed-out feeling.  It was directly related to how much fluid I had to take off.  If I was good and kept it under 2.4 or so, then I usually didn't feel the need to lay down and sleep after.  Anything much over that, and I knew I wasn't going to do anything but take some tylenol and snooze most of the afternoon.  The Wednesdays when I needed Aranesp were a given for going home and sleeping - something about the epo just knocks me out about 5 hours after I take it.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: cherpep on November 18, 2009, 10:59:27 AM
I am amazed that you guys feel so decent after dialysis.  That has never been my experience - neither in clinic or at home.  I am always washed out and a bit dizzy after dialysis.  I feel like crap!  Maybe it's because I dialyze at night, right before I go to bed.  Some mornings, I still feel the same way and it takes a while before I'm up to snuff.  It doesn't matter how much fluid I take off, the results are always the same.  I thought everyone felt like this, I'm really surprised here.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Hanify on November 18, 2009, 01:22:17 PM
I'm with you Cherpep.  When I did haemo (in centre) I was always completely washed out afterwards to the extent I couldn't stand for a while, could barely walk to the car (let alone drive) and usually always had to make Paul stop on the half hour drive home to vomit.  I was then usually wiped out for the following day and could do nothing, and was only ok again by the time it was time to go back for another 5 hour session.  I'm not moaning - just giving you some in site (Dan!) about why I am so pro PD ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: RightSide on November 18, 2009, 05:40:40 PM
I don't feel tired or dizzy after dialysis--just a little bit more itchy and tingly.  That usually goes away after 8 hours or so.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: HubbysPartner on November 18, 2009, 06:07:33 PM
My husband usually feels good after dialysis.  We do daily home hemo and he still has some residual function so we don't usually need to take much fluid off.  He feels so much better since he started. 
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Brianna! on November 18, 2009, 08:58:20 PM
I feel like crap, most of the days after dialysis. I'm really shaky, and I just want to sleep. I don't feel better until, the next day, or until after I take a nap or something. And i'm usually starving after. But that was when I didn't eat breakfast. Now that I eat breakfast, i'm not that hungry after. I'm trying to get contacts, but the "classes" to put them in, are only on Mondays, Wednessdays, and Fridays, and those are the days I go to dialysis. Since i'm so shaky, I can't get them in. I've been to about 10 classes. No luck. =[
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: whiskeyfrank on November 20, 2009, 05:06:30 AM
Thanks for your replys, i asked in center as well, and most people feel worse after dialysis, most comment is "washed out". Strange because some people feel much better and full of beans - i just feel the same.

Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: dwcrawford on November 20, 2009, 05:25:58 AM
been at it six months plue now and I've felt badly twice.  low bp i'm sure.  not bad actuallly as i'd probably have had two  bad days without dialysis.  actually often i feel  full of beans, but probably not what you're talking about. 
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: willowtreewren on November 20, 2009, 06:28:07 AM
Beans, beans, the musical fruit.....
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on November 21, 2009, 04:31:27 AM
I usually feel OK after haemo probably because there is no fluid removal. Just occasionally I feel not quite 100% because despite not having fluid removed I sometimes come of with BP quite low.

Does anyone else on here feel (I can only describe it as) NON thirsty after D. I seem to have an aversion to any kind of drink especiallly cold drinks.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: calypso on November 21, 2009, 08:58:19 AM
I feel great. Like a guy with kidneys. Except I can't write my name in the snow. Well ok ok I CAN write my name in the snow, I just can't snicker when some little brat tries to eat it.


Oh and remember folks: A joke a day keeps the doctor in stitches.
Title: Re: How do you feel after Hemo Dialysis?
Post by: jdkaran on November 25, 2009, 09:16:32 PM
I do home Hemo and can not sleep.  Sometimes I am up for 48 hours.  Does anyone else experiance this