I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Ohio Buckeye on October 21, 2006, 01:50:22 PM

Title: Do you color hair?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 21, 2006, 01:50:22 PM
Have any of you gals colored your hair since you have been on dialysis?
If so, have results been ok?  I have not as I am so many meds, several bp, diabetes, phoslo,
potassium, etc. The lady that last colored my hair for me told me that sometimes when
you are lots of meds the color may be different than it is supposed to be. 
So I haven't since I've been on dialysis and hesitant to do so.  Have any of you, and
have the results been what you wanted, or any changes whatsoever? 
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: vandie on October 21, 2006, 01:55:10 PM
I'm not on dialysis but I take a boatload of meds, have for over a year.  I have gotten my hair colored every 6 weeks since beginning the meds with no problems with the color.  My hair, however, is thinner. :(
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 21, 2006, 02:04:59 PM
My hair has gotten thinner also.
Wonder if dialysis causes that?
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 21, 2006, 02:10:06 PM
or perhaps all the meds.  or a combination of both?
do you suppose the coloring made it thinner also?
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: paris on October 21, 2006, 06:16:08 PM
I was told the meds are what is making my hair thinner. It has always been exceptionally thick so it is easier to dry now!  I stopped coloring when the kidneys started to go because I just didn't want to have to keep up with one more thing.  I am trying to simplify as much as possible.
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: tubes on October 21, 2006, 07:25:58 PM
Have any of you gals colored your hair since you have been on dialysis?

 I'm not a gal but I colored my hair last week.  I wanted something darker so I dyed it blue black.  I don't think it took very well this time.  It just didn't look as dark as I remember from the last time.  That was like 8 yrs ago I dyed it blue black.  :D  :lol;  I've dyed it orange, green, blue, pink, purple and I was on dialysis all those times.  I don't know about meds having any effect on the coloring.  I just think it didn't look as dark because my hair is also much thinner.  In my case....it's just hereditary.   :'(
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: Rerun on October 21, 2006, 09:11:06 PM
My hair actually started to grow back but in came back in an ugly brown.  So, I got it highlighted blond last week and it looks great. 

It got really thin, but I think that was stress.
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: jbeany on October 22, 2006, 05:19:34 AM
Low iron causes thinning hair.  Mine got thicker again when I started regular transfusions.

I gave up on trying to color over the gray ages ago.  Too much bother.  My little teeny-bopper hairstylist has graciously informed me how "lucky" I am that the gray is coming in evenly so that it just looks like highlites right now.  Just what I needed to hear from someone young enough to be my daughter. . . . :P
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: goofynina on October 22, 2006, 12:47:28 PM
Thinning hair,  nah,  thank goodness i still have hair, i believe i have 3 of them left, lol,  it has thinned alot started way before i started dialysis.  I still color treat my hair also, have to, gray hair runs in my family and i have had them since i was 12, crazy huh?  I think i am going to just start coloring my hair gray, you know the saying, if you cant beat them, join them  :-\
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: Stacy Without An E on October 22, 2006, 04:07:29 PM
It's interesting you bring this up because I just colored my hair for the first time over the weekend.  I was getting tired of the nomadic grey growing weedlike all over my skull.  My hair has been thinning and falling out ever since I started Dialysis, so the fact I still have a full head of hair (although very thin) is a small blessing.

I didn't have any problems and I'm really pleased with the results.  Whether I'll continue every 6 weeks is still up for debate.

Dialysis already makes me look old.  I would go ahead and go for it if it injects some postive energy into your self esteem.

I also did it for the chicks.  Grey Fox my ass.

The preceding sentence was 75% sarcastic.
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: susie q on October 22, 2006, 04:23:14 PM
I hi-lite my hair... hides some grey  ::)
I had to stop using Heparin on dialysis as it was making my hair fall out... :o
switched to another drug and no problemo.... ;)
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: goofynina on October 22, 2006, 06:48:24 PM
It's interesting you bring this up because I just colored my hair for the first time over the weekend.  I was getting tired of the nomadic grey growing weedlike all over my skull.  My hair has been thinning and falling out ever since I started Dialysis, so the fact I still have a full head of hair (although very thin) is a small blessing.

I didn't have any problems and I'm really pleased with the results.  Whether I'll continue every 6 weeks is still up for debate.

Dialysis already makes me look old.  I would go ahead and go for it if it injects some postive energy into your self esteem.

I also did it for the chicks.  Grey Fox my ass.

The preceding sentence was 75% sarcastic.

OK Stacy (without an E)  When do we get to see a pic??  ;)
(ah, i just seen your pic, verry nice)  ;)  Why do avatars show up on some posts and some posts they dont?? Grrrrrrrrrr.. 
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 28, 2006, 05:14:23 AM
I get my hair done whenever I can afford it, as since being on dialysis my natural colour has gone really dull. I have let it grow out a fair bit and I can see the shine starting to come back. Apparently heparin and general anaesthetics can thin the hair. When I was in my first year of uni (transplanted and working well), 3/4 of my hair fell out and it went dull and the actual individual hairs thinned. I am gathering it was stress, however 8 years later its still thin and crap.
Title: Re: Do you color hair?
Post by: angieskidney on October 29, 2006, 02:26:23 AM
I just saw this girl at the party I was at tonight and loved her hair colour! I haven't coloured my hair since my hair fell out last fall. But since it started growing back in Jan I think maybe soon I will start colouring it again ;) If I do I will post here ;)  I really REALLY want my hair to have that shine again!