I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: jeannea on September 15, 2009, 12:12:37 PM

Title: Strange arm pain
Post by: jeannea on September 15, 2009, 12:12:37 PM
I had a problem Sat night. Finished dialysis about 8 PM then at 12:30 had sudden nausea and a blinding headache.  Took Tylenol and Zofran but they didn't help.  About 2:30AM took 15 mg morphine and slept.  On Sun I felt great but then about 9PM I had more nausea.  I threw up at 9 and 11PM.  I took more Zofran but my BP was kinda high.  When I threw up the second time I all of a sudden had terrible pain in both arms.  It wouldn't go away.  I'm living with my mom and she took me to the ER because nausea plus arm pain can mean a heart attack.  My theory was low potassium (I've had it before).  I had 2 EKGs and a bunch of blood tests.  Potassium was 3.2 and there was no sign of a heart problem.  They gave me 2 doses of dilaudid before the pain calmed down.  Then they sent me home.

I've been ok today but tired.  My arms feel exhausted but not in pain.  Has this happened to anyone before?  Thanks.

Title: Re: Strange arm pain
Post by: Loretta on September 15, 2009, 04:29:16 PM
This sounds like it was scary.  Given the situation, I am not surprised you are tired.  I have never experienced anything like that!