I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: KICKSTART on September 16, 2009, 08:28:23 AM

Title: I apologise
Post by: KICKSTART on September 16, 2009, 08:28:23 AM
I apologise for not being a sheep.
I apologise for asking questions
I apologise for having my own mind
I apologise for having an opinion
I apologise for not taking your word for it
But i WONT  apologise for being me !

Today was my clinic appt (yes i managed to get one!) and i spent most of it being bullied by the consultant. Who also told me ..'no need to ask if you smoke i can smell it '...no need to ask if you drink then , but its probably vodka so i cant smell it , i thought ! He then proceeded to try and bully me into having my PD catheter removed and a fistular made. Ok i know it has to be done but christ ive still not got over my trauma from my line being put in my neck yet and when i told him he showed little sympathy. He also made me shudder when he said that these further 2 op's would be done with a 'local' again. Good god i ve only had it in 3 weeks , give me some space will you. He didnt like the fact i dont accept Hemo , yes i know i have to do it , have i missed any times yet ? NO . It doesnt mean i have to actually like it. The only good thing that came out of it was he agreed there was no good reason (virus etc accepted) why i couldnt go in that little room and said he would speak to the sister about it ..so gawd knows what reaction im going to get tomorrow , if i get shipped off back to that other unit , i will know why. No one seems to like me because i stand up for myself , but hey TOUGH this is me , they didnt take my brain when i went on dialysis ..sorry !
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: peleroja on September 16, 2009, 08:32:30 AM
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: KICKSTART on September 16, 2009, 10:13:38 AM
peleroja, i know you mean well.As far as the tunnel line experience i am putting in a formal complaint over how it was done , but as for the rest well i cant put in a complaint because im just me and dont go along with everything. Also the problem is over here while we dont pay because we have the NHS we also dont have the right to choose where we go or who treats us , its just a case of your going there so if you dont like it tough !, you are not paying like other countries , so be greatfull for what you get .
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: billybags on September 16, 2009, 12:24:11 PM
Love your statement, I agree with you they sound like they are being abit pushey about the removel of your tube. It still means another op, off to surgery, chop off her head. Ha When my husband was feeling really rough they sent us to another hospital for a, what they call a map reading for the veins. No doubt we will get an appointment, on a Hemo day for a fistular to be done. Its crazy. :banghead; :banghead; :banghead;  Lets both go and have a fag.
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: KICKSTART on September 16, 2009, 12:57:01 PM
Yeah i think our American cousins lovely as they are , just dont get how our system works !!  Ive come across plenty of pushy doc's since i started this whole kidney failure and stood my ground , so much so they dared to call me non-compliant ! Which translates into , dares to question us and has a brain !
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: Ang on September 16, 2009, 08:08:00 PM

in  australia  we  have  the  same/similar health system. the  dialysis  is  free but  that  does  not  give  the  proffessionals  the  right  to  bully  you  into  doing  some thing, that your  concerned  about.

if  your  up  for  it  go  to  the BBC or  news  of  the  world  and  tell  them  your  story.
Title: Re: I apologise
Post by: RichardMEL on September 17, 2009, 05:41:42 AM
Sorry Ang, but "news of the world"??? Maybe if KS wanted to tell the world that Elvis gave her hemo the other day or some sleazy pollie made a pass at her or something! LOL.

Yes we have a similar system in terms of universal health care, but it seems ours, for all its faults, is in a much better state of repair (although Jessup's stories of things up in Darwin didn't sound too flash either).

I've never felt bullied by anyone in my entire experience. Of course I am on the very compliant side, and luckily have had very few problems so far, but I've also not seen anything like that in the unit - even with some of the more problematic patients.

I absolutely support KS's right as a patient to be treated respectfully, with dignity and not treated like a moron. I also agree she has the right and should feel free to express concerns she has in an appropriate way.

At least the doc agreed to talk to them about you going in the little room - that's a big win for you IF it actually happens.. so fingers crossed!!!